The Rift: Dark Side of the Moon (2016) Poster

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Music is so bad, I could not finish watching
vindalootiger7 March 2018
The premise of the movie seemed interesting, the acting seemed credible however the movie as a whole just was missing something it is hard to explain. The regular and incidental music was the biggest problem. The music makes this movie terrible, at the beginning you get some Pink Floyd soundalike, so ok for a movie called the "Dark Side of the Moon" we get the joke. The rest of the movie there was this completely unnecessary LOUD music used at all the wrong scenes. The music in a movie is supposed to add suspense, drama, emotion, and help to coalesce the movie together. All of the incidental music was too loud, poorly mixed, and just the wrong kind. The music sounded similar to the royalty free music used in documentaries about 20 years ago, it was complete garbage. The musicians would be better off going back to their regular jobs at McDonalds.

I wanted to like this movie but the music made me turn it off halfway through, glad I didn't pay real money to see this one.
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Audio hell
chetnek3 March 2018
I've never thought of posting a review of a movie but I just watched this and had to point out how horribly bad the music is. Never in my life have i wanted to stop watching a movie because of bad soundtracks. It just doesn't get worse than this.
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Not terrible
kzantow-4317127 February 2018
This movie was okay in a number of ways: the plot was actually somewhat interesting.

The acting and the dialogue were a bit bad at times, but also good at times - the female lead was generally good.

The few special effects were actually pretty good to support the plot line.

The camera work was low-budget at times. (I'm still trying to figure out - why do some shots look like "Cops"?)

Those things aside, the worst part of this movie was the absolutely inappropriate music / audio choices throughout. If this was just done better -- or even no music -- it would have been a 6 / 10 or maybe better.
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You could do so many more things in your life..
havenceles5 March 2018
Go bake a pie. Take a walk. Eat a whole pizza. Contemplate life, the universe and everything. There are so many more things you could do with these 90 minutes of your life. Don't waste them on this. It's bad. I mean really bad. I think giving myself a coat hanger lobotomy would actually be preferable to watching this again.

Just don't do it. This movie is a trap. Run away while you still can.
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psychadelic experience that goes nowhere
phenomynouss3 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was a weird movie. We start off normally enough with a backstory to the protagonist woman having a child who died of cancer. She is briefly conversing with people some time later about pulling off an apparent robbery attempt, only for her to get a phone call and... she's not a criminal but a government agent. This apparent robbery attempt is never brought up again.

What makes it weird is that virtually every scene has incessant music going through it, before, during, and after most scenes, varying between trance-like German electronica pop and a generic 60s sounding psychedelic rock. This goes on constantly in almost every scene, to such a point that I felt genuinely confused about the production or if this was a European style of moviemaking like a rock opera without the singing.

Sometimes this music greatly aids and enhances the plot, but most of the time it's distracting. Without it, though, the film would be pretty bland.

The plot involves this woman agent, along with a CIA agent played by Ken Foree putting on his best Keith David at times, a Serbian agent guy, and a professor and former astronaut, going to investigate a satellite crash.

When they get there, there's no satellite and no crash site. What we get instead is them being attacked by a feral-looking elderly couple in a house where they have an astronaut lying on a table. A shootout ensues at the start and the Serbian guy is shot and presumably dies. When they get inside, they find the astronaut. The professor somehow recognizes him (despite the helmet glass being utterly opaque) as being a fellow astronaut during a classified moon mission in 1976 where they found a "rift", a purple portal which the astronaut went through and disappeared.

What follows is a colossal waste of a good idea, as they have a brief sequence where the woman finds the Serbian guy alive and walking around, and she herself encounters a rift as well, one in which she sees an astronaut, and the astronaut grabs her and takes her crucifix necklace.

It's soon revealed that the professor was that astronaut, as he tells of a mission going back to the moon in 1976 to try to find the original astronaut, and he remembers reaching into the rift and grabbing the necklace. The rift apparently bridges time and space.

Inexplicably attached to the Rift phenomenon is the idea of "death is dead", in that the people in the house are constantly coming back to life, and CIA Agent guy John Smith discovers that cutting their heads off stops this permanently.

From there, we get a lot of incoherent eerie voices saying stuff like "Nothing" and "Death is Dead", and CIA Agent guy is roaming around killing the owners of the house and trying to kill their teenaged boy with an axe while the female agent runs from him with the boy. He never once threatens her, and frequently catches her, only to give her a stern talking-to and her escaping.

this takes up the majority of the film, complete with the incessant music going through almost every scene, until the end where it's implied that the astronaut escapes and brings the Resurrection to the entire world. Zombies without the zombies. It could've been an incredible idea to explore in a movie, but instead we get a build-up that goes nowhere, and an inexplicable, anemic slasher-movie chase sequence from a hardly dangerous "killer".
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mgcharavell28 February 2018
What the hell is going on? This movie is incredibly, amazingly, tremendously bad. It does not know what it wants to be. One unifying factor to the entire movie is the laughably over-dramatic soundtrack. So it was trying to be something like sci-fi horror-fantasy, but ended up an awful steaming pile of crap with an awful soundtrack. Also, "Death is dead." if there is something I cannot stand it is pseudo-profundity. What a piece of crap.
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Bad, but not even bad enough to be funny
siderite12 May 2017
How the mighty have fallen. Monte Markham in a movie of this low quality is insulting to the actor profession. The movie has a stupid premise, a dumb story, really bad acting and a horrible script. The fact that is not really an American film, but a Serbian one spoken in bad English just adds insult to injury. The English subs for the movie were probably retranslated Serbian, because it was different from what people were actually saying.

No. Just no. I am all for indie movies and people that have no support from a movie industry like in Hollywood trying to make film, but when this is the result I just don't get it. Why bother making a movie if it is this bad? It's not like it would ever make money, and clearly no one loved doing this, so why do it at all?
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Poor quality film
aocch35 April 2017
As a sci-fi fan I can say this does not have any merit. There is no science in this fiction. It's loosely based around a time/space rift, but in a nonsense way. The acting is poor, the script makes little sense. The rating for this film is accurate, I would say a 4 out of 10 is about right. I struggled to stay awake at times.
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Strong candidate for worst movie ever
cliftongop9 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If this was a good example of science fiction, I'm going to give up on SF and watch the Hallmark Channel with my wife. I hardly know where to start, but let's try continuity--there wasn't any.

The music was low-budget and almost always loud with little variety or nuance, mostly electric guitar I think. People were murdered and came back to life and I have no idea why or how. A child survived when one side of his face was hanging loose after being chopped by an axe. Two people jumped from a window less than 20 feet high and they get up, limping badly--until they were chased they could run up a long flight of ouyside open stairs in the dark.

If you like gore, this is the movie for you. Men, women and children were shot, beaten, gored, axed or impaled at regular intervals.

There was some kind of purple ring. You could reach through to another time or dimension or something. This was supposed to be a sci-fi movie, but there was no logic, science or coherent plot.

The overacting was outrageous. The cast took turns yelling about almost everything. Since everyone was doing it, I guess they were directed that way.

Whoever the heroes were and however they were supposed to connected, there was always someone breaking off from the group to explore, just like it was a 1980s horror movie where the girl wearing only her underwear wandered off and always got killed.

What was it about?. Well, one of the guys had been on the moon 35 years ago, He died there, and now he's back on earth and he's alive to haunt his fellow astronaut who is a member of this merry group. I didn't get much more than that, or why everyone was killing each other. It was hard to tell who the good and bad guys were.

I kept waiting for the big reveal to put it all together. It never came.That's 1.5 hours of my life that I'll never get back.
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Save yourself!
droptoprt6 March 2018
This is one of the worst movies I've ever had the pleasure, I mean torture of watching. Luckily, we were cooking maple syrup and got something else accomplished while this garbage was playing on the tube. Don't watch it. Consider yourself warned.
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Amazing great Sci-fi/Space movie
shawnboyce-2708910 June 2021
Will there be somethings with a part 2 Aftermath???
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Death is Dead
nogodnomasters19 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Moderate Plot Spoilers: Liz Waid (Katarina Cas) is a government agent cryptologist who has lost a son presumably to cancer. She is tasked to go on a mission to Serbia to get a piece of a crashed satellite that may have information. The mission is lead by John Smith (Ken Foree- a low budget Samuel L. Jackson). He is a "control freak." Also on the mission is a dying NASA scientist (Monte Markham) and Darko (Dragan Micanovic), Serbian agent acting as a liaison.

When they get to the location of the signal there is no crash site, just Henry, the dormant astronaut on the DVD cover. There are some indigenous folks too. "The rift" is explained as some" science theory" and that is about all we get for closure. It incorporates non-linear time and some kind of space-time travel. Add a Pet Cemetery and ax murders and you got a film.

Is it possible to check a pulse while wearing heavy gloves? The film used low budget effects. The horror/gore scenes are done off camera. The guys on the moon did "bounce" when they walked, at least they had enough money to properly fake a lunar walk. Katarina Cas takes a tease shower early in the film with side nudity.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. Not for everyone.
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Not the worst movie I've seen, but very very close!
grscotto4 March 2018
Right from the start of this horrible creation, the music is inappropriate. An intro-tune which is an unapologetic attempt at ripping off just about any Pink Floyd tune. As it proceeds on a seemingly course-less attempt at a plot, the soundtrack is beyond obscene! Why? Because you don't put electro-european club tracks in a scene that is supposed to be sad!! Or piano music in an actions scene?! I mean really?! Whoever did the music for this movie had to be either a personal friend of the producer, a grade-school friend of the producer (with ZERO soundtrack experience) or both! And it isn't just the selections! The volume goes from whisper-quiet to deafening and bombastic! Also at the worst possible--and unexplicable times! Do NOT waste your time on this garbage! It's awful. And if you're morbidly curious--if you watch the introductions scene, any intelligent viewer can figure out how the movie will end after seeing it. To say the ending is cliche' is being too nice!
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Turn off the music!!!
bikerbonnieaz25 March 2018
Yes, the music was bad on this movie. I would have rather watched in silence. I eventually turned off the sound and read the captions.
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Tries to be Roadside Picnic, isn't even a snack
georgeandrewchristie30 March 2017
Seriously. It's clear the inspiration for this is from Roadside Picnic, but while that novel and the Russian Film based on it have depth and can hold interest, this is just a mess. I can watch just about anything, but this, I'll be honest, couldn't get past 40 minutes. Poor acting, pacing and plot is the triumvirate of awful. Another reviewer said the ending had a good sting. Maybe it does, I'll never find out, life's too short for films without any redeeming qualities.
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apart from the movie beeing awful what does the music have to do with this movie?? ohh wait yeah they are both crap.
roluanmag6 March 2018
This movie is aweful from beginning to end. Really don't waste your time its noy worth it. Horrible acting, music way off, stupid things that don't make sence. What is really happening here?? I have no freaking clue. I love sci fi movies but this is not even considered a movie.
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Dark Side of the Dull
zandertowne19 October 2018
Considering that a lot is happening with mysterious spacemen showing up, dead people who won't stay dead, secret agents and (I guess) the apocalypse, this movie is tedious and terrible. I got the impression it wanted to be something like Carpenter's Prince of Darkness but just without the skill or competence. And the whiniest, weakest female "top agent" the world has ever seen. That woman had me driving pencils into my brain. I was hoping for a strong female lead, not this screaming, crying mess. And, without a doubt, the WORLD'S WORST MUSICAL SCORE! Ear splittingly loud and mind-numbingly terrible. And obviously the writers thought that if you're confusing and pointless and make no sense you can fool dummies into thinking your movie is intelligent and clever. But I've seen intelligent and clever and it would be ashamed to be in the same room as this flick. Spare yourself. Put a pencil through your eyes and listen to cacophonous heavy metal music while watching paint dry; you'll have a much better time.
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Why !!!???
simoncharest3 March 2018
Don't waste a second watching this incredibly bad movie! Oh my god ! Please stop doing these kind of weird nonsense low budget movies ... it's actually a discrace for the industry .
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WTF did I just watch? I should have been drilling holes in my head. More enjoyable!
LaoagMikey4 April 2018
What is this movie? Why was is made? What is happening and why. Lots of movies by millennials start with little to no backstory. This one had just a tiny bit of backstory. And then it launches into a storyline that is a complete mystery for almost the entire movie. Maybe it gets resolved by the end, you say? It doesn't!

This is so unbelievably awful that it does not deserve the 1 star that we are forced to give it. W T F ?!?!?!?!?! I should have looked at the rating before I started watching it. My fault. A good name for this stinkburger would have been "Why don't killed people stay dead?". That's just about all there is to this movie. People keep coming back to life. But it is not a zombie movie. The characters who know anything don't/won't talk. The rest don't know anything. The music is deafening and the dialog is whispers and you have to keep jacking the volume up and down. What a waste of film!

I come to a movie to try to be entertained and have a story told to me. This fails on all fronts for 90 wasted minutes. It is not possible to spoil this since there is no detectable plot. "Night of the Living Dead" had 10 times the plot of this thing and it had no plot at all. Divide that by 10 and you have this... uhhh... movie? I think not! I got to the end. You should not!
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You shouldn't fear anything here... Right on!...
paul_haakonsen15 April 2017
I hadn't even heard of this movie prior to finding it by sheer random luck. And I decided to give it a go, as it was listed as a sci-fi movie and the synopsis seemed adequate, plus it had Ken Foree on the cast list.

Now, I would be lying if I said that I had any expectations to it. And for good reason, because this movie turned out to be nothing out of the ordinary. There was nothing memorable about this movie at all, except you sort of wonder if this movie was really made in 2016. It just seemed like something that made it out of the late 1990's.

The story is about some special agents who are sent to into Eastern Serbia to find and secure the remains of a downed satellite. However, it turns out that there is something wrong at the location, and not everything is as it seems.

What is wrong with "The Rift" is that the movie lacks that special ingredient to make it an interesting movie. It just lacks that special something that sinks its hooks into you and keeps you rooted to your seat.

The characters were adequate and the actors did good enough jobs portraying them. Ken Foree, is an iconic actor in his own right, but he was fighting an uphill battle with "The Rift". However, the movie just suffered from a poorly written script and equally poor transition to the screen.

As for the sound effects, well let's just say that they are there and they are loud. A bit too much, some of the times, and that just brings a comical aspect to the movie, because it is over the top at times.

If you enjoy a good sci-fi movie, then "The Rift" is not the best of choices.
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There is no level to accurately rate this piece of trash.
mdliegey-530561 March 2018
A sane mind could NEVER come up with such garbage!!!! It's the absolute WORST movie I've EVER seen!!!!!!
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This movie rocked, don't believe the other profane reviewers !!!
Loveunderlaw25 May 2018
Like Beyond The Black Rainbow, this move is a masterpiece, It's not meant for mass consumption by the profane, if you have any actual occult knowledge the meaning of this gem is very clear. Only fellow adepts & keyholders will understand the hidden meanings of this great movie.

So if you're a fellow adept, or at the very least very intelligent, you'll have no problems understanding the deeper meanings implied in the movie. BRAVO, I'M WAITING FOR A SEQUEL NOW :)
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Creepy and Mysterious, Worth a One Time Viewing
tdwillis-262738 July 2017
When I read the reviews before watching this film, I went in expecting crap. Well, It wasn't crap.

The movie category is misleading. It is not a sci-fi and not strictly a horror, and so fans of those two genres may be disappointed. There are however, the flavor of those two genres present. But I imagine, Sci-fi fans will surely notice scientific inconsistencies. Horror fans may be bored to tears. (Although there is some violence, it is not overly gory and is shot with a clever balance of suggestion.) Within 13 minutes in,the main characters and story line are introduced, and although the story line is not real meaty, and attempts to be more smart then it really is, inevitably it is interesting. A nice steady pace continued and I was intrigued and drawn in as immediately the film took a creepy and mysterious turn. Although there was some predictability at times, there were surprises and twists within the movie to keep me engaged.

Although there are no Oscar worthy performances, the actors did a fine job.

The choreography, setting, and camera use was all very well done. Editing and sound was also done with quality. Score/soundtrack did seem a bit loud at times but appropriate in style, and didn't compete with discussions.

Special affects and cgi were quite simple but effective.

The ending, again, tried to be more cerebral then it was and was just barely, satisfying. I would recommend a one time view, if you cant find anything else to watch. It isn't a total waste of time....or crap.
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Sick and can't sleep? This might help you doze off.
alphaswift4 March 2018
This is one of those kind of movies that you watch at 4 AM on channel 742 because there's nothing else on and you can't sleep because you have a bad head cold. The Rift is a sort-of-cool idea that inspired a script but at the end of the day really got marginalized as a plot point and didn't need to be there. The apocalypse bit at the end that evolves from the astronaut probably would have been a better idea for a movie. As much as I hate to crap on the work of artistic people, I really have nothing positive say about this movie. I hope it paid their rents.
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Where's Rod Serling When You Need Him?
clintstevens5 March 2018
The first hour of this Serbian made movie reminded me of an old Twilight Zone episode, which is a good thing. The last half hour degenerated into a horror gore fest, which is a bad thing. The best thing that can be said is; what a pleasure to see Monte Markham, who starred in some great 60's and 70's TV series. The worst thing that can be said is; what a disappointment that what could have been a great science fiction tale turned into a slasher flick. Five stars for Mister Markham, otherwise one star for the movie.
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