"Doctor Who" The Husbands of River Song (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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Ever after
dmarois-775-5993997 July 2018
Other than the doctor, River is my favourite Dr Who character. Of course, Alex Kingston has a lot to with that. She always elevates the episode. Perfect casting. This one was funny, often hilarious, but what makes it special is the most romantic ending I have yet seen. Somehow, I believe only Peter Capaldi (and possibly Chris Eccleston) could have pulled it off. And you don't even need to be a Whovian to enjoy it.
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The most beautiful episode to date
f-9605510 April 2016
I can't get over how great the Husbands of River Song was. The humor was nice, and the beginning was a fun romp; but when it finally got down to business, The Husbands of River Song was one of the most emotional and well made hours of television of the year. I am amazed at how the writers called back to Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead (some of my favorite episodes) 5 series after they aired. Even the music was a throwback to that two parter. Alex Kingston was as always amazing as River Song, and Capaldi gave another stellar performance. The Special Effects were great too, and the music was just beautiful. The ending is the 100% perfect conclusion to the Doctor's and River Song's love story, and it really is emotional. Overall, 10/10. One of the best episodes of series 9
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A Capaldi Era classic
pjgs20029 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Not only is the Husbands of River Song a great Christmas Special, it's an all around great hour of Doctor Who. I don't think we've had such a genuinely heartfelt and funny episode of Doctor Who since the Pond era a few years back. While Jenna Coleman's performance as Clara Oswald was consistently great, the relationship between her and the Doctor, while still good, became too intense towards the end of series 9. It felt like her character took precedence over everything else in the show and the Doctor had to take the back seat. It's refreshing to have an episode that's laid back, noticeably lighter in tone than the rest of series 8 and 9, and that puts the Doctor in the spotlight again.

Alex Kingston was awesome, as always, and Peter Capaldi gave another fantastic performance. "Comedy" episodes seem to always try too hard to be funny and end up being too childish, but the Husbands of River song is one of those rare episodes that nails a perfect balance of actual humor and more serious moments. Everything flowed naturally and built up to a phenomenal ending that closed off River Song's story exactly how it was imagined 5 seasons ago in Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead. Even the music from the Library two parter was used near the end of the episode. Murray Gold's score, especially in the last 10 minutes, is beautiful. The special effects, directing and cinematography were all good, and Steven Moffat's script is commendable as well.

Overall, the Husbands of River Song is a great episode of Doctor Who and a great Christmas special: it's easily one of my favorite Capaldi episodes, it gives closure to River Song's story, and it rounds off one of Doctor Who's most acclaimed series perfectly.
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Favorite episode ever
christopherlgregory-054566 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I had seen some DW here and there for years but finally got into it Summer 2015 after breaking my ankle playing sports. I watched Episode 1 Series 1 from 2005 all the way to current. While I deeply enjoy so much of it the way they've done River's timeline to me has been the pinnacle even more so than the search for Gallifrey. The way the Husbands of River Song was done not only was an amazing episode and not only made me happy by bringing her character back but what Capaldi brought to the episode was great. The only downside is the fear that is the last we have seen of River. I've already purchased all the Series 1-9 box sets but if they made a River Song box set that included every single episode with even a mention or reference to River with an option to watch it either from the Doctor's perspective or hers I would not only buy it for myself but for others.
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A wonderful return of River Song!
UNOhwen25 December 2015
This Christmas, Doctor Who gives us something we all need; a good, hearty laugh, and this terrific story, from Steven Moffat, about a diamond, and is a diamond.

Every appearance of River, embodied by the terrific Alex Kingston always leads to a fu adventure, and this time, the Doctor and River certainly do not disappoint.

This Christmas gift, is the first one the 12th Doctor's been without a companion, but, this time, River - who is the Doctor's wife, comes to a bittersweet ending, which beautifully closes the story of River, and I wish all viewers will find this gift a special one, indeed, this year. Merry Christmas.
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My go to 'pick-me-up' episode
sophie-3097222 September 2021
This is my go to 'pick me up' Doctor Who episode. I've been watching it once every few months since it came out.

River Song is definitely my favourite non-Doctor character in NuWho (I don't compare her with the Doctors because I feel they are complementary rather than competing for my attention). Alex Kingston, as others already point out, is absolutely brilliant in this role. The fact that she loves River Song so much that she recently wrote a River Song novel is enough to show how much love she has for this character and it shows whenever River is on screen.

The rapport between Kingston and Capaldi is palpable. Both of their comedy timing is impeccable. Comedy is generally harder to act than people usually assume. But one can't go wrong by putting one star from 'The Thick of It' with one star from ER: the combo is a master class for comedy acting. I wish there had been more episodes of River Song in Capaldi era. Oh well, can we wish for a bit more of River Song in the future??

A overall wholesome episode that brings a lot warmth and sentiments.
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If you didn't love the Doctor x River Song, you will love them now
rory-4837117 November 2019
Call me blasphemous but I was never a huge fan of River Song. She didn't get all that much screen time so we never saw her relationship with the Doctor build. I didn't find their romance believable, so it felt more like a plot device than anything else. A cool plot device (figures, it's Doctor Who) but a plot device nonetheless. This episode changed everything. We get to see their dynamic and their romance in action, and how good of a team they make. We get to know River a bit better. Not to mention the fact that the screenwriting is excellent--this is an wonderfully funny episode.

Lately Capaldi has been growing on me, climbing the ranks and getting closer and closer to David Tennant's long held top spot of being my favorite Doctor, and, I have to say, this episode finally pushed him to the top. Capaldi's an incredibly nuanced actor who plays the role in a way that's tragic and heartbreaking, yet somehow still charming and hilarious. He makes the Doctor feel more alien and more human at the same time, if that's even possible. As other people have mentioned, this episode is really funny but really sad, with a perfect conclusion that connects back to the day the Doctor first met River. A round of applause to the writers, Alex Kingston, and Peter Capaldi. Well done.
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Steven Moffat writes an Episode unlike any other since 2011!
Robinson251125 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Today, I'm gonna explain why I absolutely adore the Husbands of River Song, despite what many people may think of it. Steven Moffat hasn't written an episode like this since 2011, an it's refreshing to see him do this again, an episode that is just a Doctor Who episode, not bound by story-arcs or character arcs(for the most part), just pure Doctor Who fun.

This is a concept we haven't seen since 2011's the Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, every Christmas special since then has been bound by character arcs and plot devices, and while I'm not a huge fan of the Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, it is nice to see just a fun, festive episode at Christmas that anyone can simply jump into without a problem.

The main focus of this story comes across as a little silly for the most part, but again, it's nice to see an episode that doesn't take itself seriously, and is just there for laughs. This is a very funny episode, seeing the Doctor laughing about the predicament they find themselves in, "being threatened by a bag" is a truly special moment and one of those simple Doctor having fun moments that we haven't really seen from the Moffat era, Moffat seems to feel that every episode should be epic and dazzling and have the Doctor being a complete badass and seeing his enemies realise they've messed up big time and are about to be defeated once again, and don't get me wrong, I enjoy this, but seeing Moffat stray from his own codes and conventions is rather nice and makes for a satisfying Christmas special.

River's Back! I love River Song, she's one of my favourite characters in Doctor Who, EVER!, and when we all thought we'd seen the last of her in the Name of the Doctor, it was rather sad for me. Seeing her back was a real treat and her role in this story was simply awesome! Alex Kingston gives another fun performance that does ramp up the emotions on occasion, and although it saddens me to know that this is probably her final appearance in Doctor Who, what with the final scene wrapping up her 6 year long story-arc, it's a great one to go out on!

On top of that, Capaldi gives a great performance as the Doctor, and the supporting cast are pretty good too. There are moments of action which I feel could've been directed better, but they work so I won't complain too much.

This review may seem extremely bare, hell I've not even brushed upon the plot or the other characters, but there's not much to talk about there, and also I could go on and on about why I love this episode, but I feel that would begin to irritate people after a while, so I'm gonna leave it here.

The Husbands of River Song is a fun episode that shows what Doctor Who can do when it's just going for a fun story and nothing else, it's cheesy and a little silly, but honestly, that's all I want from a Doctor Who Christmas Special!
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Slow build to a fantastic end
shol-5615626 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The first 35 minutes of this episode are so so. As the episode goes, it improves until about the 36-37 minute mark where things begin to really look up in terms of quality. This all builds to a marvelous, brilliant, and tear-jerking finale. Hearing music from Silence in the Library, the doctor gifting River the screwdriver from the aforementioned episode, and the implied sentiments at the conclusion, create an amazing end to what would have otherwise been a mediocre episode. It leaves me wishing that the rest of the episode had been as brilliant..... If it had, it would have been one for the ages. The episode was well scored, filmed, and the dialog was, for the most part, great. All in all, one of the better Christmas specials.
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jagaroth4 January 2021
I used to think no Christmas Special could ever be better than The Snowmen. Now I'm starting to rethink that idea. Steven Moffatt has once again achieved the perfect balance of laugh-out-loud moments and moments that will leave you ugly-crying. Peter Capaldi and Alex Kingston deliver the beautiful chemistry that I never felt between her and Matt's Doctor. It's never scary, which is absolutely fine, and rarely threatening, which is fine for Christmas, but may convince some that it lacks any plot. They would be wrong. Overall, a masterpiece and a half.
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The Epilogue of Melody Pond...
Xstal2 January 2022
Ding dong merrily on high, a Christmas episode to say goodbye. But before she goes to the shelves of books, a quick reprisal of the men she's hooked.

Beholder of times spoilers with endearing watercraft, the rapids on this river were a great place for our raft, of memories and musings that are flowing back in time, a pleasure to have sailed along with the Doctor at his prime.
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Hello Melody Pond
subwmn15 August 2016
At first i was wondering where Moffat was going with this episode because next to Amy/ Rory, River Song is my favorite character. I understand she does not know his new body and is trying to find him in his old body, but as his wife, she should know him no matter what body he is in. I am surprised it was not written that way being everything they went through. As a half human, half time lady, anything is possible and should wonder if he changed since he cannot be found. I did get misty when they finally met again because Alex Kingston does a remarkable job making the scenes tender and memorable for fans. It clicks in her head that he is there because he always comes when she is in trouble. She is a beautiful woman in everything she wears and I was very happy the episode was made. It does not work when Capaldi says hello sweetie. It is all in the delivery and it doesn't work for him. Anyone cannot say it, just like Tennant's allons y.
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Festive fun. Worth a look.
Sleepin_Dragon25 December 2015
OK so after last year's Christmas offering I will admit my expectations for this year's were rather high, coupled with the return of Professor River Song I had high hopes. The serious tone of Series 9 was scrapped in favour of a more upbeat, comical outing for Capaldi. Whilst the story itself isn't one that will make you want to put it on frequently, it did have the festive spirit. Commedians Matt Lucas and Greg Davies delivered their lines with good humour, but it was the scenes between Capaldi and Kingston that shone, the last 5-10 minutes or so I thought were fantastically well done, truly moving and beautifully acted, the pair combined beautifully together. The biggest disappointment for me was that there was no mention of the next series, that omission left me a little flat. Overall a great way to enjoy the mice pies and a glass of brandy. 7/10
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Fun but Moffat really seems to have a problem with continuity and logic
barbara-2053926 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Moffat really tries too hard sometimes. The first half hour is a comedy and then he tries to introduce some drama and deep mono-/ dialogues which really doesn't mix well. In my opinion, the depth of the story itself suffers a lot when he tries that and actual sci-fi elements get glossed over or ridiculous conclusions. Who turns more and more into a fi-soap and buries the science, which is very sad. I liked that the Doctor had a proper adventure for a change. And yes, that has been neglected a lot lately. It was also great to have a story to River's "goodbye" of Forest of the Dead. Capaldi and Kingston harmonize very well and it was fun watching them together. However, there's again some of Moffat's (by now) famous issues with continuity. In Forest of the Dead, River didn't know she was going to die. She also mention several times that the Doctor gave her HIS screwdriver on Darillium. Now, she knows it's the end and he gave her her own screwdriver as a Christmas present?! As others mentioned before, the way the Doctor defeats the robot-body is just lazy and stupid. I'm not one of the RTD vs SM folks, both of them had SOME great episodes. I think the better mark to hold any of them to would be Sydney Newman, Terry Nation and Robert Holmes.
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Final farewell to River Song (?)
dkiliane30 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After the more serious past few episodes, the more lighthearted tone of this special was rather welcome. The Doctor finds himself a victim of misidentification joining River Song (who also doesn't recognize him) as she attempts to steal a diamond from the tyrant Hydraflax. And since the diamond is embedded in his brain, she takes the whole head (which isn't fatal because reasons) with his robo body (which has a mind of its own) in hot pursuit. Hilarious hijinks ensue.

This special is just Fun (with a capital F!). The dialogue between River and The Doctor is especially hilarious and charming. The episode does have some camp but overall the humor and heart of the episode is well done enough that it is easily overlookable. And by the third act it even manages to be sweet and serves as a heart warming if not a little bittersweet farewell to River, as it is indicated that this the final time River sees The Doctor before her "death" in Silence of the Library/ Forest of the Dead. And it really is a wonderful send off even if you're not a fan of her character. Of course, with all the timey wimey nonsense in Doctor Who and a new show runner starting in season eleven, who knows? But for now I'm happy with this. 9/10
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The Best Christmas Special
warlordartos9 November 2022
And not just the best Christmas Special but one the best episodes of Doctor Who episodes of the nearly 60 years of the show now.

While there were so many silly scenes and bad jokes, being a Christmas Special these things are expected and I feel fit in with the one off genre of the year, where it makes the show all the better.

The scenes were all you could expect from doctor who in one episode. From bad jokes, silliness, a little seriousness, sad, sweet and very emotional.

While one of the characters (I think we all know who) is quite annoying and doesn't fit in to the Doctor Who universe as a "companion", once again as a Christmas Special it works, he also does grown on you.....just it takes till half way through the next season. We also get The best companion that fits with more than one Doctor.

This should have been the FINAL episode ever or at least before another hiatus of Doctor Who, as yes while there are still quite a lot of good episodes after this, there is never anymore truly magnificent ones anymore...

...But more importantly this COULD have been the final episode and I don't think any single person could have complained abut it being the last. And if you so desire it gives you the chance to end it here on a re-watch. This episode really was that good.
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The roots of the sunset
dootdootnash22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is my all-time favorite Doctor Who episode. I've watched it so many times over and it gets me crying every time. The emotions on his face when River gives her big speech, the shock on hers when she realizes it's him, just perfect. Capaldi is my favorite doctor and River is my second favorite character so this Christmas special was just the best. Plus we get Nardole, and we always needed Nardole. So many warm and fuzzies!
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The funniest DW episode in a long time
Gelaos2 March 2019
I never liked River Song much but the relationship between her and Doctor is absolutetly splendid in this episode. Its carefree atmosphere is refreshing after dense 9th season. And Nardole is a great sidekick.
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River Song returns in an enjoyable Christmas special
Tweekums26 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As this Christmas special opens Matt Lucas asks The Doctor if he is 'the surgeon'; he replies 'close enough' not realising that the man is actually looking for a surgeon. He is taken to a flying saucer and is somewhat surprised to be met by River Song… and equally surprised that she has no idea who he is. She take him to her husband; Hydroflax; a tyrant whose head is attached to a robotic body. She wants The Doctor to remove a diamond from her husband's brain… and would be happy if the procedure killed him… she claims to have married the diamond not the man. They remove his head but that doesn't kill him. Soon they are running with the head in a bag and the robotic body in pursuit. They escape to an intergalactic liner where the universe's least pleasant characters have assembled to bid for the diamond. Will The Doctor and River survive; will River realise that the man she is with is The Doctor and will they get to have dinner together?!

The trailers for this seasonal outing didn't fill me with optimism; fortunately the episode proved to be much better than the trailer suggested. It was amusing to see The Doctor dropping hints as to his identity and River constantly failing to realise… this is of course explained by the fact that she hasn't seen his current faced and believed that he had used all his regenerations. More laughs were provided by Hydroflax's head screaming threats from inside a bag. It isn't all laughs; the potential buyer of the diamond is one of the series most disturbing looking characters; I can imagine that the scene where he literally opened his head would have had some viewers looking away. The ending is bittersweet as it looks as if it will be the last time we see River Song. Peter Capaldi and Alex Kingston put in fine performances as The Doctor and River and Matt Lucas provides an amusing cameo. Overall a solid episode that was much better than I'd expected.
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The best Christmas Special yet!
i-7498331 March 2016
The Husbands of River Song is my favorite Christmas Special Doctor Who episode yet. It's funny, emotional, and beautiful. The acting by Alex Kingston and Peter Capaldi is awesome, and Gold's music is stunning. I love this episode, its 100 times better than Last Christmas. My only criticism is that it was a little to over the top with sexual innuendos. I don't think we need to know about River Song's wife or about what River thinks of the Doctor's new body (overly sexual. a more subtle "how do I look?" would have been much better). A little is fine but this was too much. Also, the beginning was a bit too silly. Capaldi was ace through the whole episode, I loved the "carol singers will be criticized" part. Nods to Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead from series 4 with some music from it too. Overall- awesome, 10/10
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Christmas Special 2015: The Husbands of River Song: Sells its weaknesses by virtue of managing to be entertaining and enjoyable
bob the moo26 December 2015
I think for the majority of people the most recent season of Doctor Who was not all it could have been – although the reasons are different depending on whom you are speaking to. Part of this is due to the season feeling ill at ease with what it is trying to do – delivering plots that ask for a knowledge of episodes from decades ago, but yet still very much being 'Nu Who'; having darker elements but yet still copping out of them, and so on. It was a season that I found as much to like as I did to dislike and it was rather uneven in its tone and content. So the usual Christmas Special was a worry – particularly since it is always a bit of a dice-roll in terms of quality.

To be fair though, the special is the opposite of the season that had gone before it; not because it was lighter and easier to enjoy (although it was) but simply because it seemed to know precisely what it was doing, how it wanted to do it, and how long it wanted to do it for. The plot is a solid adventure one; it has comedy, danger, some silliness, and it ends on a nice note which doesn't totally overdo the sentiment. Of course the plot is somewhat daft, but this is Doctor Who on Christmas Day, so the important thing is that it has enough about it to support the daftness, the comedy casting, and the Christmas clichés being worked into it. Personally I though it did, and the material kept things moving along with a sense of fun but not being stupid enough that I didn't care.

And this is not to say that I wasn't tested by some of the convenient or silly writing (for instance the robot being defeated by the moneyball which the Doctor happened to have drop into his lap at that second), but it does carry itself with enough energy and fun to more or less forgive it these weaknesses. The performances are a big part of this happening. Capaldi seems to enjoy himself, and his sarcasm and slightly dour edge is nicely used (the scene where he gets to do the 'wow, its bigger on the inside' thing is a lot of fun). Although I am not a great fan of her character all the time, Kingston works with Capaldi very well here, and the two enjoy themselves. Outside of them everyone else is support and does decent jobs – even Lucas was a lot less annoying than I had assumed he would be when he first popped up.

I'm not really sure anymore what I want Doctor Who to 'do' as a show, and the whole modern era seems quite uneven and changeable when you look back over it – so I will not draw any big conclusions or make sweeping statements following this special. That said, although I would not want every episode to be like this, I did enjoy the energy and commitment of this special; it seemed to know what it wanted to do and, although it came with all the usual problems, it mostly sold them and made it work by virtue of being entertaining – which is really good enough some times.
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A Mery Christmas with River Song running into a crisis
doctor-934-20711127 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
9/10 !

Fault: moffat needs to stop recycling ideas like those of Douglas Noel Adams.

Otherwise, yes get alex Kigston to come back every now and then. After all, River Song is in the middle of it.

Great entry! A servant mixes up the Doctor for a Surgeon, (BTW SM it is Christmas, carollers should be welcome - another knock against you)!

The Doctor unwittingly helps River with King Hydraflax (familiar name eh SM?)

The object - to steal a diamond lodged in his brain (Funny sounds like James Bond). This would kill a mad king.

So many twists and turn. The King's head and body can separate as individual components.

So River steals the Doctor's TARDIS unknowingly with the Doctor inside.

Oh dare. Head and body have to be one so TARDIS cannot take off.

The King's body deals with the issue of River's treachery. Heads of a different caliber.

TARDIS leaves planet for ship. Nice! Fleming is another husband of River who turns up. So now all action takes place on a ship of cutthroats, nice company for River.

When the subjects of Hydraflax turn up, all Hell could break loose. not even an auction can save them

Fleming is a piece of work. He must be working for the highest bidder.

The Doctor reveals himself to river - Hello Sweetie.

The Doctor's head would become the new hydraflax if possible.

The ship sails into a meteor shower sending it crash landing.

The Doctor tries for a rescue. No can do. The TARDIS is his lifeboat with River Song unconscious.

The Doctor give the diamond to a worker and yes a new restaurant is build.

Ending is a bit soft. The 'romance' of River and the Doctor never seems to end.

Guessing that Alex Kingston will turn up.
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Well It Is Christmas
Theo Robertson27 December 2015
Steven Moffat has done the impossible - he's now made me indifferent about DOCTOR WHO . Season 9 was frustrating and disappointing and with a so called Christmas special following on quickly - perhaps too quickly - after it I wasn't expecting much at all , especially who know who appears in the title

To be fair Moffat knows what type of story he is writing this time . One thing noticeable about season 9 is that the tone of each story seemed to change from scene to scene creating an absolute mess . Here however he does at least know he's writing a light hearted Christmas romp with tongue in cheek characters and situations . Also to be fair the cast realise what type of fantasy adventure they're appearing in and go with the flow . If nothing else at least Capaldi is consistent and River Song is nowhere as irritating as I expected

One truly unfortunate irritation is the incidental music by Murray Gold . It's used to emphasise every single on screen happening and line . Someone makes a gag - the music jumps in to the scene and tells us "Smile . That was a gag" Something vaguely amusing happens - the music jumps in to the scene and says "Smile , that scene was amusing" . One day someone on the production team will open a dictionary and look up the word S-U-B-T-L-E . As it stands once again the DOCTOR WHO Christmas special remains very disposable festive entertainment
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Awful. Truly, truly awful.
miles-savell25 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's the typical Moffat bonanza of terrible storytelling.

Imagine what a good episode of Doctor Who looks like, a simple concept with a sci-fi twist, which adds an element of adventure etc. The storytelling is coherent, with the Doctor both showing supernatural genius in finding a solution to whatever problem he faces, and then showing a human element in his interactions with regular people. (A rough approximation, but you know what I mean.)

Take all of that, remove all of it. Add in pointless characters, story elements, and other gubbins, and you have "The Husbands of River Song".

Let's go through the checklist.

1. A simple Concept?

Nope. Reciting even the summary of events is a chore. There is no single focus to the episode, one half is dedicated to River (Spoilers, River is in this episode) and the Doctor transporting King Somethingorother's head to an orbiting Restaurant in order to sell a diamond inside King Somethingorother's head to a buyer.

The second half is dedicated to a botched love story (Thanks to aforementioned terrible Story Telling) and a deep emotional conflict within River Song about whether the Doctor loves her or not.

In short, by god, there is not a simple concept behind this episode. It's convoluted and unfocused.

2. Sci-Fi Twist?

Um.. sure? Nothing very complex, but if cyborg-monarchs, flying saucers and an intergalactic banking system aren't sci-fi then I don't know what is. Though ultimately of course it had no real bearing on the mechanics of the story so.. yeah it was poor.

3. Coherent Storytelling?

Well the tone at the beginning is dedicated to "comedy" (being utterly unfunny comments made by the Doctor and a head inside of a bag), it's over the top and a bit ridiculous. Then the episode ends with "deep emotions" (being River Song questioning whether the Doctor loves her or not, a point of contention that is ultimately unfounded from my point of view), and so the tone fluctuates wildly with no reason behind it. It's poor.

4. Supernatural Genius?

The Doctor defeats the main villain by catching a ball that just happened to fall into his hand by complete chance. So, no.

5. Humanizing Interaction?

A love story that has been building up for 5 series now is thrown into doubt by the concept that the Doctor is incapable of feeling love. Not exactly human now is it?

In conclusion? Unpolished, random, unimportant, incoherent, uninteresting, confusing and rubbish.

3/10. (The three points being awarded because the acting was all right)
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