"Arrow" Lost Souls (TV Episode 2015) Poster

(TV Series)


Stephen Amell: Oliver Queen, Green Arrow



  • Oliver Queen : Your mother's in town, spend some time with her. We could do dinner. I'll cook.

    Felicity Smoak : You already made dinner plans with my mother, didn't you?

    Oliver Queen : What? No.

    [Felicity gives Oliver the 'look'] 

    Oliver Queen : ... Yes.

    Felicity Smoak : Oh! Oh, my God! It is like a sickness with you!

    Oliver Queen : It wasn't intentional. We were having a nice conversation; the subject turned to cooking, I mentioned that I make a spectacular Chicken Cordon Bleu. She said she'd never had one. It's just dinner.

    John Diggle : He's right, Felicity. Besides, you look like you haven't... eaten or slept.

    Felicity Smoak : A man's life, a friend's life is in danger. Doesn't seem like the right time for Cordon Bleu.

  • Felicity Smoak : You've faced down Mirakuru soldiers *and* the League of Assassins. Are you honestly telling me you couldn't say "No" to my mom?

    Oliver Queen : She said she missed you then she texted me one of those emojis with a single tear.

    Felicity Smoak : You have been texting with my mother? How long has that been going on?

    John Diggle : You think we could find a better time to fight about this?

    Felicity Smoak : JOHN? I thought only Oliver's line was open.

    John Diggle : Nope. Mine is open.

    Laurel Lance , Thea Queen : And mine.

    The Canary : Can't believe there's so much chatter on this mission.

  • Oliver Queen : Curtis. What're you doing?

    Curtis Holt : The Green Arrow showed up right about the time that you came back into town...

    [Raises his hand before his face so he can view only Oliver's jaw line] 

    Curtis Holt : Nah, it's not you though. Jaw's not right.

  • Oliver Queen : I thought it would be a good thing.

    Felicity Smoak : A good thing? What on earth made you agree to this?

    Oliver Queen : Well, you know, your mom doesn't really take no for an answer.

    Felicity Smoak : You've faced down Mirakuru soldiers and the League of Assassins. Are you honestly telling me that you couldn't say no to my mom?

    Oliver Queen : She said she missed you and then she texted me one of those emojis with the single tear.

    Felicity Smoak : You have been texting with my mother? How long has that been going on?

    John Diggle : You guys think we can find a better time to fight about this?

    Felicity Smoak : John? I thought only Oliver's line was open.

    John Diggle : Nope. Mine is open.

    Thea Queen , Laurel Lance : And mine.

  • Oliver Queen : Do you know what I miss about our old space?

    John Diggle : [They point at each other in understanding]  That trunk with a bottle of Russian Vodka in it?

    [Diggle goes to a trunk and retrieves a bottle] 

    John Diggle : Vodka is for wimps anyway.

    Oliver Queen : Tennessee Whiskey.

  • Felicity Smoak : [Oliver & Felicity enter their apartment]  I tell you Ray's in trouble, and your first response is, "You need a shower."

    Oliver Queen : And a nap. You're not going to be able to help Ray...

    Felicity Smoak : Oh, stop! You're starting to sound like Curtis.

    Oliver Queen : Well Curtis is a smart guy.

    [Oliver chuckles; Felicity glares at him] 

    Oliver Queen : Did Ray's message indicate what kind of trouble he's in?

    Felicity Smoak : If it did, it would've been the first thing I would've told you.

    Oliver Queen : Okay, is there anything that i can do to help?

    Felicity Smoak : Well, have you magically learned to code in the last 72 hours?

    Oliver Queen : No.

    Felicity Smoak : That was a rhetorical question.

    Oliver Queen : I know.

    Felicity Smoak : [Felicity holds her hand out to Oliver. He takes it and moves closer as she places his hands on her shoulders]  I will, however, accept your undying support and back rub.

    Oliver Queen : Well, you can have both as soon as you...

    Felicity Smoak : Shower.

    Oliver Queen : And take a nap. Come on...

    [Oliver nudges her to get up] 

    Oliver Queen : Come on, come on.

    [Felicity groans, resisting. She gets up as her cell phone chimes] 

  • Oliver Queen : Okay, inviting your mother for a surprise visit wasn't the best idea.

    Felicity Smoak : Mmm.

    Oliver Queen : I totally accept that. What I'm not accepting, or understanding, is just you shutting me out.

    Felicity Smoak : I am *not* shutting you out. I'm trying to focus on finding Ray, but I can't do that with all of these distractions.

    Oliver Queen : [Incredulously]  Distractions? What is going on with you? You're acting like it's my fault that Ray...

    Felicity Smoak : It's *my* fault! What's happening with Ray, to Ray, is *my* fault.

    Oliver Queen : Felicity, it really isn't.

    Felicity Smoak : Ray was sending distress calls for weeks after the accident. I wasn't here to receive them because I was too busy traveling the world with you. I took the police's word for it that no body could be recovered because I was so swept up in being with *you*.

    [Oliver looks pain stricken] 

    Felicity Smoak : . I'm sorry. It was *my* choice to uproot my entire life, leave my home and my job, which turns out I am very good at. I lost myself in you, and I was never that girl... That girl who just loses herself in a guy. That is not who I am.

    Oliver Queen : This isn't about Ray... It's about us.

    Felicity Smoak : No... Yes. I don't know.

    Oliver Queen : Okay, I'm going to give yo some space until you figure it out.

    [Oliver leaves] 

  • John Diggle : What are you doing here, anyway? I thought I was waiting for Lance and you were having dinner with the Smoak ladies. Went that well, did it?

    Oliver Queen : Do you know what I miss most about our old space?

    John Diggle : That trunk with the bottle of Russian vodka in it.

    [Oliver points at Diggle and he points back in acknowledgment] 

    John Diggle : Vodka... is for wimps, anyway.

    Oliver Queen : [Chuckling]  Vodka is for wimps...?

    John Diggle : Tennessee Whiskey. Put some hair on your chest.

    [Oliver rubs his head] 

    John Diggle : It is hard to imagine dinner with Felicity and her mother not going well.

    [Oliver and Diggle clank glasses] 

    Oliver Queen : Donna is not the problem... I am. Felicity says that she's lost herself in our relationship, which means that she doesn't know who she is, and that if we hadn't of left Star City when we did, she would have been around to help Ray.

    John Diggle : Meta-humans, magic, resurrections... I thought I'd seen it all, but Oliver Queen jealous?

    Oliver Queen : I'm not jealous. I just got to know if Ivy Town was as good as it gets for us, because we've come back here, and everything has just gotten super complicated, and it just makes me wonder--why did she choose me?

    John Diggle : Oliver, I've heard you say a lot of crazy things over the years, but that has to be the prize.

    Oliver Queen : You know what I mean. It takes me ten minutes to log into this thing. Felicity does it in two seconds, and Ray probably invented it.

    John Diggle : Yeah, you're probably right. Except Felicity didn't choose Ray. She chose you. Sure, she has a lot in common with Ray, but sometimes what looks good on paper isn't what works in real life.

    Oliver Queen : What if something happens to him? We don't get him back?

    John Diggle : Felicity Smoak is one of the smartest, most badass woman on the planet. She comes through this, she'll get Ray back.

    Oliver Queen : You seem pretty sure.

    John Diggle : I married a woman just like that. Twice Oliver, twice.

    Oliver Queen : You did.

    John Diggle : Look man, relationships have their ups and downs. Sometimes you just give it some time... a little bit of space.

    [Cell phone beeps] 

    John Diggle : Meeting with Darhk in twenty. You good?

    Oliver Queen : Better, thank you.

    [Diggle leaves] 

  • Oliver Queen : How'd it go with Ray?

    Felicity Smoak : Fine... Until I told him I sold his condo.

    [They both chuckle] 

    Oliver Queen : I wanted...

    Felicity Smoak : Before we...

    Oliver Queen : Oh, hmm.

    Felicity Smoak : You go first.

    Oliver Queen : No, you.

    Felicity Smoak : I think we should... clear the air.

    [Felicity sits on the bed] 

    Felicity Smoak : I wanted to thank you... For helping save Ray, and for being so understanding in the midst of my mini-Gargantuan freak-out.

    Oliver Queen : Well, I'm sorry I'm not the best listener, but all of this is just...


    Oliver Queen : It's kinda new to me.

    Felicity Smoak : [Leaning on her elbow on the bed]  And to me. I didn't exactly grow up with the best example of a normal, healthy relationship.

    Oliver Queen : Line forms behind me.


    Oliver Queen : It's kind of amazing that we've made it this far.

    Felicity Smoak : We're going to be fine.

    Oliver Queen : How can you be so sure?

    Felicity Smoak : Because we found ourselves in each other.

    [Oliver and Felicity kiss] 

  • Laurel Lance : [Felicity is playing Ray's message in the lair]  John is never going to believe this.

    Oliver Queen : Neither is Thea.

    Laurel Lance : And, well, Ray is...

    Felicity Smoak : The size of a tater tot! Ray modified his suit with the same nanites I injected into him after Bad Arrow shot him--it's a long story involving a lot of molecular physics. The bottom line is that Ray jury-rigged a short-range message burst that was intercepted by whoever's holding him captive.

    Oliver Queen : Ray thinks they want the suit for its technology, but they can't use it while it's small.

    Laurel Lance : And while he's small, it's like looking for a needle in a city of haystacks.

    Felicity Smoak : Ray has something he thinks could help.

    Ray Palmer : [Recording playing]  Back at Palmer Tech, I've got schematics for a machine that should be able to resize me.

    Felicity Smoak : Well, now that you're both filled in...

    Oliver Queen : Where are you going?

    Felicity Smoak : To Palmer Tech, to pull up the schematics for Ray's device.

    Oliver Queen : I'll come with you.

    Felicity Smoak : Why? Are you gonna build the thing?

    Oliver Queen : No. There must be some other way I can help.

    Felicity Smoak : There isn't.

    [Felicity leaves; Oliver looks confused] 

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