Two Pigeons (2017) Poster


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kosmasp17 October 2017
That was the title the movie had when I watched it at Frightfest. Not sure why they changed the title, but I think both work fine. This movie reminded me a bit of Bin-Jip (3-iron) by Kim Ki Duk. But while the Korean movie was more philosophical I guess, this is more "real" and down and dirty, not to mention has a different backstory and motive for the involving characters.

This has a couple of flaws and arguably a lead character who does not seem to sympathetic for most. But therein lies the challenge. How do you keep the viewers interested or a suspense, with characters you may not sympathize or agree with? There are also quite a few despicable things that are happening. Really awful stuff, disgusting to a degree some may feel sick watching. And no one would blame anyone feeling appalled. Still has something to tell ... actually so much to tell, that even a monologue was written at the end, that I'm not sure was necessary ...
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Very (darkly) funny film. Javier Botet is a Masterpiece!!
OohLaLlama1 November 2017
Oh, I liked this film. I was unaware before watching that Javier Botet is involved in some of my favourite films(REC, The Conjuring 2, Crimson Peak to name three) You have to see him to believe it-this man is grotesque(sorry) and fascinating and makes the film what it is

Basic story-broken man seeks revenge on the estate agent by moving into his flat and insidiously destroying his life

It's a gross, funny and well made film
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Well worth a watch !
andrewcollins-8665310 April 2021
Intriguing and unusual take on a home invasion story ! Really draws you in and the actors are very believable ! Pretty disgusting in parts when you see what the interloper gets up too but all very entertaining! Always amazes me seeing the serial 1/10 reviewers on here that are clearly clueless ! This is well thought out and very good !
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Are you in the flat alone?
BA_Harrison13 June 2019
Estate agent Hussein (Mim Shaikh) shares a small London apartment with his girlfriend Mel (Mandeep Dhillon), but, unbeknownst to the young couple, the flat is also home to a strange Spaniard called Orlan (Javier Botet), who conceals himself about the place, emerging whenever the coast is clear to carry out a series of unsavoury acts designed to ruin Hussein's life.

A stranger hiding unnoticed in a home isn't exactly a new idea (for similarly themed films, see Hider In The House, and to some extent, A Crack In The Floor, both of which star Gary Busey). Despite this, the film still manages to hold quite a few surprises, delivering plenty of twisted humour and a keen sense of the absurd. Director Dominic Bridges' slowburn approach is effective, Orlan's activities starting out as relatively innocuous, but, as the film progresses, taken to more and more extreme levels. Shaikh and Dhillon do well as the the clueless victims, but is Botet who is the film's strongest suit, his extremely slight frame and long gangly limbs making him a memorably disturbing character.

Unfortunately, as good as the build up is, the finalé proves frustratingly tame: rather than opt for the truly disturbing ending the film deserves, Bridges delivers a finish that is both rushed and ultimately unsatisfying, Orlan's final punishment for Hussein not nearly as nasty as one might expect.

***EDIT*** Having just finished watching Spanish thriller Sleep Tight (2011), I now realise that Freehold's basic premise is even more derivative than I thought. I'm tempted to deduct a point for lack of originality, but will leave my rating at a 7 for the time being.***
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thesar-21 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Malvert sometimes pees red, but this time, he does a lot worse.

It would be hard to review this movie without somewhat of a spoiler. I won't spoil this until the end, but suffice to say, sadly, the last 5 minutes or so undermines the entire film. Even down a star in rating this.

Leading up to that 5 minutes is thoroughly original, interesting and simultaneously, disgusting. An unusually tall, extraordinarily thin and oddball man seems to escape notice as he, unbeknownst to the owner of the flat, cohabits the place.

Our "protagonist" carries on about his business in his place while the literal stick-figure lurks out and about the apartment when the owner is either away or asleep. This intruder uses the owner's stuff and in most cases, does some nasty things to it. To the point of the owner getting fairly ill.

Oh, and not to mention, he's also sabotaging his work life, sex life and friendships. Talk about a Single White Male.

While I'm not into spoiler territory yet, it's a concept that's both creepy and highly unlikely. How this man does not catch the hidden tall-troll almost immediately is a tad far-fetched. Sure, he's a pothead and very straight - he'll prove that time and time again. (By that "straight jab," I mean the majority of straight men I've met are pretty oblivious to obvious signs around them. Not to stereotype, but that seems like the norm, from my perspective.) So, it's likely he'd miss the stranger in his place for a bit, but realistically, I believe most would catch on early enough.

Regardless, it's worth seeing and making you wonder if there's someone else in your residence when the cat's away.


Final thoughts: Ok, now for spoilers and you have been alerted. Of course, he's gonna find the other person living mostly under his bed. But, when he does, he has one of the most unrealistic encounters and reaction, it was as if the writer/director just gave up in the ending. Especially when they established the owner was ready to do battle. Sad. This little, effective indie built up so much for it to completely fall apart in the closing.
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Freehold review
JoeytheBrit28 June 2020
Young estate agent Hussein (Mim Shaikh) has a super-thin flatmate (Javier Botet) he doesn't know about who hides away under the bed and in cupboards, only coming out when Hussein is asleep or at work in this creepy British horror-thriller from writer-director Dominic Bridges. With the action confined to one set, it's an effectively creepy and claustrophobic experience which is sure to disgust many viewers thanks to the unsavoury antics of the stick-thin Botet, but it's strangely compelling. Also makes great use of non-diegetic sound effects to ramp up the sense of growing fear and paranoia.
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Comedy? NO.
This is a a creepy yet captivating movie. It is definititely not a comedy.
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Simple horror movie..!
kamalbeeee18 March 2022
A man hiding in other person apartment for few days to take revenge for lost his wife and unborn baby.. He using his toothbrush and shaving razor and personal items.. And make separate with his girlfriend too.. The movie looks funny and some humour..
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Plumbing the depths comes to mind.
omendata6 March 2018
I havent seen a more repulsive and pointless movie for a long time. Creepy, weird, boring, tedious, banal , pathetic, filthy , disgusting, repellent all describe this movie and more so no doubt you will now want to watch it just to see if it is that bad right? Wrong - Dont waste your time its disturbing and not in a good way!

I have to laugh at the shill reviews 10/10 as always - why doesnt IMDB weed these 1 review shills out and stop people being hoodwinked by false reviews on IMDB its disgraceful that this pointless gutter trash is even allowed to be released but I guess this is the level of turdula that British cinema has descended to and they call it entertainment.

Vile utterly vile and not remotely entertaining in any way whatsoever!
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The low reviews are from people made uncomfortable by the movie.
homersimpson474718 May 2020
It's odd for sure. It's gag inducing for sure. But also for sure it's a disturbing and uncomfortable movie that is worth watching. For sure
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So Much NOPE...
icocleric27 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really hate when a film is grossly mislabelled, because I think it can set you up for a certain expectation, then can negatively impact how you view the film if you are not in the mood for it. I fail to see how this is a comedy. It's creepy, but not really scary, and it's gross but not funny??? It's just a creepy slow burn.

It's just gross and weird. I'm even terrified of "surprise it actually a man secretly living in your house" kind of film. But I spent a lot of time just being confused.

Since it switches to the creepy guy talking to pigeons, and this couple who that are arguing. They have zero chemistry and emotion between them. Even their arguments are flat.

And honestly there's better ways to ruin someone's life other than secretly cuming in your girlfriends knickers, and putting porn on her computer.
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Such a hilariously disturbing movie
manuelasaez7 November 2017
I don't usually dig "horror/comedies"; they usually veer more towards comedy, while the scary elements are often half baked or underrepresented. This movie, however, is the new metric by which I rate how successful the movies in the genre are. Two Pigeons starts off like any urban comedy, but casually veers into such nasty and disturbing territory, it was almost like watching two or three movies, mashed into one.

The actors are talented and believable, and I found myself really growing attached to their stories. With such a small cast, it was imperative that they all had obvious chemistry, and worked well as an ensemble. I did not find a single weak link. Everyone put their absolute all into this movie, and it was literally like watching the daily lives of people you somehow know and like. It was entirely believable, and this only made the movie that much more entertaining.

Everything else about this movie was top notch, from the cinematography to the soundtrack, but the true star of the movie was the Spanish actor who played the "guest". He was so weird, shockingly skinny, and delightfully disturbing. You couldn't help but watch in disgust at some of the stuff he was getting away with. It was horrible, but hilarious. I gagged a few times.

Overall, this movie has a great premise, yet the film does not overstay its welcome. It's less than an hour and thirty minutes, and things get right into the action fairly quickly. It's a quick, yet entertaining watch, that will not be easily forgotten. A gem of a film that should be seen by anyone that appreciates concise and well executed stories.
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One of the worst movies I've ever seen
henferdeline25 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There will be spoilers here (the biggest one: this is a crappy movie).

Movies where a disgruntled individual decides to utterly destroy the life of the one seen as the culprit for the avenger's disgrace are not exactly a novelty.

This movie, however, excels at being bad. I even feel sad for the actors, as they do a good job out of a poorly written script and even worse planned story.

So, what's the deal here? Simply put, a guy finds a new home for his family through a less than reputable real estate agent. He gives notice to his current landlord, only to find out days before moving that the new home has been sold to a higher bidder. He is "left to live on the street", his family life ruined along with, arguably, his sanity. So he takes to destroy the real estate agent's life. This real estate agent is a young, careless (but very fashion-aware) man with a girlfriend (initially on a trip). He lives in a rather small but very good apartment with her. They can't, for lack of space, have too many clothes. He is loose with his ethics and (while the girl is away) with home hygiene, but very economic (he saves on everything). When the girl is around, he strives to live up to her standards on hygiene and attention. He smokes the occasional (not all the time, not stupor-level) marijuana.

The avenger is a gaunt man. 2m tall, one can see all his ribs and his knees are extremely prominent. He is alive and moving quite nimbly, so he should weigh no less than, say, 80kg. Conveniently before the movie starts, he finds his way into the other guy's apartment and lodges himself in a lost space between two dry walls. And he starts living there, getting out when the other guy is either sleeping or out working, living off scraps and making sure nothing goes missing or looks moved about.

Then he starts changing things to adversely affect the agent's life. Small things at first: a morning alarm set a bit later, a meeting with the girl at the wrong time. Later, he changes big things (soiled toilets, CHLORINE IN SHAMPOOS, urine in the teapot, spit in the mouthwash). Eventually, the couple splits. Then, the agent loses his job. Finally, a face off - but the agent doesn't recognise his tormentor.

This movie presents a story that is absolutely not credible. A man that size hiding in a small apartment for weeks without being noticed. He never leaves. Neither the agent nor his girl notice anything (this guy eats badly and has no access to a toilet in the night - he would certainly make noise, either using his pee bottle or venting gas, or moving his body). Not to mention the smell. A small apartment having such a large lost space between walls. Wall cabinets that can withstand a 80kg person climbing up on them in a hurry. People using chlorine-laced shampoo and not losing hair and scalp - not to mention going blind.... A person using a toothbrush that has been put to work on someone else's behind and noticing neither smell nor taste. And the list goes on.....

Crappy movie. Avoid at all costs.
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Not great.
TopherCJ25 July 2018
I wasn't sure what I was expecting but I didn't find the film at all interesting. The main character proved rather unlikeable and the hidden house guest, completely irrational.

The drive for his intrusion felt really weak and I didn't really care about what happened to either of them.

I've never stopped watching a film before because I like to see the whole thing before judgement but I did come very close to giving up on this.
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Just unpleasant
Leofwine_draca4 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
FREEHOLD is a very cheap, very poor attempt at a "horror" movie set instead a single modern-day flat. The protagonist is an estate agent whose dodgy business practices have resulted in him making an enemy of one of his own tenants - creepy Javier Botet, perhaps best known for playing the antagonist in REC, although he recently showed up in a GAME OF THRONES episode too. The story is reminiscent of the Spanish flick SLEEP TIGHT or alternatively THE MASTER BUILDER, but more disappointing than either: Botet hides out in the apartment and does increasingly gross things. With unpleasant characters performing even more unpleasant acts, this isn't fun at all, and you end up wondering what the point of it all is.
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Javier Botet
Kirpianuscus6 July 2018
Maybe, the best motif to see this good intentioned film. his performance saves a too long film, creepy but not always convincing, nice because you expect the final answer who could be defined as reasonable but far to be the best. the story is not original and the other stories from same genre are real good. Javier Botet knows use his body and face in admirable manner. he is the heart of a film lost in too many details and using in not the most inspired way the lead actors. and that is all. a young man , a disturbing menace against his ordinary life and the verdict in package of humor who must save the too long tension.
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Having dishes in the sink doesn't make you a bad person
filmsnthat18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Positives: Acting and quality of the filming and editing was good.

Negatives: The plot was non existent and film was not scary or funny.

I've read the plot synopsis after watching the film and read other reviews and gather you're supposed to watch it with the understanding that the estate agent is some heinous villain. There's no explanation in the film as to the person's crimes. The reveal at the end lasts about 20 seconds and hints that it's something to do with a real estate deal but it's a stretch to understand how saying "sorry someone's put in a higher bid than you" = dead wife and child.

Someone living in your walls and coming out at night or when you're at work is a terrifying concept. Didn't match up well with jizz in the shampoo and urine on the cutlery.
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Made me gag a couple of times. Much better than its ratings.
deloudelouvain14 January 2019
I stumbled on this movie by accident. The poster says Freehold but actually the title is Two Pigeons. I have no clue why you would name a movie with two different titles. I always look up the ratings before watching something so my hopes were not very high after seeing the ratings it got. But a low rating doesn't mean a bad movie, certainly not on IMDb. That's been proven before and it's been proven again with this movie. If you don't read anything about the movie, like I did, then you will be guessing what's going on. It starts slow and mysterious, but quickly evolves in some disgusting and gross scenes. Scenes that were perfect to me as it made me even more curious about the story. The cast was very good and every character added something to this special story. Javier Botet as Orlan is just mindblowing in his role. Due to his disease (Marfan Syndrome) he looks very unhealthy and creepy but his acting was on top. I would have made the end a bit more malevolent but it wasn't bad. Two Pigeons, a movie that made me turn my head and gag a couple of times, not as a slasher or so as there is alsmost no blood, but more because of our own imagination if those things happened to us. A movie that surprised me and that deserves a higher rating.
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Hard to pigeon hole :-)
deadpoetlive1 June 2019
A psychological art house revenge karmic comedy mystery gross out metaphorical film?? Interesting and clever with good performances all round. A little repetitive possibly, could have lost a few minutes of creeping around to improve pacing, though a minor quibble. Absurdist situation that the director somehow allows the viewer to buy into. Will not be to everyones taste and may cause a gag reflex in some people at times but highly recommended for something a bit different.
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Comedic Horror Done Right
Foutainoflife10 February 2019
An angry client sneaks into the home of his former real estate agent. He begins to dismantle the agent's life an sanity all in an attempt to exact revenge.

I enjoyed this. It moves a bit slow at first but builds momentum as it moves forward. This is comedy horror so there is some humor in what unfolds but it never came across as cheesy. At least it didn't to me. I'm glad I came across it.
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I hear it's stressful... losing your home
livviebrundle12 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of time, effort and love went into it from cast and crew. Now I've finally had the pleasure, meant very sincerely of seeing it. Whoever thought of incorporating that Jesca Hoop song 'City Bird' into the soundtrack made a very wise move, as it's eerily fitting.


Mim Shaikh (as Hussein, Mr-Wheeler-Dealer estate agent): terrifically natural acting for a 1st film role- but his character perplexes me. I wanted to feel sorry for him but couldn't. He winds up becoming a deserving fool unto himself. All that sabotage, and he never seems to learn the lesson that's been making him quite literally ill. He's remorseful, certainly, but it comes too little too late. Damage has already been done, and is still being done. "Karma can't harm ya... if it can't catch up."

Mandeep Dhillon (as Mel, the spunky girlfriend): sweet, pretty, loyal & loving, but in control and independent when she needs to be; Mel is an unknowing target because of her relationship with Hussein and also a victim of his actions. Again; "Karma can't harm ya, if it can't catch up"- Hussein brags to Sonny about their split up, saying she begged and pleaded, blah blah blah- but truth is, through ignorance and selfishness, he screws up something else that could've been wonderful.

Kola Bokinni (as Sonny, the mobility scooter riding weed-dealer) A strong performance. Nothing ever gets explained, but you get the sense that he's a survivor in his own way. He spends the whole movie believing Hussein's a friend, just to be told what he can do with his friendship when things go wrong.

There's a handful of other characters; the unhelpful freezer-delivery men... the locksmith that promises Hussein he'll be "safe as houses"... Hussein's boss, that snide little creature in the other plaid suit, who comes knocking to find out why on earth he's been sent those pictures from his employee's phone...

I feel like I've missed someone...

oh, yes :) 2 meters worth of someone; Javier Botet (as Orlan, the put upon, morally conscious bird man of the flat) his character is like a ballet-dancer (as another review described) crossed with a spider; using walls and nooks and crannies to his advantage, maneuvering through the place with silently skillful ease- ultimately only being seen when he wishes to be, despite unanticipated close calls. No sooner does the front door close, or Hussein's head hit the pillow; then out comes the over-sized sprite to punish the wicked one and make him see the error of his ways, through acts of what could be described as sabotage for personal amusement and satisfaction.

There are moments of unexpected but savage comedy in this movie. Like the reading aloud of gay porn names. Sonny's 'you've got a ghost' line- or there's a scene just before the confrontation, where Hussein is 'physically appreciating' a woman's backside, while Orlan is hiding- cringing and shaking his head a little, as though he's literally thinking 'w**ker!' :)

There's an interesting role reversal that gradually happens as the story goes on. One pigeon slowly takes over the nest but the other doesn't realize it's being pushed out. One becomes morose and despondent as his ideal existence slips away, and one becomes exuberant as things finally start to go his way.

For me, one of the saddest things was; by the time Orlan reveals himself, Hussein has screwed over so many people that he (to begin with at least) doesn't even recognize him.

"I was a victim too." No. Hussein, I'm sorry, but that's the same as the people during WW2 who said they were "just following orders" given to them by the Nazis- the point is, you followed those orders/did "that stuff" they told you to, and you and your employers got rich off of people like Orlan and the others he hears you using that estate-agent shtick on. You have the cheek to sit there and say that you were a victim, when you're living in that 'amazing' flat that was bought with fraudulently obtained money, leaving hopeful people in the lurch?

I love how the flat seems encased in darkness and loneliness- because it works so well with how Orlan lives, and then how he carries out his final act of revenge.

To the people who say they don't get this movie; there are a couple of things you should keep in mind: a) this was Dom Bridges' first attempt at directing a movie- and b) read the interviews with Bridges about it, and it makes it seem very clear that this project was, in a big way, about self therapy. I thought it was very brave to include a loss that hurt so much in Orlan's story-line- but at the same time I did have to marvel at how Bridges described this film as a 'peaceful way' of getting revenge. Hmm... (among other things) violating a face cloth and toothbrush, using a bottle of mouthwash then back-washing, spitting and blowing your nose into it, replacing hair products with bleach, and leaving things during the night for someone else to find, peaceful? :) Are you sure, Mr. Bridges?
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funny and yet disturbing
jeanlucvanloo13 April 2018
For once Javier Botet does not play a monster. Hmm maybe he does...

First you think of a ghost storry, then you understand it is not and you wonder up to the end why this all happens.

You can only laugh at the sadism of the tormentor.

Look in your wardrobe before you watch this film.
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malisciously surprising.
ops-525356 May 2018
A cruel shadow room ''mate'',makes life a living hell for the flat owner.its done with an disgustingly accurate methodology, that made me sick,but also giggling and full of expectation about what will happen next. the idea to make this movie are quite original,so the way its produced and acted out are far better than id warned that it could feel slow,and some of the stunts are sick,but all in all ,its 9 stars from me. will i rommend it to my wife...mmmnnoooo.....
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dont read the plot!less you know, better.....
surfisfun5 May 2018
Interesting movie. slow n steady.Fairly directed. very low budget. not many sets. recommended.
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Enjoyable piece of oddness
tomstickland18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's called "Freehold" on Amazon Prime where I watched it

I thought that was a well made and enjoyable film. Well acted and I was drawn into the main character's world.

There's a lot of gross out comedy in it. Most of it made me laugh and feel a bit uneasy. It does look like there's negative reviews from people who couldn't get over the repulsive parts. The constant creeping around leads to a sense of edginess, but there's also a comedy aspect to it that offsets that.

I did start to feel a little sorry for the main character as he was accused of things that he didn't do and his life started to fall apart. Only a little bit though. It reminded me of "it's all gone Pete Tong" when he started living on his bed. The freezer in the centre of the room made me laugh.

Overall it was a film that I enjoyed watching.
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