"Arrow" Who Are You? (TV Episode 2017) Poster

(TV Series)


Emily Bett Rickards: Felicity Smoak



  • Oliver Queen : I spoke to Laurel.

    Felicity Smoak : When did she become Laurel? She's not Laurel. Not "Laurel" Laurel. She's not our Laurel, okay? Not...

    Oliver Queen : Okay, Felicity, I'm... I can't pretend to understand parallel worlds. But if I'm going to believe in them, and... and I kind of have to now, then I need to believe that differences are caused by circumstances. So why can't we change this Laurel's circumstances?

    Felicity Smoak : You think that you can save her? After she's thrown in with Prometheus?

    Oliver Queen : Under duress. I just... I think I can reach her.

    Felicity Smoak : When did you find the time to get a PhD in psychology?

    Oliver Queen : I'm a quick study.

  • Oliver Queen : How'd she escape?

    Rory Regan : The power went off, and the dampener along with it.

    Rene Ramirez : And Goldilocks huffed and puffed and blew the door down.

    Rory Regan : That's not exactly how power works.

    Oliver Queen : Is there's something wrong with Cisco's specs? Because didn't we just replicate the Pipeline's security system?

    Felicity Smoak : We did. I let her go.

    Oliver Queen : What?

    Rene Ramirez : Damn, blondie.

    Felicity Smoak : I'm sorry, but everyone just relax. I put tracking nanites in her water. The same ones we used to find Malcolm Merlyn.

    Oliver Queen : [angrily sarcastic]  That makes everything better.

    Felicity Smoak : Isn't that exactly how you used Anarky to find Darhk last year?

    Oliver Queen : Could we have the room, please?

    Rene Ramirez : Seriously? This is getting good.

  • Black Siren : So, tell me: what happened between you and Oliver? Did he find someone else? Or were you not tall enough? Do you have a sister? Because I hear he loves sisters.

    Felicity Smoak : Oliver seems to think that because you look like Laurel that you could become her.

    Black Siren : And what do you think?

    Felicity Smoak : I think... you should get used to living in cages. There's a part of him that blames himself for Laurel's death. It's who he is. So when he looks at you, he doesn't just see Laurel. He sees a shot at redemption.

    Black Siren : Wow. It must be really frustrating that he doesn't listen to you.

    Felicity Smoak : Oh, I'm used to it.

  • Felicity Smoak : I'm sorry she wasn't her.

    Oliver Queen : I know. I'm sorry about Billy. He was a good man.

    Felicity Smoak : Like you. So I'm guessing not-Laurel is on her way back to Central City then.

    Oliver Queen : Secure lockup at A.R.G.U.S. I'm keeping her close, because if there is anything left of the real Laurel in her, I'm gonna find it.

    Felicity Smoak : You know what? I could really get used to this newfound optimism of yours.

  • Rory Regan : One question.

    Felicity Smoak : Just one?

    Curtis Holt : Prometheus breaks into S.T.A.R. Labs, gets not-Laurel, Harry Higgins her into coming off as real Laurel. That's a lot of hoops. Why not just kill you?

    Oliver Queen : He told he doesn't want to. He's proving to me that I will destroy myself and everyone close to me.

    Felicity Smoak : Well, he is gonna be disappointed because we are going to put Black Siren back in her cage.

    Rory Regan : Black Siren?

    Felicity Smoak : Every meta gets a nickname.

  • Felicity Smoak : [at the destroyed Black Canary statue]  This doesn't feel right. They're just taking it away like this. They should build a new one.

    Oliver Queen : I think we can do better.

    Felicity Smoak : Yeah? What are you thinking?

    Oliver Queen : I haven't kept my promise to Laurel.

    Felicity Smoak : You're gonna train a new Black Canary?

    Oliver Queen : I think that somewhere out there, there is a woman worthy of Laurel's legacy. And now all we have to do is find her.

  • Felicity Smoak : I thought Sara and the Legends were against changing history.

    Laurel Lance : Sara said that they figured out a way to bring me back without causing a , uh...

    Oliver Queen : An aberration?

    Laurel Lance : Yes, that.

    Laurel Lance : [Felicity is staring at Laurel]  Are you okay?

    Felicity Smoak : Fine. Yeah, I just wish the Legends could bring back everybody we wanted.

    Laurel Lance : What happened? What did I miss?

    Felicity Smoak : We'll talk about it later. The important thing is that you're back from the past, which they brought you back from months later, and they just dropped you here... It's so weird.

    Felicity Smoak : [Laurel and Oliver share a nervous glance]  Time travel, am I right? Wow. Do you guys want a coffee? I'm gonna get a De-Caf--De-Caf probably, 'cause... Yeah.

    Laurel Lance : [Felicity goes to get coffee]  It's nice to see some things haven't changed.

  • Felicity Smoak : Any sign of Black Siren?

    Green Arrow : Not yet, but everyone's gonna stand down and do not engage...

    Wild Dog : Yeah, we get it.

    Felicity Smoak : Yeah, well I say take her down.

    Green Arrow : [Sternly]  Overwatch...

    Felicity Smoak : You heard the boss... This is an eyes-only operation for you.

    Green Arrow : I have eyes on.

    Felicity Smoak : Boys, I just put you on a separate channel.

    Mr. Terrific : Uh, why?

    Felicity Smoak : So if Black Siren look like she's about to double-cross, and trust me, she will, you have it on my authority to light her up.

    Black Siren : Thank you for meeting me. You don't believe me. Prometheus threatened to kill me.

    Green Arrow : You're a very convincing liar.

    Black Siren : I deserve that.

    Green Arrow : According to S.T.A.R. Labs, you'd help Prometheus even if he wasn't threatening anyone.

    Black Siren : That's what they think--what do *you* think? I can help you track him.

    Felicity Smoak : [Black Siren reaches for her phone. Felicity speaks on new recruit-only comm line]  Take her out.

  • Black Siren : Finally, it's about time someone figured it out. You know, I am so sick and tired of playing this weak, vulnerable Laurel. She's such a pill; it's pathetic.

    Black Siren : [Screams her siren at Rene, knocking him unconscious]  You know the one problem with my ability is that I can never hear my poor little victims scream.

    Oliver Queen : Laurel!

    Oliver Queen : [Laurel shrieks. When she stops, Oliver runs to Felicity, grabbing her arm to help her up]  Hey, are you hurt?

    Felicity Smoak : [Panting]  I'm gonna be okay, but...

    Oliver Queen : ...That's not our Laurel.

  • Felicity Smoak : [to Black Siren]  Hey Pumpkin...

    [Black Siren turns to face her. Felicity decks Black Siren] 

    Felicity Smoak : [Felicity turns to Oliver/Green Arrow]  Hey... Kept my wrist straight.

  • Oliver Queen : You... You could have been hurt.

    Felicity Smoak : Whatever happened to "if we change her circumstances"?

    Oliver Queen : You risked your life to get a line on Prometheus because of Billy.

    Felicity Smoak : Well, now that you're killing again, I thought why not put it to use?

    Oliver Queen : You know, we're gonna get justice for Billy.

    Felicity Smoak : But first, we need to take care of your ex... Who's not even your ex.

    [Felicity walks a few steps away. Oliver plays the surveillance video of their conversation] 

    Felicity Smoak : [SURVEILLANCE VIDEO PLAYS]  There's a part of him that blames himself for Laurel's death. It's who he is, so when he looks at you, he sees more than just Laurel... He sees his shot at redemption.

    Oliver Queen : [Oliver pauses video]  It's like I said, you know me better than almost anyone.

    Oliver Queen : [Oliver turns to face Felicity]  I failed Laurel before. I can't fail her again.

    Felicity Smoak : [Voice breaking]  I don't have to remind you that this isn't *her*.

    Oliver Queen : [Quietly]  I know... Our Laurel's gone. She's the last chance that I have. Okay? Billy is my responsibility, and we will get justice for him.

    Felicity Smoak : I'll let you know when the trackers metabolize and go live.

  • Laurel Lance : Hi Ollie.

    Oliver Queen : I saw you die.

    Laurel Lance : I was saved. I saw this white light and... It's... It's just like they say. This angel, she reached you to me, but she wasn't an angel... She was my sister.

    Oliver Queen : What?

    Laurel Lance : Sara, she had me teleported to the Waverider. They have this technology that fixed the embolism.

    Oliver Queen : I was there... Everyone was there. Nobody saw a white light, and you didn't go anywhere.

    Laurel Lance : That's because she hadn't done it yet. Ollie... Ollie, I asked her to being me to your present. She gave me the same gift that I gave her--she gave me a second chance.

    Oliver Queen : It's a miracle.

    [They hug] 

    Felicity Smoak : [Felicity enters the lair from the elevator. Oliver pulls back and she sees Laurel. She approaches them]  Laurel?

    Laurel Lance : Hi Felicity.

    Felicity Smoak : Laurel? Oh my God!

    Felicity Smoak : [Hugging]  Oh my God--It's a miracle!

    Laurel Lance : Oliver said the exact same thing.

  • Felicity Smoak : [Putting her right hand in a bowl of ice]  God! This is why I usually leave the punching to you guys.

    Oliver Queen : It was a memorable punch.

    Felicity Smoak : Mmm. Yeah, well typing is going to be a bit of a challenge in the next couple of days. Serves me right, because I let Black Siren go... One of those guards could have gotten killed.

    Oliver Queen : We almost got Prometheus. Your plan worked--he was there.

    Felicity Smoak : Well if it worked, we'd be putting cuffs on him right now.

    Oliver Queen : We'll get there... We'll get him.

    Felicity Smoak : [Both look to Laurel's Black Canary suit in her case]  I'm sorry she wasn't her.

    Oliver Queen : I know. I'm sorry about Billy. He was a good man.

    Felicity Smoak : Like you. So I'm guessing that Laurel is on her way back to Central City then?

    Oliver Queen : Secure lockup at A.R.G.U.S. I'm keeping her close because if there is anything left of the real Laurel in there, I'm gonna find it.

    Felicity Smoak : You know what? I could really get used to this newfound optimism of yours.

See also

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