"The 100" Heavy Lies the Crown (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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It seems like it's starting to get better.
ilklucg23411 February 2017
So, before I talk about the episode, let me just say that after the first half of season three I had a hard time with this show. I already talked about that in my review for episode one. But it definitely improved a little with season four again. I hope they will find their way back to the season two glory.

So, this episode opens up with a new character that was controlled by ALIE. I hope that we will see more of this character in the future and not just this episode because I think there could be a pretty interesting, yet kind of already seen before story line. But I could come to terms with it, when it's done well.

Overall though I have to say that the beginning with this new character felt kind of cheesy.

Also, something I thought for a long time now but never mentioned anywhere, is that the camera feels a little unprofessional to say it that way. I know that not many people care about this or that some people might disagree, but when the camera kind of zooms in on a characters face, but not really since the whole camera is moved, I am always reminded of Scary Movie. It just feels not as great as it could be. But that's probably just me.

We got a callback to Clarkes Dad, which was very interesting. I hope this will lead us somewhere later in this season.

Jasper is still annoying as hell, but he was ever since season two. So this is not a surprise. I hoped at the end of season three that it would get better, but it seems like it won't. Oh well.

My favorite character of this episode is definitely Monty. I really enjoyed his decisions and I was genuinely moved by what he did.

Raven seems to be very bitter about everything, she has a right to be, but it just seems like that there is no real development there. Some bad things always happen to her, she gets bitter, more bad things happen to her.

The story line of Octavia being crazy bad-ass is continued, which I really enjoy. But I think they try a little too hard to make us feel weird about her.

Overall, connected to Octavia, I really enjoyed the Polis story line. I am looking forward to what the future holds there.

Overall, I am pretty pleased with this episode. Definitely looking forward to the next one and definitely hoping for a great season four.
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Bellamy's conundrums
tenshi_ippikiookami15 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
That was fast. Episode two of the season and the show already has poor Bellamy having to take life-and-death decisions. Poor Bellamy should just give up and become a monk but it does for another poignant and difficult moment for the character. And Bob Morley again does a great job in making the character multifaceted.

Otherwise we have the continuation of the aftermath of the City of Light story-line, with some people not very happy with Roan's decisions and wanting to teach him a couple of things about leadership.

The episode is a very solid one, with great rhythm, exceptional distribution of the screen time and really good atmosphere. The new story-lines are there and now we can center on the survival of the human race. And "The 100" again has lots of fun making its characters have to take impossible decisions. Gripping and interesting, it will keep the viewer's interest and leave them wanting for more.
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As the leader who knows everything.
ououzaza24 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What's the point of lying, Clarke? Haven't she learned the lesson from Jaha? And I doubt that this lying speech is gonna create more problem than telling the truth.
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They 'd better Choose character who want to die wisely
pariisaap22 August 2021
I don't know why beautiful and lovely lexa should die and murphy and jasper should stay alive. I loved jasper in season 1 and 2 but in season 3 and 4 he became really annoying . I wish he die or change himself . And murphy is really lovely in one episode and he back to that disgusting character again.
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Should have ended with Season 3.
mdb-0653027 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just started season 4, but honestly I don't have much hope. The "kids" are running things and are being the adults, the tough decisions their parents had to make, they are beginning to understand more of that now.

Clarke is already repeating to others what Thelonious told her in this episode about what to wish for when making tough decisions.

I'm sorry, maybe because I am older, but I am just not buying that these "kids" will figure out a way to stop a nuclear meltdown. I bought into the whole AI thing, etc., don't know if I can go much further.

I'm also getting tired of everyone wrestling with their conscience about their decisions. The list for Clarke and Bellamy alone can fill a book or two. Things are tough, move on.

At least the show found a way to tell us how many people were left. Down to 500 now plus the few they rescued in this episode. So that means they have lost of 1500 I think? Things just don't seem to go their way.
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Technically sky crew made ally 97 years ago because of becca
Neptune16528 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Clarke likely knew Riley on the Ark before she was sent down with 'the 100.' That's what I always deduced. Clarke had friends in space along with Wells, but we the audience are only now being introduced to one of them. When the blew up the machine I was pissed, it was the DUMBEST thing ever. The saying "Sacrifice the few to save the many" if it meant 25 people dying or whatever in order of OVER 200 people LIVING, then Riley and his comrades needed to go, only if there wasn't another way. The fandom hates him so much for Ali, but we have to remember that he was chipped too, and the only reason he looked for the city of light was to help his people. Echo continues to be the worst character in this show. At this point in the show, I was 100% done with the grounders. The slaverly by Azgeda, the uncooperative nature of the rest of them. Jaha saying "we do what we can, with the information that we have, It just explains a lot of characters motivations. I also agreed with Monty on what to do with the machine. I understand why Bellamy made that decision though.
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"What's the bomb?"
Neptune16528 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A short time earlier, Raven was pointing out that the cannister is full of Hydrazine, which is combined with oxygen to make water. This is the same liquid, I believe, used to make the bomb to blow up the bridge, remember? The stuff that is volatile and highly explosive, hence why Raven was telling them to take it slow/easy. Roan is the best leader to lead at this point. If you question Clarke's decision to lie just remember the hanging of Murphy and the episode spacewalker where a crowd of people tried to throw Finn out. The general public can't handle the truth. At the beginning, Alie most likely actually wanted to Save the mom in her own distorted way. Remember what they said back at the end of last season. Alie was programmed to save humanity, and she created the city of light to (save) humankind from the nuclear plant meltdown by downloading their consciousness into her virtual world. Farm station, that same one they've abandoned together with over 200people(140 died, the rest became Pikekru) in s2 so they could go to war instead, and now they need that machine from it, and additionally 35more of their people is there. That's what happens when you choose a new war instead of searching your survivors in peace.
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I give it those stars because of the actors doing the job as they were instructed. Still marathoning through, now into season 4. I HAD hope, but.....
nealvan55721 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so now we've gotten past the A.I. And the people have their minds, their freewill, and their pain back...PLUS it seems that even though these people were controlled by a computer program (can you say Matrix?)

The BEST thing so far is Jasper about to kill himself by gun, then he's interrupted and then finds out the world will be too irradiated from the failing nuclear plants to allow ANY life to survive more than six months. Jasper bursts out laughing, takes his gun and puts it on the table, and goes off to watch the sunrise. Next we see him singing literally in an outdoor shower the lyrics to the song (you millennial likely will not know, but us older folks who lived the reason for it will.) 'I Don't Like Mondays'. Then he shows up later with that same song blasting from the speakers of their jeep. Of course, Clarke has to criticize him for playing this and acting as if the world was going to end in six months. Yet, Jasper hasn't told anyone , although he feels it would be the right thing to do. Hmmmm. Such dilemmas. Haven't we had this same argument about hiding the truth from the public instead of causing anarchy. Now THIS logic is based in REAL LIFE IN THE REAL WORLD. I doubt this show had such an agenda to wake up people to seek the truth. Or the reality of what happens when an unstoppable calamity is going to happen that causes life to end. I can only wonder how much about the volcano and earthquakes happening in Hawaii, as well as all over the world we are NOT being told the truth about? It's simple to figure it out for yourselves. Just google search volcanoes since 2012 and earthquakes in the same time period. Perhaps the Mayans were predicting something other than the end of the world in 2012. Perhaps their great cycle on their calendar was simply recording what HAD already happened, plus that as most have heard in many contexts many times. History repeats itself. What if this shifting of the major tectonic plates is just one of those repeating things that happen to the planet every few thousand years, etc.? But I digress from the show commentary....

And so far only 5-6 people know the truth about the world. One of these is the amazingly NOT dead King Roan (they pronounce it as it should be spelled Rowan, but this is 100 where spelling means nothing just like on Facebook) of the Ice Clan. Clarke tells him to UNITE and help SAVE THE WORLD FROM THE NUCLEAR MELTDOWN ALREADY IN PROGRESS. Certainly showed what's going on in Egypt near the great pyramids where a girl who just lost her brother got disintegrated by climbing to the top of a sand dune to see the nuclear fire wind come at her and disintegrates her before she even finishes screaming in agony.

Wow! Now THIS is what I call a real big problem...even for the Grounders and the Sky people. At this point, I think the Mountain People got away pretty easy, although many of them did not deserve to die. But THAT is the tragic emotional factor...right? Especially for poor ole Jasper who finally found someone who liked him, took his cherry, and made him happy. And NOT ONE hazmat suit couldn't be found in time to keep her alive until they brought her back to the chamber the Skykru had made to keep the scumbag guard from the Mountain alive in?? Seriously?!?!

Now onto the realities of biology. And I have NO disrespect for the 'suspension of disbelief'....BUT when it flies in the face of reasonable and logical and human biology. I MUST draw the line and call BS against the writers who couldn't write something more accurate. Here are a few...

Kane was trapped underground with Abby. When she lifted the steel beam off his leg, she saw and said..."The beam has severed your artery and the pressure is keeping you alive. However, ANYONE who knows the most basic medical things about human anatomy would KNOW that having NO blood flow to any limb would cause gangrene! This means that in the hours from the time his leg artery was severed, he would have begun to lose his toes, thennhis foot, and up to the point of separation. NOPE not on this show! He was fine without more than a limp.

Jasper was speared through the heart, yet he was somehow saved with a poultice by the grounder (I think it might have been Lincoln but no discussion either way or how they kept him alive long enough to get him down and not bleed out and repair heart tissue damage with a poultice.) But yet this is what the writers presented us and Jasper is now just waiting for the world to end so he can die and stop is pain from losing his girlfriend. Seriously?!

King Roan was shot in the chest and left on the field for hours, yet didn't die. Okay, sure, why not? However, they bring him up 50 stories without an elevator (they mentioned it not working end of season three) he's laid out on the table. Abby and Clarke with some help. Figure out the bullet is still inside his test. She starts digging for the bullet in what should have been his left lung. Pulls it out while he amazingly doesn't bleed out. Then without even re-inflating his collapsed lung. They stuff cloth in the hole which isn't sterile of course. NONE of their bandages are ever sterile since the Ark or in the Mountain medical facility which could have cured nearly everything, but was blown up. Then before Clarke is executed by Echo. Roan gets off the table and starts giving commands. BLEEPING AMAZING HEALING POWERS THESE MAIN CHARACTERS HAVE!! I'm surprised Lincoln didn't recover from being shot in the head. I really liked his character.

I'll stop here as I'm only on episode four. Jaha is still alive and now he tells everyone he was an engineer before he became chancellor of the Ark in space. Now he and Clarke are following a doomsday cult broadcast Jaha had but told nonone of until now. And it seems at this juncture, he wants everyone to go Life in a nuclear fallout bunker underground, basically EXACTLY as the Mountain People did to survive the original nuclear bombs. Talk about coming full circle!

If this shows gets renewed, I'll be surprised. If it does...I think they should built a new spaceship and go back to living in space in earths orbit for another hundred years or so. Heck, since The Expanse has been cancelled after this season. Maybe these people can make a bridge into the Expanse Universe and go live on Mars or be 'Belters'. Someone had said this show was too much like Game of Thrones. Whoever that person is. I wonder if they have ever watched Game of Thrones since NO comparison can logically be made no matter how you twist it. This show HAS taken from others, like Mad Max, Lord of the Flies, Terminator (season 3 A.I. Crap) Divergent, Maze Runner, and The 4400, and just about any post-apocalyptic movie or show ever done previously.

Last thing... am I the only one who wonders how generations of radiation exposed humans can make babies that aren't at minimum mutants and not the superhero kind? Even while being exposed to radiation on the Ark in orbit, these people obviously managed to procreate in order to have humans alive 98 years after leaving the planet. This is impossible on every level. So the shows premise once discovered that those firs 100 from the Ark were able to live on earth was because they had become tolerant of moderate radiation from being in space where radiation is totally unfiltered. Those first people should have died just like those in the Mountain died when exposed to moderate radiation, but....this is The 100!
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ONE of the WORST Episodes ever
ghostintheIMDB15 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
***may contain spoilers***

***warning - reviewed by a analytical mind. if logic means nothing to you this review might not be helpful. (yes, sometimes it is OK to suspend logic such as core elements like superheroes or space/time travel but the basics?)***

usually I try to type out lengthy reviews but I'll try to keep this one shorter as it's just an episode.

watched this show since the beginning but just recently felt the need to express my views so I can't recall specifically if there was worse episodes and what the other two reviewers were thinking, I have no clue.

the fact that a king acts like a little kid knowing he can't fight at 100% but insists on fighting = dumb the fact that the grounders show such intelligence and military tactics when hello? there was no reason to be on guard with such a force unless they spotted the group coming for the water system with a scout who had a horse that could outrun a vehicle and give them time to setup in that exact spot yet they can't seem to understand sky crew (or however they spell it) had NOTHING to do with the city of lights...geeez. enough already. and I thought the Allie episodes got tiresome. maybe it's just how long each story line takes to resolve itself.

then the fact that Clarke is acting exactly like the people on the arc in space did? DUMB. yes, I realize this is a story device/element they are using but still.

back to the water hydro device and 2/3s through the episode, the small group is willing to just say to heck with it, blow up the one device 400+ other people of their group need to survive? really? and you're letting an emotional moron make the decision that they have to save ONE person versus insuring the survival of 400+ other members of your tribe? what the what? ridiculous. do people in the future forget who Spock is? just STUPID. the dumbness of this reasoning drops this episode to a 1, really a 0 if it could be rated a 0. I can only guess the writers are morons or think the viewers are morons to find it believable that any of this group could survive with reasoning like this.
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