Dangerous to Know (2020) Poster

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A very poor attempt :(
garbagebindumptrash24 October 2020
Let me say, in no ambiguous terms, that this is a very very bad movie.

There are exactly two positive things about it: the lead actress's face, and the drone shots of the mountains.

Literally everything else about this overhyped heap of garbage is not just a waste of time, but depressingly agitating.

The sound is the worst aspect -- absolutely unbearable distracting incongruous banging and howling. Not to mention even with EVERYTHING in ADR, 30% of the speech is indiscernible. That's followed by the overwrote juvenile dialog (30 minute monologues!), the insanely slow moving plot, the lack of camera stabilization, and the self indulgent 180 minute runtime.

I hope the producers, directors, and promoters have learned something with this project because that's the only value this ill-conceived puke may have.

I'm sorry for anyone who has the misfortune of witnessing such contemptible incompetence.
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"But something in the night is dangerous, And nothing's holding back the two of us,"
morrison-dylan-fan23 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the hypnotic Stranger (2019-also reviewed) I looked at the three offerings starting between 9-9:30pm that were closing the second day of FrightFest.

Looking for details on the three choices, my original plan to view The Banishing (2020), changed when I found out that Shudder is to stream the movie soon. Curious after finding out about the 3 hour runtime,and finding little info online about it,I decided to discover how dangerous things can get.

View on the film:

Spending the first hour of the film becoming increasingly pressured over self-doubt about her sanity,Bridget Graham gives a gripping performance as Bridget, via Graham bringing a delicate touch to displaying the past wounds of Bridget and the trouble to remain at peace with herself during the healing process.

Opening the film with a introduction to camera about all the secrets he has had to keep of what is about to be unleashed, lead actor/composer/editor/writer/director David Simpson makes clear rather quickly what he is unleashing in this adaptation of his own novel: A lumbering 3-hour long ego trip.

Attempting to play a Industrial score similar to Oscar winner Trent Reznor, Simpson spreads his whining, lacking any melodic score over the entire sound mix, leaving no room for tension to build over any use of silence,or giving the dialogue a chance to get attention, instead grinding all the words spoken right to the back of the sound mix.

Offering a tantalising hint in the opening hour that the movie may go in a Giallo direction with the appearance of a trench coat wearing, hidden face psycho in the secluded woodlands, director Simpson throws any Thriller atmosphere away with agitating over-saturated colours dripping off sterile panning shots drained of any tension.

Having done a Ted Talk in 2016 about "Our Post-Human Future" the screenplay by Simpson treats the audience to a earful of his philosophy,by stopping the slightly intriguing opening hour with a grinding halt of a long monologue by Simpson to camera of the meaning of evil and humanity.

Stumbling every throw of the dice to act menacing with a terrible performance, Simpson's attempts at rubbing "deep" philosophy over the Thriller knife-edge fight between Bridget and the psycho, crushes any tension from the painfully stretched run time/ mumbling battle of wits,with the only thing dangerous to know,being of how dire this film is.
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There is nothing redeeming about this
veganluke25 October 2020
Right from the start the sound design is horrible, a loud score stops you from hearing the characters, there's some horrendous dubbing that took me right out of the film, there's a scene where two guys are driving around and there's no sound of the car driving just the dubbed talking of these two guys.

I felt like I was watching this years The Room when watching this. Everyone feels like they are looking at their script when talking, there's too much cringy acting and to add all that into the runtime makes it painful to watch.

Someone needed to tell Simpson to cut 2 hours off this film because nobody wants to sit through how long this is.
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What an incredible experience.
garmando-0272423 October 2020
Greg Day tweeted that this film was "a challenging 183 mins long but I was hooked by this experimental, existentalist murder thriller"

But wow this movies had amazing soundscape and the story alone reminded me of how well drawn out the characters were and what were their motivations.

It definitely isn't for everyone. But if you like a movie with lots of substance and great visuals. This is the movie to watch.
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ravenruby-4640625 October 2020
First off, I can see what this movie was trying to do... but 180 minutes for a horror/thriller is wayyyyy too long! That being said, with some re-editing and some sound mixing this does have the potential to do well (and be under the 2hr mark)

The score is beautiful however, the sound can be overbearing making it hard to understand the dialogue. Less is more when it comes to sound for thrillers, the score is so constant that it feels like it is trying to force the audience how to feel rather than letting it breathe and allowing the audience to wait in suspense. Also, the ADR is a little sketchy at the beginning, but again, that could be fixed with sound mixing and editing.

It is a little dialogue heavy, but the actors are solid. The lead actress (Bridget Graham) is pretty and interesting to watch, but I was actually really impressed with the bad guy (Andrew Robert Wilson). I feel like the "psychos" rarely get credit in these movies, but for the amount of dialogue he had to deliver over the number of long monologues he had to say, he did keep my interest and was very impressive, I look forward to seeing him in more things.

Hats off to David Simpson (director, actor, composer, editor) for the many hats he wore in putting this together, it's clear that it was a passion project. I give this an 7 out of 10 because I can see what he was trying to pull off, however, I do think there is a solid and tight 100-120min intense thriller here just dying to come out.
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davemather-0834225 January 2022
As a follower of Davids books for a number of years , this was an exciting development in David career , and in my opinion did not disappoint . Full of twists and turns , great characters , independent film making at its best . With the right backing and exposure Davids works are destined for greatness I cannot wait for the journey. Dave Mather.(U. K.)
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Awesome Psychological Thriller from First-Time Filmmaker
PBAH197727 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Fantanstic addition to the plot-twists-that-screw-with-your-mind genre!

Being the first new release movie I have watched since February, and having to spend money to watch it in my home, I went into this film with some high expectations. I wanted to feel like my money and time was well spent. Glad to say that it was!

I had heard comparisons to Fincher and Gone Girl for Dangerous To Know. If I squinted, I could see some of the similarities, I suppose. But, this isn't a bad thing. A director, especially a novice one, needs to create his own voice, feel, atmosphere, and psychology. In my mind, Simpson has taken a giant step in creating his own 'signature' with his first film.

I saw previews of the movie, but didn't really know where it was going. I had actually assumed it was a slasher. The hilarious dialogue between the two male characters at the beginning of film where they ruminated on ex-girlfriends actually made me disappointed that we didn't see Jun again in the film. He deserved more screen time! It also made me think that I was entering into a black comedy, but it quickly swerved into something else. I think this is something that I really liked about the movie; it seemed to consistenly swerve from comedy to drama to horror to slasher to psychological thriller to action to philosophical missive on good and evil. It takes you for a ride. I have said too much. This is a ride best experienced with fresh eyes.

The biggest gripe I have heard has been regarding the sound and score. Throughout the film, the score is almost constant. I actually liked this. It was different and often set the mood without you even realizing. I also felt that the constant presence of the score was analogous to the mental illness suffered by one of the main characters. Always there, always on, always quietly buzzing in the background, always impacting her life. The dialogue was a little quiet at time, but I assumed that was a deliberate choice by Simpson to really draw you into the character and pay attention to what they were saying. Even if you lost a few words, the meaning was always clear.

The movie is long; you get your money's worth. Be ready for that. But, if it is a good story, I will happily give them all the time they need to tell it. Whether it is Anderson's 'Magnolia' or Jackson's 'The Two Towers' (I actually read somewhere that this is Simpson's favourite film), a good film is worth the 3 hours. And Dangerous To Know is worth it.

The really crazy thing is that this is Simpson's first movie. Based on the credits, it was him and his wife, Jenny, who did allmost every major thing in this film. Not a lot of first-time filmmakers can compare. I look forward to see what he can do in the future.
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An incredible achievement
fLaMePr0oF24 October 2020
Full disclosure: As a backer of the kick-starter and fan of David Simpson's books I am undoubtedly biased, however, knowing what I do of the project and team behind it I'm certain that they will appreciate my honesty...

Firstly, after reading the critics reviews so far I know that initial responses have been something of a mixed bag and probably not the kind of overwhelming 'smash hit' impact any writer / director / actor / editor / producer would hope for, that being said, and all things considered, this movie is an absolute phenomenon and deserves so much credit; the fact that it exists is a potential game changer for the industry and for content creators who have a vision and something to share but have had little access up to now..

My initial overall impression mirrored what I have subsequently read from several other sources; it was dominated by the sound-track which although fantastic in its composition, is unfortunately overbearing in its application and something of a distraction in scenes where the dialogue really needed to be brought to the fore.

However, knowing something about how the movie was made this is not entirely surprising; whereas scenes with beautiful block-buster quality cinematics have been achieved here on a relative shoe-string budged, compromises were inevitable; professional sound capture would perhaps have been perhaps a bridge too far for such a small team on such a small budget and post recorded sound was a necessary compromise (not uncommon for any movie but in this case I believe most if not all of the dialogue was captured in this way - no small feat!)

Another technical limitation is revealed in low-light scenes where the gorgeous cinematics we already know this director is capable of capturing are lacking, let's be fair and honest; this is down to technical and budgetary constraints alone, and while David and Jenny have done the best possible job of making the most of the low-light camera equipment available as well as post-processing, the darker scenes inevitably have a different quality to the well-lit scenes resulting in a slight disconnect between the two which somewhat disrupts the flow of the production as a whole

So far everything I've said about the sound and cinematics relates to areas which to my mind are actually a massive credit to this director and his small team; yes, the limitations of technology and budget are apparent, but when one considers that this entire movie was made on a budget of tens of thousands rather than millions what has been achieved here is staggering, and given just a (relatively) small bump up in budget (i.e. 6 figures rather than 5) I have no doubt that none of these issues would be factorings, higher end low-light cameras would have allowed David's obvious talent and vision for cinematics to have flowed seamlessly from start to finish, and had he been able to capture sound and dialogue to a higher level I feel he would have been confident to lower the soundtrack in certain moments..

Another criticism which has been raised is that the length of the movie isn't justified and that some of the dialogue is over long; while I will concede that some editing may improve the feature overall, I also feel that the sound and visual continuity which a bump in budged would bring could largely negate this criticism - where some seem to have seen pretension, I see the cinematic talent of a Kubrick partially obscured by nothing but technical constraints and limitations...

When one considers the catalogue of work of a director such as Peter Jackson prior to his being given the LOTR project, all I can say is *watch this space* because with this one incredible undertaking David Simpson has proven his credentials as a writer, director, (and even as an actor), and I predict that this will be the start of a significant career in movie making
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Twists and turns
tonystead-0097123 October 2020
It's quite difficult to write an in depth review of this without major spoilers. But it's a great movie, which keeps you guessing and feeling tense throughout. It is long, but it is necessary. There's a lot of twists and turns.

Now I've seen how it all plays out, I want to watch it again to see the first part in a new light.
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A brilliant debut
rosaisabel3727 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Dangerous to Know is a full meal. It leaves you satisfied at the end! I love how we can get to understand each characters motivations and who is really behind the whole thing.

The cinematography was beautiful, I love the scenery and the drone shots it reminds me of how Christopher Nolan does his drone shots. And the music was splendid!

You can tell that everyone that worked on this film put a lot of care into it and I can't wait to see more content from all of them!
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Dangerous to Miss
geoffsimpson-3366231 January 2022
I've been a fan of David Simpsons books for a few years now. I was intrigued when I heard of his film project and surprised when I learned it was far from his usual genre of science fiction. A horror film project? How could a science fiction author make a credible horror movie? I can tell you that after finally getting a chance to see a screening of this film I was absolutely blown away by what he pulled off.

Consider the undertaking of making an independent film from conception, writing, directing, scoring and producing and that it is his first attempt in a completely new medium outside his comfort zone, and you will be pleasantly surprised too. The visuals of this film are beautiful and the quality of the overhead views is not to be underestimated, The beautiful settings serve to juxtapose the sinister underlying nature of the various characters. Nearly every character is flawed and this serves to keep you guessing on what is unfolding before you. This is no Hollywood horror story by the way, it's a full-on psychological thriller. The main characters battles with mental illness play no small part in this film and this is something that should be given further credence and examination in more films today. I was very pleased overall with the film and only wish that I could have seen it on a better system (theatre please) as I found the score overpowered some dialogue in a couple of the more intimate dialogue scenes with the rudimentary sound set up I had.

Other than that I found this film to be a thrilling visual and psychological trip. This film was made on a shoe string budget by an independent author and should be held up as an example to other artists out there looking for their opportunity to show their skills without depending on that (non-existent) Hollywood "security" . You can do it to!! Get after it!

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First time director makes a big splash!
donnahowesnz25 January 2022
I was a backer for this movie to be made as I believe David Simpson's other work needs to be seen. This movie is basically a proof of concept for his abilities, and they are many. If you want to make a cake from scratch you first have to invent the universe. David has done this in a genre away from his natural environment, sci-fi.

David at heart is a sci-fi writer and if you haven't read his Post Human series, you need to. They are brilliant and need to be made into a movie series. He made this movie to prove he can make movies so he may be able to turn Post Human into a movie series.

X-Men, Guardians, Avengers et-al have proved there is an audience for sci-fi. David's sci-fi is different though, read it and find out (available on Amazon)

Very few people could do what David has done here. I managed to see this movie as part of FrightFest 2020. Getting this movie made with so few people on such a small budget is an achievement and testament to his creative genius.

I found the movie enjoyable and tense. The twists and turns had me guessing at what came next. I found myself wrong at almost every turn which mildly infuriated me, but delighted me at the same time. I thought I knew David's writing style from his other work, but this was so creatively different, I was really pleased.

I watch a lot of movies and know that the IMDB rating can be taken with a grain of salt. Most movies get a 1 or a 10 on here and I find the movies that get lots of 1's are the ones I love. I love being able to figure things out and not have them spoon-fed to me with masses of exposition.

If you get a chance to see this movie, do it. Then make your own judgement. But remember most directors only get better with each movie they make! (if they get the chance to!)
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