Project Ithaca (2019) Poster

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small sci-fi
SnoopyStyle13 August 2019
A group of people wake up in an alien room attached to an alien apparatus apparently in an alien spacecraft. Sera has spent her life being experimented on in an alien machine. John Brighton works for defence. Perry is a prisoner. Rhonda is a high school teacher. Alex is a French prostitute. Zack Chase is a rock star.

It's a small sci-fi. It tries to limit itself. It's a functional sci-fi premise. There is one nice sci-fi reveal. It works but the movie gives too much away earlier on. Once the reveal happens, the movie really needs to build on that momentum. There are actually two revelations and I like both of them. It needs to explain them and dig into them. Essentially, it puts the car into second gear and fails to go any higher. The actors are fine. The opening reveals too much which should have been left to later. The movie stumbles to take it to the next level.
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Not For The Average Sci Fi Lover - Too Cerebral, Made You Think Too Much
heykateforever12 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I read the many reviews in here which pulled down the rating on this movie to a 3.9 or thereabouts. I rated it a 7 because the story had HUGE potential, but somewhere along the way it went off the tracks. I loved the concept. Alien beings far ahead of humans in their technology, who use human fear and emotions to power their vessels. They have been taking humans for possibly a Millenia. They have the ability to manipulate the time/space continuum. During one culling of humans, so to speak, a pregnant woman gets caught in some sort of "spore" shower, which I assume after watching the whole movie was more of a nanite shower from the aliens. The government takes the baby to somehow use her to figure out these aliens and use her to defeat them.

That much is pretty clear in the movie. It was enough to make one fantastic movie, but either because of budget restraints, a bad producer or director or others who fought over the way the storyline should unfold, SOMETHING went wrong and what could have been brilliant, missed the mark by a small margin. It was far better than 90% of the sci fi movies and shows coming out today. So I admit, I was disappointed that it just didn't live up to the potential of this very cerebral sci fi story. Think Ray Bradbury and some of the original sci fi writers. This movie had the flavor of those great stories, but, as I keep saying, missed the mark in the end and overall. I should give this a 6 star rating, but I added a star for at least TRYING to make a better picture than most we see these days. I just really wish someone who had the original vision, could have not cut so much out of it and given it a FULL, satisfying movie it clearly, to me, had the potential to do.

Despite all that, I am glad I watched it. Disappointed, yes. But maybe the next one will hear us out here and give us something with more (as one reviewer said) backstory and a more satisfying overall story.
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Almost There! But Not Close Enough!
grahammwiles17 June 2019
Here is another film that has a blimming decent concept going for it, but got lazy and sat on its bum for 90 min.

The acting isn't bad at all and some decent script writing. Unfortunately there seems to be some major budget constraints as the sets were minimal and not enough exposure of what exactly was going on.

The story went back and forth a bit too many times but did manage to tie into itself at the end. There should have been way more explainations offerred and more scenes backing the explainations.

Overall, it wasn't that bad of a film but it also wasn't super either. Maybe one day with a bigger budget, a remake will make the story pop!

Good try chaps - but for me, you only get 5 out of 10 stars.
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Should be called - Attack of the shill reviewers
andrewrye-065358 June 2019
I really wish IMDB would screen reviewers. The other two either are friends of the actors or paid by the production company.

Bad acting, boring and snail pace movement with no direction. What else... bad writing, ridiculous special effects and just plain blahhhh.

It is mostly just a group of people (and yes, they know each other...mostly) with no acting skills talking with occasional flashback that made no sense. Difficult to follow and hard to watch. Also a bad version of the Matrix's Oracle (an obvious copy), and I'm still trying to work out the 'Generals' rank with staff sergeant stripes? pips changed from 3 to 1 during the movie, perhaps someone could enlighten me.

Don't waste your time, not even worthy of a B grade, a 2 because I was having a good day.
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85122216 October 2019
Greetings from Lithuania.

"Project Ithaca" (2019) had its moments and had a potential - i liked the concept (main idea), but unfortunately the execution wasn't any good. The plot left me confused, but its not its biggest fault - biggest fault (and there are many of them), is that this movie had any character development - i did not care about anyone or anything here. Also dialog were only like exposition - its like characters were trying to explain the plot to each other and audiences during the whole movie, which at running time 1 h 24 min. dragged.

Overall, this movie wasn't well made and had a very confusing plot. Add here a small budget and zero creativity to the material, and you have a bad movie. Its not a worst movie ever, but that does not give it additional points.
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aqzj088 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After the first 20 minutes of confusing flash backs/forwards we felt committed to watch it to the end.

My advice: Don't! Do something else instead.

Boring, badly scripted, badly directed, the list goes on.

Still don't understand what happened in the end. Is everyone in our time now or back to 1958? Are those more ships coming here or going to the other dimension? Why did such an advanced civilisation design a technology that requires a species from another planet to power it?

Please do not make a sequel.
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Yes, it's bad. Mostly budgetary sins. But it was a sincere effort.
S_Soma11 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Scraping off some of the windowdressing and kerfuffle dust, PROJECT ITHACA's underlying plot line is the old space-aliens-are-abducting-humans-for-some-nefarious-alien-purpose-of-their-own. Everything else is just implementation sugar.

Contributing to the impression that PROJECT ITHACA ain't such a great picture is a collection of thematic elements that were blatant storytelling sins when they were invented by some anonymous writer-slug and have been so overused that they're now classic hallmarks of bad workmanship.

As examples:

The reason people are being kidnapped is so their emotions can be harvested as an energy source (oh please... not this again...). Then there's the use/overuse of "virtual" settings. In Star Trek, this idiocy shows up as the "holodeck" garbage where a set doesn't have to be created and there's an excuse for many scenes to take place in mundane, inexpensive, already-extant settings (such as present-day homes or cities) or period environments (old American West, Middle Ages etc.) that would all otherwise be incongruous or wild non sequiturs. With few exceptions, this kind of slop is just an excuse to save money and be lazy. In PROJECT ITHACA many of the scenes where the aliens are squeezing our heroes for emotional energy take place in virtual situations taken from the characters minds and memories. Ugh.

Because depicting action scenes is ALSO expensive, the vast majority of the movie is just talking heads. One of the primary thrusts of the movie is the idea that the abducted people around which the movie revolves were taken abruptly out of their everyday lives by some sort of transport mechanism similar to the Star Trek transporter. One moment they're in their lives, the next moment there clamped to the alien equivalent of a vertical gurney and held in place by tentacles. Much time is spent in the movie observing these people figure out where they are and what's going on and the significant history/back story of what's happening to them. Sadly, though we see it only rarely, it does look like some effort was put into creating the biologic-looking environment in which our abductees are being held captive. I say sadly BECAUSE we see it only rarely; the camera-work faux pas of an endless chain of close-ups, where literally all we see are talking heads, happens continuously. Usually this is done to avoid the expense of making a set for the context of all this talking. In PROJECT ITHACA it's just an expression of amateurish directing and camerawork. They apparently made the set and then didn't let us see much of it.

On the positive side, while there are very few "science-fiction-y" scenes featuring outer space scenery and wormholes and spaceships and suchlike, the handful that we DO get, although shown repetitively, aren't bad at all. The alien spaceship does have that pseudo-biologic look to it that so inexplicably popular to the point of being tiresome, but it is what it is. I suspect it's because the 3D guys enjoy getting jiggy with their organic spline surface drawing tools and the fact that they can draw any random curvy hooey they want and who's to say it ain't right?

However, within its limitations, PROJECT ITHACA did make a legitimate attempt at telling a complete story, and, overall, the acting was at least passable. Unfortunately, because so much of the movie revolves around the main characters "figuring out" what's happening and having their discovery process illustrated by flashbacks including time travel across decades, judging by the comments around here, many viewers find the story "jumpy" and confusing. Personally, I forgive PROJECT ITHACA this element because these were intrinsic fallout of the story they chose to tell and the visual limitations of trying to represent these story points. Representing these ideas in a low-budget picture is inherently going to be problematic.

My strongest criticism of the movie is the negative ending. PROJECT ITHACA commits the hackneyed plot sin of letting us believe that we're seeing a happy ending only to pull a cheesy gut punch at the very ending, thereby obviating the self-sacrifice of the young girl character. And then it puts some moldy topping on it by having a mid-credits epilogue scene that adds nothing.

To wrap this up with some random observations, my favorite line from the movie comes from the rockstar character who, as the situation soaks in, observes, "Oh #$*!, Oh #$*!, Oh #$*!, Oh #$*!.Now that's great writing.

My favorite "repurposed" prop from the movie is in a scene where they had to depict 1969 vintage US "technology" featuring some supposedly laser-esque device that had high-tech capabilities in a retro-futuristic package. I recognized it immediately. It was an ancient dentist's drill-and-workstation that was already ancient in 1968 when, as a terrified child, I sat in its chair and a dentist used it on me. Scared as I was back then, I still admired its appearance. Seeing it in this context and how it was being used as some sort of lasing device with nanites was nothing less than hysterical.

Lastly, part of my forgiving attitude no doubt stems from the fact that all the actors had to spend who-knows-how-many-weeks schmeered with slimy black goo from head to foot. Because, you know, to be held prisoner by aliens IS to be covered in black, slimy goo, right? Especially for the shirtless rockstar guy it had to be incredibly uncomfortable for EVER.
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Idiotic plot, idiotic movie
carlos-pires9 June 2019
OK... so I guess the new definition of "Science Fiction" nowadays is "Let's throw out all logic and see what happens". It's either that or, given the fact that so many BS-laden blockbusters exist, I guess many wannabe movie directors think they can get away with anything, as long as they show a black old woman acting as an oracle. Anyway, this movie never gets to be really entertaining because the plot is all over the place. Recklessly spilling random sciency-sounding jargon only makes things worse, pulling those of us who have an IQ over 90 away from suspension of disbelief.
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I kind of liked it...
peter-200226 June 2019
First of all, I have nothing to do with the folks who made this film. No bias here, just my honest opinion. Well, maybe a little bias since I'm a sci-fi nut in general.

I thought the story held together decently. Not perfect but I've seen worse... Acting was decent, effects were decent... I'd watch it again.

Not sure why so many dislike it, I'm gonna go with "matter of taste".

Not a block buster but not horrible either. Perhaps watch it as a "warm up movie" on your movie evening, then you'll still have something better to watch IF you don't like this one.
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Wake me when it's over...
gossip-516 June 2019
Yawn. I tried. Really I did. I managed to tough it out till about midway but one too many scenes that drag on managed to conk me out. Had to restart in the middle and power through the remainder of the movie.

The first thing that clued me in to how bad this was going to be when I spotted General Boreland about 5 minutes in with three stars on his shoulder epaulets along with Staff Sergeant stripes on his sleeves!?! Apparently the army surplus store where they got their costumes didn't clue them in to rank structure (or maybe they did)

The majority of the movie was shot in a poorly lit interior where the actors were restrained by snakelike tentacles and mostly covered in dark goo -- curiously managing to miss the center of their faces (guess they didn't want to mess up their close up). Periodic screaming and flailing ensue when another snakelike tentacle descends from the ceiling and covers the head of one of the people with a translucent covering that has flashing pulsing lights. This turns into a sort of flashback / illusion with some narrative dialog regarding the person. And one by one we get pieces of the puzzle.

Honestly, this dragged on for entirely too long! Some skillful editing and this could have been a pretty good 30 minute story for some anthology series. The reviewer that claimed he was glued to his seat must have ACTUALLY been glued to keep him restrained. There are entirely too many other movies out there to waste one minute of your time on this turkey!
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Shockingly, I really liked it!!
arubaspicegirls20 February 2021
I'm not affiliated with anyone, trust me, this is a REAL review by an 80s lovin' chick who's a sci-fi freak/fan. Luv outerspace & underwater movies the most, usually the ones that aren't but should be "blockbusters" and after reading the reviews, I honestly cannot believe I gave this one a shot...but I did & I really liked it!! Definitely worth my time and this was the 4th movie I started watching on this free Showtime weekend that I A) actually finished & B) actually liked!

It's a totally original storyline concept for me from my own personal viewing experience. The acting was so much better than I anticipated after reading the reviews and the only thing that really annoyed me was all the f-bombs that were dropped. Seriously, there are other swear words people (meaning you, the writers!). When that happens, it just seems like the writers were just plain lazy or didnt realize how dumb it sounds after awhile....sorry, got off track there for a bugged me, 'nuff said.

Special effects weren't bad either! The ship & earth were very pretty *wink wink* and the tentacles & other ship/alien stuff inside/outside were your standard "Alien-ness" BUT were NOT so CGI that it looked transposed onto the film afterwards. So, I was impressed and trust me, that says alot about this movie in particular.

I don't think you'll regret giving this a shot. It was so much better than any of the "Originals" from Netflix & Hulu in the last 2yrs no matter the Genre. When you do watch it, there's a 20 second additional scene after the first set of credits which kinda confused me but that's okay!
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Only for true Sci/Fi fans
skyguy13698 February 2021
Most of the negative reviews, 5 and under, are not from those of us who understand for what it is. Not the best Sci/Fi movie but worthy of watching. People waiting for a movie with comic book heroes , space explosions, alien walking human like torsos, special effects etc. will dis this movie. This is a thinkers movie , the 'what if' plot , being the gist of the of this Sci/Fi drama.
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mdtyner10 August 2019
The very moment I saw the general in his uniform with three stars on the shoulders and sergeant stripes on the arm, I knew this movie was trouble. Maybe the plot came from a cheap comic or paperback. The action was so slow, if you can imagine the actors strapped into chairs, sitting in a circle for 3\4 the movie. And the dialogue seems it was hammered from technical jargon and contorted tech gibberish from every bad sf movie you've ever seen. Total waste of time and money.
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You cant just make good old mama's Sunday stew just because you've had it so many times
skynetssl29 June 2019
Rarely it is that i review movies and it is only if they are either really good or really really bad. I feel don't have to say much about which is the case for this one.

You cant just rip proper older movies like Matrix and Alien or even Oblivion, mix them in a utterly preposterous way and expecting it to work. That's why we don't do that because it doesn't! The characters are swallow and uninteresting. The plot is somewhat the same toped with long monologues of boring "scientific" nonsense. The visual effects are cheap and childish and the atmosphere created by all these elements is absurd to say the least.

All and all, you cant just make good old mama's Sunday stew just because you've had it so many times cooked by someone else. It doesn't work this way and Project Ithaca is a fine example of that.

2/10 and not 1/10 because at least they had the courtesy to keep it under 90'.
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rolandtshelton22 January 2021
I wonder who the advisor was for this movie. The very second I saw a lieutenant general with Sergeant strips on his uniform, I was done. Any movie that is this shabby in it's preparation it's not worth watching.
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stuff happens and the movie ends
rmarkd6 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What I like about science fiction movies is how it often drops you in the middle of some made up world and you have no clue what's going on. The good ones reveal and reveal and in the end, it's all relatively put together and tied up nicely. There may be a few loose ends, and it may unravel under further questioning, but at least there's a semblance of it all coming together in the end.

This movie doesn't do that.

It starts off with a girl in some sort of machine doing weird stuff. Then there are a bunch of people trapped in I guess some alien spacecraft. Turns out the people are from different times (I guess this is some sort of twist). I guess the aliens feed off fear or something. the girl has some special mojo and frees them. viewer is left saying "wait, what?".

It's one of those movies where I wish I'd read the reviews first and maybe save myself the hour and a half and, I dunno, taken a nap or a walk outside.
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So bad!
margot-4723 June 2019
Within 5 minutes I knew the movie wasn't good...I lost interest at 10 minutes and fell asleep at 15.
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Dumb as Dirt
elainemartin5 December 2019
I almost never write reviews here, but as I fell asleep after viewing this monstrosity I swore that when I woke up I'd save at least one person from having to view this. Watch the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes and you will not have missed a thing except for the self-loathing you will have avoided for wasted time.
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cant decide....
bobsythe-7229729 December 2019
....are the people who made this movie so stupid they can't do basic research or so egotistical that they think they already know everything? Dressing up a character in a uniform with staff sergeant stripes and calling him a general? I turned it off in disgust at that point. No one that stupid or egotistical could possibly write decent scifi.
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Not that bad
thedarkestshadow-327852 December 2019
I really wish IMDb would screen reviews and not allow the ones by people like andrewrye who don't know what an opinion is. This movie wasn't great and was kind of a head scratcher but was not that bad. The acting was decent and so were the creature effects.
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Fake Reviews
jlong-8959925 December 2019
What can be done about the fake reviews that proliferate , universally intended to prop up terrible movies? In this case, no sentient being, human or otherwise, could possibly see any merit in this movie. There is no acting, no story, no direction, no dialogue, no sets and no plausibility to this dreck. You're better off watching Police Academy 17.
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How could you hate this?
guy-011537 August 2019
Just finished watching and had no expectations going in. While i agree it could be hard to follow, that is one of the things i liked. It made you focus and pay attention instead of watering it down to make it simple to understand. I like movies that arent so easily guessed and it satisfied and made sense in the end. I truly enjoyed this movie and definitely hope for a sequel. I think those that didn't like it are the types who like the plot spoon fed to them on a silver platter so they don't have to think. Well acted with a lot of suspense.
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An odd sci-fi movie...
flickeringstate19 June 2019
Produced in Canada on a budget of $5,000,000 CAD, I thought this movie was quite good, a little slow perhaps with a story that seemed to meander along. It involves a handful of people trapped on an alien spacecraft, they have to work together in order to get home. The story actually revolves around one character though, to be honest... There's some horror, trauma and plenty of mind games perpetrated by the aliens, that feed off the emotions of the trapped humans. The acting was ok, not brilliant, not bad, I've seen worse. The plot was different, not the usual Hollywood seen it before type thing.

If you want to watch something different, give this a go, it is not a dead loss...

Dunno why some of the other reviewers gave this movie a hard time. I guess they were expecting a mega-blockbuster action sci-fi thing from Hollywood...
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Open the Door
nogodnomasters12 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens in 1959/1969. Sera (Deragh Campbell) is connected to an alien machine discovered at the Roswell crash. She is also in space with captives from different times and locations. They are in some kind of Matrix hell with an alien that appears to feed off of fear. At this point, it is mostly flashbacks and people talking about where they are and what to do. It is a yawner even with a guy getting his head ripped off.

Guide: F-word. Sex. no nudity.
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Close the door.
Pure_13 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another instance of a B-movie sci-fi with a low budget and interesting concept. Unfortunately, unlike other sleeper hits that break the mold and rise above, Project Ithaca does not expand on its ideas and leaves the viewer bored. Frequent flashbacks and exposition dumping yet you never really understand what is going on, or why, past the obvious. The acting was pretty good and the script set up the premise well in the beginning but everything else just weighed it down especially in the latter half. The ending comes out of nowhere and completely ruins any semblance of plot or conclusion and for some reason attempts to setup a cliffhanger for a sequel it will never get. Overall, not awful but not worth watching either when its ideas have been done better by countless other movies, both indie and blockbuster.
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