"The Man in the High Castle" Fire from the Gods (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Very good season, very bad ending
Alemobile17 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am very disappointed with the series finale; a very good climax is reached, everything seems good, and then random people start pouring from the portal like they are going on a holiday, all smiling. Okay? Did we need to see that? Did it have some sense in the first place?
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zouvenire24 November 2019
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I wonder when the final episode is coming. Should I wait for the episode 11???
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hollybeat16 November 2019
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So these folks are all content to walk into a world where they are going to face all kinds of possible horrors? They all look like a bunch of folks walking calmly into a movie theatre instead of a world where persecution is a daily way of life. Lack of explanation for this brings the whole show down...
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The ending makes no sense for John character
danscava27 November 2019
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The season was good, we saw how John's decisions affected him. We learned about his friend and how he suffered for that horrible decision in the past. On the alternative reality, John couldn't even look at his friend's face. Before killing Himmler, he told how he despised him. And then, on the last episode, John is agreeing on concentration camps? After gaining autonomy for America? That made no sense for what was shown about John. It only appears to be an attempt to transform him into a full villain before killing him.
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I'm going to be controversial
wolfchick22516 December 2021
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I'm not entirely sure where all the hate is coming from. I can understand being upset with some questions going unanswered, but some of the vitriol is a bit much. I actually really liked it. It wasn't nearly as terrible as some people are making it sound, but it could have been better. Yes, there were questions I wanted answered; What happened to our boy Ed? What universe did Julianna travel to, was it Trudy's? What happened to the Smiths in that universe? How and why was Julianna so integral to the portal and all the timelines? And of course, who were all those people? They had to be dead in this universe or never existed at all, so...I'd love to know more. How did they get there?

I'm astounded some people were rooting for John. I was rooting for Helen the whole finale. John was selfish and wanted to kidnap his own son from a (mostly) happy life and bring him to what would be a terrible, terrible world in his son's eyes. His own father a Nazi general with plans to execute MILLIONS more people? I thought he was an amazing character and I never could really tell which side he was on, and I thought that was really intriguing. But he needed to go, in the end. Helen really came through at the end. I was waffling over whether or not I liked her character for a while, but the final season sold me on her. She realized who she had become and accepted the consequences after assuring the safety of her remaining children. In my opinion, she kept her heart in the end. John lost himself.

I would love another season to finalize some more character stories and answer more questions, but I know we're probably not going to get one. Hell, even just one or two more episodes. Who knows? Maybe if we clamor for more, we'll get something; it didn't end all that long ago. Until then, I'll happily rewatch this series every once in a while. I loved all 4 seasons (I binged them all in less than 2 weeks), all of the acting and characters, and a thoroughly intriguing and entertaining alternate history fiction story.
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I expected to see the Nazis again decimated at the end.
jabandrade17 November 2019
Absolutely disappointing the last episode. I expected a lot more. It promised a lot in the first 50 minutes and in the last 5 minutes they have decided to bring the worst solutions imaginable! What the hell are a lot of people from 'everywhere' doing in an unfamiliar place, with no idea what they will find on the other side? And they seem to be coming to an amusement park, for God's sake! Sad. anti climatic conclusion, wasting the chance of a worthy conclusion for the fans. At least I admit it: I expected to see the Nazis again decimated at the end.
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These guys managed to do a GOT final season
vbajpei18 November 2019
I mean WTH was that in last 90 seconds? I think there should a be case study on this episode on "How to ruin a perfectly awesome series" So dissappointed 😐
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... And You Thought Game Of Thrones Finale Was Bad!
ecatalan987 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked "The Man In The High Castle" even if it avoided answering some basic questions. How did the axis powers win the war. Surely beating the Americans to the atomic bomb helped, but I'm sure it wasn't just that. Where's Mussolini and Italy? What happened to Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin? What happened to communism?

Among these basic questions is why did the Reich put an American in charge of his country? That's a very sweet deal for a conquered nation. We didn't see any Americans in charge of the Japanese Pacific States!

The series strongest character by far is John Smith (Rufus Sewell), an American ex military turned into Reichsmarschall by the end of the series. The seemingly reluctant leader of the American Reich had second thoughts about Nazism but always kept them to himself in order to protect his family.

As the show progresses, we learn about an alternate universe through mysterious film reels that depict a world where the allies win and Nazism is defeated. Who made these films? How did they get into the hands of Nazis and resistant fighters? How will these films help overthrow the American Reich?

John Smith's nemesis is a young girl named Juliana Crane (Alexa Dávalos), whose sister is murdered by the Japanese when they find out she's with the resistance. Juliana takes on her sister's cause with a vengeance. As the story moves, we see Juliana develop the ability to "jump" between her current reality into the alternate world without a single explanation ever given or hinted at (probably explained in the book, which I haven't read).

The series puts a lot of emphasis in the "alternate universe" (the REAL world as we the viewers know it), as if hinting at something really interesting by the time the show ends. Will the show's current reality mix with the alternate universe? Will people that were killed in the current reality be alive and well in the other universe? We see a glimpse of that when John Smith sees his dead son Thomas in the alternate universe in one of the series most moving episodes. I thought for a moment that experience would surely change John Smith but apparently not. Once Smith is back to his world he goes on as if nothing happened. Still, he plans in "stealing" his son from that alternate universe and bring him into his.

Unfortunately this never happens as the resistance lead by Juliana Crane plot to kill Smith in order to prevent more deaths. Now separated from the Reich, John Smith plans to reunite America by taking back the Japanese Pacific States and the neutral zone. If America made a pact with the German Reich to be independent, why still be into Nazism? Why carry out more "ethnic cleansing"? Maybe John Smith was an anti Semite and racist even before the downfall of the U.S. at the hands of Nazi Germany, but we find out in a flashback scene that one of his best friends was in fact a Jew, that he ended up betraying.

This brings us to the finale and the creation of the "portal". The nazis have manufactured a "tunnel" that will take them to the "alternate universe". By the way, the portal will remind older viewers of that famous 60s TV show, "The Time Tunnel". The Nazis goal (according to Himmler) is to "conquer" that other universe (as if conquering their current reality was an easy feat). The resistance intends to blow up the tunnel and avoid the Nazi plan but before they do so, the portal suddenly "turns on" by itself and countless of unknown people start pouring into from god knows where. Who are they? Do they come from that alternate universe or from somewhere else? The scene looks like a direct rip-off of "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" finale, where all the little aliens come out of the mothership and take Richard Dreyfus with them. Before the scene sinks into our minds, the show abruptly ends! The producers answer: "We left the ending ambiguous so the audience can make up their own conclusions". If that trend continues you can bet we'll hear stuff like, "we didn't make a next season so the audience can make it up in their minds".

While there was a certain "closure" to the story (John Smith kills himself, the Japanese abandon their American territories and the prospect of uniting America without bloodshed is heavily hinted at), the plot about the alternate universe is thrown by the wayside. It reminded me of Bran's journey to become the three eyed raven and prepare himself to face off night king and when he finally does so, nothing happens! Despite being unpopular, at least Game Of Thrones had more closure than "The Man In The High Castle.

We got a half baked finale that hinted at far greater things. While the series was overall enjoyable, it always felt like it was aiming at a far greater ending.
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I actually got it
mellymelincali18 November 2019
It's strange to read all of the horrible reviews here because I saw the ending so differently! It involves John's friend (sorry forget his name) who fought with him during WWII. He takes command at the end and stops the attack on the Western States. He was the same one who tried to talk John out of going to Berlin in the 9th episode and instead implored him to start a revived United States separate from the Nazis. I think, because he stopped that attack, that the people coming through the portal at the end were RETURNING. That's why they appeared (as others wrote) as if they were going to Disneyland, all happy. They came back with the hope that the home they fled was on its way to being restored. Hence, them coming back in droves. They had been waiting.
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The last 5 minutes WTF
karlengler17 November 2019
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I have read the all of the other reviews and now don't feel so dumb anymore. Ok, so a portal is open, what about the other side(s). What's drawing all of these people across, are they all from the same world. Based on what was explained before, you can't cross if you exist in that world. So I guess that means these people are alternates of ones that were killed in this world. What a cruel joke on them coming to this hole of a world. I guess that's why "the man in the high castle" is running into the crowd, he's looking for his wife. But that begs the question, with all of those alternative worlds out there, why that that particular alternate person comes across. There is so many holes here that I feel I'm eating Swiss cheese.
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5,9 Series finale? Are we watching the same show?
petrow-3130814 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I checked the scores here before watching the episodes and was thoroughly shocked seeing 5,9 on the series' finale, right after the previous episode's 9,1. I watched it and was like: "Really? What did everyone else see? Did I just watch the finale from an alt-world?"

This is definitely not a 5,9 finale, more like a strong 9. All the main arcs got a really satisfying conclusion and the very ending left to the interpretation of the viewer. If you want spoon-feeding and anticlimax, Game of Thrones got you covered.

The sound, the visuals, the actors, they were all brilliant, giving their very best for the closure. And what I especially liked: this is not a happy ending by all means. The unresolved conflicts may pave the road for another bloody clashes, between individuals, groups on interests and nations alike. I don't think Amazon will ever revive this project, but it surely was worthy of my time.

Let's break it down from bad to good:

* BCR - The whole movement felt unnecessary throughout the season, especially that we had an established resistance movement in the previous episodes. It is understandable that they could not bring every discontent groups under the same umbrella, but the whole inception of the BCR seemed overly forced. What is even worse is the idealization (or the flat-out glorification) of communism. This idea is just as insidious as national socialism or fascism, and is responsible for even more death than the other two. Even in this alt-world history had plenty of opportunity to repeat itself with the terror of Stalin, the forced expansion of the Soviet Union, deportation of entire nations, the forming of the GULAG "islands" and so on. Sugarcoating it does not fit the original concept of the series. Alas, witnessing the final gang up of the various communist rebel groups hinted some plausible seeds of discontent. A bunch of rebels with zero experience in governing will not be able to keep the prize of their conquests for too long. It is easier to blow up a train bridge than making the train on it arrive on schedule.

* Hawthorne - He was losing significance already in S3, and I'm amazed that he made it to the end of S4. Alas, I accept the explanation that the people coming through the portals are the other worlds' "Men in the High Castle", who are curious what happened to their self in this world and may want to help the resolution of the coming conflicts in Hawthorne's reality.

* Juliana - She also lost her charm after teleporting back into alt-world Washington. I hoped for some nice adventure twist of trying to stop the nacis in the world she escaped into in S3, but it remained a huge missed opportunity. Just like with Wyatt/Liam I did not care as much about her fate as I did from S1 to S3.

* Childan - He's in the positive section for me. He had gone a long way, from a weeaboo to a somewhat-hero, who had been rejected by his idolized nation in the decisive moment. And make no mistake, his ending is not a happy one. He went after his wife, but arriving to Japan he'll most likely end up deported back to the States, or worse.

* Kido - His closure was fully satisfying, although not a happy ending as well. What he got is far worse than death. And that is good as it is, as he faced death numerous times in the previous episodes, so he's obviously not afraid of it. But when the chips were down on the table, he sacrificed everything he believed in for his son. He will have to spend the rest of his life in the service of the despised Yakuza. Also, kudos for the producers for leaving Frank's story as it was and not bringing him back from an alt world.

* The Smiths - The flagship of the series, their stories are the most satisfying and the most fleshed out. Everyone gets what he/she deserves, and Helen's final monologue about being unworthy for a second chance is a brilliant conclusion of the entire family's story arc. John also met a fitting end. And this closure also sets the scene for the future conflicts - first, between the BCR and new-US/ex-GNR military, then between the Reich and ex-GNR forces. After all, why should Götzmann keep his promise for too long after Smith's demise? Even with the nukes in the US' hand this would result in a new Cold War, with much dire prospects than in our reality.
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You can create a world with different rules, but there are rules
isabellacheng27 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was gonna give this episode at least a 9/10, until the last minute or so.

I can let go of the BCR, how they appeared out of nowhere, how other travelers (including Juliana) not seen the dangers of Communism as they are already in the 60's, how the BCR got Chinese firearms considering the entire Pacific coast of Asia was controlled by the Pons... Or that Wilhelm Goertzmann who entered the show from nowhere for the pure sake of having an unearned plot twist.

But to quote Scotty, "Ya canna change the laws of physics!" The entire mechanism of travelling among the worlds just broke. Not because of human intervention / handwavy new invention, it just broke, spontaneously:

The portal required power to open. There were none. If they were former travelers from the Nazi universe, they won't need the portal to reenter. If they were travelers from other universes, how on Earth could they enter a new universe as sightseers, wander around, and not interact with the "natives" at all? If they were non-travelers, how'd they know to enter at the same time (okay, a "vision") in an abandoned mine? How did they check that their counterpart does not exist in this universe?
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I'm rating 3 because of the last 60 seconds.
Lovevegas2018 November 2019
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This was the series finale episode and all leading up to the last 60 seconds were outstanding. When Juliana rounds that cave corner I was thinking...this is it, the big reveal but nope it's just a bunch of people coming from the portal looking like they've walked out of a M. Night Shyamalan film. I am extremely disappointed. All in all I'd give Season 4 a 7/10.
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That Trainwreck is Symbolic
frankjgibb21 November 2019
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Once Trade Minister Tagomi was brusquely written out of the story, the writers were desperate to come up with a final season that could pull all the subplots and motifs of the story together. They failed and they knew it. Hence, ending the last episode with a trainwreck was a sly admission on their part that the series had become, well, a trainwreck. You can't tell a coherent story with two dozen writers, 26 directors plus the creator, Frank Sponitz, all contributing to plot and character development, especially when when you're trying to navigate multiple dimensions of reality. "The Man in the High Castle" had many interesting set pieces. Unfortunately, it failed to to live up to the sum of its parts.
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Such a bad ending
leest-549-72770417 November 2019
What a series up until the last 30 seconds. Like what the hell.? Absolutely awful as endings go. Very confusing. So many questions. Dreadful.
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Solid ending to a great show
szearc17 February 2020
This is a show that is about alternative realities, shows you what the world could have been if things had been different...

I get that some people are outraged by having the last minute of the show open up a can of questions, but my take is that it is essentially leaving the viewer guessing about the future...

The what if question is not about closure, but the point is that its happening every day in our real world... What reality we face is what we choose going forward...
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Could have used a few more episodes but...
dalefl20 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't that bad guys, come on. Yes, there were some things left unexplained and even if they only used text overlays it would have helped. The major questions left at the end were:

1. Who were the people returning (keyword) at the end? I took it to be the people sent through during all the Nazi testing. That had been going on for a long time and they were successful eventually.

2. What was the fate of the United States? Since the attack was successfully called off from the highest command after Smith was killed it can be reasonably deduced that the Americans were throwing off the yoke, so to speak. The bigger question is how the resistance would accept them. After all, they did betray their country by becoming Nazis. But the war had been over for 20 years and anyone very young or born afterward would only know that existence making indoctrination easier as time went on.

The harder questions to answer would be what happened to the individuals involved and that is best left up to the viewers.

The biggest thing I had a problem with was that train wreck. You're talking about a train going 250 miles an hour coming out of a bend that would have plastered everyone on it against the wall, especially the people standing, nose diving from 30 feet into the ground and stopping that fast and people just walk out of it with barely a scratch when they should have been shredded? That's some kind of master race.
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Season 4 was rushed. PLOT HOLES- Lazy writing
yellowfellows717 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The general plot started to go down hill when they introduced more activity by the BCR (black communist). The Japanese occupiers could've easily stopped them by simply banning any African descent people from the Pacific States; it wouldn't have been the worst thing they've done in that alternate universe. This made this season feel very politically agenda driven by our world.

A few other plot holes: 1. Both empires make a deal for American oil for after the Japanese leave the states voluntarily so why did not a single diplomat, general, trade minister or anyone with a logical brain agree to handing over the territory to the Nazis by stationing Japanese troops to keep peace until the Reich comes with their own troops. There would be less casualties. It would secure both nation's power in the world and not jeopardise such oil they made a deal for.

2. Helen's nazi woman guard goes missing without the nazi bodyguards asking where she went in the clinic. b.) reported that she was missing obviously making John realise that his wife is working with the rebels but does nothing to thwart her treason.

3. What happens to Eastern Reich after season this final season?

4. If they didn't trust nazi Americans so much till the point that they investigate the highest nazi American officials then why did they station 103 nukes in America.

Many more but these were the plots holes that triggered me when I was watching the show. Very illogical writing.
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Beautiful ending to a fantastic show
samanthakersul9 January 2022
I knew the finale was rated poorly when I began the series. For four seasons of fantastic writing I was absolutely dreading the series finale based on the rating. Well it was wrong. What a beautiful ending. It couldn't have been more perfect. The conclusion was PERFECT. The decisions we make - one little one here ... another one there ... they all add up to who we become. We have choices. We have agency. And we get to decide. This finale left me feeling fulfilled and contemplative.
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Great Season till the ending
koolaidddd16 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The ending was just bad, felt rushed, a lot left unanswered, why did everyone walk out like zombies and they didn't just walk out a portal So I'm assuming America lost Nazi Control but if so are we forgetting there's still a world full of Nazis and Japanese who are still ruling the world but hey at least they're not ruling America Well who knows they didn't tell us, they just implied that one man who got power ended it all And John, I thought they was building him up to be the one who destroys the Reich and goes back to American ways especially when he had control of North America but nope

And Black Communist Rebels are they going to have elections and democracy? I highly doubt it also the train basically became a wreck so how did everyone survive that but Helen didn't

Basically Nazis and Japanese are still a massive threat, felt like it didn't more episodes, maybe even another season

Oh one last thing what was bugging me Julia could easy access John's House by finding the building in another world and teleporting to the Nazi word and Washington was bombed by a Atom Bomb but there's still people living there and working? Julia and everyone else should be dead from large amounts of radiation, the sky was even green from the radiation
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Embarassing last scene
gpex9221 November 2019
The season itself is brilliant. The twists are unexpected and the pace is really fast and hooking. Then...episode 10. I had no idea it was the last one (i watched them all in 2 takes) and for the entire episode I had no feeling it was the last one. Dramatic events happen, an amazing build up and then, in the last minute or so...an embarassing LAST scene that makes absolutely no sense, which tries to carry a poetic message, failing miserably. and leaving the viewer astonished staring at the end credits. They managed to pull of a Game of Thrones-esque shameful ending. Not THAT bad, GoT is unrivaled, I'll give you that. It's just... empty. Embarassing. Leaves every single story of the series open wide and with still A LOT to tell.
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It was great
gelasma-15 August 2020
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It looks that the people at the end were quietly coming back looking for something. I like to think that they were all the blacks and the Jews murdered in the camps who were coming back in a nazi-free America to reclaim their lost lives. I think it makes sense in the dynamic of the series. Very good series overall.
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An excellent and compelling final season let down by questionable ending
TheBabayaga28 November 2019
Firstly, I would like to start this review by giving huge credit to Amazon Prime, the writers and producers for giving us an explicitly detailed and chillingly plausible portrayal of an alternate world where the Nazis and the Japanese won the war against America and its allies. If nothing else, this series has always been truly fascinating to watch.

However, High Castle has always proved to be a slow burning thriller, even ploddingly paced at times; and I can understand why viewers abandoned watching this series altogether after season 2. For those who were resilient enough to watch the forty episodes spanning four years and four seasons, the ending is a mixture of big rewards and bittersweet disappointment.

Despite some convenient plot holes, strange character absences (what happened to Ed and Natalie?) and questionable character decisions, this series is mostly let down by a questionable act that occurs only in the final minute, the details of which I will not give away. Just be aware that it raises a lot more questions than it does answers; and that is something that is unacceptable for a series finale. Whilst it's nowhere near as bad as the GoT finale, it's still a shame because season 4 was this series at its most dramatic, unpredictable and compelling.

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q-9307720 November 2019
So I waited 4 years for this episode and all I got from Amazon is this? Someone has to take the blame for this... writer? Producer? the executives? For one second I thought perhaps the Japanese in the show have more morals than the creative team behind this TV serial. Awful ending and what a waste of time.
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nayapap21 November 2019
This show was very good from the beginning. I liked how they imagined a world with a Nazi reign, and I was wondering how the show would end. This last episode wasn't what I expected. The first 3/4 of the episode was good but it was very disappointing how it ended.
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