"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" Facing Demons (TV Episode 2019) Poster

Philip Winchester: ADA Peter Stone


  • Peter Stone : Please tell the jury why you're here today.

    Brian Cassidy : I'm here because I was a... I was a victim of Gary Dolan.

    Judge Anita Wright : Detective Cassidy, please raise your head and speak up.

    Brian Cassidy : I was a victim. Of Gary Dolan's. He was, uh... he was my coach. In Hudson youth league in 1985.

    [glancing at Benson] 

    Brian Cassidy : And he sexually assaulted me. When I was twelve years old.

  • Brian Cassidy : Stone, what are you doing here, man?

    Peter Stone : That's a Colt. Your service weapon's a Glock.

    Brian Cassidy : You don't wanna mess with me right now.

    Peter Stone : Well, I hope you're ready to shoot me, too, 'cause that's what it's gonna take.

    Brian Cassidy : Really? Whose side are you on, huh?

    Peter Stone : Whose side am I on?

    Brian Cassidy : Yeah, whose side? After what he did to that kid? What he did to me?

    Peter Stone : I'm not gonna let you ruin your life!

    Brian Cassidy : Yeah, you're too late for that!

  • Brian Cassidy : Look, the last time I checked, Dolan moved down to Jacksonville in the 90's. All right, I had no idea he was back up here hurting kids. I swear to God. I'm the one who's supposed to stop him.

    Peter Stone : And then Liv comes to your door with this? That must have been tough.

    Brian Cassidy : Yeah, tough? No, you have no idea.

    Peter Stone : Look, with your testimony, we're gonna put this son of a bitch away for a long time.

    Brian Cassidy : Testimony? What are you, crazy? I'm not testifying in an open court and telling a bunch of strangers what that sick son of a bitch did to me.

    Peter Stone : Hey, this isn't your fault.

    Brian Cassidy : Save your breath.

    Peter Stone : You have done the hard part. The rest is downhill from here.

    Brian Cassidy : The hard part? Are you crazy? I'm damaged goods, Stone. I see it every time I look in the mirror.

  • Leo Berry : Coach Gary? Yeah, that guy was definitely out there. You know? But I never had anything weird with him.

    Brian Cassidy : Yeah, okay. Well, o-one day you're mowing down batters like it's no one's business, right? And all of a sudden, you just up and poof, disappear. What was that?

    Leo Berry : I got bored.

    Brian Cassidy : Got bored? No, no, come on, I don't buy that. Not for a second.

    Leo Berry : Look, I'm really sorry about this Micah kid. But I should really get back to work. Good seeing you, Brian.

    Brian Cassidy : Yeah, you, too. Hey, is that-is that your boy over there on the wall?

    Leo Berry : Yeah. Connor. His mom and I are divorced. I don't get to see him that much.

    Brian Cassidy : He's a good-looking kid. You know, I read your rap sheet. On the drive up here.

    Leo Berry : Did you?

    Brian Cassidy : Yeah. And I'll bet you a hundred bucks there's booze in that thermos over there.

    Leo Berry : I always liked you, Cassidy. But I am not above knocking your lights out.

    Peter Stone : Nobody's judging you, Mr. Berry.

    Brian Cassidy : Ah, no, it's okay. I got this. Yeah, I recognize that anger. I see it. I been there. I get it. What'd Gary do to you?

    [Leo is stony-faced silent] 

    Brian Cassidy : All right, I'll tell you what, Leo. We're staying at the Sheraton if you wanna come by. Talk, have a drink.

  • Peter Stone : So, what's up?

    Brian Cassidy : I've been going through the social media pages. Some of these kids I played Youth League with. There's a few boys there this guy Dolan may have targeted. Can I ask you a question, Stone? If something happened back then, I mean, it's too late to prosecute now, right?

    Peter Stone : I could still use them as prior bad acts witnesses in Micah's case. Can we reach out to them?

    Brian Cassidy : It's not something you wanna approach over a telephone. One of the guys lives in Connecticut, one guy lives in Providence. You feel like taking a road trip with me?

  • Gary Dolan : Micah was a troubled boy. You know, I tried to foster his love of magic 10 years ago. You know, give a troubled boy a little attention...

    Peter Stone : I am gonna bury you, Dolan. You're a serial predator and you've been preying on boys since you coached youth league baseball.

  • Olivia Benson : Look, Dolan has probably been abusing boys since the '80s.

    Peter Stone : What makes you say that?

    Olivia Benson : Because he coached youth baseball back then.

    Peter Stone : Wow. Fertile grounds for a predator.

    Olivia Benson : You know, one weird thing, Brian Cassidy was on one of Dolan's teams.

    Peter Stone : Did you ask Cassidy about Dolan?

    Olivia Benson : I did, and he doesn't remember anything. I'm gonna check in with the Youth League office, and I'll let you know if we find out anything.

  • Peter Stone : I'll be presenting to a grand jury tomorrow. Once your client is indicted, the plea will be top count only.

    Samantha Morgan : So what is the one-time, super-duper, special offer?

    Peter Stone : Sexual abuse in the first degree, three to nine.

    Gary Dolan : Years?

    Amanda Rollins : Micah committed suicide because of you.

    Peter Stone : You're damn lucky I can't prosecute you for homicide.

  • Brian Cassidy : You're uncomfortable.

    Peter Stone : Yeah. I was new to SVU. I didn't know how to handle that.

    Brian Cassidy : Yeah, exactly, just like all the guys that I work with, and the guys that I hang out with. Look, Rob and Leo, right? They get to go to New York, testify, then they get to go back home with all their secrets intact.

  • Peter Stone : Leo Berry, this is Lieutenant Benson.

    Olivia Benson : Hi, Mr. Berry. Nice to meet you.

    Leo Berry : Nice to meet you.

    Peter Stone : Gary Dolan coached Leo in 1985.

    Amanda Rollins : Um, I, uh... I'm Detective Rollins. Why don't you come have a seat? Do you mind?

    Olivia Benson : How...

    Peter Stone : I made a lot of phone calls. And with Leo's testimony about Dolan's prior bad acts, at least we'll have a shot now.

    Olivia Benson : Okay.

    [heading into her office as Peter leaves] 

    Olivia Benson : He made a lot of phone calls?

    Amanda Rollins : That's what he said.

    Olivia Benson : I called the regional youth league office myself, and they told me that the team rosters weren't computerized back then, and that the paper files were long gone.

    Amanda Rollins : You want me to go pick up Dolan?

    Olivia Benson : No. You stay here with Mr. Berry.

  • Brian Cassidy : You think I'm a hypocrite? Trying to get these guys to testify when I won't even...

    Peter Stone : No, I don't think that.

    Brian Cassidy : I do.

    Peter Stone : Cards on the table. What are you afraid of?

    Brian Cassidy : I told one person before you. This kid in high school, he was a friend of mine. I didn't tell him the whole story, I just told him that Dolan grabbed my junk, but the look in his eyes? I'll never forget that.

    Peter Stone : Cassidy, he was a kid.

    Brian Cassidy : You don't think I saw that exact same look in your eyes?

  • Olivia Benson : Polaroids at the shop were just like the ones at the crime scene.

    Dominic Carisi : Yeah, he's got the perfect setup there to groom his victims.

    Peter Stone : Be great if there was any proof of that.

    Amanda Rollins : Yep, well, we'll try to track down the kids from the magic shop photos.

    Olivia Benson : Yeah. It would be great if you could get us a warrant for Dolan's apartment.

    Peter Stone : I need to allege a specific crime to apply for a warrant.

    Olivia Benson : Micah's Polaroids.

    Peter Stone : Were in Micah's possession, not Dolan's. Look, I'd love to go after this guy, but I need something to hang my hat on.

  • Peter Stone : Now I can allege a specific act of sexual abuse. The day Micah saw the doctor. It's something.

    Olivia Benson : So what else do you need?

    Peter Stone : Preferably a victim who's still alive and willing to press charges.

    Olivia Benson : Well, we're working on that.

  • Ted Dennison : Did this coach do this to you, Rob?

    Rob Dennison : So, you just assumed the gay guy must have been diddled? Is that it?

    Brian Cassidy : Look, we're just, uh... we're just asking questions here. I mean, I know this is uncomfortable.

    Rob Dennison : Why is this even coming up now?

    Peter Stone : [showing him a crime scene photo]  This is Gary Dolan's latest victim.

    Ted Dennison : Oh, my god.

    Brian Cassidy : Look, Micah Fuller was 22 years old. All right? He committed suicide because Gary molested him ten years ago.

    Rob Dennison : Well, there is nothing that I can do about that, now is there?

    Brian Cassidy : Hey, Rob. Gary paid a lot of attention to you back then, right? He gave you rides to the games? That Wilson A2000 that he bought you. I mean, hell, I would'a done anything to score a pro mitt like that.

    Rob Dennison : How envious were you, Brian? Hmm? Did you get into Gary's station wagon?

    Peter Stone : If you testify, Mr. Dennison, we can...

    Rob Dennison : Not a chance. I want you to take your snapshots, and I want you to get the hell out.

    Ted Dennison : Come on, Rob, these problems we've had, they could...

    Rob Dennison : Shut up, Ted. I don't have to listen to this.

See also

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