Nightmare Tenant (2018) Poster

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Bad acting, Good story
Kristamw10 October 2019
The nature of this "psycho" feature is pretty decent. A lonely overachiever feels entitled to earn entrance to a college but fails to get accepted. Somehow, she learns that another girl from her school did get in, and from there, she plots her revenge. Writing Quality: The story is strong, though it would have made sense to show the villain, Nikki, interacting with Lacey at high school so that we could better appreciate the tension between them. Nikki only has her father and we learn how she's apparently a "disappointment" to him because she doesn't get accepted into the college. This aspect comes full circle at the end, but I thought the writers could have played more with this idea and how it interlinks with Nikki's nature. I'm not sure if it was the actors or the director, but all of the stars played their roles with such gravity and monotony. The mom, for instance, displays the same expression for everything, like she would in a soap opera role (apparently she's on The Young & The Restless). But hers and Nikki's flat-faced expressions don't work here. Too bad, because the story is pretty good. Scare factor: Nikki hurts herself in the beginning in a shocking way. Probably what is most scary is how unhinged she is and we are just waiting for all of her deception to culminate into a final vengeful act. Content (sex, language, & violence): No sex or language. Violence is startling but not graphic. Values & Themes: Protecting a family member. Again, the script was well written, but the acting was subpar.
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Wish they'd make these more believable
steph-5036718 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not much of a spoiler in this review- Come on! Everyone knows that Lifetime movies are typically pretty far fetched's completely possibly to stay in line with the "unbelievable" theme Lifetime movies bring to the table and still make them slightly more "realistic". If a high school girl was smart enough to be selected as the Valedictorian and graduate at the top of her class then surely she applied to several colleges and not just the one at the top of her list? Surely she didn't give up on going to college or a university all together bc she didn't get into ONE college she hoped to? Then she manages to get thru registration and triage at the hospital emergency room using a fake name. I guess they didn't ask for ID (or get a complete history) or maybe they just didn't show the part where she got the fake ID with her new identity? That's ok, lol, I can let that one slide but making a successful doctor look like a complete moron was also too much. As if she (or anyone) would really invite a foster kid (who admits no one wanted her) to live with her without checking any background or references and only knowing her for the time it took to examine her arm in the ER. That is too unrealistic even for a Lifetime movie. These movies are a guilty pleasure for many of us and we all know they aren't to be taken too seriously but it's like whoever is writing the script for some of these movies isn't even trying. Is it bc they feel like they don't have to since it's a Lifetime movie? Is it bc they lack imagination? Maybe it's just complete laziness. At least the acting wasn't as over-the-top and full of cheese as plenty of others I've seen. Go ahead and give it a whirl. I wouldn't say it's unwatchable, just unbelievable.
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Why not
aprilsfriendorin25 August 2020
Another classic lifetime stalker movie. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. This one isn't any more or less entertaining than the rest. The acting is solid, and it's entertaining enough.
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Impossible to know...
prickly10127 January 2020
...where to begin! I missed the beginning (though other reviewers' observations made me aware of what an appalling dad Nikki had). I started watching when she was finishing her talk with the guidance counsellor. Virginia Tucker was as good as she could have been within the script.

I was less sure about Lauralee Bell's acting, until the utter stupidity of her character's behaviour drowned everything else into insignificance. I mean: a 21st century grown woman who studied and passed medicine being so dumb as to offer a perfect stranger a room because 'I have a good feeling about you'? Neglecting to make the inquiries that her boyfriend later made, which would have discovered the psycho fraud? Let her move into your house when you've known her a couple of hours?

Against my better judgment though, I watched to the end because I *had* to know how it ended! So I'd be a hypocrite to join the "don't bother with this one" people. If it comes your way, have a look, if only to marvel about how one is supposed to feel much concern for an idiot who opened her door to a stranger about whom she had a 'good feeling'!
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A can miss
tomfsloan24 March 2019
Nothing exciting. Typical crazed murderous girl getting her revenge. It had it's suspenseful moments and some action, but still ehh. I was somewhat bored. It's not the best Lifetime movie I've seen. Although, I have to give credit to Virginia Tucker. She did a good job of going from charming to evil in an instant. Sort of like Eddie Haskel.
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Acting is poor
skbrucks24 March 2019
While I'm a Y&R fan, and I like Lauralee (and the whole Bell dynasty for daytime dramas), I was not impressed with the stilted and stiff acting. The storyline was good, but it was all too weird a setup for these times. No deep research into a renter in the home? It would be better if mom was having trouble making ends meet, instead of wealthy and trusting. Finally, Lauralee, you should be a better actress by now, more natural. And eat something or curl your hair!
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Very Vanilla Vanderton Vengence
fluffchop2 November 2021
The setup at the start focused too much on the mother and her daughter leaving, and her boyfriend. Just get to the killing already! Ok so it's a Lifetime movie there may not be blood. One thing that bugs me is drinking wine from stemless wine glasses, yep they did that. Oh no it's a hammer, ouch!! This mother is hard to look at with her stroke eyes. Tokens all over the hospital. What doctor wears heels?! This movie is looking bad. Yep, please move in for free I've a good feeling about you. Ok I think that's enough of this movie.
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Devious, obession, stalker revenge type movie.
blanbrn23 March 2019
"Nightmare Tenant" a "LMN" film is one that's a thrilling drama of obsession and rage as when one doesn't get what they want they behave badly. Dr. Allen's(Lauralee Bell) only daughter Lacey(Heather Hopkins) gets into an ivy league east coast school based on name and clout and passed over is Nikki(Virginia Tucker) so all of a sudden Lacey leaves the nest of California and flies east. So soon Nikki starts a dangerous cat and mouse game of danger and obsession by befriending Dr. Allen and becoming a guest also Lacey becomes a damsel in distress as she has a scene where she's tied up and gagged. Overall okay suspense TV thriller.
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I support the killer
BARB23457813 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So you've got a poor brunette girl who works her butt off and is first in her class being overlooked by a university in favor of a rich blond girl who's mommy is an alumna (also blond) and we are supposed to feel relief when the poor girl doesn't kill them and justice when her horrible father is even more horrible to her after driving her to go after them?!? The values of Lifetime, the writers of this movie, and viewers, as judged by the retrograde reviews, are compromised. Nicky/Melissa should have won in the end! .
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Script needed some tweaking...
vnssyndrome8912 April 2024
NIGHTMARE TENANT (TV movie) 4.5 out of 10 stars Time to Read: 2:21min

BASIC PLOT: Nikki Stone (Virginia Tucker) thought she had it all. She sacrificed all the fun of high school life, so she could maintain perfect grades, and become valedictorian. Pleasing her demanding father is all that matters to her, and to do that, she has to get into Vanderton College. She thinks her entry is assured, until she learns she's been passed over by a legacy. Lacey Allen (Heather Hopkins) got into Vanderton instead of Nikki, even though her grades weren't as good. But she was a legacy, all the women in Lacey's family had gone to Vanderton, including her mother, Dr. Carol Allen (Lauralee Bell). When Nikki sees the look of disappointment on her father's face, she cannot bear the weight of it. Something in her snaps, and she's determined to make someone pay. She's decided it's going to be those who robbed her of her dream of going to Vanderton. The Allens took everything from Nikki, and now she's going to take everything from them.

WHAT WORKS: *THE ACTING IS ABOVE AVERAGE For a made-for-tv melodrama, the acting is better than most. Both Virginia Tucker & Lauralee Bell do a fine job. It's the script that needed tweaking.

WHAT DOESN'T WORK: *CREDIT CARD COMPANIES WOULD FLAG THE TYPE OF PURCHASES MADE ON CAROL'S CREDIT CARD Especially since it's a new card, but they would anyway. If Carol didn't normally make big purchases, or lots of electronic purchases, they would flag it. Not too mention, anyone but a business buying five IPads at once, would definitely send up a red flag. They would freeze the card & contact Carol. Melissa/Nikki's shopping spree is just not believable.

*YOUR IDENTITY IS STOLEN WITHIN 24 HOURS OF YOUR NEW TENANT MOVING IN Wouldn't that be a clue to most people? After all, Carol is a doctor, so she's supposed to have brains, but we're supposed to believe she doesn't see it, because she misses her daughter, and needs company?

*ALL OF THE ORDERED STUFF SHOWS UP AT THE HOSPITAL When she says no, I didn't order this, they would return it. They wouldn't pressure her into signing for things she didn't order. Also, Carol says, "How embarrassing!" Why is having your identity stolen embarrassing? It's nothing you did, so why?

*WHY WOULD CAROL BELIEVE MELISSA ABOUT TOM? Melissa/Nikki says Tom (Jon Briddell) sexually assaulted her. Tom & Carol have been together a long time. She would believe him, not some random girl she's know less than a week. Most people would connect all these bad things, with the one new common denominator - their new tenant. Someone forges your signature on a medical chart at work, someone steals your identity, someone frames your long term boyfriend, and Melissa/Nikki is present at all these terrible occurrences. Any normal person would put two and two together.

*A HOSPITAL COULDN'T BAN YOU FROM SEEING YOUR BOYFRIEND WITHOUT CAUSE The police could, if Carol was a suspect, but she's not, so that's just ludicrous. And the plotholes just keep on coming...

*THERE'S NO NEED FOR GINGER TO MEET SUCH A GRUESOME END. I didn't know why these types of movies have such bloodlust. Ginger (Karlisha Hurley) is Lacey's long time best friend, who's also barely 18. There's no need for her to meet with this type of violence. It would have been better if she'd been tied up in the closet, and terrorized. It's just as effective, and is more believable.

TO RECOMMEND, OR NOT TO RECOMMEND, THAT IS THE QUESTION: *If giant plotholes don't bother you, then this could be some mind numbing fun. But if you're the type of person that needs things to be somewhat believable, I'd give this one a pass. To those that don't understand melodrama as an art form - If you're the type of person that needs intricate character development, and deep storylines, STOP watching & rating made-for-tv melodramas.

CLOSING NOTES: *This is a made-for-tv movie, please keep that in mind before you watch\rate it. TV movies have a much lower budget, and so your expectations should be adjusted.

*I have no connection to the film, or production in ANY way. This review was NOT written in full, or in part, by a bot. I am just an honest viewer, who wishes for more straight forward reviews (less trolls and fanboys), and better entertainment. Hope I helped you out.
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phd_travel30 March 2019
With the current admissions scandal this is timely. This week's wacko is a girl who didn't get in to a prestigious college Vanderton. She finds out a legacy did. She goes to stay with the single mom doctor of the legacy and wreaks havoc. It's a bit naive of the doctor to take her in. She starts stealing her identity and charging stuff to her card and more.

The actresses are pleasant looking and act well and the story is watchable. The title could now be more about the admissions scandal.
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The Disruptor
lavatch9 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nikki Stone is a bright young student aspiring to study medicine. But when her application to Vanderton University is not accepted, she embarks on a psychopathic revenge scheme against fellow student Lacey Allen, who was accepted at Vanderton. Nikki believes that Lacey was admitted because her mother, Dr. Carol Allen, was a Vanderton alumnus. Calling herself Melissa Waters, Nikki maneuvers her way into getting free rent with Carol, and she thereby becomes the nightmare tenant.

The best scenes in the film are those in which the exceptionally kind Carol Allen supports Melissa and encourages her not to give up on med school. Along with Carol's boyfriend, Dr. Thomas Kimbler, Melissa had miraculously found people in the profession who could help her succeed. Carol and Tom were providing Melissa with the nurturing environment she never knew from her slovenly, temperamental father. It was unclear in the film why Melissa could not recognize that she had come across guardian angels.

Sadly, Melissa never considered following the advice of Carol and Tom and instead used her intellect to attempt to ruin their lives. The film took a nose dive when Melissa became so cruel that she murdered Lacey's best friend, Ginger Varton, who recognized Melissa as Nikki and was about to expose her. Equally unpleasant was Melissa's attempt to run over Tom, landing him in an ICU unit.

If there is a moral to "Nightmare Tenant," it is that doors may surprisingly open when one seizes the moment when special opportunities arise. As the new tenant, Nikki Stone had struck gold with the caring figure of Carol Allen. But Nikki chose a different path and created her own nightmare as the tenant from hell.
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From Valedictorian To Vengeance!
buckikris27 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't watch any soaps, but I do like the LTN. They have great movies and I caught this one by accident. I watched it last night and couldn't believe a straight A student would be that desperate to get back at a student who took her spot at the college she was hoping to attend. In a way I can understand why she flipped out and did what she did. She came home with straight A's thinking she was a shoe in. As soon as she opened the door, her father was on her from that point on. He read her denial letter, and thought she was a complete failure. So what does she do creates this plot to go after her rival and her family. She changes her appearance, name, and takes the rented room to get closer to the family. From the time she moves in things start to go south. She steals the mail, gets a credit card to make purchases on and forges the mothers signature; and she goes so far as to hit on the boyfriend. One day her mother calls her and begs for her to come back; but she wants no part of the family. The damage is done and she will not stop until her target is destroyed. I thought this was a good film even though I didn't know the cast at all. I believe the lesson in this movie is never doubt how far a person will go to get what the want, regardless of status or grades. I highly recommend this film, it's no blockbuster, but their are lessons to be learned; and a big one is TRUST.
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I loved this movie
spencerreidfan27 March 2019
It was a great movie to me I enjoyed seeing laureen Bell in something not Y&R
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