
8 Reviews
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The Diamond of Jeru (2001 TV Movie)
A great romp!
26 October 2001
This rip-snorting adventure starring Billy Zane is indeed a treasure of a film. It's positively packed to the ceiling with action, suspense, and even a hint of romance. There's definitely something for everyone in this picture. NOTE: This film was made by USA Network, but it is definitely not a mere "cable" movie. This could've easily played on the big screen. It certainly beats the pants off of most of 2001's box-office features!
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Interesting moments can't save a boring movie.
9 December 2000
THE JIST: See something else.

This film was highly rated by Gene Siskel, but after watching it I can't figure out why. The film is definitely original and different. It even has interesting dialogue at times, some cool moments, and a creepy "noir" feel. But it just isn't entertaining. It also doesn't make a whole lot of sense, in plot but especially in character motivations. I don't know anyone that behaves like these characters do.

This is a difficult movie to take on -- I suggest you don't accept the challenge.
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Swamp Women (1956)
A cinematic pleasure!
27 November 2000
"Swamp Diamonds" is the absorbing new (well, new in 1955) thriller from Roger Corman concerning the often razor thin boundaries that separate feminism from, well, anything that makes sense. But hey, if you like chases, escapes, fencing, magic, giants, revenge, and true love, go watch "The Princess Bride". It's a great film! But right after that catch "Swamp Diamonds"... and only if you have nothing else to do. Why not, right?

Oh, and make sure it's the MST3K version.
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This is such a special film...
3 October 1999
"American Beauty" is clearly the best movie of the year. This is the kind of film where, half way through, you can't wait to see what happens next and at the same time dread that each scene you take in is just leading you closer to the ending. You wish you could spend forever with these fascinating characters and their eventful lives. The film is an affirmation that beauty is out there and that it's not too late for any of us to be a part of it. Physical beauty is perhaps the easiest to recognize. But human qualities like sincerity, kindness, playfulness, sensitivity, and confidence are just as beautiful. Beauty can also be found in the recognition that there are some things that can't change, and must be let go. These concepts and more are conveyed through humor and serious drama -- a difficult combination to pull off, but this film does is superbly. It is truly a great American film.

23Skidoo-3 made some comments on October 1, 1999 that I'd like to respond to: You call the movie smug and self-important and imply that the filmmakers believe they are better than their characters, and yet you are the one starting off your review with "I'd rather pound nails through my fingers than watch this movie". Who's smug? Who's self-important? You've analyzed the movie; now try yourself.

You go on to say that the filmmakers want to have it both ways by pointing out the lack of warmth in humanity while exalting the beauty of life. I say life IS both ways and the writer and director realize this. There is beauty in life, but many don't see it (like the Annette Bening character in her older years). The film is about a few people who've discovered beauty -- some not for the first time in their life. It's about people changing... from cold to warmth. Next you'll be criticizing "Terminator 2" for portraying cyborgs as both cold-blooded killing machines and as loyal, tender guardians. I mean, can't the director make up his mind? Sheesh, yeah?
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A Bug's Life (1998)
This movie is good eatin'!
6 December 1998
"A Bug's Life" is like a favorite candy bar -- it's chock-full of great little bits that add up to something really tasty.

The story couldn't have been better; it's clever, has "heart" (emotion), and every character has a nice "arc" (a growth or change). By comparison, the only characters in "Toy Story" to have an "arc" are Buzz, who learns to love being a toy, and Woody, who overcomes his resentment of Buzz. There are tons of laughs and cute moments in "A Bug's Life". All of the actors turn in great voice work, and the animation, both the motion and detail, is superb.

This serious movie buff doesn't throw around "10"s lightly, but this movie certainly deserves the "10" I gave it.
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Ronin (1998)
Great action, skimpy story
27 September 1998
"Ronin" has spectacular car chases, great shoot-em-ups, ingenious spy-type tactics and a few cool characters, but this film is at times a little slow in its pacing and a bit short on plot. There's a lot of information we're not given, and though that sometimes can increase a story's mystery, here it mostly drains our desire to root for and be involved with the characters. We don't know what's really at stake if the mission failed or exactly why the people are motivated to do what they do. But... MAN, what car chases!

My Vote: "8"
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Zero Effect (1998)
I gave this one a "10"
5 August 1998
Bill Pullman and Ben Stiller are great in this unusual mystery/comedy/drama /romance. I enjoyed the hero, Darryl Zero, revealing some of his secrets of observation and deduction (much like Sherlock Holmes) as we come along for the ride. By then end of the film I found myself really caring for Darryl Zero because you not only respect him, but also because you feel close to him and some sympathy (and joy). You know a movie's good when you feel a little depressed knowing there will probably never be a sequel and therefore no more adventures to experience.
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I gave this one a "5"
5 August 1998
The film has some interesting moments, but is weighed down by far too many uninteresting ones! The stunt woman character was endearing, the idea of government-run security cameras everywhere was intriguing, but there is no story here. The film is handed the ball but just doesn't run with it. That's to bad -- I was really looking forward to seeing it. I gave it every benefit of the doubt, but in the end it left me unmoved, slightly depressed, and a little confused (I assure you the confusion was not my fault).

And while Siskel thought it one of the best movies of the year, Ebert did give it a thumbs down. Like I said, the movie has a few good scenes, ideas, and characters, but you could live a perfectly happy life without having seen this film.
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