
3 Reviews
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Wonderful animated film (it's not a cartoon... :-) )
7 January 2000
Songs were wonderfully inspiring. They contributed to the flavour of the movie instead of being distracting. They continued to tell the story instead of being used strictly for entertainment purposes. No hokey happy 'Disney' songs which would have completely ruined the atmosphere.

Yaayy! It got the PG rating it needed! Parents need to be aware that their children will have questions, that this is NOT a happy-go-lucky Disney cartoon. It is a though provoking, question raising Dreamworks animation that was wonderfully done. Obviously not a 100% accurate retelling of the story in Exodus, but it's a feature film, not a bible study class. :-) Although there are some pretty good study guides for those that want to use it as such.

So.. Please DO let your children see it, but give them a little background first. Tell them the basic story behind it. And ENJOY!
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Well worth the wait.
21 February 1999
I heard about this movie over a year before it was released. I waited for it, as patiently as I could, for that year. I had a teacher in high school very much like Mr. Holland. He cared, and cares about his students. Every time I watch this movie I think of him. I think any music teachers, or teachers of any subject, who feel burned out could be inspired by this wonderful film. Bravo.
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20 February 1999
Good movie. The thing that bugged me the most was that they went through all the trouble to do a sequel to cover the other half of the book, and then left out HUGE rather important chunks and put other junk in. If it could be done right, I would love to see the book done as a mini-series covering EVERYTHING. For a sequel, I give it high marks. As the other half of a wonderful book, not so high.
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