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Not a bad watch, but disappointing to me...
19 February 2003
If you've never read the original Wells masterpiece, or if you've only seen the likewise weak translation (but otherwise pretty good film) of the story directed by George Pal in the sixties, then this is a pretty decent film. Although the beginning was a little too cute and contrived, the rest of the film does make up for these shortcomings.

However, I *HAVE* read Wells' original, and trying to draw inevitable comparisons do hurt. I was hoping to see a true-to-the-story version of the film with the modern effects that are really needed to make it sparkle. The effects were there, but where was the story?

Unfortunately, H.G. Wells' story was quite absent. Some of the names were taken from the original work, but they were applied to beings that simply didn't match up to his vision.

I can only hope that the proposed upcoming War of the Worlds will be a better translation - and hope also, since this has been done more than a few times before, someone else will come along with a version that will do justice to a great tale.

It is worth watching - as a rental - but don't expect to see the book made a movie here.
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For the time, an excellent update of the original story.
19 February 2003
Take the original War of the Worlds story and set it in the 1950's. A difficult task, but one that this film does and does admirably well. The effects were (for the time) groundbreaking, and I liked the fact that the movie-makers at least made an effort to depict the unusual alien nature of the invaders as well as the hopeless efforts of mankind's best technology. Though not as poignant, the parallel is made between the ironclad Thunderchild - the most advanced fighting machine made by man at the time, according to Wells - and the attempted use of nuclear weapons against the invaders... with basically the same results.

I would have liked to have seen more of the world the way it was depicted in both the original book and in the Mercury Theater radio translation in this film. Wandering through an empty, alien-haunted wilderness with the fading reminders of human civilization would have given it a wonderful surreal touch, but it would not have been really possible given the time - and the depicted feel - of this film.

Still a great sci-fi movie - a classic, and destined to remain that way. I hope the next version can at least live up to the impact of this classic.
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24 December 2001
Can it be?


This is an excellent beginning to the Lord of the Rings trilogy! While there were slight story changes and some of the images are not what I've always imagined while reading the book, it is obvious that Peter Jackson has done an amazing job of capturing Middle Earth and putting it on-screen.

If there is one fault that I find with the film, it is that it glosses over elements that I thought were important in the story. This I can forgive - if they had done the film the way I really would have liked to see it, it'd be six or so hours long!

While the settings all shine in their own way, it seems obvious to me that the best attention was paid to Moria, which is so impressive it is a star of the film in its own right. The feel of overwhelming gloom and ruinous splendor that hangs about Khazad-dum is both expansive and claustrophobic at once, with this being broken only at Balin's tomb. The battle in Balin's tomb is astonishingly well done, and the pursuit to the Bridge of Durin shows the orcs as being, if possible, even more sinister and fearsome than I had imagined in the book. The orcs of Moria resemble nothing so much as humanoid spiders in the deeps.

As far as the Balrog is concerned, well... Lets just say that if I had to imagine a "Demon of Might" - this would be it!

Perhaps nothing is more striking in the film than being able to see through Frodo's view with the ring on. You can understand now that the ring does not just make you invisible... when the bearer wears it, it is as though he has entered another reality that overlays our own. It neatly works with Tolkien's own description of the "existance" of the Nazgul.

All in all, an amazing translation, and well worth seeing! A few omissions and changes do not detract from this film's viewability at all - go and see it NOW!
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The Hobbit (1977 TV Movie)
As a Tolkien Fanatic...
24 December 2001
I must say that I actually remember this movie with fondness. I've read comments that slam the film for either technical faults or the fact that it has left out a number of things.

All these things are true, of course.

Though I thought the artwork itself was quite good, the animation could use some work. Certainly things were left out.

Come on people! Certainly the film is no ten, but it is a decent version, given the fact that to fit the book into a film at all some liberties will be taken. Especially when it seems apparent that the film is aimed at children.

If you can't unwind a bit and just sit back and watch the film without always pointing out every little omission or alteration, then this film will disappoint. But if you can, then give this film a chance.
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Not the perfect movie, but pretty good!
25 July 2000
At least as disaster films go, this one sets a new standard. Visually, this film is stunning! If you don't see it on the big screen, you're selling this film and yourself short - I think that for "weather" effects, this one may have beaten out _Twister_. The story and the character interactions have the sense of being a little too contrived for my liking, to try and get you to feel for the characters more - but as the film progresses, the film, and the acting, more than makes up for this.

But the star has to be the storm itself! Words do NOT do justice to the visual effects and realism behind _The Perfect Storm_. Definitly see it - don't wait for it on video. You'll never forgive yourself if you do.
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When so many people either love or hate a film, make a point to see it...
25 July 2000
I continue to be astonished at the reviews that this film has received. People either love or hate this film. I guess I fit into the former category, but I can understand how this film could REALLY rub you the wrong way.

The plot is VERY deep, so deep that I think a lot of people just don't catch the thread of it. Also, this film tries to make you think in a way that is very difficult for people to follow (or accept). If you can't envisage or accept what this film is trying to portray, then it WILL come across as a vapid, weak-plotted attempt to tug at the tears (because in a sense, that IS a part of what this film does).

The film doesn't deal with the afterlife, not really. It deals with how we view ourselves and tries to show the difference between the world outside of us and the world inside. I personally found this film to be very comforting and inspirational in an odd sense, and more than once I caught some of my own thoughts within.

It does have some weak moments - in particular, I think the ending could have been done much better, and did feel a little too contrived - almost like Kodak tried to make a moment at the end. Also, the film is a little too thick on dogma - but I guess I can't really argue about that too much. Despite some flaws, I found the film to be very good.

At the very least, the film will be good eye-candy (the setting and effects are marvelous) - and perhaps, much more.

Just don't blame me if you don't like it. :-)
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Chicken Run (2000)
One of the most fun films I've seen!
2 July 2000
Perhaps I'm biased. I lived in Yorkshire for some years, so perhaps that may give me a little better understanding of the humor than most Americans will have (not to mention a slightly better grasp on the accents, though they were pretty clear). And I have been a fan of the Wallace and Grommit work for some time - I think EVERYONE should see "A Close Shave" unless they've had their sense of humor surgically removed.

Perhaps I'm biased, but I don't think so, as the entire theater was laughing as hard as I was. This film is just tremendous, and I have a feeling that Mel Gibson's _The Patriot_ is going to have some of the hardest competition in his other film, _Chicken Run_.

Whether you have kids or not, see this film! Of course the slapstick and animation will appeal to them, but there is enough sophisticated comedy and appeal to this film that anyone can enjoy it. And to the perceptive who have watched all the "serious" great escape films, (and to the perceptive who just love Brit comedy) there are many subtle stabs.

This is the best "film for everyone" that I've seen in a long time.
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This film you'll either love or hate...
28 June 2000
and it all comes down to just what your expectations are.

In all horror films that work, there are really only two mechanics that grab the viewers and give them the shakes. The first is the contemplation of some idea or concept that is truly horrifying. This is very rarely the case in films, as most films cannot convey complex concepts and ideas that well. Some films that deal with the possibilities of disasters and "aftermath" films try. Films like _The Andromeda Strain_ come to mind - although obstensibly a sci-fi film, the premise of this film when I saw it first years ago really gave me the chills.

Then, more often, there are films that give you a vicarious scare by letting you imagine yourself in a dangerous or terrifying situation. This is a lot easier to do, of course, and so most horror films fall into this "suspense-thriller" pattern. I like the former better, but this - if done well - can still scare pretty good, and can still make for a great film.

_The Blair Witch Project_ does both. And the ONLY reason it works at all is because it does use both elements - one by itself given this film just won't work, and if you "don't get it" - if either part goes over your head - you're just going to be confused by this film. I think that is why so many people don't like it.

But if you can grasp onto the supernatural horror of this film, and if the "ultra-realistic" way it was filmed can help let you put yourself into the film (like it did for me) then this film is VERY creepy and will keep you awake listening to those little bumps in the night for a good long time. Only one thing though - do NOT see this on the big screen, because you'll be too distracted by the feeling in your stomach at the "bad" camerawork. Besides, the better setting is in a nice dark room... or tent... at night... lost... in the woods... :-) Enjoy.
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Warlock (1989)
The sinners are much more fun!
19 June 1999
This movie actually is a pretty fun film with a lot more going for it than most people might think just looking at the cover. Sands is perfectly cast as the warlock, an evil-to-the-core witch who works for nothing less than the uncreation of the cosmos. Fighting him is an out-of-his-element witch-hunter who has chased him to the present (Grant) with a peculiar confidence. He knows his enemy and knows what he needs to do to prevent the warlock from completing the Grand Grimoire, but is lost in the present. Tagging along is a modern-day girl who is acceptably portrayed by Lori Singer caught between the warlock's unbelievable powers, her newfound friend from the past with an obsession, and her now blasted view of "how things work in the real world." Two things really make this film though. The first is that the explanations that are given actually don't bog the momentum down (and the filmmakers decide to leave some things unexplained or give the most cursory explanations to catch the audience up in the wild ride that Kassandra (Singer) has found herself in) and that although both the warlock and the hunter have powers, they are closly matched and totally obsessed, making for a very interesting conflict. There's also enough tongue in cheek to keep people interesting and to break occasional tension. Very watchable - go and try it on for size.
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Flash Gordon (1980)
Campy fun!
20 September 1998
This is one of the better translations of a comic series than many. It retains much of the original storyline, flavor, and camp feel of the original comics. Casting of Max Von Sydow as Ming was brilliant, and the character of Klytus could not have been better done. UnfortunatEly, most people will have only seen the various versions on TV, which has been cut in various ways, removing usually some of the best scenes.
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Blade (1998)
Better than expected!
9 September 1998
Normally, I approach comic translations warely - they tend to be rather hokey and predictable, and this was no real exception. That being the case, this film was an awful lot of fun to watch, despite predictability and 2-dimensional acting. The action scenes were better than most of this genre' and the plotline made more sense than most other comic-movies. Snipes proved himself to be a consummate action-figure star once more in this film. The only disappointment I had with this film was it's en-masse treatment of most of the vampiric characters... but that's more a problem with my enthusiasm with real horror films than with this production in particular. This is not a real horror film, and horror film fans will be disappointed - but if you want a hell of an action ride, see this film!
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Event Horizon (1997)
Hey - I liked it!
9 September 1998
Finally! A film that is more than just a splatterfest in space! I think fans of classic horror (I'm thinking _The Haunting_ and other such) will enjoy this production. It is a well-cast, solid, and intriguing haunted-house (or should that be spacecraft?) tale with an engaging plot where, refreshingly, most of the true horror occurs in the minds of the characters, rather than in the blood-soaked machete' of some mute killing machine or some wise-cracking psychopath. I was a little let-down by the fact that they had to turn Sam Neill's character into the more-or-less typical antagonist, but otherwise, a solid horror film that will leave you thinking!
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Contact (1997)
Fine film!
9 September 1998
In fact, this may be one of the best sci-fi films of all time. I gave it an "8" - and it only narrowly avoided a higher rating by virtue of its ending, which I thought was a little weak and predictable, given the rest of this fantastic tale. However, the acting and the story was incredible, as were the effects! Someone here said, I believe, 2001 for the 90's and they may very well be right, though _Contact_ does not quite match that film in my humble opinion. Still, this is a must-see for any sci-fi film fan!
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Stargate (1994)
"What a ride!"
9 September 1998
That quote from the film just about sums it up. When I first saw this film, the let-down after the promising beginning almost made me give this film a thumbs down, but I find that it grows upon me. What you really should have, though, is two stories. The tale on Abbados (sp?) is very engaging and has quite a good deal of action that actually seems to hang together pretty good! Unfortunately, how we got from the beginning to the main story nearly broke it for me with plot assumptions that you could drive a chevvy through. Still, if you're willing to put aside that 15 or so minutes that just don't make sense when they first crank up the stargate, then you'll enjoy this one. :-)
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This is a fun what-if film!
9 September 1998
What if HG Wells really invented a time machine, only to have it unleash the most notorious serial killer of all time to a modern 1980's San Francisco? And it pulls it off pretty well, too. The story works good, and the acting was a little dry, but otherwise excellent. I think, though, that they should have concentrated more on the difficulties both Wells and "Jack" would have adapting to the 80's (1980's that is)... and then shown us a little more in Wells' own home-time to make the point a bit better. All in all, though, very entertaining and worth watching!
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Salem's Lot (1979)
I'm trying to figure out why so many horror fans don't like this show...
9 September 1998
As it really is a wonderful and suspenseful vampire tale! Stephen King - not normally my favorite horror writer - has created one of the absolute BEST modern vampire tales in this story, and this mini-series translation is absolutely true to the feel of his tale! Instead of splatterfest effects , this show hinges itself on a high-tension spiderweb of plotlines and sets up the vampire more as a behind-the-scenes controlling evil. The terror here is not in seeing the monster, it is in NOT seeing him and knowing that he and his minions are out there, somewhere, plotting and planning with the heros stumbling blindly after them like toddlers in the dark. Give this show a chance! It may just scare you!
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Alien (1979)
This is the benchmark space horror film!
9 September 1998
I can't believe there is anyone who hasn't seen this film at least once. Still, I come back to it again and again, and again and again it gets me leaping out of my seat! The story is downright terrifying (and, unlike a lot of sci-fi, absolutely believable), the acting very strong, the suspense incredible, the filming excellent - and the setting and monster straight out of the worst nightmare anyone ever had! Tread carefully when you walk away from this film... you never know what may be following you!
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Nosferatu (1922)
Dust it off and watch - it's STILL damn good!
9 September 1998
I'm a lover of classic horror and, let's say it... "vampire" films! I had heard about the original _Nosferatu_ and when I saw it on Laserdisc in the movie store in the bargain bin, I decided then and there I had to have it. I have not regretted it since! The eerie ambiance and unique (and disquieting) feel to Count Orlok himself give a whole different feel to the vampire - this first vampire is not just a nasty human with fangs, a bad sun reaction, and a predilection for a fake central European accent - this is a cunning and vicious inhuman creature who you can be afraid of! While the story could be better (as is true of so many silent films) the stylish acting and the fantastic cinematography are what really make this film the classic that it is! If you're used to the cinematographic stereotype vampire, do yourself a favor and see what else there is to see!
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