
5 Reviews
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A Simple Plan (1998)
great movie, great performances, perfect ending
23 October 1998
I saw this movie at its North American premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, and I thought it was absolutely wonderful. The performances are strong all around, and Billy Bob Thornton is a notable standout. This is one of those movies where you think you know what will happen, but then you find out that you just didn't know at all, and this is a good thing. Unpredictable twists, but all plausible within the given guidelines to the story. Sam Raimi has outdone himself with subtlety and restraint, two things you don't normally see in his movies! <g>
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one of these things is not like the others
12 October 1998
I am a big fan of both WELCOME TO THE DOLLHOUSE and HAPPINESS, and didn't even know this movie existed until it was shown recently on the "Romance Classics" cable channel, of all places. (The only "star" acknowledged in the channel listing was Stanley Tucci, who does have a small supporting role.) This film tries too hard to be a wacky look at love for a loser (played by Solondz), and I found its wackiness to be both forced and intrusive. While it does contain some of the elements that are used so much more effectively in his later two films, such as an unblinking look at the ugliness in life, and strange songs with lyrics penned by Solondz, this film is not in the same league as either. It doesn't help that intentionally or otherwise, Solondz comes off as a annoying version of Woody Allen. Recommended for Solondz (or Tucci) completists only.
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Thursday (1998)
not really the evil incarnate as some would claim
5 October 1998
You may have heard of this film only in the context of the noted film critic Roger Ebert's attack on it as something that "crosses the line" when it comes to violence and offensiveness. (I'm still wondering if he and I saw the same movie at the Toronto Film Festival!)

I beg to differ with Mr. Ebert's opinion that any person with basic sensibilities will be completely offended by this film. I don't believe it necessarily pushes the limits that had been previously set by such "just as over the top" offerings as PULP FICTION and RESERVOIR DOGS. This film might suffer from the fact that it is NOT a Tarantino production, but if you like cartoonish violence, obvious stereotypes and oddball chitchat on cultural themes (Star Trek, anyone?), it will not disappoint. I went into it with no preconceptions (I bought a ticket at the last minute on the day of the 2nd screening) and was surprisingly entertained.
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Ed Wood meets Buster Keaton
24 September 1998
I also saw this movie at its Toronto Film Festival premiere (a midnight screening, which was quite appropriate) and found it to be entertaining and not at all a waste of time. Mind you, it's not a movie for everyone, and if you don't enjoy other Ed Wood offerings such as "Plan 9 From Outer Space" and "Glen Or Glenda?" then it might not be the movie for you. My favorite part was the scene with Tippi Hedren; the musical score is lifted almost directly from Bernard Herrmann's PSYCHO.
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Happiness (1998)
a wonderful but disturbing black comedy that isn't for everyone
22 September 1998
I recently got to see this great film as part of the 1998 Toronto International Film Festival, and was rewarded with an experience I still can't quite shake. There are so many things that happen and so many things that are said that a lot of people will not expect, and may not want to see or hear. (I certainly wouldn't recommend that my mother see this movie!) And yet, I'm convinced it's one of the best films I've seen in years - it deservedly won the film journalists' award at Toronto. To go into detail is to give away so much of the plot's fun, so I'll leave it for you to discover, if you dare.
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