
19 Reviews
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Wild Things (1998)
18 January 1999
I loved this flick.. Matt Dillon was actually watchable, Neve Campbell was super...Kevin Bacon was well, "entertaining" (hehe) Denise Richards is a putz who should never have a job in Hollywood again (did the casting director not see "Starship Troopers") this chick has all the charisma of a stale piece of bread. The plot twists were fun (a couple of them are predictable, but who cares..a movie is supposed to entertain, and this one entertained!). The 3-way was not needed, nor was the bitch-fight in the swimming pool, but what the hell! Did we really need to see Sharon Stone spread her legs in Basic Instinct? Nope, but it's one of the most memorable moments in movie history... "Wild Things" won't be one of the most memorable moments, but it's sure fun to watch!
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The Faculty (1998)
in one word...ATMOSPHERIC
2 January 1999
I loved this movie!! I would rank this one right up there with "Scream" as one of my all-time favorites! The cast was superb, the acting totally believable, and the script well thought out. The characters were not your typical high school characters. Sure they had the jock, the beautiful valedictorian, the new girl, the outcast, the geek, and the dropout...but somehow each of these characters were more complex than just that... By far the best sci-fi/horror film that I have seen in a while. Although looking at all of the Tommy Hilfiger labels was getting a little bit irritating...
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Medusa: Dare to Be Truthful (1991 TV Movie)
2 January 1999
This movie was a riot, it pokes fun of "Madonna - Truth Or Dare" in all the right places. I love Madonna & I love Julie Brown. How could I ask for more..Julie's spoof of "Vogue", entitled "Vague" was hysterical.. "Kelly LeBrock thinks she's great, she's just cold boogers on a paper plate". "Brooke Shields, Dawber, Pam personality of Spam"!! I could've died! And just wait till you see what she can do with a watermelon!!
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Psycho (1998)
it was fun but....
14 December 1998
Now being a fan of the original, I was kind of weary of dishing out $8.50 to go and see this, but I did anyways. Was I glad? I don't know. It wasn't a horrible movie, but it needed something more to work for the 90's. This movie is set in the 60's still, even though they had a few changes (Heche steals $400,000.00 instead of $4,000), they needed more. And what was with her outfits!!! WHOAH! I thought that Ms. Heche fell out of the 60's. I thought I was watching "Pleasantville" for a minute!! And I did not find Vince Vaughn creepy at all. I found myself getting a crush on him, with that cute little giggle and his little grin. Only one scene had any shock value for me (concerning the detective). .I jumped. Whoo-hoo. A movie needs more than that. This movie was cool in the 60's, but in the 90's we have all been desensitized to this kind of tame violence. I was bugging my friend who came with me because he was bored out of his mind in the movie. I told him he was bored because nothing blew up in the movie. He agreed. Kinda sad, huh. He didn't like it cuz he said it was too "talky" for a horror movie. I told him it wasn't a horror movie, that it was a psychological thriller. He told me that "Single White Female" was a psychological thriller. And that is what summed it all up for me. Hollywood doesn't need to reshoot the old Hollywood classics frame by frame for the enjoyment of the "new generations" because they won't enjoy it. They want to see a lot more blood and violence, things that make them jump and scream. "Aliens" can do that, "Scream" can do that, hell even "I Know What You Did Last Summer" can do that. So did I enjoy it, scale of 1-8, i give it a 6. And that is mostly for the acting skills of Julianne Moore & Vince Vaughn.
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5 December 1998
I had originally bought this movie a couple of months ago, well last week, I had to buy a new copy because I had worn my old one out!! This movie is so much fun!! Very reminiscent to Clueless (another one of my faves), although I do prefer Clueless a little more (age range - I didn't go to high school in the 80's). And yet again, Janeane Garafalo steals the show! Not to say that Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kudrow were anything but their perfect selves, Janeane just has this "power" on the screen! Highly recommended!! Best scene - Romy & Michelle's dance routine with Sandy Frink! HYSTERICAL!!!
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Celebrity (1998)
surprisingly enough, I enjoyed it
21 November 1998
Now, I went to this film expecting it to be an overly long, boring, talky film. For the most part, I was wrong. It didn't seem very long, it was not boring, but of course it was talky. (It's a Woody Allen movie. How could it not be talky??). I don't know why I enjoyed this movie as much as I did. One of my favorites, Winona Ryder, only has a small part (which she plays perfectly!!). Charlize Theron (who I had only seen in "The Devil's Advocate) also impressed me with her portrayal of a supermodel who orgasms at the touch of someone. Bebe Nuewirth was brilliant as the hooker who teaches Judy Davis a few things about sex... and Judy Davis was the best thing about this movie. SHE WAS AWESOME!!! Leonadro DiCaprio was good as well, it was nice to see him so vile after the good guy he played in "Titanic". One question though, HOW THE HELL DID KENNETH BRANAGH GET ALL OF THE HOTTIES IN THIS MOVIE?? SICK! But I would recommend this film to people. If you don't want to see some over-blown action flick, and you want to watch something with intelligence (don't get me wrong, I love my action flicks), go see this one.
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better than the first...
15 November 1998
So I went and saw this film on opening weekend, and the theater was packed with teenage girls, who squealed at every little thing. So that kinda took away from the film, but I still enjoyed it. I wouldn't shell out $8.00 to see it again, but it was better than the first. Maybe it was just because I like Brandy and I have a biased opinion. Who knows?! Brandy did quite well in her first Big Screen film, even though all she mostly did was run and scream! (Makes me wonder why they showed off all of her kickboxing skills). Hewitt was her regular drab self. When will this girl's 15 minutes run out?! A couple of decent characters, and a decent plot helped this one. With it being a horror film, of course you're going to have more plot flaws than the average Hollywood film, but this one didn't do too bad. Easy to predict who the killer is though.
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Spice World (1997)
Love the Spice Girls!!! Love the movie??
31 October 1998
Now I'm the first to admit that I am a huge Spice fanatic. But the movie, eeehhh, I just don't know. It's not that it was awful or anything, but it's not one of my top ten! The Spice girls should stick to singing, but not in the movies!! They sounded absolutely awful, and I got really sick of hearing all of the same songs that I've been hearing for the past few years. They had only 1 unreleased song in that whole movie!! The opening credits had the theater in hysterics though, it was soooo cheesy!! I don't know why George Wendt, Mark McKinney and so many others were in this, they really didn't have any real purpose in the movie, the producers probably could have saved a little bit of money and hired some absolute no-namers to play the exact same parts!! And the whole Alien scene. Come on now, that was way too dumb, even for my cheesy self. The last fifteen minutes was the most entertaining. The main thing this movie does prove, is that the Spice Girls are easy on the eyes, and that they have GREAT shoes!! I'd say that if you are over 15, you should steer clear of this movie, unless you're a Spice fan, and you are REALLY inebriated!! although I did give it a 10/10. Cuz I was Really inebriated when I watched it!!
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Deadly Weapon (1989)
Wanna watch something funny?
29 October 1998
The only reason I rented this flick, was because it starred "Joey" from "A Nightmare On Elm Street 3 - Dream Warriors", as well as "Heather Chandler" from "Heathers". And that is the only reason to watch this crud. You want to see an actor do their worst job, then rent this one.
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Ticks (1993)
one reason to see this film
27 October 1998
Local marijuana harvesters leak out chemicals that infect bugs to grow to mammoth proportions, nearby teens are vacationing.... Not too original, and only worth seeing for one reason in particular - you get to watch "Carlton" (Alfonso Ribeiro) from "The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air", get bitten by one of these "Ticks" and subsequently watch him..... Oh just go rent it yourself!
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Murder Weapon (1989)
waste of time!!
27 October 1998
I saw this movie years about 8 years ago when it first came out, and the only memories that I have about it are : 1. That it was awful. 2. That in one scene Linnea Quigley applies suntan lotion to her arms and legs repeatedly for about 15 minutes straight (it seemed that long anyways). 3. One scene where a character gets a sledgehammer rammed into his head. In this scene, when the hammer connects, the head smashes like glass. It's quite bad.
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Deadly Friend (1986)
android-girl killer??
27 October 1998
The horror movie with a conscience. Whatever. Intelligent boy finds his beautiful next-door neighbor dead, and in order to keep her alive, he plants a robot-chip in her brain... OK. Not one of my favorites (even though it's directed by Wes Craven, and stars Kristy Swanson), but any movie that manages to incorporate a basketball into a death scene, has to have something going for it.
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Loved aspects of it, hated aspects of it
26 October 1998
My emotions were on a roller-coaster throughout this whole movie.

There were times when I felt so much joy for the characters and times when I felt severe hatred for others. Although I did enjoy this movie a lot, I will never ever watch it again. The ending aggrivated me beyond belief. I felt that Gabriel was a huge jerk, and that Billy was shafted. Although the drag sequence at the opening is FANTASTIC!! All in all, any movie that can jerk my emotions back and forth, where I get that involved in the characters, has to be good.
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Showgirls (1995)
garbage movie with a couple of entertaining scenes
26 October 1998
Can I just say that this was one of the hardest movies for me to sit through. EVER!! What a piece of trash, could they have shown me one more set of breasts please??? Elizabeth Berkley was brutally bad, Gina Gershon wasn't much better. A couple of hysterical scenes though - "Thrust, Thrust, Thrust" - If you've seen it you'll know what I'm talking about. Or how about "It's a Versace"!!! I couldn't stop laughing. Or right before the end where she beats up the long hair and she's screaming "F--k You! F--ker!!!. What a riot.
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Another party, Angela???
26 October 1998
So this sequel takes place at "Hull House" once again. This time, a group of kids skip their Catholic School dance, in order to party at "Hull House" on Halloween, the Legend of Angela enticing them to party at the house. Another reason to go, is to get a rise out of Melissa, Angela's sister. Not as good as the original, but still a fun ride. Although there is one ridiculous scene involving a decapitated head. And that pesky lipstick shows up again.... Pretty much like any demon movie you've seen before. But I'd still recommend it.
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Heathers (1988)
Quite possibly the best dark comedy ever made!!
26 October 1998
Quite possibly the best dark comedy ever made!! This movie has given me some of the best one-liner's and retorts that I have ever used. Winona Ryder AND Christian Slater together?? Who could ask for more? And can I just say that any movie where Shannen Doherty gets slapped in the face, deserves to be hailed as "a classic".
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What a party!!
26 October 1998
So Angela decides to throw a party, and what a party it is! A group of teens get together at "Hull House", an old funeral home, on Halloween night for a party. In the first part of the night they manage to summon a demon, which possesses the teens one by one. Quite a chilling little flick. Stars B-movie queen Linnea Quigley (who does something VERY interesting with a tube of lipstick). There is some great camera work in this film (Angela in possessed form, floating through the hallways), and a nice "happy" ending.
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Boys like to have fun too.
26 October 1998
This is "hands down" one of the best cheesy teen movies to come out of the 80's. Watching Sarah Jessica Parker dance alongside Lee Montgomery just gives me flashbacks of the days when I dreamed of being a "Solid Gold" dancer! The acting is horrendous, the characters are cardboard cut-outs, and the plot is just way too predictable. I should hate this movie. BUT I LOVED IT!!! And the soundtrack is extreme cheese! LOVED IT!! And who says that only Girls Just To Have Fun??? Boys want to have fun too....
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80's exploitation!!!
26 October 1998
What can I say about a movie where they show the rape of a twelve year old deaf girl? I mean come on, they even filmed her naked breasts. Kinda sick. And also seeing Linda Blair sitting in a bathtub, smoking a cigarette, breasts exposed. Couldn't stop laughing. Bought this one at a garage sale for $4.00. I think I got ripped off.
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