
3 Reviews
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A superb yet overlooked film.
17 July 1999
Every so often you come acrooss a movie that at first you have no intention of watching and at a glance it seems as though it couldn't possibly interest you but it just pulls you in, takes you to another time and your hooked, Mister Johnson is one such film. The story takes place in West Africa 1920 while the british empire is still in partial control of the land and it's survival of the fittest so to speak. Native men work all day virtually as slaves for pennies and a select few that were lucky enough to be educated and get a good start in life treat the rest worse than the white colonists in an attempt to gain favor with the British. Mister Johnson is a movie about a fluke of a man, educated, sly, cunningly crafty, sharp as a tack and a black man living in a hard time and place. Mister Johnson is a movie about a man who tries so hard to be British he forgets who his people really are, he breaks his back time and time again bending over backwards for the British but ultimately gets no real reward except his satisfaction in believing he's one step closer to being and englishman. This movie looks so real and the characters are so vivid and realistic you sometimes ahve to close your eyes for a second or so to remember your not there with them. In my view Mister Johnson is someone we can ALL relate to, a man obsessed with being a bigshot in a town of nobody's and he will do anything to achieve it.
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Rapa Nui (1994)
Another misleading piece of malarki
2 February 1999
This movie was a complete lie. for starters let me clue some of you in on this, the researchers who study Easter island only have theories as to how these people came to be there, who they were, and how they lived. and none of those hypothesies have anything in common with this ''long-ear'' ''short-ear'' light skinned, dark skinned malarki that the writers dreamt up. one woman said ''this movie gives an in depth look into who these people were, and how and why they built the statues''..i think you might want to make a trip to your local library, use that 5lb hunk of gray matter and read a book instead of believing a so-called ancient legend of history dreampt up by a bunch of crazed american writers and producers. use your mind for just a milli-sec pleeeeease!! if these people made humungous statues, were so smart [they'd have to be to erect those statues] and so spiritually indulgent why would they force one segment of their own people into slavery, exile and force them to erect those enormous statues just becase their skin was dark, and their ears were short!!? it's so funny how so-called histortians contradict each other..they're so full of it,it's sickening. i just watched a documentary of swimming and beaches on THE LEARNING CHANNEL and accoriding to WHITE historians the Romans were the first to swim in the ocean for fun and sport because all other ''savage'' people thought it brought sea monsters and disease. but in RAPA NUI you can clearly see them [the natives] swimming for fun and surfboarding for christ's sake!In short this ranks up there with all the b******t sterotype pieces of fake ethnic b-movies from ''SHAKA ZULU'' the mini-series to ''KUNG FU''they're all taken from the imaginations of complete gits.
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The Odyssey (1992–1994)
One of the greatest sci-fi shows created!
2 February 1999
The Odyssey is not a well known sci-fi show but it still ranks up there with the twilight zone and the outer limits. This show takes place in the mind of a boy named ''JAY ZIEGLER'' who while trying to get his father's antique telescope back from some local bullies falls from a treehouse hits his head and goes into a coma. He then proceeds to descend to a world known as ''DOWNWORLD'', he can't see or hear what's going on in ''UPWORLD'' [reality] but his Odyssey in downworld seems to coincide with events going on around him in upworld. this show is far too complicated for me explain in one sitting so i will make it cut and dry. after he goes into downworld he finds out that his long lost father is there but he's only 16 and is the ruler of the world. he joins ''ALPHA'' a bookworm who turns into a smart and witty companion for his long trek to the tower which the equivalent to the white house. he also meets a bully named ''FLASH'' who decides to leave the thug life and turns out to be a very good friend and allie to JAY. along the way our trio meet assorted weirdos, have to solve mind boggling questions and mind mazes, monitors [ like the L.A. P.D. but only half as ruthless], and MEDEA who is played by the talented and beautiful young actress ANDREA NEMETH who will stop at nothing to destroy JAY whom she feels is the ''wrecker'' [the equivalent to the anti-christ] who will destroy their world and change everything. It also is good to note that ANDREA NEMETH also plays SIERRA JONES, a bright young teen show newscaster who has also fallen into a coma. they both reside in the same coma treatment facility in upworld, even though they have never met before they both exist in downworld. to wrap this up this is a terrific saga of a young man on his quest for the truth about his father his life, and his future. ILLYA WOLOSHYN brings a dynamic performance as JAY, ASHLEY ROGERS as ALPHA is awesome, TONY SAMPSON brings a great character to the show as FLASH, and the ultimate goddess [can you tell i'm partial to her?] ANDREA NEEMTH brings a ray of light to the show that is unmatched as MEDEA and SIERRA JONES.
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