
17 Reviews
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Life, Joy, and Family
12 February 2000
I honestly can't remember the last time I smiled so much!

This movie is far from a comedy, but it conveys an honest to goodness joy of life and love that is impossible to walk away from. Amazing acting, and a wonderful personal introduction to the amazing Mr. Benini, who I agree is one of Italy's national treasures. Most of all, I love the portrayal of Fatherhood in this movie. Where a man will do anything to protect his son and wife, even against impossible odds. Touching, sentimental, and simply wonderful. Too many adjectives, I know, but all of them apply!

10/10, because this is what movies should be like. Inspiring and moving. Bravo!
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Hayao Miyazaki is the greatest story-teller ever.
28 November 1999
A young princess with amazing flying talent and a merciful heart tries to save her small valley haven from cruel allies and a forest of deadly fungus and insects. Even in it's filtered down form, it sounds so much better than a Disney flick, doesn't it? Darn right it is.

I was fortunate enough to see the subtitled version of Nausicaa, and I must say that it has only strengthened my belief that Hayao Miyazaki is one of the greatest storytellers in the history of this planet. What most people will not realize is that "Kaze no tani no Naushika" is actually the life's work of Mister Miyazaki. Based on the manga (comic) of the same title, this movie is a mere snapshot into the world he has created for over a decade in comic form. Where similar movies like "Akira" failed to keep most of the impact of it's impossibly large story, Nausicaa actually keeps the same feel and look of the original story.

Without overwhelming the viewer, an amazing, well-crafted world is thrown into the mind's eye. One that is so breathtaking and alien to us, yet also one that is very possible. It even refrains from too much "This is the history of the world in one paragraph", and uses events in the story to explain the past, and why the world is the way it is.

Characters are very well crafted and wonderful to watch, especially Princess Nausicca and her protector, Master Yupa. The creatures in this movie are simply amazing as well, and Miyazaki is known for his wonderful creature imagination. The mighty Ohmu are some of the coolest "monsters" I have ever seen, and I'm looking forward to reading the manga version to see them more in depth. Another monster...this time very much so...that was amazing was the "God Warrior" who made a brief, but horrifying appearance against the Ohmu. Truly, this movie is the stuff of dreams...and nightmares.

This is also a very touching film. One that any age group can watch and come away with a happy heart. Though life is far from a perfect fairytale in Nausicaa, this movie focuses on the human spirit, and the harmony with the planet we should strive towards. It does sound a little sappy, but trust me, it's not. It's a struggle. If it is a triumph...well, that's up to the future to decide.

Anyone who likes the new Princess Mononoke movie will want to see this film, that started Miyazaki's amazing career with a momentous event. 10/10 rating.
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Simply stunning!
29 October 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, after long last, I have managed to watch the End of Evangelion. It was worth any wait.

Those not familiar with the series will have no clue what's happening, so you should at least watch the first 24 episodes. End of Eva takes place as an alternative to the last 25 and 26th episodes. It may sound confusing, but trust me, if you just sit back and enjoy the ride, everything makes sense...even if not right away.

The final Angel has been killed. The 'hero' of the story, Shinji Ikari, now regrets doing it, as he was the only person who seemed to ever like him for who he was. But there is no time to lament on personal demons, as the shadowy puppet masters in SEELE have set the final stage of their plan in motion.

The dreaded Third Impact.

What's even more surprising is that the entire series shows one, giant plan to actually SPEED ALONG the Third Impact, as it could lead Humanity to it's next evolutionary step.

And so, Humanity will now rely on a weak savior who may or may not lead humanity to it's oblivion. A hero who must first fight his own inner dragons, and come to terms with life, and love from himself and from others.

As a response to the public outcry that the last 2 episodes were someone strange and had no "Mecha Combat", the End of Eva has enough of both combat, AND philosophical scenes. A strange, but wonderful mix.

Asuka's fight against 9 Evas is absolutely the most STUNNING visual fight sequence I have ever seen. The energy and awesome scope of the battle is impossible to convey through words alone.

Though Asuka's character is as flawed as Shinji's, she finds redemption in this movie. Again, an amazing testimony of the Human Spirit and our will to live.

The emotional impact of this movie is also quite amazing. It brings reality and the mind to question, and asks us if being individuals is better than being a whole. Is life just a dream, and can we ever be Gods of our own Reality? Those who have watched the last two episodes of the series will see instances where the movie and episodes combine and compliment each other.

Finally, the animation is wonderful. Creepy and breathtaking. Powerfully deep, but also amazing on the physical conflict level as well. This movie is EASILY a match for Akira and is an instant classic.

Watch it with an open mind, and be prepared to be stunned. Be ready to question yourself. Be ready to use your mind in ways you may have not before. This is truly the End, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
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Stigmata (1999)
A scary, intelligent, and surprisingly thought provoking movie
11 September 1999
A scary, intelligent, and surprisingly thought provoking movie.

Before you get the wrong impression: Stigmata is NOT a modern-day Exorcist.

While the Exorcist relied on the shocking horror of demons and the wonderfully ghastly images of a little girl turned hell-spawn, Stigmata takes it down a notch, but replaces that sense of horror with wonderfully written suspense.

When I began to see the previews for this movie, I knew there was a very good chance that the movie would, out of lack of a better term, ROCK. Only two things could have spoiled this movie: A closed mind...and if the actors were not convincing.

Luckily, neither happened. Mark Adair-Rios, the priest and co-lead of this movie was simply astounding. He played a character that was both ridged and objective, but also very human. I think a lot of people will like how he portrays a priest with such touchable humanity. On to Patricia Arquette: Spectacular. Again, a very human, believable character, yet one haunted with, not only terrifying events and emotions, but also the unknown forces that plague her. About the only character I had a problem with was the Token-Bad-Guy-Priest, played by Jonathan Pryce. An excellent actor, but the character has been over-done in too many other movies. This is nothing that will distract from the film, however, and I won't be surprised if this movie grabs some Oscars.

As for the closed mind and faith? That's up to the individual. Hard-core believers of the church should be warned this may be a little hard for you to take. Try it out, just's only a movie....????

On to the visual. VERY nice atmosphere. Rain, urban decay, and Rave meets pomp, religion and Hell. Reminds me of a few brighter episodes of the X-Files...only with a style all it's own. More on the rain: wonderful use of water as a prop, not just a background mood device. Symbolism is everywhere in this movie, and not so obvious that you groan every time a dove flies by. Very nice.

On to the audio. Billy Corgan is a GOD of music. The soundtrack for this movie is spectacular, and blends seamlessly into the visual aspects. Not only that, but it actually ADDS to the movie instead of just sitting in the background. The artist-songs are also very well picked and placed. I can't recall such a cool sound since, maybe, Crimson Tide.

If you like this genre of movie, I suggest checking out The Prophecy and it's sequel. I give this movie a full 10/10 because in my mind, it was one of the best movies of the season. It's been quite an amazing summer for scary movies, and Stigmata easily holds it's own.
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Cube (1997)
Mathematical Death Traps will never be the same!
11 August 1999
Amazing movie. The characters, though at times melodramatic, all propelled the story and mood instead of trying to scramble for Best Actor/Actress award. The result is a tight, unpredictable cast, amazing sets, and a concept of not only a personal hell, but a very original one. Though some of the plot revolves around number-theory and math, don't don't have to understand any of it.

This is a lower-budget, yet thrice as intense version of "Event Horizon." I can say without hesitation that this was one of the best movies of the 97-98 period. Check it out, you'll be glad you did...and scared to walk into the next room.
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I never dry-heaved so much in my life!
27 July 1999
I've seen some bad movies. I've seen some REALLY bad movies.

But I wouldn't want to offend the 'Bad' and 'Really Bad' movies by calling MK2 one of them. This movie was truly the bottom of the barrel when it comes to Hollywood.

Right off the bat, I knew things were going to suck. The actors had changed into wussy shadows of their MK1 selves. Christopher Lambert, while not being an excellent actor, was still VERY cool in the first Mortal Kombat. I had a bad feeling in the back of my brain when they replaced him with a...well...character that not only looked wimpy, but acted like a fly-swatter.

The special defects...uh...special 'effects' in this movie were horrible! I'm not asking for fully rendered, super-resolution 3D "Star Wars Ep 1" environments...just enough technological know-how to make the movie look okay.

The poor bastards couldn't even get close to those fairly forgiving expectations.

The plot? None. Bad guy suddenly comes back, even though MK1 stated it was over and done with. Characters go and show up like it was a frat party. NOTHING in the movie is worth latching onto for a fun ride.

All in all, the only good that came of my watching this movie was the fact I got to see the cool, spooky "Dark City" trailer at the beginning.

Don't waste your time. Trust me like you've never trusted anyone else in your life on this.
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8MM (1999)
An overall acceptable film...but amazing in some parts.
18 July 1999
This movie was good. Strange, exciting, disturbing images and an "All Too Real" plot that makes you think long and hard on the subjects.

Cage is good through the entire film...and I doubt any other actor would have fit as well into the part.

But what REALLY got to me was the climatic scene where Cage calls the girl's mother, and asks her permission to take revenge on the men who killed her.

I can't stress enough how powerful that scene was, and I hope people notice it as I have.

Overall, a good film...just prepare yourself. Either to be shocked, sickened, disturbed, the very least...for an amazing performance by Cage.
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The Mighty (1998)
A movie fit for King Arthur Himself.
29 June 1999
Probably the best movie I've seen all year.

"The Mighty" is the recollections of a slow witted, yet growing young man who owes a new sense of intelligence and imagination to his crippled friend.

A partnership born of necessity turns into the strongest of all friendships. Although amazingly gifted mentally, Kevin is left with a contorted spine and nearly useless legs due to a birth defect. Max, on the other hand has too much body, and not enough brains to match. Kevin offers to pay Max to take him to a fireworks show, and during the process, they bond. Quite literally. Sitting on Max's shoulders, Kevin now has a new set of legs, and in returns, gives the larger boy what could only be describes as a lightning bolt jump-start to his imagination and mind.

Basing their mutual friendship and partnership on the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round, they are much more than Knight and Steed. Together, they form an entity better than the sum of their parts, each growing from their experiences "questing" together.

Very emotional, kind, and entertaining, this movie also teaches what so few movies have ever done with any effort. Honor. In leading a just and true life, seeking noble causes to fight for and needy people to defend. Where courage and excitement are your rewards and the armor you put on and the sword you fight with are a part of your soul and spirit.

Perhaps that is why I loved this movie so much, is that it was able to convey that message of honor and justice so well and without slamming it down the throat of the audience. Truly a wonderful message, and one I know will help one or two kids lead happier, better lives.

I'm going to buy this movie for my kids...just in case no other movie like this one is around when they grow up.

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Tarzan (1999)
EXCELLENT movie! Disney's finally overhauling their molds!
28 June 1999
Wonderful, entertaining, heart-touching and stunning both visually and in it's soundtrack elements. I can't stress this enough. Though the story is rushed in some places, it is easily forgiven, and the "main" chunk of plot still has lots of room to breathe and grow without dragging on.

I also liked how Tarzan needed to be taught the English Language...I hoped Disney wouldn't cheep out on that part and give him an English accent or something. Heheh.

Even the tacked-on-bad-guy element was okay, because it offered Tarzan (already going through inner turmoil) to decide on his final course of action by having to face the Mr Evil-Guy of the day.

All in all, a nearly perfect movie, and one that anyone can go to see and enjoy. If Disney can just keep this new-found momentum instead of going back to the generic Hunchbacks and Mulans, they may actually be on to something. Keep it up, guys! OH! And a BIG thank-you for the design of Jane. The animators FINALLY realized that beauty does NOT mean giant breasts and hips. She was still stunning, though. ^_^
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Highly enjoyable, and weird!
24 June 1999
A great movie, with a cute plot, emotional sub-plot twist, and great characters. The daughters actually ACT like daughters, and of course, the Totoro's are just plain cool. Hehe.

Though the story isn't as good as Kiki's Delivery Service, it makes up for that area with simple creepy-ness. Not a bad thing, by the way. The Totoros are awesome, and I have started calling them "Land Owls". Needless to say, that creeped out all my friends.

10/10 rating. Nothing really bad about it at all. ^_^
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Great mental twisting movie
16 May 1999
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't too sure what to expect with this movie, so I went into it with a fresh mind. Good thing I did. If you're watching this movie for SR71 Blackbird technobable and top-secret sounding military jargon, you're going to be sadly disappointed .

This movie instead uses the air-craft and airforce references as Col Hasley's life. This is NOT a sci-fi tech fest. It is instead a surprisingly deep and amazingly subtle movie. I'm disappointed at the other comments on this movie when it is clear that the other viewers were simply bored, and didn't even watch the ending...and in this movie, that was probably the most important part.

But I suppose the tech-bits were good too. The flight sequences were amazing. I connect with the love of flying to a great degree, and some of the shots in the movie were amazingly breathtaking low-altitude rollercoasters. That alone is the only real reason aircraft are even in this movie.

I can't explain what happens, or who does what, but I will tell you that this movie is actually a very similar idea to 'Jacob's Ladder.' Perhaps even with a hint of 'What Dreams May Come' mixed in for good measure. Though at first it seems like a simple, straight-forward idea, little hints keep building up to the climax that basically turns your mind inside out and your expectations upside down.

Comparing again to Jacob's Ladder, this movie tends to rely more on mystery and recollection rather than disturbing and frightening imagery to convey it's ultimate message: Life isn't always what it seems...if you're already dead.
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Not just another "Clueless"
23 April 1999
Don't get me wrong. I'm probably one of the biggest Drew Barrymore fans out there, and if I ever meet her, I'll propose to her on the spot. However, I wasn't expecting too much from this movie. The previews and vague story-line echoed "Clueless" (not a hideous film in its own regard) and "Peggy Sue got Married".

But this movie was like Clueless with a clue. It used the "ditzy" theme to its advantage, and reversed it to promote a more realistic story. If Drew had been too confident or mature, it would have seemed out of place in a High School. There are a few scenes that make you groan how cheesy they are...but then again, highschool was like that.

I especially liked how her entire backup crew went along for the journey with her. Although it was she who was reliving her past, they all connected with the struggles, regrets, wishes and feelings of being able to turn back the clock and do it all over again.

Bottom line: This movie is best seen as a whole. It's not Barrymore's best movie, but hardly by her own fault. That's just personal preference talking. Behind the plastic mask of a superfical setting, this movie has real feeling and guts to it's story and characters.

I look forward to Flower Pictures' next movie, knowing it will be even better as it evolves and tests out its wings.
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Suicide Kings (1997)
Walken at his best!
13 April 1999
The best thing about this movie was that it surprised me. Right out of the blue. I was expecting perhaps a Godfather rip-off, or some kind of Dennis-Leary style rant-session with gangsters. This movie creeps up on you subtlety. Even when the action's happening, it's kinda low-key and average. But it's all setting up the dialogue. Everything in this movie focuses the wonderful performances by pretty much the entire cast. Christopher Walken is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors, and he did not disappoint with this movie. He fits the gangster stereotype, but adds to it immensely as well. It's wonderful just to watch him speak. (That's about all he does, he's taped to a chair in the movie.) Even the annoying, drawn-out speeches by the kid who lives in the house are great, and really add to the movie.

And yes, Leary was good too. It's great to see he actually DOES have some REAL acting talent, and I enjoyed his scenes a lot.

9/10. Low key movie. But EXCELLENT acting on all fronts.
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A tribute to Japanese Animation!
17 March 1999
Many people can claim to be fans of Anime, or Japanese Animation. It's been forced into the North American public by companies like Manga, US Corps and now, even Disney.

Movies like Akira shocked the people...bringing surreal story and amazing animation to the screen. Many others followed that simply blew away the animation and realism of American cartoons.

But then they started to suck. Bad. Over-produced to feed the masses.

And so, when I rented Kiki's Delivery Service, I was kinda expecting to be let down. Knowing it would probably be some spoon-fed animation to appeal to the 3-6 year olds.

Boy, was I wrong. This movie was simply amazing. The animation was wonderful. Not too cartoony, but not too jagged and harsh. Everything flowed smoothly and looked great. The story was AMAZING. It was what really shone. Subtle lessons at life that even got me, a nineteen-year-old computer engineer, cheering for Kiki. It is intelligent, thoughtful, and sweet to the max.

Though this movie is the near exact opposite from all those mechanoid blood-baths and samurai show-downs that populate most of the Anime world...this simple little movie...with the great voice of Phil Hartman I might add...actually got me interested in Anime again.

Check it out. Even if you're just in it for the cats, you won't be disappointed. ^_^
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Doppelganger (1993)
B-Movie-ish, but worth a look for fans
13 February 1999
The good? Acting by the "Nice Guy" writer, Newbern, is great. Drew Barrymore's sultry little dances and always seductive scenes. Plot twist will probably surprise you. The bad? Early in Drew's career...look to Ever After and Wedding Singer if you want better acting. Special Effects are stuff I could do with enough silly-putty and Jell-O mix. The ugly? A lot of the plot isn't needed. Could have been wrapped up in a TV show slot, and it indeed felt rushed at the end with a "bad-guy explains his whole evil plot" sequence.

It's good for a laugh, and good to waste some time, but don't be too critical of it. It's more of a confusing B-Movie trying to be a REAL movie than anything.
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True love the way it's supposed to be.
13 January 1999
The Wedding Singer is an exaggerated, but still true story about true love. Sandler is hilarious, especially with his emotional outbursts and great subdued comments and jokes. The rest of the cast compliments him perfectly (The mutants at table nine was a great scene) Barrymore is an angel in this movie. Innocent and lovely. Great acting and emotion put into most of her lines as usual. Billy Idol makes a cameo, and you can't help but cheer along with him as he helps the leading couple get together. This is NOT a serious movie, but it is wonderfully entertaining, and a good dose of romance to the heart when you need it. Of course, there's the Kiss scene, that won a MTV Movie award. Drew can be just as sexy being the good girl as she is the bad girl, and she melts the screen, even with Adam, who is hardly a heart-throb to most. It's great to see a normal, average guy get the girl. Not all nice guys finish last. :)
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The Prophecy II (1998 Video)
Continuation, but not an equal
13 January 1999
I watched the Prophecy and Prophecy II on the same night, both for the first time, so the comparisons were really obvious. Though PII is not a complete waste of time, it was hardly as interesting and exciting as the first. It did have some good points, however, and I would recommend it to anyone who loved the story of the Prophecy idea. The climactic scene at the end was excellent. Very creepy. DOS and PC lovers will like the humor as Gabriel tries to work a computer. :) The special effects sequences of angels flying above in the clouds was awesome. Even so, it lacked something that the first had. I'd give it a 6/10, and the first a 9/10. Let's hope Prophecy III will be better.
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