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Maybe the Aliens Came to Earth to Destroy The Makers of This "Movie"
16 December 1999
The Plot: Predatory aliens are coming to destroy Earth and it's up to Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum, Lord help us, to save the planet. That's basically it for a "plot".

My Critique: It's unfortunate that one of the largest grossing films of all time also happens to be one of the stupidest. "ID4" is perhaps the granddaddy of all bad science fiction/special effects movies in the blockbuster-driven 1990's. It has it all, as far as blockbuster go. "ID4" has no real story. Aliens come to Earth and blow up things. Earth (or rather America) fights back. More things blow up. Between things blowing up, we have pitiful attempts at filler, such as a stripper saving the First Lady.

The screenwriters opted for minimal character development. The Characters don't actually have much to do with the "story", they're just there to yell stupid one-liners and "No!!!!" whenever something blows up.

In place of story, special effects are used. To me, the special effects in "ID4" aren't even good. In the entire movie, we only see one alien. The Oscar winning special effects are mainly of explosions and ugly, gray, alien destroyers, which all look the same to me.

But perhaps the main thing "ID4" lacks is a message. When I say message, I don't mean a moral lesson. Instead, I mean that the movie doesn't have a point it's trying to make. All great science fiction, and most movies in general, have a point to them. In "2001 : A Space Odyssey", the point was that man cannot rely on computers. In "The Day the Earth Stood Still", aliens were coming to destroy Earth, like the ones in "ID4". However in "The Day the Earth Stood Still", the aliens were trying to teach humans a lesson about nuclear war, as was the point in many sci-fi movies from the 1950's. In "ID4", though, aliens simply want to destroy humans. They have no motivation for carnage.

It's a true shame that a movie as stupid, thoughtless, and flashy as "Independence Day" is one of the highest grossing movies of all time.

My Rating : 3
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Network (1976)
One of the Greatest Masterpieces to Come out of the 1970's
16 December 1999
The Plot: At low-rated network UBS, newsreporter Howard Beale (Peter Finch, in an Oscar-winning role) vows to kill himself on the air. The telecast promises to draw huge numbers. However Howard does not kill himself and rants to the audience that he "simply ran out of bullsh**". Faye Dunaway, playing a ratings-seeking programmer decides Beale's ranting and raving could draw a great audience and decides to keep him on the air, much to the anger of William Holden, playing an old producer. Holden's objections don't matter because UBS has been taken over by a greedy corporation represented by Robert DuVall. Howard is put back on the air as the "mad prophet of the airwaves" and tells viewers all across America to go out to their window and shout "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" Soon, Howard gets his own show. But what is UBS to do when the ratings start to drop?

My Critique: Perhaps the cinema's greatest satire ever. Dunaway, Holden, and Finch give magnificent performances. DuVall and Ned Beatty are excellence as dark, cold executives.

Many films such as "Easy Rider", "The Graduate", or "West Side Story" are called dated. Many say "Easy Rider" look ridiculous today. "Network" has done something very hard to do. Instead of growing "dated", "Network" has infact grown even more accurate. Back in the 1970's, "Network" could have been considered a drama with a wacky premise. What a difference two decades makes. The idea of an insane man yelling about the problems of the world on television doesn't seem shocking today. FOX already has hours of footage a week described as "World's Wildest Police Chases". Does a show with footage of acts of terrorism sound all too far away?

My Rating : 10
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Possibly the Greatest Animated Film of All Time
1 November 1999
The Plot: Pepperland is a happy and peaceful place. that is until the Blue Meanies, a gang of music hating monsters attack it. The Meanies turn all the citizens to stone. The only survivor is Old Fred, Captain of the Yellow Submarine. Fred escapes to England in the submarine. While there, he enlists the help of the Beatles (John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr) to save Pepperland. The Beatles journey in the Yellow Submarine and on the way go through the Sea of Green, the Sea of Holes, and the Sea of Time, among other locations.

My Critique: This and the magnificent "Sleeping Beauty" are almost dead even on my list of the greatest of all animated films. Where as "Sleeping Beauty" used 70mm film and detailed art to create a definitive style, "Yellow Submarine" uses fantasy and absurd visuals to create an even more memorable style. One of the great things about this film is you notice something new everytime you watch it. Animated shows such as "The Simpsons" and "Futurama" owe a lot to "Yellow Submarine" in the way they use background to tell jokes you can only catch with an acute eye or freeze-frame. Long before MTV was airing music videos all shot in different styles and tones, "Yellow Submarine" was pioneering it. All of the roughly dozen songs in the film have a different feel. "Elanor Rigby" uses post-modernism. "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" uses Impressionism. "When I'm Sixty Four" cannibalizes numbers with art deco images. The only drawback is that the Beatles didn't supply their own voices. This doesn't really diminish it much though, considering the voice artists sound pretty dead on. All in all, not to shabby for a cheap cartoon.

My Rating : 10
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Simon Birch (1998)
Manipulative and awful [SPOILERS]
30 October 1999
Warning: Spoilers
The Plot: The year is 1964. In a small town, there is a boy named Simon Birch (Ian Michael Smith) who is quite short. In fact, he was the shortest delivery ever made in the county. His parents do not care about him. So, he spends all his time with his friend Joe (Joseph Mazzello, and later and uncredited Jim Carrey, who is telling this tale). Joe never knew who his father was. He gets a bit irritated when his mother, Rebecca (Ashley Judd) starts dating Ben (Oliver Platt). Meanwhile, Simon believes that he is "God's Instrument". With this delusion, he sets off to right the wrongs of the church, the town, and practically everything and everyone that opposes him.

My Critique: "Simon Birch" is arguably one of the worst films ever to be shown in a cinema. There really is no reason to like Simon. He is a hypocritical hero, but not in the style of the classic Jack Nicholson antihero of the 1970's. Simon believes he is "God's Instrument" and tries to right the wrongs of society, yet it seems Simon is the most corrupt. At some points, he is downright perverted, such as when he verbally ogles Rebecca. At other times, he simply defies authority for no legitimate reason except for the reason he believes he is right and people are mean, such as breaking into the Reverend's office. When the viewer isn't hating Simon, they are hating something else about this "movie". I find it hard to take this film seriously when its plot becomes wacky and downright improbable. For instance, Simon plays Little League baseball but the coach never puts him in. Then the coach puts him in for the first time. In fact, this is probably the first time Simon has ever hit a baseball. So what happens when he swings the bat? Simon hits the ball out of the park ... and it lands on Rebecca's head. She is killed instantly. Now, just think about that. What are the odds Simon actually hits the ball ... hits it out of the park ... it happens to land on the head of his best friend's mother ... and the force is so strong, it actually kills her in seconds? But the worst thing is that Joe is cool about it. He isn't even angered at Simon for killing his mother, the only family he had left. At one point, Simon and Joe get arrested for breaking into the Reverend's office and nearly destroying it. Ben doesn't care and takes them out for ice cream. These are just some the absurd, perverted, twisted, and, oh yes, manipulative moments in "Simon Birch".

At one point Simon blurts out in the middle of church that "If the church bake sale is God's priority, then we're all in trouble". Frankly, if this movie is a film lover's priority, we're all in trouble.

My Rating : 1
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Sleeper (1973)
Mediocre Woody Allen
29 October 1999
The Plot: The year is 2173. Scientists have found a man, Miles Monroe (Woody Allen), from the 20th century. He has been frozen and just now has awakened. A band of rebels need Miles help. An evil leader has complete control of the world. Only Miles can overthrow him. Miles is the man for the job because now when a human is born, a monitoring device is attached to them. Since he does not have a monitoring device, he can infiltrate the government and go unnoticed. On his adventure he meets a Luna Schlosser (Diane Keaton), discovers new technology, and disguises as a robot.

My Critique: Don't get me wrong, I think Woody Allen is one of film's greatest directors. However, "Sleeper" can only be described as mediocre. Normal Allen comedies focus more on character and dialogue. In this outing, however, he turns often to slapstick. Perhaps, though, any genre of comedy wouldn't work. The plot of "Sleeper" is so original and intriguing that perhaps, if the material were played straight, it would have been much better.

My Rating : 5
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The '60s (1999)
Too Bad the Razzies are Only for Movies Released in Theaters
9 February 1999
I cannot begin to describe all the things wrong with this movie. It is very cliche ridden and predictable. Also, the movie is very inaccurate. I'd have to say "Forrest Gump" and "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery" are more accurate. Another one of the film's flaws is the fact that there is a song every two minutes which just reinforces the theory that a lot of bad movies are successful because of their sound-track.
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2 January 1999
"The Odd Couple II" is a yet another funny Jack Lemmon-Walter Matthau vehicle that has been dubbed awful by the critics. Films like "Grumpy Old Men", "Grumpier Old Men", "Out to Sea", while they may not deserve Oscars, aren't that bad and much better than such unfunny comedies like "My Best Friend's Wedding". Lemmon-Matthau are still funny as ever in their 70's. Not go what the critics say, this is a very funny movie.
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Flubber (1997)
Why was this overlooked for a Razzie?
2 January 1999
Kevin Costner's "The Postman" probably deserved "Worst Picture" but why wasn't "Flubber" nominated? "Flubber" is another awful remake from the awful John Hughes ("Christmas Vacation", Home Alone"). "The Absent Minded Professor" is much better. In "AMP", Fred MacMurray's Brainard explains what Flubber can be used for and why it works. In "Flubber", Robin Williams' Brainard discovers Flubber and just starts doing stupid things. Many of "Flubber"'s scenes have nothing to do with the story, (Example: The scene with the dancing Flubbers was only there to make children laugh and to show off 3-D technology). And then there's the scene where Brainard and his "love interest" mourn the death of a robot. YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING!
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Great Comedy!
2 January 1999
"My Fellow Americans" is an underrated comedy classic. It mixes traditional Jack Lemmon comedy slapstick, social satire, and political thriller. It has many hilarious moments, notably the gay rights parade, Wayne and Genny, Long John Silvers. James Garner does well in a role you'd think would have gone to Walter Matthau
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Fargo (1996)
Over Rated
2 January 1999
"Fargo" was not 1996's best film, it was one of the worst (not as bad as "Independence Day" though). One of the film's problems, I think, is that the quality of of the characters is very poor. "A Simple Plan" has been called another "Fargo" but there is no comparison. In the excellent "A Simple Plan" the characters think about consequences and what they think about how to handle things. There is none of this in "Fargo". The characters just do things without thought. The kidnappers seemed to be having more sex than doing their "job".
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Tron (1982)
A Good "B" Movie
2 January 1999
I had to watch this film for my computer class. While no one else in my class understood or liked it, I enjoyed it. I think the reason the film is not more highly regarded as a landmark sci-fi/fantasy movie is that it sounds like a lame movie that belongs on "Mystery Science Theater 3000". Trust me, with state of the art special effects (for 1982 at least), this movie isn't as bad as it sounds.
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One of the Greatest Films of All Time
2 January 1999
"Double Indemnity" is not only one of Wilder's best films, it is one of the greatest films of all time. Fred MacMurray is perfect for the role of Walter Neff, as well as Edward G. Robinson as Keyes. Wilder's direction is almost flawless, as well as the script with some great one-liners.
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The Bodyguard (1992)
30 December 1998
"The Bodyguard" is simply one of the decade's worst films. There is no chemistry between Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston at all. Another problem with this movie is its slow pace. The story just keeps dragging along with no plot development. "The Bodyguard" is one of the few movies you can start watching, leave, come back a half hour later and nothing would have changed. Frankly, if I had to choose what side to take, it would be the one of the assassin.
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Wild America (1997)
21 December 1998
How do you made a bad movie? Well, take three teen hunks who can't act, add a screenplay that doesn't really have a plot (one moment you're filming wildlife, the next you're on a "nude beach") complete with an ending that's twenty minutes too late, stir in REALLY lame visual effects and you've got "Wild America", one of 1997's worst movies.
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Pinky and the Brain (1995–1998)
Another brilliant cartoon that isn't just for kids.
21 December 1998
While kids laugh at how stupid Pinky is, the humor really goes over most kid's heads. Take "The Pink Candidate", an episode in which Pinky runs for president. The episodes features spoofs of Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, and James Carville. The series' Clinton slams are always hilarious. Also think, what kid would understand references to "A Clockwork Orange", "Ishtar", "Brian's Song", "Apocalypse Now", Watergate, "The Island of Dr. Monroe", "Chinatown", or "Double Indemnity"? The show also features great satire of disco and Generation X, etc. Not bad for a show about two lab mice trying to take over the world.
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My 2nd Favorite Movie of All Time
21 December 1998
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is great because of how complex the R.P. McMurphy and Nurse Ratchet characters are. R.P. McMurphy is not that different from the people I've met, yet he is dubbed "insane". Nurse Ratchet is so cold. She's the best villain in the cinema, eviler than Darth Vadar from "Star Wars" or Dudley Smith from "L.A. Confidential". And let's not forget great acting from Danny Devito, William Redfield, and "The Chief".
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Mother (II) (1996)
Albert Brooks at his best !
20 December 1998
Albert Brooks has made lots of great movies ("Defending Your Life", "Lost in America") but "Mother" is his greatest achievement. Debbie Reynolds' performance is fabulous. The scene in which she tries to have John eat the frozen lettuce, cheese, and Sweet Tooth Ice Cream is one of film's funniest moments.
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Babe (1995)
The WORST movie ever made!
20 December 1998
There is so much wrong with this misguided piece of @%*! One thing that disturbed me was the fact that a pig wants be a dog and that the pig is the film's hero. If a human wanted to be a dog, we would say he is insane but if a pig wants to be a dog, it's supposed to be cute. Come ON! The film is billed as a comedy but I wasn't laughing. The idea that it won over "Apollo 13" for "Best Visual Effects" still amazes me to this day.

Personally, I want to strangle this hog!
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The BEST film ever made
20 December 1998
How can you go wrong with "Some Like It Hot"? It has great acting (Jack Lemmon is the best actor of all time!), directing, writing, costumes, and the best ending scene of all time (with "Chinatown" in a close second).
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The BEST film of 1997
5 December 1998
Jack Nicholson is great as Melvin Udall. You can tell the character was written for him. As for the screenplay, I thought it was well-crafted humor. The music is pretty great too. This film is better than "Titanic" because the love story in "Titanic" is boy meets girl. In "As Good as it Gets", boy meets girl, but girl hates him but grows to like him.
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The WORST movie of 1997
5 December 1998
For a while, I thought "Flubber" was the worst movie of 1997. That was before I saw "My Best Friend's Wedding". I never cared for Julia Roberts, nor do I now. This film (like "Babe" [1995]) is billed as a comedy but it's not funny. Another thing about MBFW is that Julia Roberts does not in ANY way deserve Michael. She had plenty of times to say she loved him, but she didn't! In that sense, you know a film has to be awful if you're rooting for Cameron Diaz
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Wag the Dog (1997)
One of 1997's best films.
4 December 1998
I don't care how many IMBd voters call this movie "boring", I still love this movie. It has many laugh-out-loud moments (e.g. Willy Shuman on the plane , "This is NOTHING!"). The cast is great, especially Hoffman and DeNiro. The film is very clever in how they never reveal much about the president. Anyone else catch the picture at the beginning that is a dead ringer to the famous Clinton-Lewinsky picture?
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