
14 Reviews
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Surface only
2 July 2006
This is a movie that is one that you don't really need to think about, which is probably good because if you did, you may lose any inkling of actually liking it. I read the book several years ago and hated it. I wanted to hurl it across the room when I was done with it. The movie improved on the book tremendously. Anne Hathaway was adequate and her counterpart Emily was slightly annoying and barely empathetic. Stanley Tucci and especially Meryl Streep steal the show. They are the only real reasons to see this movie. I don't know if you've ever seen Meryl Streep play this role before. This is not a date movie, don't bring your boyfriend/husband/whatever, because he'll be utterly bored, or at the very least you're going to owe him big!! This movie is cute, I guess, and utterly forgettable.
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Appropriately named
12 March 2006
I had high hopes for this movie. After all, I love all of the cast members. However, somehow, it just didn't do it for me. It was as if the screenwriters didn't know who they wanted to try to please. The over the top farcical scenes would have worked in a different movie, and the relationship scenes would have worked in a different movie. I think that one of the subplots involving Zooey Deschanel (who literally steals the show) would have been more interesting to watch than either of the two leads. Matthew McConaughey is admittedly good looking to watch, but his abs and cast have been his supporting cast long enough. And as much as I have loved Sarah Jessica Parker, she's looking a bit long in the tooth here, and is definitely too old to play the part.

Grade: C (But only for Zooey's sake, I loved her!)
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The Rundown (2003)
All action; no plot.
27 September 2003
Biggest thing that I don't understand about this movie.. why do they make a minor character who obviously speaks with a Scottish accent an Irish character? I've never been to either place, but the Scottish accent on Declan is pretty strong. But then he flies an Irish flag and has a four-leaf clover painted on his plane. Odd choice I think.

Second biggest thing about this movie, why were there so many script holes? The Rock wants to open a restaurant, but why? He hates guns, and frequently says this, but they never give any reason why? There are more holes in this plot than in a block of Swiss cheese.

The digital effects are cheesy and obvious.

This movie has its funny moments, but for me they were few and far between. This movie has all action and no plot. If that's your cup of tea, then you'll love it. Otherwise, skip it.
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Ultimately a disappointment..
15 September 2003
I should just quit having high expectations for a movie, because inevitably, I just end up being disappointed. Good cinematography and winning performances from Alison Lohman and Sam Rockwell, but I could have used a little more screen time from both of them and less from Nicholas Cage, who got on my nerves a good bit throughout the film. I didn't catch on to the twist, so that redeems the film a bit in my mind, but overall, I'd only give it a 6/10.
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Mr. Deeds (2002)
Give it up, Adam!
8 July 2002
This movie has absolutely no funny parts and no redeeming qualities. I can't even say that it's fun summer movie fluff because its no fun! Adam Sandler can't act (or at least can't change characters between films) and Winona Ryder is simply horrendous as his love interest. Plug in a different girl and a different occupation for his next movie and it will still open at number one in the box office. I am NOT anxiously awaiting his animated feature. Stay away.. stay far, far away. Unless you're a 14 year old boy because you might find it funny.
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High Crimes (2002)
Worth a look
13 May 2002
I had to go see a movie a week for my job, and it entails going to see the newest release on the block. I don't remember what else was opening the weekend that High Crimes opened, but I wasn't looking forward to seeing this movie.

I ended up being surprised by this movie. Formulaic, yes. Contrived, yes, extremely stupid wrap-up to the climax, yes. But the leads are so appealing and the story is genuinely engaging. Don't pay full price for this on a Saturday night (see Unfaithful instead) but if it's on cable, don't change the channel.
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The Majestic (2001)
Subdued performance by Jim Carrey is NOT a standout
17 December 2001
I wanted to like this movie. Really I did. I am not a big fan of Jim Carrey, but I am a big fan of Frank Darabont, and therefore, I really wanted to like this movie. However hard I tried though, I just couldn't like it. It's slow, and I found myself missing Jim Carrey's hyperactive antics from other films. His performance seems to have been hit hard by a dose of tranquilizer. One thing I can say though, it's very pretty. So, if you absolutely must see this movie, don't pay the full price. Pay for a matinee, or better yet, wait for it to come to a $1.50 theater.
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Weak but fun
20 August 2001
I enjoyed this movie for the most part. Heath Ledger is charismatic, as always. I believe that most of the males in the cast did a good job also. However, like most movies of this type, the females are WEAK WEAK WEAK!! I think that the lead (female) should have been cast much differently, it would have made the whole outcome much better. Worth a rental, I guess.
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Wasteland (1999)
Ok, I might give it one more chance
13 October 1999
I was kind of looking forward to seeing this show, so I decided to tune in to the series premiere. It definitely has potential to be watchable, maybe not in a "I'll tape it if I am not at home" kind of way, but I could watch it if I was sitting at home on a Thursday night with nothing else to do.

The characters are interesting, but must they always give the Southern character a horrible accent? If the actress can't do it, it is ok, we don't all talk like we fell off of a cotton truck. Really, we don't.

The only thing on this show that I really hated was the way the scenes changed. The quick views of NYC that transition are a way overused technique, and don't seem to quite fit this show, one that isn't fast paced like an ER for example. In the case of this show, the transitions only gave me a headache.

2 1/2 stars out of 5.. for average.
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With Honors (1994)
Great Flick!
10 June 1999
I love this movie for two reasons.. Number 1 the soundtrack is awesome! There is music for everyone, from "Blue Skies" by Lyle Lovett, to "She Sells Sanctuary," by the Cult. And who can complain about Duran Duran and Madonna!

Reason number two is the classic lines in the movie.. I love the line "I'm ending our friendship," and "I've never wanted to be a razor so badly in my life."

I suppose there is a reason number three too, because I think that it is a great flick for college students (of which I was just one) to get rid of their self-centeredness, and to realize that there are other people in the world than just them and their circle of friends! And who hasn't had a relationship with a member of the opposite sex and wished it would be "more than friends."

Excellent flick.. 8 out of 10!
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What happened to this movie?
3 June 1999
A friend of mine and I were talking about movies one night and remembered this gem from our childhoods. A great movie with beautiful visuals, and wonderful performances from Meredith Salenger and John Cusack!
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Go (1999)
Good flick, Go see this movie!!
17 April 1999
I caught a glimpse of the trailer for this one, and put it on my list of movies that might be interesting to see.

I am so glad that I did. The movie is fast-paced, invigorating and original. Forget Pulp Fiction.. who really wants to see an overweight John Travolta dancing in the middle of a restaurant anyway. This movie features lots of young talent that you have seen in different things, but you've never seen them like this. The movie takes a bit of getting used to, but once you can catch your breath, it goes on a roller coaster ride that comes to such a satisfying end, you are ready to get in line to experience it all over again. It is a bit violent, but it is never over the top as it is in some of Tarantino's films. It seems to fit into the action well.

Yes, Scott Wolf and Jay Mohr play gay characters. A friend who saw it with me was unaware that they were gay until halfway through the movie!!

four and a half stars out of five
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Super Super Super!!
11 April 1999
When I read these books as a child.. I would read an installment and then watch the installment on television. I have been in love with the stories ever since. The characters are truly the embodiment of L.M. Montgomery's written word. She would be proud.

I grew up wanting Gilbert Blythe to be in love with me and for Diana Barry to be my best friend. I think that this series was and is excellent.

If you like this one, make sure to watch the sequel. It is a little more romantic and a little less adventurous, but aren't we all when we grow up??
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Ok, but not great.
7 April 1999
I was really looking forward to seeing this movie, because the previews made it look hysterical. I was surprised that this is one of the first movies that I have ever seen that doesn't give away the ENTIRE plot in the trailer.

I was glad that I got to see the movie, but I came away feeling that the movie was really inconsistent. It is not up to the standards of some of the other teenage-girl angst flicks (She's all That and 10 things I hate about you come to mind). The heroines in those movies could wipe the floor with any of the characters in Never Been Kissed.
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