
23 Reviews
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Winter's Tale (2014)
Martin Scorcese was right.........
26 February 2015
I give this movie a 7, but only for the acting (several of my favorite actors and actresses are in it) and because I first saw this movie before having read the book. After having read the book, and having enjoyed it, I can say that the movie is light years different from the book and only uses its most basic outline. Certainly I understand why this is the case, trying to film 700 pages of dense and descriptive prose in 2 hours is impossible.....especially when so much of it is fantastical in nature. The movie is not a total failure, but it IS a total failure of adapting its source novel. Scorcese turned down filming this because he said it was "un-filmmable". He was right.
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A great movie, maybe not so great a study of mental health issues.
31 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As many reviewers have noted, this movie is not a documentary about being Bi-polar or Manic Depressive or a Nyphomaniac. Don't go into it hoping for that, and you won't be disappointed. It does, however, succeed as a film without that. The acting is mostly superb, the directing and soundtrack are awesome and the movie leaves you feeling good. It may not be reality, but its a great 2 hours of suspended disbelief. And J Law is absolutely on pace to become one of the top actors of all time if she manages to stay aloof from the induced-psychosis of stardom and stays true to herself. I am pulling for her!
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Failed to live up to the hype.
28 May 2005
Can't say I was surprised that this did not live up to the hype, but I WAS surprised at how bad some of the acting was (special mention must go to Natalie Portman, who I love otherwise but who really was looking quite awful here, mostly in the scenes with Hayden Christiansen, who was not much better). Of course, Anthony Hopkins and Al Pacino would have had trouble making such inane dialog sound believable, so what are you gonna do? Lucas is clearly scratching the bottom of the Star Wars barrel. This was not really that great a movie....on it's own. As part of the Saga you have to kick it up a notch or two just for being there, and Darth Vader IS a Mythic Villain for sure, but overall I was really under-whelmed.
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A great classic.
20 March 2005
I have probably seen this film 10 times in my life, the most recent the DVD version which has some nice extras.

I have been a huge Bogart fan for close to 25 years and this movie defined him right at the start of his second, more mature venture into films. The acting is good all around, although I don't think the football player was that good.

I have to say that I find it interesting seeing the interaction between the black characters; it was very funny and also quite ahead of it's time.

Although some of the references in this film are lost to younger viewers, I still think it has held up well and certainly is worth watching even if you are not a Davis or Bogart fan per se.
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Overall a great Movie, a few noted problems aside.
25 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie and it is very well made. The acting is superb all around. The boxing scenes were very well done and the only other recent film I remember to have such realistic fight scenes was "The Boxer", with Daniel Day Lewis.(Also an excellent film) I would expect Hilary to win a well deserved second Oscar.

That said I have a few problems with the script.

SPOILER BELOW::::::::::::::::::::::::: First of all, as anyone who follows the fight game can tell you, Maggie would have Won her title fight by the other fighters Disqualification. The ref clearly said "You try that stuff again , your outta here!" All title fights are videotaped. Even if the ref missed the brutal sucker punch, one of the judges would have seen it. Of course, it makes the story sadder and more Ironic and also sets up some other plot points such as Frankie not telling Maggie what her Nick-name means , etc. So I can see why Clint did it that way.

A pretty minor point to most I suppose but it is important to realize that Boxing is not THAT dirty and corrupted.
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OK but left me a little......empty.
21 March 2004
I thought there were some good Ideas, and the acting was very good.

But overall not as good as some of the things it's been compared to.

I have to say .......and this may sound strange, but I find myself wishing there was'nt a happy ending.

I kind of had this feeling during the movie that there was no way this was going to have a happy ending, probably Joel would go insane or Clem would kill herself or something.

I think the happy ending kinda came off as a bit of a sell out....I half expected Elija Wood to shoot Jim Carrey or something when he got Clemantine back.......I am so weird!

Updated 2016: I have to say that over many viewings since my first review, this has become one of my favorite films. It needs to be viewed at least twice, which I should have done before reviewing it originally!
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Open Range (2003)
Unforgiven with cows?!
23 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised at how good this movie was. I expected to see nothing new and I was'nt dissapointed, but the acting was superb.....even Costner was'nt bad..........Duvall was awesome and should get an Oscar nod. Nice scenery, the pace is probably too slow for some but I like a long movie if it works. The ending was OK, though it might have been more true to itself ( Spoiler Ahead........)if Costners character had died. Worth seeing.

3 1/2 out of 5 Stars
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Not for the faint of mind...Lynch is one of a kind!!!!!!!!!!
20 June 2002
Interesting how people either Love or Hate this film....I would like to do an in-depth study of what makes the difference. Are people simply not deep enough to appreciate something on any other level then in-your-face hit-you-over-the-head-with-the-plot Hollywood refuse like: pick any Jennifer Lopez or Julia Roberts Movie and insert title here? Sure this was weird..... Life is weird! Hollywood is even weirder then Life! Get used to it! Lynch and I certainly have....Keep it up David!
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Natalie is Beautiful, the rest is not so beautiful....
25 May 2002
I must say that Natalie Portman is the only reason I went to see this film. I am a Sci-Fi fan and I loved the original trilogy, but the recent two films are not in the same category. If he did'nt have a guaranteed audience this film wouldnt have broken the 100 Million mark.

It is not a bad film, I still give it a 7 out of 10 mostly because Natalie is SO Beautiful...the Elizabeth Taylor of the new millenium!

It will be interesting to see how Lucas ties things up in the last one. At least I HOPE it's the last one!
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Well Done Sofia, and Kirsten Is DELICIOUS!
17 January 2001
I have not read the book, but I think this movie was good.

I never thought I could forgive Sofia for being the WORST actress to ever destroy a major film, but she really seems to have some of dads talent after all.

And what can you say about Kirsten? She is in my opinion one of the most beautiful women in the world, and she can ACT to boot!

Definately worth seeing but don't expect a "feel-good" movie.
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Body Heat (1981)
Classic Noir in the "Double Indemnity" Style. A Perfect "10"
8 August 2000
This film is superb in so many reminded me much of "Double Indemnity", which I think is what Kasdan was aiming for. The only difference is that Ned Does'nt Shoot Matty/Mary Ann when he has the chance....and he's got a long time to regret it!

This film has two of the best acted leads in a movie that I can recall.... Kathleen Turner and Bill Hurt are almost too they were trying to out-do each other....not a wrong move or look.

The supporting acting was superb as well, especially the guy who plays Oscar- even Ted Danson, who I otherwise can't stand.

A must-see for anyone who appreciates film Noir or a good thriller.
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"...Maybe this is Heaven ."
17 July 2000
This movie comes pretty close to movie heaven....!

It also Proves that classic motion pictures can still be made without sex, violence or even harsh language.

Definately one of the best movies of the eighties.

Narrowly beats out Bull Durham as the best Costner baseball movie.
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An excellent film...well acted and written.
16 May 2000
Fine job again by Jordan.....Rhea and Fiennes superb as always and I was quite pleasantly surprised by Julianne Moore...I knew she could act but she really stepped it up a notch with this performance....A fine film all around.
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Noir Lite.... Should be in the top ten films of all time.
23 April 2000
A film that should be appreciated way more than it is....superb cast and dialogue that can hold it's own with "Maltese Falcon" or "Double Indemnity" any day.

Mitchum was often an A actor in B films and this role shows he was more than just a poor-man's Bogart.

A classic of the genre and a must see!
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A great movie Yes ...but #2 of all time?...NO WAY!
2 March 2000
This was a good movie certainly and deserves some awards but how in the world does it end up number 2 all time....IMDB has to do something about the way votes are weighted....NO WAY is this movie that good!

Get real people....there are probably 500 movies that are better than this one...just because you recently saw it does'nt mean it's better then all the rest....IMDB folks fix your voting system!
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
I had to see it twice just for Christopher Walken!
21 February 2000
Walken is such a great actor he can have 2 minutes of screen time (well ,with a head anyway!) and no dialogue and still steal the movie!

Good special effects and a good cast, a fun movie all around.
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A superb film about people ... the war part is secondary.
21 February 2000
A truly great film. A must see. Long but does'nt drag at all. Many of the comments miss the signifigance of the first part of the movie (for those of you weaned on SCREAM's called character development!).

Also some of the comments mentioned the negative portrayal of Vietnamese people....well what did you expect, the war only ended a few years before and we were bitter in defeat. Now from twenty-five years later its easy to look back and say we were wrong and the vietnamese people were right and you won't get an argument from me, but the people who made this film lived it, we (at least those under 40) didn't.

My favorite part of the movie is the scene when Michael comes home and can't face the homecoming party...then the next morning when he knocks on the door and sees incredible scene and some of the best acting you are likely to see.
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The most horrible part of this movie is that it is true....
19 February 2000
How sad that this could have happened in our 'civilized' society. This movie made me want to slink down under the seat and hide for being a male!

Chloe Sevigny and Hillary Swank are superb.....

Don't miss this one!
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Certainly one of the better thrillers in a while!
23 August 1999
I enjoyed this movie...and obviously so did everyone else...I have not seen such uniformly positive comments. I did have a few minor complaints, but overall a very good movie.
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Not nearly as good as the hype. A disappointment.
2 July 1999
Another example of Hype making people think a movie is better then it really is.

This movie was clichéd in the worst ways.

My friend and I were laughing at the Beach landing scenes! I mean the guy getting shot in the helmet then taking it off and getting shot again was the most predictable, amateurish scene ever!

I mean anyone with half a brain knows that NOTHING can approach the true horror that was D-Day, or any battle in WWII. Why does spielberg get all the credit for it when Coppola and Kubrick and yes, even Stone....UUGGHHH...did it so much better, but still couldn't come close.

I would even venture to say that The Thin Red Line was a better movie then this, and I Didn't like that either!

Edit: After several years and several more viewings, SPR may not be as bad as I thought at first, but it is still nowhere near as good as it gets credit for.
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Simply one of the finest films ever made.
5 January 1999
Where do you start to talk about this movie? I have seen it at least ten times and still cannot find one thing wrong with it. A must see for anyone who has hidden their feelings or missed a chance in life... in short all of us.
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Oscar winner
4 January 1999
An exceedingly excellent movie....Miramax does it again!

Gwyneth Paltrow may be the Kate Hepburn of the new Millennium.
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High Sierra (1940)
A classic - one of Bogies finer Moments.
4 January 1999
This film has always been one of my favorites. Bogart hit his prime here and not coincidently received top billing ever after.

If you like Bogart this is a must-see.
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