
5 Reviews
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Oh So Boring... WHY?
4 June 2023
Why is this so boring. It doesn't even appear as if it's real. I mean, it's premise is revenge for the first prank. At that point, you would be expecting a prank being pulled on you. And these aren't even great pranks, for the most part. A haunted house prank where you can hear the voice of the person pranking you isn't a prank, it's a Disney ride. And the fake rivalry between the hosts is just boring. This could have been cut down to a 30 minutes show and still have been boring. Heck, some of the people who have the pranks pulled on them are bored by the antics and just want this to end. Just skip it. There's much better things to watch, like paint drying.
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Bounce Away!
28 January 2004
Jack Ryan, a small-time thief is working Ray Ritchie's construction company. He hits the foreman in the head and the odyssey begins. He's soon working for Walter and distracted by Nancy. Can Nancy get him interested in pulling off the theft of his life?

They all must have been doing it for the free Hawaii vacation, because there is no other reason for this movie. The pace is slow. The pairings are inane. And the end doesn't make any sense at all!
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Forget XXX... go see The Transporter
12 September 2002
Just came back from a preview. This is a heck of a ride! This movie reminds me of the French movies from the 80s, lots of action and lots of fun. Okay, it's been brought up to date, and now has martial arts, but it is still a wild ride.

Jason Statham plays Frank Martin, ex Army, who works as a "Transporter" who works moving goods, no questions asked. When he's asked to move a package of no more than 50 kilos, he accepts the job. On the way to make the delivery, he gets a flat, opens the trunk and sees the package, in a bag, squirming. He decides to be a nice guy and give the package a drink... a mistake he is soon living to regret.

There is the old police detective, snooping around, trying to find out what Mr. Martin is really doing in the Cote d'Azur. The girl, who seems to bring out the worst in him. The villain, who's trying to kill the Transporter. And finally more guys than you thought you could hire to go after a Transport who violates his own rules by looking in the package.

Lots of violence, very little sex, and enough adrenaline to keep your heart pumping!
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What you should do if you are on your way to this movie!
14 April 2002
Okay, let's face it, this movie is trite. I was expecting a much better film, never mind better cinematography. But it's slow, tired and worn. The trailer was a better film than the movie... it moved, it had action and it left you wanting more.

The story starts off slowly, and never seems to really reach the speed you wish it would attain. The idea is good, the day in the life of two men who meet in a traffic accident and everything goes downhill after that, but the execution is severly lacking.

I don't know if it's the fact that the director treats us to so many shots where we see the back of someone's head as a shadow covering half the screen, or trucks rolling by in the forefront of the picture as scenes whiz by. Or maybe it's the unrealistic idea that a man who is trying to prove that he's a good father would stoop so low.

The acting is well done, but the characters that they play are one-dimensional and predictable. You aren't going to see much suspense here.
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If This Was a Horse, They Would Shoot It
23 January 2002
A dysfunctional family of misfits reunites under a false pretence with their father when he learns that his estranged wife wants to remarry.

This movie meanders through the life of the Tenebaum family. A family that brings a whole new definition to dysfunctional. While the humour is sprinkled throughout, usually delivered in a deadpan voice by Alec Baldwin's narration, it's much to cerebral for most people.

The movie finally starts to actually move in the last fifteen minutes, after the father seems to finally have a revelation.
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