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Star Trek (2009)
Enjoyable SciFi but a bit distracting for Trek fans.
9 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
To begin with, as a standalone SciFi action-adventure movie, it will be great fun. This probably even more true for non Trek fans who are not well versed Trek lore or the so-called "Trek Universe." The effects were outstanding and most of the leads did goods jobs bringing iconic characters back to life. Karl Urban did particularly well as bones.

The problem with this movie is with the lack of continuity with the 40 plus years of Trek lore that preceded it. There are simply too many things that will have Trek fans going "huh?" Abrams and the writers seem to be trying to explain these away with an alternative time line but it just doesn't work. There are too many to ignore or dismiss. even in that context of an alternate time line many of the more glaring continuity issues don't make sense.

I'm not one of those Trek zealots or purists, nor do I generally sit there while watching a movie looking for gaffs. In fact, my usual response to such criticisms is, "It's a movie, get over it." However, in this case if you mess with the continuity as often as they did in this movie it becomes a distraction to the viewer, as it did for me in this case. Which is why I gave it an 8 instead of a 9 or 10.

The continuity issue aside, I recommend that anyone who enjoys SciFi or just a good action filled flick go see this on the big screen. It's worth the 11 bucks.
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In the age of the remake, a example of how NOT to do it! Just AWFUL!
13 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of SciFi and as with many who love the genre, I considered the 1951 version a classic. So, I was quite anxious to see the remake. The obvious change in the primary point of the plot, (war/violence to environment/climate) seemed workable, and if properly executed, had potential.

As it turns out, it was potential unfulfilled. I left the theater thinking that was 2 hours of my life that I'd never get back.

Mediocre acting can sometimes be overcome by a really good story and script but no amount of great acting or special effects, which this film definitely did not contain, can overcome a lousy script.


In the original the scenes of the Earth standing still occurred at a point in the story line that made sense in the flow of the story. The point was to demonstrate that the aliens did indeed have the ability to destroy the earth. In this version they choose to plug that event in at the end of the movie leaving viewers wondering why.

The change in the plot from advanced races sending a being to evaluate and warn us to changes our ways to one in which the decision to destroy humanity has already been made guts the point of the original story and makes this noting more than another "B" aliens come to destroy the Earth movie.

Finally, the acting in this bomb leaves much to be desired. Keanu Reeves was emotionless, as usual. Jennifer Connelly was almost as bad. Perhaps the most disappointing was Kathy Bates, who is usually a great actor, although I do not know that anyone could really do all that much with the flotsam of a script they were saddled with.

Bottom line is that this film is definitely not worth the cost or time and effort of a trip to the theater. If you must see it, do yourself a favor and wait for it to make it to the movie channels or show up in Red Box.
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A romantic comedy where the key word is "COMEDY!"
22 March 2006
I am not one of those people who needs to analyze a movie to write a review. Nor do I believe it needs to be analyzed to be enjoyed.

Frankly, I had no desire to see this movie. I had seen half the trailer a single time and was not particularly inspired. Not generally a fan of Parker's, it was not something I probably would have ever seen myself. However, my wife wanted to see something light and it was playing at the right time/place so that's where we wound up.

Life has it's little surprises and this movie was one of them. It was FUNNY! Belly laughing, holding your sides, damned near falling out of your seat FUNNY. More than that, it was just fun to watch. In fact, we not only spent a good deal of the time during the movie laughing, it even had us cracking up on the drive home, just thinking about it.

Is it award winning cinema? Probably not. But it's a great great night at the movies if you are just looking to be entertained.
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A thrilling piece of human history incredibly recreated!
24 April 2005
As someone born in 1959, I grew up with the space program. I was a bit too young for Mercury but I a handful of truly vivid memories from my lifetime. One of those was Apollo 1 and another, of course, was sitting in my living room with my parents on a hot July evening in New York watching, as man first landed and then walked on the moon.

As the parent of a teenager, who has had the good fortune to be fairly well traveled, I have had the opportunity to visit a number of NASA facilities over the years with my son. We've even been to the Cape for a number of shuttle launches and landings. So I have naturally discussed what the this time period was like and the impact the Moon landings had on the US and the world. However I don't think he really had a grasp of what I was talking about until he watched this series when it originally aired on HBO.

Of course, we added the DVD Set to our collection the day it was released and it has had a workout ever since. I consider this a must for anyone with children. Not only does it do an outstanding job of giving a fairly factual account of the of the events surrounding mans voyage from the Earth to the Moon, but it also gives those who were not alive to witness it first hand a sense of the excitement, wonder, awe and worry a great portion of the world experienced in the 4 years between December 1968 and December 1972.

Unfortunately, events such as those depicted in this series are not ones we are not likely to see again in our lifetimes. Hopefully our children will. They will experience it when man finally sets foot on Mars. Perhaps this series will inspire tomorrow's engineers and astronauts to see to it that we do!
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A great story!
7 December 2002
The Man Who Never Was is the true story of a little known (at least in teh US) British Intelligence operation to pull the wool over Germany's eyes about the intended location of the invasion of Italy.

The movie is fairly true to the book of the same title by Ewen Montagu, one of the British Naval Intelligence officers who planned and carried out "Operation Mincemeat."

Not a typical war movie as there is little "action" but well worth viewing nontheless, especially for history buffs.

Webb gives a memorable performance as Montagu.
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