
6 Reviews
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Gamers (2006)
Not brilliant, but definitely enjoyable
3 October 2008
It seems that the various 1-star reviews are taking a personal offense to the portrayal of their own nerd-lifestyle, rather than rating the movie unbiasedly for its content. The movie is far from perfect. Yes, Beverly D'Angelo, Kelly LeBrock, William Katt, and William Heard are used in brief, unimportant roles (no doubt just to add "names" to make the film more marketable), and yes, some of the jokes miss the mark, but that can be said about any comedy movie. I laughed out loud through a good part of the movie, and would recommend above it any of the retarded parody films like "Meet the Spartans", "Epic Movie" and so on. I highly recommend checking out the DVD as the audio behind the title menu is absolutely hilarious.
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Pervert! (2005)
Amusing as Hell!
15 August 2007
This film completely surprised me. I rented it thinking it would probably be fairly bad, but be entertaining because of it. I quickly realized that this is actually a very funny and well done flick. The cheese is intentional, the breasts are wonderful, the script is actually quite clever, and the cinematography is impressive. Even my girlfriend enjoyed watching it, and laughed through the whole thing. That is saying a lot, since she has an aversion to anything not released by a major studio.

The only reason I didn't score this film higher is I feel it lost momentum towards the end due to a stop motion animation gag that I think went on a little to long. All and all though, a great movie, especially for such a low budget ($50,000 is the figure given on the making-of documentary on the DVD)
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Hands down worst movie I have ever seen (& I've seen a few)
11 August 2004
If a copy of this movie fell into the wrong hands, the world would be in grave danger. I am a huge fan of "B" movies, and I have seen my share of bad ones, but there is not a letter in the alphabet that could adequately describe this rancid piece of solidified puke. This movie even surpasses the "so bad it's good" phase and goes straight on to the "so bad your world will seem a little less meaningful for having watched it" phase.

It is hard to say what is more disturbing: .1. The fact that the people who wrote this thought their political satire (I use the term very, very, very loosely) was witty enough to film .2. They were able to find so many other people who agreed with them enough to work on this garbage for obviously little or no money .3. That someone actually thought it would be a good idea to pick this crap up for distribution on a horror anthology DVD.

Were I a weaker man, I most likely would have jammed grapefruit spoons into my eyes and then blindly flung myself to my death in oncoming traffic after watching this. As it stands though, I live ,but I am forever scarred by the experience.
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StageFright (1987)
Saying this is highly overrated is an understatement.
4 January 2004
NEW OPINION: I just rewatched my copy of this movie, and it struck me that I had originally watched the thing with a mind biased by preconceived expectations. The second time around, I realized that this film, though definitely flawed, is still quite enjoyable. My mistake was watching it in the midst of an Argento kick. For one thing, Stagefright (Deleria) is not a giallo, but a slasher flick. Just knowing that makes a world of difference. Second, for someone with little exposure to Italian horror cinema (like my viewing companion the 2nd time around) this movie might across as a bit more shocking and impactful than it does to someone who has already experienced several works by Argento, Bava, Fulci, and others. All in all, I raised my rating 2 points, and can recommend this as an enjoyable (if you enjoy brutal murders,terrible dancing, and occasional lapses in plausibility) viewing experience. I am including my old review though, because I still stand by it to a good degree (Though maybe I am softening in my old age)

OLD OPINION:I held high expectations as I sat down to view this film. I am a tremendous fan of Dario Argento, and I really enjoyed Soavi's other films Dellamorte Dellamore (I even liked The Church). This film though, just plain stunk. The famous "atmosphere" of the Italian Giallo genre was only scarcely present, along with any real scares. The tension from the suspense was so thick you you could cut it with a limp carrot. Not only that, the deaths were not only ridiculously implausible, but also poorly realized, with shoddy effects. If you are in the mood for a stylish slasher flick, get something by Argento, or one of the Bava's. Hell, get anything with an Italian director except this. But don't judge this director by this one piece of garbage, his latter work is very very enjoyable, just avoid this one.
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Lots of fun for true pro-wrestling fans.
19 February 1999
This film is shot as a pseudo-documentary about a wrestler who disappears after killing an opponent. If you are a big fan of pro wrestling, then I think you will get a kick out of this film. If you are not a big fan, you still might find this amusing, but it is mostly meant for the die-hard fans. I dig B-movies, so I bought this one. I recommend it.
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This cult classic is a film worth seeing.
19 February 1999
This movie is a very well thought out piece of low budget horror. Unlike the cheezy imitations such as "Silent Night, Deadly Night" this movie has a well thought out storyline with a central character you can understand and feel sympathy for. This movie is more than just another generic slasher flick. It has an interesting story and main character. The film may move a little slow at the beginning for people with short attention spans and no intelligence, but just about everyone else should be able to appreciate this low budget wonder. Just remember, this is not supposed to be another Friday the 13th.
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