
19 Reviews
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Very depressing movie
21 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Alexandra Daddario can act and she really carries this movie, but the movie is just so depressing. Alexandra plays a woman hired to teach Japanese women learning to become flight attendants how to pronounce English words properly. It becomes clear that she has a drinking problem and several other problems, especially problems with men. She falls for an older gangster, but when things start going poorly, her life begins spiraling down hill fast and gets worse as the film goes on. Alexandra is believable as this woman who has essentially hit rock bottom. My problem is that the story and the main character are just so depressing and bleak. One last thing to note, if you are only watching this to see Alexandra naked you are going to leave disappointed.
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Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
Love this new show!
4 October 2018
I read a single review for this show and knew nothing about it when I decided to check it out. The show is 100% Australian, filmed in Australia with Australian actors, no Americans. I can see how some people might find the accents and the slang terms a little difficult, but if you can get passed that, the show is amazing. It's one of those shows that I'm always sad is over, I want more episodes and longer episodes, the people and characters are fantastic. I'm surprised they put it on FX, but I'm so glad they did. I'm just hopeful that it's popular enough to warrant more seasons and popular enough in the U.S. that they continue to show it over here. If you're already tuned in for the SOA spinoff, check this show out, you won't be disappointed.
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Disjointed (2017–2018)
Very funny show, but needed some tweeking
31 May 2018
I love this show, I've seen every episode more than once, but there are some things about the show that needed to change. Unfortunately there will be no season 2, so no changes will ever be made, but I think it could have been a great show. First, the laugh track needed to go, it wasn't necessary and it felt completely out of place for a show like this. 2nd, there were a couple of secondary characters and plot lines that just didn't land and needed to go. The crazy Pete character was horrible and just wasn't funny. It wasn't the actor, he was great at playing the character, the problem was the character was too strange. I loved the Olivia character and her baked goods and my favorite characters were Dank and Dabby. They ride a fine line between being annoying and being hilarious, but they were almost always hilarious. I could easily watch a Dank and Dabby only show. The 3rd problem was that it kept going from extremely serious to slapstick funny, dealing with PTSD and NFL players doing a PSA about marijuana use, to Dank and Dabby licking leaves because they thought they contained fresh mountain dew. Overall I loved the show and wish there would be more episodes in the future, but I can see why it wasn't for everyone. The show is also best watched the "right state of mind".
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The Great Indoors (2016–2017)
Gen X vs Millenials
2 December 2016
After reading the other reviews on here I'm apparently the only person who thinks this show is hilarious. I'll just start by saying I'm an Gen X person and yes they make quite a bit of fun of our generation. That being said, they also make fun of millennial's as well. Of course they use stereotypes for both, but they make fun of each generation pretty equally. The premise of the show is about a outdoors adventurer type that is forced to work in an office setting with a bunch of people very much his junior. The humor is simple and this show isn't a thinker, it's a "turn off your brain and laugh" show. It seems most people disagree with me, but I like it.
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Revenge movie, not horror
26 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First, let me start by saying the only reason I watched this movie is due to the fact that I grew up in the town next to Downers Grove, IL. I've spent a lot of time in Downers Grove and was excited to see a movie with a local connection. That being said, I don't think anyone involved with the movie has ever set foot anywhere near Downers Grove. I know that's a bit nit picky, but since that's one of the main reasons I watched the film, it irritated me. Second, there is no curse of Downers Grove, so the "true story" angle is nonsense.

On to the actual film. The film is about a goody two shoes girl Chrissie (Bella Heathcoate) who is in to studying, religion and her family and her sort of slutty friend. The two attend a party together and a football player attempts to rape Chrissie. During her struggle to get away, she pokes his eye out and he loses his ability to play football. The rest of the movie is him stalking her and her family and boyfriend. This isn't really a horror movie at all, it's a revenge flick with some semi graphic death scenes.

The ending didn't really make any sense and seemed to be tacked on to just to make the title be true. On a positive note, it's a very short movie. The acting is overall pretty decent and Bella Heathcoate isn't difficult to look at, but overall I wouldn't waste your time checking this out.
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You're the Worst (2014–2019)
Hilarious Show
27 July 2014
This show tows a fine line with its comedy and definitely succeeds. One of the hardest types of comedy is to have someone that is completely obnoxious, but that you still love. This show has 2 main characters that are in reality awful people, but you want to spend time with them. The writing for the show is brilliant and the 2 main characters are perfect for their roles. This show sort of takes the romantic comedy and just flips it so that everything they say is the opposite of what you would normally expect. I hope people will check this show out and give it a chance, it is definitely different and in a very good way. I can't wait for the next episode.
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This should have been great
20 July 2008
This documentary should serve as an example of how to make something that should be exciting and make it boring. When I read the description for this movie it sounded great, learning about several people who have won the lottery and how it has changed their lives. Well the people that did this documentary took this cool concept and made it as boring as possible. I was hoping to see interviews with these peoples friends and family, find out if they had changed. Interviews with the winners about whether or not family and friends started asking to borrow money. Stupid things they had purchased, what they had done with the money and what kind of major impact it had on their lives. This documentary has none of that, instead the only people that are interviewed are the people that won the actual lottery, none of their friends or family. The main portion of the documentary is taken up by a couple of people that were part of a larger group that won the lottery. They are all farmers from Minnesota and all seem like really nice people, but they don't do anything with their money and there is really nothing interesting about their stories. The other 2 people interviewed for this are both NY lottery winners from the 80's and they are both out of money. Both of them seem like they might have had very interesting stories, but we really don't get any of that from them. Since no friends or family are really interviewed either, we don't get much of the story. This documentary could have and should have been much better than it was, which is too bad.
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Prison Break (2005–2017)
Fantastic New Show on Fox
30 August 2005
I wasn't sure how this show was going to be, it didn't look that interesting to me. I thought it looked more like a made for TV movie than an actual series. I decided to give it a chance and watched the premier last night. Let me just say that I'm addicted to the show after the 2 hour premier. This show was great, the acting, the characters, the setting, everything was done top notch. The show is filmed in and around Chicago, the prison they use for the setting was just closed a couple of years ago, it gives it a very authentic look. If you thought like I did(how can you make an entire series out of one prison break?), give it a try, you won't be disappointed. Besides, Fox made an entire season out of a 24 hour period.
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Scarecrow Gone Wild (2004 Video)
Typical B Movie Horror
31 October 2004
This is a typical direct to video horror movie, with the exception of Samantha Aisling, the acting is pretty bad (especially Ken Shamrock). I thought Samantha Aisling was very attractive and a pretty good actor, especially considering that according to IMDb this is her only film. Hopefully we'll be seeing a lot more of her in the near future. This isn't a horrible movie, but I don't think anyone renting this should be expecting award winning movie making. If you go realizing it is a low budget horror movie it's pretty good. I thought the special effects were pretty good, the scarecrow looks fairly scary as long as they don't show close-ups of it. When they show close-ups it looks like what it is... I guy in a Halloween mask. One of the things I did like about it was that, in most every horror movie, the monster waits until each person is alone then kills them one by one. The scarecrow actually attacks them as a group, nothing really special, just something different. I liked it, it's good for a minor scares and a couple of laughs. I gave it a 5/10
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Naked Betrayal (2002 Video)
15 minutes of film stretched to an hour
10 August 2003
This film was truly aweful. There is approximately 15 minutes of actual movie; the film constantly shows non-essential scenes or scenes that have previously been shown. All "flashbacks" are shown in black and white (this made them easier to forward through). The camera crew apparently thought they were really cool when they figured out how to run things in slow motion. This feature is used extensively to make this film longer. If you consider renting this film for its R rating, IT ISN'T WORTH IT!!!!
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Mr. Wrong (1996)
12 February 2003
I will say this before anything else, I have never thought that Ellen Degeneres was funny at all, I've never laughed at anything she has said ever. With that said, I didn't expect much going in, and I was still disappointed. Never once did I believe there was any chemistry between Ellen and Pullman, the movie is just awful on every level, I never laughed or even so much as smiled. It is one my least favorite movies of all time. If you are thinking of renting this for laughs, instead bang your head on the floor for 2 hours, it's less painful. 1/10
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John Q (2002)
Hillary Clinton's Government Health Care Video
19 February 2002
This movie used cheap Hollywood antics to pull at your heart strings, so that the liberals who made this piece of trash could advance their agenda of nationalized health care. The movie plot is very weak and unrealistic. I will admit the acting in the movie is top notch, however it cannot save the movie at all. I was suprised by the number of people who were fooled by this piece of propaganda on IMDB. Those of you who think the government should run our health care system, look at the tax rates of the countries who do. Australia 60% of your salary goes to taxes, England $4 a gallon gas, most of that is taxes. Ok, I'll get off my soap box and back to the movie, it stinks, don't go and see it. Total waste of money. 1 out of 10
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Memento (2000)
4 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I'd love to write a review of this movie, however I can't say much about it at all without giving away, what is sure to be the most surpising movie ending since "The Sixth Sense". All I can say is that the movie runs in reverse and you try and figure out, why what you saw at the beginning of the movie, happened. I cannot say anything else about this movie without ruining the entire movie. The only other thing I can say is don't read the spoilers on this page and DON'T MISS THIS FLICK!
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The Exorcist (1973)
Still scary after all these years!
20 October 2000
This is still the scariest movie I have ever seen. I was surprised at how the movie didn't seem that dated. I thought the grainy look of the film added to the movie. I'm so glad they brought it back to the theatre. The new footage didn't really seem to add or take away from the movie, although it had been so long since I had seen it, before I saw it the theatre the other day. Great movie worth the price of seeing it in the theatre.
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Time for a remake
11 August 2000
I just saw this movie on cable last night. I haven't seen it since I was a kid, back then I thought it was great. After seeing it last night, I can say the storyline and the plot were great. It was strange to see how far movie making has come in just 20 years since this was made. I think this movie could do great again... as a remake. As it stands now I did like the movie but a lot of the special effects were... well not special at all. It looks very dated.
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Cannibal Campout (1988 Video)
7 July 2000
I saw this movie when I was in High school. My friends and I still use it to gauge just how bad a movie is. It looks as though a couple of friends got together with a video camera and did a school project. That's the quality of the piece of crap. It's very funny, only because it's so stupid. You can actually see someone off scene(supposed to be off scene) throw blood at a sign when one of the female "actresses" gets killed. Its great to watch with a few beers and some friends for good laughs... that's about it.
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Very Funny
26 June 2000
I'm so glad Jim Carrey is back doing his comedy. I enjoyed The Truman Show, but nothing is a substitute for Jim doing slapstick. This movie brings it all back. If you liked the movies dumb and dumber and King Pin you'll love this movie. If you didn't like those movies don't bother seeing this. It is definetley a Farrelly brothers movie. I highly recommend it. I think Jim Carrey was made for this part. One of the funniest movies I've seen.
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Gladiator (2000)
9 May 2000
I went into this movie thinking Braveheart. It is not at all like Braveheart, which by the way is one of my favorite movies. This movie is just as good but totally different. I thought the casting was excellent and there was plenty of plot and story. The special effects are amazing. I would highly recommend seeing this in the theater. I think seeing it on a TV would lose too much of the splendor of this film.
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The Siege (1998)
One of the dullest movies ever
6 April 1999
When I saw the cast list and previews I thought this movie was going to be great. Wrong, it was terrible. There were characters in the movie that I still have no idea what they were supposed to be doing, the only action sequences in the movie were on the tv previews. I can honestly say that the previews for this movie were much better than the movie itself. Annette Bening's character was a complete waste of her talent and we never did figure out what she was or whose side she was on. 1/10
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