
2 Reviews
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As wonderful as the book!
15 December 1999
"The Green Mile" is one of my favorite Stephen King books and I have read it several times. I was anxiously anticipating the film version, but was concerned that the emotional impact of the book could not be replicated on screen. Fortunately this wonderful story was adapted by Frank Darabont, who did such a magnificent job bringing King's "Shawshank Redemption" to the screen. He does the same high quality work with "The Green Mile". The story is faithful to the book, only losing details that were not important to the story anyway. The casting is superb - every actor is perfectly suited for his role and does an excellent job, although I would like to single out Doug Hutchison. His portrayal of the detestable Percy is right on the mark and suggests complexities in this character I had not discovered in the book. The length is about three hours and it seems that critics are complaining about that. I can't understand the complaints. The film never drags and is never dull, and it certainly didn't feel three hours long. The length is needed to tell this story the way it should be told, and the story is so very engrossing. Best of all, Darabont and the actors bring so much emotion ot the screen, that I cried like a baby through several scenes. "The Green Mile" will haunt you.
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The best film of the year (so far...)
24 August 1999
I've read a few negative reviews of this film and I really wonder if the writers saw the same film I did. To me, this was an outstanding film. The story was suspenseful and moving, and the acting, without exception, was superb. I have always avoided Bruce Willis films because I believed he couldn't act, but I've been very wrong. His performance moved me to tears. And if Haley Joel Osment does not get an Oscar nomination, I will boycott the awards! I just loved everything about this film, especially the ending, and I will see it again. It is by far the best film I have seen so far this year. No one should miss it!

I do have only one small complaint - why is it so many films find they need to include a scene where one of the characters vomits on screen? I understand the scene's contribution to the story in this case, but these scenes really make me physically sick.
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