
8 Reviews
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10 August 2001
Oh dear...It was funny. Yep. I bet since I'm a big Cubs fan and am a softball player, it's funnier to me than some people. I know that other teams suck (but not as bad as the cubs did...before this season...I still can't believe they are in first. For the first month, I kept telling my dad it was a big practical joke. lol), but it wouldn't be the same to me if it was a different team. I'd probably see it as dumb and boring. But since I can go "I've been there!" and stuff, it's much more fun. I just pass out laughing (almost) when ever they make a lame comment about how bad the Cubs are doing. (You know, like 'The Cubs have their longest winning streak of the season: 2" or the credit at the end 'The people of Chicago who never gave up.") It's too bad the couldn't have had a real Cubs announcer do the commentary (Steve Stone or the late Harry Carey). Or have some of the real Cubs in the movie....*smiles* That woulda been awesome! :o)

If anyone reads this, and you know why Robert Picardo is thanked in the credits, please email me at to tell me. It's driving me nuts!

I would give it stars, but see, I have a very weird opinion on movies compared to the rest of the population, so I won't.
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Emergency! (1972–1979)
Emergency! is the best!!!!
15 May 2000
E! is my favorite show in the world. I love the life at the firehouse, especially when poor Johnny gets hit with water balloons!! I also love the silly rescues- kid getting his hand stuck in a gum ball machine or guys getting stuck in the couch. those are funny. I love this show and anyone should watch it! Especially the episode "Snakebite" A great "johnny Owie" one!!! And the defibrillator RULES!!! LOL
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Adam-12 (1968–1975)
1-Adam-12, see the man, a fight with chains and knives.
13 February 2000
That's part of the opening. So far i haven't seen any fights with chains and knives. I wasn't alive when it was first aired. I finally got TVland at my house and am hooked on Adam-12, Dragnet, and Emergency!. In fact, I am in the process of watching the Adam-12/Dragnet Fandemonium Weekend. And this is the best cop show. It may not always be the most realistic thing around, but that's the problem with cop shows that are airing right now. They are to graphing and spend more time with the personal lives of the policemen than with the job. And the jobs and "not getting to eat" are funny sometimes. They spent a whole episode with Reed tring to tell Malloy a joke, and it wasn't even funny. I may not be making a lot off sense, but if you get TVland, watch Adam 12. You'll love it.

(And I am only 14)
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The best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 February 2000
I am 12. Star Trek Rocks. But it does have its funny moments. And those are often the best. I mean You laugh so hard during this movie it is not even funny. Personally, I think trekkers like this movie because it is a chance to relax a little. For example, (I will use Voyager) Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy was a great episode. Why? because it is funny. So is Star Trek IV, and thats why it is great.
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Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001)
Good Trek series, but TNG comes before it on my list.
23 December 1999
Voyager is a good show. Not as good as TNG, though. I thought TNG had some suberb episodes, such as A Fist Full of Datas or The Best Of Both Worlds.

Voyager has wonderful chemistry, as many of you have mentioned. Not many people talk about Seven/Doctor. That is a wonderful duo, the way the doctor likes Seven, but she says there is no one suitable for her on the ship.

This season certaintly had some good moments. Funny ones, Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy. The blast-from-the past, Pathfinder. It brought back old characters, although I wish they could of had someone else come back besides Deanna and Barclay.It also had the heart touching episode, One Small Step.

What makes you people think Chakotay is human wallpaper? He isn't a huge part, but can but his two cents in. He has helped on many occations, like made Janeway relize a bit that she was acting badly in Equinox. There was a fairly good episode (for an early one) where Chakotay was braindead. I don't recall what it was called though.

Who you could get rid of is neelix. Sometimes he just grinds my nerves. Sometimes it is so bad, he ranks on my list around Jar Jar Binks, from Star Wars: Episode 1. Although, when he is with Naomi, he is tolerable.

As many of you have said, voyager has good 2 parters. But again you have failed to mention my favorite, Future's End. This a wonderful Trek show.

On my list, Voyager doesn't get a perfect score, but it is still number 2.
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Animorphs (1998–2000)
Wonderful, if you like the Power Rangers.
15 October 1999
The first thing I will say is ANIMORPHS RULZ! But the show sucks big time. I mean why do they even have the disk? There is no real point to that. And then there is the lion morphs. Where'd Rachel get it? The show is nothing like the books and I love the books. Also the Yeerks look like bugs, not slugs, in the show. SC, signing out.
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Good, but not the best.
31 August 1999
If you haven't seen this yet, don't expect it to be as great as the other three. It is still a great movie, although they could have lived without Jar Jar. Most of the movie was done well. The special effects were good. The lightsaber battle was really cool.
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This movie is awesome!
11 July 1999
I loved this movie. I like the huge spider and Will Smith is cool. I will admit that this is not his best movie, but it was cool any ways.
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