
11 Reviews
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Notting Hill (1999)
Very Enjoyable
28 December 1999
I honestly did not expect much from this movie. I bought it for my wife for Christmas and finally sat down to watch it. I was in awe by the end of the movie. This movie has a lot to offer. It is funny, romantic, and even a little dramatic. I would say it was not a waste of money at all.
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The Matrix (1999)
29 September 1999
I rented this movie last night on DVD. I sat down and watched it with dolby's wonderful digital surround sound....WOW. The effects are amazing, this movie belongs in the top 20 here at IMDB. The movie left me wanting/hoping for more. I would recommend this movie to anyone that likes sci-fi and action films. I will be watching this one again soon.
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Bat*21 (1988)
30 August 1999
I watched this movie yesterday on the movie channel. Not knowing what to expect, I was pleasantly surprised. When Colonel Iceal Hambelton (played by Gene Hackman)was shot down over enemy lines he saw how ugly the war really was. And with the help of Captain Bartholomew Clark (played by Danny Glover)he navigated threw the woods in an attempt to escape. Rent this movie if you get a chance or watch it next time it comes on TV. I think you will enjoy it.....
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Not really scary but very inventive
3 August 1999
Thinking more about the movie I was a little disappointed. I really expected to be very scared after all the hype. And than with all the radio stations saying the movie is not real and the story is made up...well I think that killed the movie. If I would have gone into the theater believing it was based on a real story, I would have been a lot more scared. But I have to give credit to the directors, they had an original idea. Never before have I experienced a movie like this, I would recommend anyone to go see it. It is a new and inventive approach to movie making and very interesting.
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26 July 1999
Maybe I expected too much from this movie but I did not think it was worth the price of the tickets. If I would have seen it on TV for free it would've been more enjoyable. I really liked Parker/Stone's other movie BaseketBall which kept me laughing all the way through the movie. But this movie just disappointed me.
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Big Daddy (1999)
21 July 1999
This was an enjoyable movie, worth spending the money to watch on the big screen, especially if you like slap stick humor. If you are not a big fan of Adam Sandler or slap stick humor rent it and give this movie a try. You may be surprised.
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I thought it was great!
16 June 1999
I thought the movie was great. There were some parts that seemed unbelievable but hey that's what makes it science fiction. This is a must see. I do have to say it was hard to understand the Jar Jar Binks character but he was for the kids. On another note the new Dolby 6.1 sound was amazing...rumor has it George Lucas had something to do with the design of that. I can hardly wait for the next part of the sequel and to see what George Lucas has in store for us next.......
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
Only worth watching on TV for free
3 June 1999
Going into the movie I expected it to be sooo bad from all the critics bashing it..that is turned out to be not to bad. I didn't pay to watch it so I can't say it was a waste of money. The special effects were pretty good. A few parts seemed like they were taken from other movies. The babies chasing our heros around the arena....Jurassic Park. And yes I would have to agree with an earlier comment I read about the hatching eggs....Aliens rip off.

If you are not paying to watch this film and do not expect to much out of it than you may even enjoy this movie. Otherwise I would recommend waiting until the movie makes it to TV.
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Harlem Nights (1989)
25 May 1999
I found this movie to be very enjoyable. I do have to say there was a lot of profane language but that was probably why it was made for adults. I would recommend this movie to the comedy lovers,(that don't mind the language), and give it a solid 7. If you give the movie a chance you will probably like it...
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24 May 1999
This is one of the greatest love/action stories I have ever seen. Daniel-Day Louis does an amazing job as Hawkeye. And Magua was a great "villain". This movie has a little bit of everything, for the romantics a wonderful love story between 2 people with nothing in common, and for the action lovers death and violence from an ongoing war. Enjoy this movie if you get the chance and if possible watch in dolby digital surround sound. It makes a big difference......
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BASEketball (1998)
Trey Parker and Matt Stone and amazing together.
26 April 1999
The 2 creators of South Park compliment one another extremely well in the film. They keep the humor going from beginning to end. Remember to keep your eye on things happening in the background or you may miss some funny parts. I look forward to seeing Trey Parker and Matt Stone in another movie.
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