
3 Reviews
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The Matthew Shepard Story (2002 TV Movie)
Tragic True Story
18 March 2002
The night I saw this movie, I had no idea it was going to be on. I don't remember seeing any promotion for it - and wonder how many people actually watched it.

On that same note, I really didn't know much about Matthew either. I'm a gay male, who's grown up in Canada all my life. I remember when it happened, reading it in the newspaper. Talking about it one night, but not knowing anything about it other than that it had happened.

I've read a few reviews on this movie, most of them saying this movie doesn't portray Matthew enough, that he lacks presence in the movie. I disagree.

At the end of the two hour special, I was in tears.

If you haven't heard, the Matthew Shepard story is a true story about a young man from Laramie, Wyoming who is beaten to death by two men - because he is gay.

The movie mainly focuses on his parents, played wonderfully by Sam Waterston and Stockard Channing - a year after his death and how they are dealing with the trial. Should they, or shouldn't they ask for the death penalty for his killers. Matthew appears <in a lot of the film> in flashbacks that show you most of his adult life.

You see him leaving for Switzerland while his parents are working in Saudi Arabia, learn that he is raped in Morocco <on a class trip>, comes back to Laramie, moves to Denver for awhile and comes back - only to be lured away by his two killers.

It's a great film, that managed to keep me interested for the entire two hours. Matthew was so innocent, and I can't believe things like this actually still happen.

If you haven't seen, I hope they'll run it again some time. It really is something to see. To watch how innocent he was at it all is really sad. As I said, I was crying - which is something I don't usually do at a TV show. I strongly recommend it, not only for it's true portrayal of this family's grief but to also learn that people's lives are taken away for such stupid reasons.

Matthew's become sort of a gay icon in North America, I can see why.

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Paradise Falls (2001– )
Canadian Melrose, campy but pretty good...
18 September 2001
Paradise Falls debuted with strong advertising last summer. I always look forward to watching the double episodes Monday nights. Those Canadians lucky enough to get it, should watch it some time. It's quite good.

Comparable with Melrose Place or any other primetime drama - Paradise Falls has it all. Murder, mystery, mayhem. It's storylines are drawn out but quickly displayed. While it has all the necessary elements of a nightly "soap", it also has that noticeable Canadian atmosphere to it - which can be good or bad..

The acting is good, cheesy at times - an error of script, not skill. Characters are well played out, and there is strong contrast of good and bad people. You like the ones you should, you hate the ones you should.

I understand that this is only a half year show, it will end evantually with no plans for more that I've heard of. The finale will no doubt be good, and a tad sad as we will never see the show again. I would be up for more.

If you get Showcase, if you are free Monday nights - take a look at this Canadian show. Perhaps you'll be hooked and want to venture into Paradise Falls.

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Boston Public (2000–2006)
One of the best new dramas of 2000/2001
3 January 2001
I was excited to see Boston Public for two reasons. The setting of a high school drama interested me and the fact that it was a David E. Kelley show drew my curiosity. I have been a fan of Ally McBeal since it started so I was hoping this would be a good show as well.

Boston Public, in my opinion, is the best new drama of the 2000/2001 TV Season. After viewing the first 9 episodes, I have been extremely impressed. It's not your average high school crisis drama. It's a very realistic and and effective show that details the more deeper problems of a high school. Having graduated from high school two years ago, I don't doubt for a second that the canty staff room talk or the situations behind the principal's door really do exist.

If I were a teacher, I would show this show to my class on a weekly basis because I feel it gives some very strong messages. It gives you a good look at the typical week in a high school.

With that said, if you haven't already seen this show - I would recommend watching it. Boston Public is probably the most provactive and powerful show out there right now. Don't miss out. :)

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