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4 December 2000
Out of the countless masterpieces to come down the line in the early library of video games, easily up there in the top 20 if not the top 10 games of all time, mention one of the greatest and addicting titles of all time! It is one of those rare games you can play over and over again and still enjoy!

If I could, I'd vote higher than a 10 for this game, it just simply deserves it!
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Held up to the legend.....
17 August 2000
Growing up as of child of the movies, one of the trilogies I shall not soon forget is that of the Karate Kid. You can put down Ralph / Daniel all you want, but its the message behind the movies that are important, that its important to be respectful to all creatures great and small, but stand up for yourself when the time calls for it. Getting back to the movie at hand, its rather funny because, I saw Boys Don't Cry and was really impressed with the performance of Hillary Swank, and in flipping through the sea of channels the other night, I came across the showing of this film and I hadn't realized at the time of my first viewing of this movie that she was in it. The story centers around Julie, just like Daniel, not knowing where to fit in or if she even wants to fit in and the master teacher is brought in to help straighten her out and guide her. I really liked this addition to the series as it gave a good feminine side to the story and yes, even some outfits that Hillary were in kept me, shall we say stimulated.

Overall 3.5 out of 5
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13 August 2000
It's very rare for me to rate a comedy a ten, unless there truly is something that jumps out at me and really gets my attention. Well, this rare gem is called the replacements. It starts Mr. Reeves leading a group of second-string football players while the original players are on strike. Not since Nutty Professor II, American Pie, and even South Park (big screen version), have I laughed so hard, numerous scenes were very well written and the timing was dead center, making them down right hysterical!; Not to mention classic elements of sorrow, love, regret, and triumph all were intertwined into one great story that the whole family will love. Careful though, some scenes intended for adults only.

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5
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Hollow Man (2000)
13 August 2000
I was very impressed by this remake of a great classic, The Invisible Special Effects drove the whole movie, but Kevin's along with the gorilla's scenes really kept my attention. Kevin and Crew all had strong performances. The Drama and Suspense tied in well, keeping me interested throughout. If you are a Mr. Bacon Fan as well as a Science Fiction fan, you're sure to like this flick!

Overall 4 out of 5
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Still a classic, even today!
13 August 2000
I must say, out of all the movies I've seen over the past few years, none has remained such a cult classic such as that as the Holy Grail. Filled with the off-beat comedy that only Python can bring forth along with classic scene after classic scene not to mention many a one-liner!, this a comedy film that can be enjoyed time and time again. The main plot involves that of King Arthur and his knights who are in search for the holy grail and the adventures and trials they must face along the way. Aside from a few scenes for adults only, the film is one that families and men and women adults will love. So if you're a python fan or a comedy fan, you're should not miss this film!

Overall 5 out of 5
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Militia (2000)
11 August 2000
I just happen to catch this the other night on either The Movie Channel or Home Box Office, I'm not sure which. Anyhow, it was a great action / suspense movie that's for sure. I've always been a Dean Cain Fan, don't worry ladies I'm not out to steal him; I respect him as an actor and a gentleman and yes, he is a rather handsome one at that. Back to the movie, The story follows our man Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Agent Carter out to stop a plot to destroy the president (where'd they come up with that story? :) ), a little predictable but it had a rather believable and modern twist to it.

Overall 3.5 out of 5
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Just Write (1997)
11 August 2000
Dramas and Romances are usually movies I tend to avoid like the plague most of the time, although on occasion I sit through one or two every so often to remind me that men & women have the same basic emotions and that it is possible to get along and be happy. This movie in particular exemplifies this completely. Its the classic rags to riches type story with an unknown, in this case a tour bus driver, who falls for a movie star and in the process learns a lot about himself, movies, screen-writing, and the joys of life. I highly recommend this as a good family, make-u-feel-good type movie!

Overall Rating 4.5 out of 5
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Oh My......
10 August 2000
There aren't very many movies where after I've watched them I've wanted my time and/or money back, but unfortunately this was one of them! After having endured the other 5 in this series, this one I was holding out for maybe a slightly different story twist or some more character development or something, but no, heaven forbid that'd happen!! Sitting through this felt like more of the same with some lame plot being given and then surprise, the dolls kill somebody! Oh sorry, I gave most of the movie away. The only major highlights of this movie were the underlining suspense throughout the movie, the top-notch animation of the puppets, and a rather nice surprise presence from Emily Harrison, who plays Jane carried my interest somewhat. However, the ending was probably the most abrupt and confusing ending ever, certainly leaving the door open for No. 7, heaven forbid that comes to light, which it probably will and I'll probably sit through that too.

Overall 2.5 out of 5
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Hardware (1990)
10 August 2000
There are really not that many movies where after viewing them I've wanted my time and/or money back, but this one most certainly took the cake!!! You talk about a preview being deceiving, I was so disappointed, it was so hyped as this major Science Fiction Terminator/Aliens epic, and my friend and I's opinion after seeing it was that it was and is nothing more than a Big B-movie Flop!!!! The ONLY thing even remotely exciting in this movie are the robot special effects and the sex/love scenes with the main character and his red-head hot girlfriend, outside of that, talk about your teeth pulling torture!!! Words can't even begin to describe how EXTREMELY disappointed and unsatisfactory this movie was to me as a movie fan, I'm going to leave now, WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE IF YOU CAN AVOID IT AT ALL POSSIBLE! UNLESS YOU TRULY HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO WITH YOURSELF, AND I DO MEAN NOTHING BETTER!

Overall Rating 1.5 out of 5
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Good Mystery!
9 August 2000
I just wanted to give my two cents on this interesting movie. I just happen to be flipping channels early one morning not too many nights ago and this thriller happen to appear on my screen. Needless to say it was captivating from the start. The story-line mainly revolves around Angela Cross who has a break-in to her house and then continually feels threatened and hires a full-time security guard and things unravel from there; I won't spoil it, the whole story deserves to play out in its entirety, rather surprise ending. Overall, the writing was intriguing, witty dialog (when there was any), as well as suspense, sex, and just a good plain mystery. The other thing that should be noted on this rather interesting movie is that wherever the story-line seemed to lack in suspense, intrigue, or interest, it seemed like a magic switch was flipped, and hot, passionate, sex scene after hot, passionate sex scene was inserted, sometimes just plain out of nowhere! I had to keep from laughing at one or two points, but for sure the love scenes depicted were captivating and attention grabbing all their own.

Overall 3 out of 5
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Good sequel, but could've been better!
5 August 2000
After having just sat through a rather interesting sequel, I thought I should give my two cents on it. If you look at my voting on this, I gave it a 7 mainly due to special effects, along with strong performances from Janet Jackson, nice to see her on screen, as well as Eddie Murphy who played just about everyone. However, it most certainly could've done better (overall I think it did a good job), but in all fairness, it had a lot of shoes to fill sort of speak because of the first Nutty Professor Movie, which I thought was just outright funny and gave a good spin on the Jerry Lewis classic. This second run of the mill for Professor lacked the spontaneity and zest of the first film, where the feeling of "been there done that" more of less plagued me throughout the film. Don't get me wrong though, it did have it moments to try and stay interesting and make up for the lags, not only from what I mentioned above, but three classic scenes in particular were: the opening dream sequence, the gerbil mishap at the presentation, and the final sequence with the Professor getting his revenge on Buddy.

Overall if you're a fan of this Saturday Night veteran or a nutty professor fan, you're sure to like this movie. I would most certainly look forward to a third Nutty Professor Film.

Overall rating: 3.5 out of 5
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2 August 2000
This being the second of three specials over a period of 7 years, probably ranks as my second favorite, mainly because of Sandra Bullock!!!! She really had a great role and her sexy outfit didn't hurt either! It was good to see Lee Majors and Lindsey Wagner, the originals return as well to show they too still are the best.

Overall rating 3 out of 5
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2 August 2000
Lee Majors as Colonel Austin has always been one of my favorite actors / characters!!! If you're a big fan like me, you'll be sure to enjoy this special. Ever since the Original Series went off the air, The three TV specials that aired, this being one of the three, really don't sum up the awe and power that the character of Steve Austin has. However, it was good to see Colonel Austin and his team back in Action, great action sequences and a captivating story-line, reminded me of the great 80s shows like Knight Rider, The A-Team, and countless others.

Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5
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Liar Liar (1997)
29 July 2000
Being a Jim Carey Fan and a comedy fan, I was very much looking forward to this movie. Turned out, I had no idea what I was in store for, IT WAS A VERY FUNNY MOVIE! My two favorites scenes are the speeding ticket scene with the cop and the elevator scene with him and the beautiful brunette; Not to mention there are quite the handful of classic moments in the film, the scene with him and his son at the school playground is a good one as well as the scene with him and the magic marker as well. If you are a Jim Carey Fan, this is a must see, assuredly one of his most outstanding performances as a great comedic actor. If you're simply a comedy, I think the comedian in you with appreciate some of, if not the majority of the humor in it.

Overall Rating, 4.5 out of 5!
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Stay Tuned (1992)
Interesting Concept!! Funny movie!
20 July 2000
What an offbeat comedy! Performances by John Ritter, his wife in the movie (I loved her and Robin Williams in M&M), Eugene Levy and the remote control salesman (I love that guy!) were good, the plot was intriguing, and the characters were believable! Overall the movie was interesting, kept you involved with the characters, and really gave the audience a shockingly no-doubt accurate third-person view of America's TV Obsession.

Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5
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20 July 2000
I must say, going into this movie I had some preconceived expectations and pretty high desire to see this, based on the fact that I am a huge science fiction fan as well as a technology / special effects fan. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by the film, mainly because of the style of the story telling. It was at the present and went back several months and then came back up to the present, which is a method of storytelling I enjoy the most. On top of the that, performances by Mr. Chase, Ms. Hannah, and Mr. Neil, were all top-notch. Special Effects too thrown in were top notch as well, not only cause we were dealing with an invisible man, but we got the viewpoint from two sides, that from the main actor's standpoint (played by Chevy Chase) but from that of how others saw him, or rather how they didn't see him. By the end of the movie, I felt sorry for Nick but at the same time I wanted to be him.

For a good family movie with mystery, suspense, comedy, and some drama, you won't be disappointed in checking out this rare gem. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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17 July 2000
If only the average movie going experience could be this good! When going down to the Florida area just a few short years ago, nothing could've prepared my friends and I for what we would find at Universal Studios Florida!! This by far has to be the best movie / Terminator experience I ever had! If you are ever in the Walt Disney / Universal Studios area, YOU MUST CHECK THIS OUT! Special Effects, good story line, mystery and intrigue all make this is MUST SEE when there!
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Project A (1983)
17 July 2000
I happen to come across this one on my recent trip to my local video store and I was VERY pleasantly surprised. Being mainly a Jackie Fan when it comes to action movies, somehow though it seemed I had missed this one, not surprising at all since I seem to come across more and more of his titles after since Rumble in the Bronx and just like everyone else, I can't get enough of Jackie!!! Overall, the movie flowed very nicely. There was very witty dialog, a great story-line (who can't excited when pirates are involved!), and unparalleled action sequences with not only the movie in general, but add to that the scene with Martial Law's Mr. Hung and the bicycle chase scene about half way through the most just adds even more to the fact why I think this movie is definitely up there in the top 5 Jackie movies of all times.

Overall rating 6 out of 5, you won't be disappointed with Jackie Starring and Directing in this one, as he most often does, and does well!
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X-Men (2000)
15 July 2000
If you happen to check my movie rating on this movie, you'll notice I gave it a big emphatically high 10, there are a few reasons why:

1) The script and story was TOP-NOTCH, kept me interested from beginning to end, in some spots simply being in mental anguish just waiting to see what was going to happen next.

2) The Fight sequences with Wolverine should be noted by themselves, they were awesome and very well choreographed. The precision timing that was executed was very impressive to watch.

3) I can't forget Special Effects, and oh man, were they ever good, the weather sequences from Storm, the train tearing apart and the gun sequence with Magneto, all scenes with Mystique, and who could forget the statue of liberty scene.

Finally, the most important is no. 4:

4) The overall message that the movie conveys is important to admire, appreciate, and point out as well. I think it easily explains the draw of so many fans quite simply. That message is that of the profoundness and power that can be brought forth from universal acceptance or respect for our fellow man and woman, which most assuredly helped drive all the numbers listed above!

My final thought on this is if you looking for a good movie to take the family to see, consider the X-men a definite worthwhile time. Also, if more people today in our own society could exhibit such profound and passionate humanitarian qualities as Charles Xavier, the world without a doubt would be a better place for all of us to live in.

OVERALL RATING: 5 out of 5
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The Patriot (2000)
9 July 2000
After having seen Gladiator earlier this year, I wasn't sure there was a movie that would be able to come even the smallest amount close to matching the same quality visual effects, realistic and enriching story-line, high performance scene deliveries, as well just an overall great movie! Well, the patriot most certainly and pleasantly surprised me! With it being the same length as Gladiator, I hardly even noticed it to be quite honest, the plot kept me hooked from beginning to end! THIS IS, BY FAR, A MUST SEE MOVIE OF 2000!

Overall Rating, 6 out of 5 stars!
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Scary Movie (2000)
8 July 2000
Being a parody fan myself, Kentucky Fried Movie, Naked Gun, Top Secret, I had to go this. I was glad that I did. Some parts I couldn't stop laughing the jokes were so funny! The Matrix scene was funny and the writing was witty and sharp! If you enjoyed any of the above or just looking for a good time at the movies, DON'T MISS THIS ONE! Only caution is, don't bring the little ones as some jokes are for adults only. :)
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Great Job Mr. Cruise
24 May 2000
This second installment of Mission Impossible was great, but not quite excellent. It had all the elements of a great movie, intrigue, action, suspense, but there were at least one or more moments in the movie where the tempo more or less lagged. However, it should be noted, that those scenes which lacked Action or Suspense, made up in Sex Appeal with Tom's Sexy Co-star, thus cutting the lagging scenes down to ones countable on one hand. Despite the few lagging spots, the movie did have some key moments. With Tom doing the majority of his stunts, possibly all of them, that in and of itself was quite amazing. Add to that the motorcycle chase sequences, the crashing 747, and the main Rock Climbing Sequence at the beginning and you've got some high quality, well timed, and overall great highlights. Not to mention, to add to the overall appeal of the movie, John Woo directed it, who previously directed such hits as The Replacement Killers, Face Off, and Hard Target, three great action flicks. In Summary, if you are either a Tom Cruise Fan, a Mission Impossible Fan, or a John Woo Fan, this movie is a must see.
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Frequency (2000)
8 May 2000
I was very pleasantly surprised by this movie. It was one of the most suspenseful and mind-stimulating movies I had seen in a while. It really kept you interested and guessing throughout the whole movie, I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a good wholesome family movie. It reminds us to not take for granted our families or our time with them.
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Gladiator (2000)
8 May 2000
I can sum up the experience of Gladiator in one word, AWESOME!!!!! My friend and I went to see it recently and both of us being refined movie critics gave it two big thumbs up, if I could, I'd have voted a 11+ for Gladiator. The action sequences and the visual effects were second to none and there wasn't a point in the movie where I wasn't urning for the next scene to find out what was going to happen! It also leaves us with an important message; It shows us that if an extraordinary man such as Russel Crowe's character (the general) can be humble, kind, unselfish, and save the world (in this case Rome), than there is hope for everyone to do good in their own lives and help the world in some way. Very well done indeed overall and I'd definitely recommend this to any moviegoer looking to wisely spend 2 1/2 hours of his/her time.
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Thundercats (1985–1989)
It Too was one of my favorites
13 May 1999
It too was one of my favorites growing up, who could forget saying "Thunder....Thunder.....Thunder.....Thundercats, hooooooo!!!" along with Lion-o, you know who you are. I was pleased to recently read that Thundercats still holds as much popularity as He-man and the Masters of The Universe. It'd be great to see a reunion show of either in the near future.
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