
24 Reviews
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I saw this movie this weekend
8 March 2004
and while I'm not a christian, I was very moved by this story of the brutalization of Jesus. I did think Mel went over the top with the brutality, but I also think that was intentional because just when I thought I could not stand another blow, it would get worse. He did not let up. Whether this is historically accurate or not, I don't know, but it did make the beatings, the crown of thorns and the crucifixion very real and very sad.

I was so moved by his mother, Mary. The agony she felt watching her son go through this was haunting.

I don't think it matters whether you are a christian or not..this was a very well made movie. The cinematography was superb, as well as the acting and directing. I think Mel is a very astute director and very talented. I also don't understand where the claims of anti-semitism are coming from. I saw this as a movie depicting man's cruelty to man. If anything, the Romans were excessively cruel. Does that make me hate Romans? Who are Romans? My point, I saw nothing in this movie that would make me hate any particular religion or culture.

More than anything just saddened me with the cruelty that is inflicted by humans on other humans. That went on 2000 years ago and is still going on to this day. By all races and creeds.
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Kangaroo Jack (2003)
It was funny
5 February 2003
I don't why this has put down so much, I saw it in a crowded theatre with my grandkids and a bunch of kids and grown ups and everyone was laughing hysterically. It was funny and cute and made everyone laugh--lighten up!!!
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About a Boy (2002)
I loved this movie
7 June 2002
This was a good movie, very good dialogue, great characters and Hugh Grant is perfect. It's refreshing that people are still making movies based on good dialogue and character studies rather than special effects, violence and sex. I think it was rather refreshing to see that this movie centers mainly on the developing relationship between this emotionally stunted man and this sensitive, caring young boy. I'd like to see these movies do better at the box office because its just such a shame in this country that these big block busters with all these special effects and no stories or interesting characters do so well and yet the really good movies are falling by the wayside.
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I watched this movie again
6 August 2001
on Showtime yesterday and was struck by what a good movie is was and find it hard to describe why. One thing about the movie is how (and remember this was back in the early 70's also and so I think it was probably very inventive) at some of the shots during the movie, even when they are in the room where he is playing pool and all the old men are sitting around smoking and Wintergreen is playing a pool game. The shots of the bar and the people in it are done through an artist's eyes. The shots of the desert are phenomenal, a lot of the story is unfolded through imagery and pictures. I like the unfolding of the story and yes, this movie does stay with you and it's very haunting--here's a decent guy trying to do the right thing, trying to be fair and honest and here's his buddy doing the things we all know cops do and we dislike his buddy and yet his buddy ends up being right in the end. What a concept! I really admire the talents of the people involed in this movie.
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Great special effects
9 July 2001
I saw some harsh criticism of this movie and don't quite understand it. I mean this is a movie made from a video game and a character Lara Croft. I thought Angelina Jolie brought Lara Croft to life and the sets and the backdrops brought the sets in the game to life and gave it such a new dimension. I liked the movie, it's not like this is one of the best movies I've ever seen, but I thought they did a good job of scenery, acting, special effects--it was what I expected. Its very visually impressive. Angelina plays Lara Croft as I would expect her to be cool, low key, you don't really get to know that much about her because she is a pretty mysterious person. Good job.
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21 May 2001
I didn't know what to expect when I went to see this movie, not really a Renee Zellweger fan although I don't dislike her I just thought she was okay but I have to say after seeing this movie, I am so totally impressed and surprised with her performance in this movie. She is adorable and I thought her accent was charming. She is delightful and funny and I just loved this movie. Hugh Grant's part was perfect. I think this was a different role for him and he makes a wonderful cad. Colin Firth was the serious suitor and was so perfect as Mark Darcy. I thought this was a very funny movie, not like a lot of movie that try so hard to be funny and just fall short. You have to listen to what she is saying as some of things she says are spoken matter-of-factly but I found them to be extremely funny. This one had me laughing from the very start. All I can say is to the cast, crew and director Sharon Maguire---Bravo, job well done!!!! Give us more!!!!
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High Fidelity (2000)
Loved this movie
16 April 2001
I don't know what I was expecting and really have put off getting this movie as I didn't really know what it was about. John Cusack is hilarious. This movie was smart,clever, well written and those that are panning it don't appreciate good story, clever lines, and how hard it is to put a movie like this together. I wish people would wake up to what a good movie is and what talent it takes to put a good movie together otherwise we're going to be stuck with action movies that don't do anything but blow stuff up. This was a great movie and my hats off to the people who made this for their courage to make this kind of movie in this day and age when total puke makes millions of dollars at the box office while good movies just are so unappreciated.
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Salvador (1986)
This is a great movie
16 March 2001
I've seen this movie several times and it is a great movie that a lot of people never discovered. It was very sad to me how other countries have such oppression and violence. The scenes are so scary to think that is how people live down there and if you don't have your birth certificate on you, then you will be shot like a dog in the street. Horrifying. James Woods performance was Oscar caliber. John Savage was good as photographer who found the gravesite where over 10,000 people had been murdered.
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Thank you ABC
27 February 2001
I usually don't watch these made for TV biopics as they are usually disappointing, but my god this was sensational. I'm ashamed to say that I really didn't know who Judy Davis was, I had heard her name in several nominations over the years but really wasn't that familiar with her (and she's an Aussie, how did I miss her is beyond me) anyway, she bowled me over with this performance. I've never was much of a Judy Garland fan as my mother didn't particularly like her and I think passed that on to me, but in seeing her life story I can't help but have admiration for her and her spirit and her triumphs. Her daughter, Lorna, should be proud of the way her story has been told and I'm so glad it has been, it has made me look at Judy Garland in a new light, one of respect and admiration for her sheer gutsiness, and one of compassion and empathy for the things in her life that damaged her so.

Again, the acting was superb, Judy Davis should get an Emmy for this. All of the actors were good, Victor Garber superb and the young woman playing Judy was good also, but Judy Davis--I'm going to have to rent some of her other movies-----WOW
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Such a beautifully crafted movie
12 February 2001
the cinematography in this movie was mesmerizing. The scenery was visually enchanting and the acting and the way the story was weaved all together, was quite astounding and very artistic. The acting by all was quite remarkable. The whole movie was just such a tribute to the craft of movie making.
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Evita (1996)
This was a great movie
12 February 2001
I watched again for the 4th time. I think this was a most unappreciated movie. I am appalled at some of the movies that do well at the box office and yet great movies are often overlooked, don't make any money at the box office and are criticized unjustly. I just hope that people that try to make quality movies with good stories, actors and have something to impart don't fall by the wayside because of the lack of taste of the American people. There are some of us that still know good movie making and judge the movie based on that. And for the critics out there that keep slashing at new ideas--go away!!!
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Thirteen Days (2000)
A must see
22 January 2001
This is a gripping tale of the days in October of 1962 when we stood on the verge of nuclear war. The movie was engrossing and scared me more than any horror flick I've seen in my lifetime because I knew the events really happened. I was a teenager when this happened and remember how scared we were but never realized until watching this movie how justified we were in our fear. The men who played Jack and Robert Kennedy were wonderful in their parts and rather than try to imitate them, they captured their essence. All of the actors in this movie are talented and played their parts exceedingly well. For those of you who don't like Kevin Costner don't worry about it. I personally like him although I do agree with those on this board that said he shouldn't try accents; however, as I was saying even if you don't like him, please don't let that stop you from going to see this movie as it has a story that will keep you in your seats and the acting is superb.
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Shanghai Noon (2000)
Great Movie
23 October 2000
I am stunned at some of the negative reviews I've read on here. I'm not a Jackie Chan fan and have seen a couple of his movies and thought they were alright, but this one I watched twice and busted out laughing both times. I think this is a very funny, clever movie and Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson were hilarious. The script was well written, the story line was great, the action was great, the acting and humor was fantastic. I say I'm not a Jackie Chan fan but if he continues to make movies such as this I will be one. Great movie!!!!!
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Rented last weekend
21 July 2000
and I thought Jim Carrey was awesome. I didn't really know how I would feel about this movie as I didn't particularly like Andy Kaufman and although I say that, I loved his Elvis impersonation and then when I saw the Mighty Mouse song I remembered it and thought that was pretty funny and his character on Taxi was sweet, but after that and the wrestling and stuff he got pretty weird. All that aside, I didn't really expect to like this movie and I loved it. Not only because of the terrific acting by Jim Carrey and Courtney Love who I don't particularly care for either, but I have to admit she has done some fine acting in this movie and in Larry Flynt. I thought Milos Foreman did an outstanding job directing this movie which I don't think tried to explain Andy Kaufman or his brand or sense of humor but simply laid it out there like Andy did, showed Andy being funny and Andy being not funny.The directing of this movie and the acting showed that all had done their homework about Andy Kaufman and his acts and followed his lead when telling his story. The movie was very clever and showcased everyone's talent. I wish that they had gotten more critical acclaim and had done better at the box office, because we need people to continue making movies like this. Academy of Motion Pictures---wake up!!!! There was some superb acting, writing and directing in this movie. Thank you very much!!!!!!
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Great movie
30 May 2000
Rented this weekend as this took an award at the MTV movie awards which I really didn't expect to like as this is not normally the type of movies I go for. Loved it. Very funny. Have to watch it to get the plot and understand what they're saying but was very funny. Guy Ritchie must be a very talented fellow and it appears he does his own writing and directing. What I like the most about him though is that when Madonna came back to the US and wanted him to return with her, he put his foot down and stayed in England where he is making a name for himself. He can do his kind of films over there and I just hope that we can see more of them over here. Looks like if Madonna wants to keep him, she's going to have to change her demanding, spoiled ways. If I were her, I'd let him do his thing--he's very talented.
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Loved it
14 January 2000
I was interested in seeing this movie because I heard of the great performances but wasn't sure whether I'd like it or not. What an intriguing movie. I wasn't exactly sure what I was watching with the development of the relationships between the characters in this movie which made it all the more fascinating. It's been so long since I've seen the Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, and other James Whale movies that I didn't remember them, but after seeing this movie, I want to go back and watch them to see if I can learn more about such a fascinating person as James Whale. When I saw Ian McClellan, Brendan Fraser, and Lynn Redgrave all sitting together at the Academy Awards last year, I was rather struck with the way they seemed to be very close, supportive and relishing the honors bestowed on their fellow comrades involved with this movie. After seeing them in this movie together, I realize that I have witnessed a collaboration of fine artists who have produced something more than just each playing their part and doing a fine job of acting, these artists have connected with each other and raised their performances to a higher level that is mesmerizing. 10 for performances, imagination and uniqueness.
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Stealing Home (1988)
I loved this movie
8 December 1999
This is one that I have in my collection at home that is one of my favorites. Those that I have loaned it to love it also. Jodie Foster was incredible as was the rest of the cast. It was a very sweet story and only wish it had received more recognition.
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add me to the list
8 December 1999
of one of the fans of this movie. This also is one of my all time favorites and in my collection. It's a very sweet love story, Christopher Reeve is so boyish and charming and Jayne Seymour is quite beaufitul. The hotel where it was set and the feel of that era were well captured. If you think about the time travel thing too much it doesn't make sense like someone said, but heh it's a movie that is more about two people falling in love.
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Keep an open mind
6 December 1999
I'm not used to watching foreign films and found watching this movie to be a very different experience. I at first didn't like having to read what was being said because it distracted from seeing what was going on but after getting used to it, I'm so glad they didn't dub it. I did not realize how beautiful and captivating the Italian language is. I love the way they express themselves. This movie is very different from a Hollywood made one, but I found the story and characters delightful. Roberto Benigni does talk a lot, but he's very sincere and funny. I agree with the person who said this was not so much a movie about the holocaust as it was about the love this man had for his wife and child and wanting to give them hope in a seemingly hopeless situation. For me, this film has me interested in viewing other foreign films and keeping an open mind about the story they are trying to tell.
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I liked this movie
25 October 1999
I don't believe this movie didn't do better in the ratings. I thought it was clever and entertaining. Halle Berry is beautiful and Larenz Tate was engaging as Frankie Lymon. Again, Gregory Nava is a director to watch for. I didn't realize he also did Selena and that was a movie I also enjoyed. Nothing heavy or slick, no action, fires, explosions, just good story telling about characters and their relationships with one another.
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Selena (1997)
Very touching movie
25 October 1999
I was in Dallas visiting my son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren when I saw cars down there in the city with messages to Selena written all over them and my daughter-in-law explained to me who she was and what had happened to her. It made me very sad to see all of these young people in mourning and losing someone who had meant so much to them. So needless to say when I heard they were making a movie of her life, I wanted to learn more about her and I feel that the movie told a very realistic story of her life, her family and her music and also what type of person she was. I thank Gregory Nava for doing such a superb job with this movie and letting me get to know her. I grieve for the fans who have lost someone they came to love.
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I liked this movie
30 September 1999
I thought this was a very good movie and John Travolta was brilliant. Robert Duvall was also very good in his role and the supporting cast were superb. I can't think of anything pseudo-intellectual to say about it, I just found it enjoyable to watch the power plays amongst these lawyers and the sleaziness of their professions.
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Great movie
21 September 1999
I liked this one the best of all of the Batman series, so much so that I bought it--unfortunately too many people got locked in that Michael Keaton was Batman, Val Kilmer is better suited, he has the personality and mystery that Keaton doesn't. Jim Carrey is over-the-top great.
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Apt Pupil (1998)
Suspenseful, good acting
1 June 1999
The performances by Brad Renfro and Ian McKellen are excellent. I think this movie was very well done and although this is not the Usual Suspects, Bryan Singer is proving to be a very apt director. Although this is a story about a young boy who discovers a Nazi war criminal living in his neighborhood, I felt the story was more about the dark side of human nature and what humans are capable of. I find it very interesting how Bryan Singer can lead you through a story without bopping you over the head with it, like the scene where Todd had Dussander dress up in his Nazi uniform and he just started to regress back to what he had been in the war---very scary. It disturbed me also how Bryan Singer could elicit mixed emotions for this heinous murderous criminal, I hated him, he was a wretched old man and yet at times I felt empathy for him as his life was so pathetic. I thought it was a great movie!!!! And to all those naysayers, at least there was thought and good acting put into this movie, not like let's hire some macho types and blow things up for 2 hours--that'll sell some tickets. Sad thing is it does.
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