
6 Reviews
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One of the most overrated films of all time
26 February 2000
Give me a break. What do you see in this movie? Sure, Spacey's a great actor, but we knew that already. Sam Mendes is a fake. The "petal sequences" are embarrassing, most of the jokes are cheap, the cinematography is in poor taste and the characters are so wildly stereotyped... I can't find the reason why it has a 9.0 average being such a piece of trash. I'm sure it's gonna win like a thousand Oscars, but after Shakespeare in Love won the Best Picture award, I won't be surprised. The film tries so hard to look like an independent film but it could never be one. Sam Mendes, don't steal our money anymore. And Spielberg. First The Haunting, then this... I think Dreamworks isn't a good idea. I'll give it a 3, but I'm sure that after the Oscars it will be a 1 for me. And please, if anyone can tell me why it's suppossed to be a masterpiece, please e-mail me, because I don't know.
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Shine (1996)
No, no, no. This is BAD!!!!!!
18 June 1999
Come on, guys. Gimme a break. What the hell did you see in this film? It's just the old cliche ridden classical music film. The only great film of this kind is Inmortal Beloved. Amadeus, Farinelli and this are terrible!!! And, worst of all, this is a mix between those films and the unwatchable Rain Man, for the mentally ill character element, perversely put to manipulate the viewer emotionally. At least here we don't have Dustin Hoffman. The only reason to watch this film is Geoffrey Rush. His acting is great and saves this film from being the fiasco it would have been, and still is in some way. Score: 2 out of 10.
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Overrated, should have won at the Raspberry Jam Awards
18 June 1999
This is a bad, bad film. Minghella's previous film was a brilliant romantic comedy named Mr. Wonderful. Then he got pretentious and fell in love with the Oscars. This film is filled with Oscar Winner cliches, has no pace and no interest whatsoever. Not even the acting. If you wanna see the great Willem Dafoe, check out The Last Temptation of Christ, which is an absolute masterpiece and has a wonderful performance by Willem. But please, stay out from this film. Score: 2 out of 10 (at least it has good cinematography). Come to think of it, it does have its moments, so let's leave it to a 4 out of 10.
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Jenny, why did you get into this mess???
17 June 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Jennifer Conelly is not only beautiful, but a great actress. The problem is, she gets into appearing in bad films, with some exceptions. This is no exception. Filmed in my country, and based on one of my most terrible experiences as a reader, Isabel Allende's novel, this film is truly awful. The writing and direction is absolutely inept (if you don't believe me, see Doña Barbara, Kaplan's second film), the dubbing is atrocious, and the actors are miscast (and there's Banderas)and the overall film is a great piece of bad filmmaking. But at least it's not the worst film of all time, as House of the Spirits is, but it's still on my bottom 10. Oh, and the film is set in Chile, but in the scene were Jenny gets shot, you can see the "Obelisco", one of Buenos Aires' landmarks.
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Vampires (1998)
What's with the 6.1 rating????
16 June 1999
I just finished watching JC's Vampires for the 10th time or something like that on DVD, this time with JC's commentary, which I found very interesting, and I still consider it a masterpiece. I don't know why everyone tends to hate it, but I find it better every time. JC's my favorite director and this is a perfect film for every fan of horror and western films. Please, watch this wonder, for Christ's sake!!!!!
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Not Fulci's best, but a great film all the way...
16 June 1999
Lucio Fulci is one of the best and most underrated directors in history. Though not all of his films were great, at least 7 of this films should be in any horror anthology. This film is hard to find, though it was released here in Argentina. In the beginning I thought this was gonna be Flashdance - The Return, but ends up being a clever thriller. The killer's method is original, and the resolution quite surprising. Not one of Fulci's best, but a very good film indeed. Score: 8.
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