
45 Reviews
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
Smart Person's Vampire Movie
14 November 2010
This movie is a classic in every sense. I love the slow buildup...the very-well paced dramatic scenes, the cinematography was absolutely amazing (expecially the car-crash of the best I've ever seen, IMO rivaling the car attack in The Children Of Men). I also like the fact the movie-makers did not dumb this down with an overpowering score, or unnecessary or over-long plot explanations...the producer expects you to "get it". I got it...but apparently most of the American viewing public did not, due to the fact that this movie did not perform well during it's initial release, which shows that unfortunately the studio did a poor job marketing it (possibly because they didn't think it would perform well? Talk about self-fulfilling prophecy) and/or an American audience that expects action and plot and emotion be handed to them on a silver platter, and spoon-fed to them. Not only is this one of the best vampire movies I've ever seen, it was an enjoyable movie-going experience. It was everything Twilight should-have been and more...mature, disturbing, evocative, and thoughtful. I'd rather belong to Team Abbey any day!
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Easy A (2010)
Easy A For Effort
2 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Noble effort to make a movie with a questionably helpful message. I did enjoy the movie somewhat, but a few nagging things kept distracting me from really liking the movie. I will attempt to elaborate:

1) Aryan High. This did not look like a public school...more like a junior private college for jocks, models and cheer-leaders. I recommend the next time Hollywood makes a high-school movie with a contemporary setting, they actually GO IN one. The kids in this school did not look, OR ACT like kids in any contemporary public school I've ever seen. The plot may have been more successful in a 1950's setting. Promiscuity is not a major concern in today's public high-schools. And they weren't in the 80's, which is when I went. Either you were having sex or wanting to or thinking about it. No one was decried for having done it, or talking about it, or, for that matter bragging about it. Even girls. Granted, the girls were more discreet. On the contrary though, in today's schools you might just get more cred by claiming to be a virgin...especially if attractive like the main protagonist in this story.

2) Somewhat related to the last topic...if making a high-school movie...make it with kids that at least look like they're in high school. It's ironic and hypocritical that a minor plot-point in this movie is a student that's 21 years old and sleeps with a teacher, when ALL the students look like they're in their early 20's. It's about time the ticket-buying public make an issue out of this. I think it's humorous when watching noir movies today like "Grease" and the actors all look as old as the teachers. I guess today's movie-makers aren't worried about the future "snicker-factor" that might hinder a potential classic, otherwise they'd put more thought into it. I understand the pool of young acting talent is limited...but they are out there. Bust your butt and find 'em. It'll pay off in the long run...and you may just find the next hot star. Oh, and your movie budget might just be more palatable.

3) They hypocritical Christian. If you're going to portray a hypocritical Christian, why not go and meet one? Make the character realistic and believable. I know they're a caricature, but the girl in this movie was portrayed WAY over the top. Really. It kept me from rating this movie higher. I mean, if I was to make a movie with a German, I WOULDN'T give him a swastika arm band and a Hitler mustache...too cliché. Put a little effort into make your characters at least a little realistic.

I know, I know...this is an exceptionally harsh review. I did like the movie and felt bad I couldn't enjoy it more. I thought the message, being comfortable in your own skin, was positive...but done way better with movies like "Napoleon Dynamite". A little thought could've made this movie a much more enjoyable experience.
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Inception (2010)
25 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely not a 9 out of 10, or a top 250 movie. I have an idea, let's fabricate a semi-comprehensible plot which is grounded so feebly in reality that it's meaning can be subject to anyone's interpretation. Therefore critics will refuse to pan it out of fear of being perceived as idiots, the public will refuse to criticize it out of fear of being perceived as shallow, and everyone else will wonder what they've missed. Oh, and to top the cupcake with a cherry, we'll deliver an ending which offers no resolution. It can't fail! The concept of reality vs. fantasy was definitely better delivered in The Matrix...and this movie is not its equal or even a strong competitor. The concept of dream invaders was dealt with much more enjoyably in Dreamscape (1984), and was much easier to comprehend. This movie was more of an enigma burrito wrapped in a layer of fantasy tortilla, topped with sour-cream special effects, and hyped by popular salsa. Get it? Only the most hippest and most intelligent can understand my allegorical comparison!
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Equals Three (2009–2016)
By Far The Funniest Internet Show!
2 July 2010
Good sense of humor? 10 years old at heart? Tendency to reply "Your mom" whenever someone's getting the best of you? This show is for you! Even if you don't fall into any of categories I just mentioned, still give the show a try. I'm hooked, and would go so far as to say this show is probably the best way to determine someone's coolness factor. Don't know if that special person is hip or intelligent? Have 'em watch an episode and gauge their reaction. If they like it, they're a keeper! If they don't, you couldn't run away from 'em fast enough, 'cause they've got issues you'll find out about, sooner rather than later. Posted on YouTube 2-3 times a week, these quick 3-5 minute shows are some of the funniest clips and commentary I have ever seen! Give it a try! He's Ray William Johnson, and I think he'd approve this message. Give him a try and be sure to post your comments in his feedback section b-e-l-o-w (insiders will know what I'm talking about).
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Splice (2009)
Seriously Having A Hard Time Trying To Remember A More Unpleasant Cinematic Experience
13 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
On our way out of the theater, we were all trying to recall a movie that might have been worse. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? The first Hulk movie? Sex And The City? Bring It On - In It To Win It? Jaws 3 In 3D? I would watch them all again before wasting any more time on this true pile of waste. Right now I am resisting the urge to suppress my violated recollection of this movie so I can warn the viewing public...and I can honestly say you would be better off getting a ticket for ANY OTHER random movie than this one. I do not make that statement lightly. I have been a Sarah Polley fan since "Go", an Adrien Brody fan since "The Pianist", AND a Vincenzo Natali fan since "Cube", but stock in all their future cinematic endeavors will now be called into question because this movie was SO distasteful. "Why?" you ask? There are so many reason, I really don't know where to begin. First of all, I'm extremely disappointed because the movie touts itself as a Sci-Fi thriller. There is very little science-fiction, and the movie was hardly scary. All nine people seated in the movie theater (which should have been my first hint this movie sucked) winced more as a matter of the unpleasant sexual activities on the screen than any cinematic suspense. Seriously. Imagine Jurassic Park where the zoo-keepers have sex with the dinosaurs, and you have an idea of the major plot elements of this movie. And that's just the beginning, but I really have to end my testimony there because the movie was just that unpleasant. Save your money and go see anything...or see nothing. Either one is a better choice than wasting your time and money on this movie.
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Why Rated So Low?
28 February 2009
OK...check it out people. I've seen the movie. It's not a dog. In fact, it was a quite enjoyable FAMILY movie with heart and humor. Why, as of this review, is it rated a 2.8, while predigested, thoughtless, poop like Friday the 13th PART 12 is rated 6.3? I think I've found the culprit and it is us. I don't know whether or not to chalk it up to ignorance or racism or both, but had I relied on the IMDb viewer's average rating for this movie, my family and I would have missed out on a good movie! Wake up! I've read the comments...why is this movie rated so low? I can tell you why I gave it 7/10 stars... it was funny, it had heart, it was entertaining, and oh by the way, had a message. What did you not like? The message? Forgiveness begins with ourselves? I really don't get it. Don't get me wrong...far from Oscar worthy (although I thought the acting was VERY solid, especially from Keshia Knight Pulliam (Rudy from The Cosby Show) and Derek Luke (the assistant DA). I'm really baffled why the typical reviewer here has failed to see the true value of this entertaining, heartwarming gem of a movie. It's further evidence to me that the average American moviegoer is borderline moronic. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the fact that this movie is not being recognized for the entertaining, positive movie it is, demonstrates to me that American values and what it considers enjoyable and entertaining, are very twisted. I prescribe really trying to watch the movie next time around instead of diddling your girlfriend or stuffing your face with popcorn...give it another chance. You might not like it...but 2.8? Come on!
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What Happens When Making Movies Is "Just A Job"
28 May 2008
I don't know what to call this piece of s***, absolutely devoid of any passion at all...nothing but boxed up, feely angst that someone in the TV movie-making industry thought would make a buck. With that for motivation, they should've opted to make this a musical (be sure to credit "Armageddon: The Musical" to me, if greedy bastards decide to try and cash in on the idea). I have to wonder if the folks who spread their legs to push out this abortion even tried to read Crichton's book, a novel I believe one of the best ever made. I didn't get 10 minutes into the movie, gleefully recorded on my DVR so I could give this my undivided attention. Two teenagers making out in a pickup truck? Watching a flaming "meteor" dramatically rip over their heads and slam into the earth like and yet remain intact? The first few pages of Crichton's novel are blood-curdling: a military officer in an operations control center monitoring the increasingly panicked audio transmissions of a small reconnaissance team sent into a small town to retrieve the wayward satellite. The scene is much more dramatic and realistic than the way the events are portrayed in the 2008 remake. One of the reasons I love the book was it's realism...this remake feels like 180 degrees from what could be construed as real...the situations are unrealistic...the characters are unrealistic ("Mr. Stone, we have a wildfire." "Oh really? The world's about to end? Wait a minute while I tell my wife and kids to get their lives together") What? Why did they stray from the solid Crichton script? Did anyone consult Crichton to update his story? This was just a blatant, sub-standard rip-off, indicative of most TV shows, movies, and music sliding through the Hollywood hemorrhoid. Just one of the many reasons I find myself watching and listening more and more to entertainment products constructed far away from the US entertainment mainstream. I can't relate to their crap anymore.
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Generally OK, But Flawed And Over-Hyped
9 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I get it. Greed, especially for demonized oil will ruin your soul. But there were pretty big plot holes that didn't make this movie the top 250 gem for me that a lot of you other voters made it. The movie depicted the main character's slide into insanity without really explaining it. Was it his adopted son's handicap? Was it truly his greed and ambition? Was it his success? Was it his tortured past? These are questions left unanswered for me and honestly one's I will not spend too much time trying to figure out. I could understand the turmoil the son experienced after his injury, but just couldn't relate to it's effect on the father. I did enjoy the starkness with which the movie was depicted, no overbearing soundtrack trying to tug on my heart strings, just an increasingly crazy character that increasingly left me puzzled.

Oh, and Hollywood LOVES to portray the crazy Christian preacher with his ignorant followers, but they STILL don't understand that the most twisted church leaders have enticing charisma, not creepy personalities and sermons. The character portrayed in this movie reminded me more of Malachi from Children of the Corn, definitely an overplayed character...not believable at all. Don't get me wrong, there are preachers out there like that, but NOT with followings that comprise a whole town. Large followings are led astray by likable, relatable personalities, not creepy ones. Creepy characters just creep those around them out...they don't get them to dance in church and drink poisoned kool-aid by the dozens.

Daniel Plainview is being compared with Hannibal the mentally handicapped. Don't get me wrong...Mr. Plainview is plainly crazy. But evil? No way. My vote for the most recent, willy-inducing character goes to Anton Chigurh of No Country For Old Men. And may everyone that dared place him on the level of this true baddie be tracked down and eliminated with his bolt pistol like the mindless herd they are.

Yeah, this movie has everything an Oscar voter will love...a crazy Christian over-acting preacher, soul-devouring oil, and commercial hype ... basically everything that the road to hell should consist of. This movie is being compared to true Hollywood classics such as The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre. There are far better movies to see this Oscar season...personally, my vote goes to Juno. For those considering checking this movie out for the morality play aspect, do yourself a favor and stick with the classics like The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre. You'll be better off for it.
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Cloverfield (2008)
Ingenious Storytelling
19 January 2008
I have to say...this movie is good on many levels. First of all, the plot is fascinating. Having borrowed a page from the best video games, the monster and the havoc it wrecks on New York City is "edge-of-your-seat" captivating. Fans of Half-Life II might relate. This screen gem brings back the thrill of the MONSTER MOVIE. As a kid, I LOVED the old Godzilla & Gamera movies, but as an adult, those movies became corny and outdated. This movie brings back that thrill in a fresh, contemporary setting with all the anticipation and chills I experienced with those classics as a child. I couldn't really enjoy the Godzilla remake because that's all it was...a remake.

Godzilla represented the fears of Atomic war, but I think this monster does a great job representing the next generational challenge: terrorism. Faceless, a humongous threat that can knock down buildings and ruin cities, but also affect everyone on a more personal level. I don't think it was mere coincidence the monster in this movie and it's assault on New York City was portrayed similar in nature to the fear, horror and devastation experienced during 911.

The next piece of praise I have for this movie are the special effects. Absolutely amazing is all I have to say. And as spectacular as the visual effects are, the SOUND effects must receive special mention. To it's benefit, this movie does not have a soundtrack that tells you how to feel...rather you feel this movie through the numbing bass tones you would expect to experience in an earth moving event such as an earthquake. The monster's earth shattering footsteps and distinct roar brought back the fear experienced in the unique, terrifying sensation heard with the death ray of the original "War Of The Worlds". It's easy to overlook the challenge movie makers undertake to recreate a memorable audible experience, until you consider less-successful attempts. For example, Steven Spielberg's attempt to recreate the terrifying sound of the Martian machines in his remake fell far short of the original, but in this movie, the sounds that originate from the monster are haunting to say the least, both in it's roar and in it's attack on the city.

I reserve my greatest praise for last. J.J. Abrams & Co. have cracked the code. In my opinion, the most entertaining experiences in the past 10-15 years have come from the video game world, especially first-person shooters (ie Doom & Half-Life). But Hollywood has had a less-than stellar track record in trying to reproduce those experiences on the big screen. Their solution to that problem was so simple and yet so ingenious, I'm surprised no one had previously thought of it...depict the movie from the point of view of a character stuck with holding the camera through the whole experience. Now don't get me wrong...the first-person portrayal has been done...most infamously with The Blair Witch Project. I did enjoy The Blair Witch, but that movie was supernatural and small in scope, whereas Cloverfield is large and earth-threatening...a truly grandiose cinematic experience. I took my family of five and two friends of my children...and paid a pretty penny...but felt it was worth it.

Just a word of advice. Because of the unique perspective the story is told through, one or two sequences are dizzying. If you grab a seat toward the back of the theater, you'll minimize the potential for "motion-sickness".

To summarize, if you are up for a unique cinematic experience, a thought-provoking, captivating plot, with earth-shattering visual and audio effects that go a long way toward effectively portraying the story from a first-person shooter'll enjoy this movie. If you like movies that tell you how to think and feel, if you enjoy brainless mind-pap, reserve your copy of "House Of The Dead" today, and leave enough seats in the theater for me and my family.
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Turn It OFF!
27 December 2007
Analysts determine that catastrophes are the result of a chain of errors that through stupidity and misfortune fall together into one regrettable moment. I can only disdainfully shake my head when I contemplate the motivations and decisions of the circus of fools responsible for birthing this cinematic abomination, and subject us unsuspecting audiences to its suckiness. Only thing going for it was the T&A, and even that wasn't enough to save it. I really don't know how the IMDb users who liked this movie were smart enough to be able to use a computer and vote for it. They MUST have had help. Bad acting, bad plot ... Hey! If you think you just might like watching a porn movie without all that objectionable skin and sex, give this steaming pile a try!
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Syriana (2005)
Tried But Fell Short
16 July 2006
I think I understand what the maker's of this movie were going for, trying to educate Americans on how corrupt big business can negatively effect US foreign policy with dire consequences, among which is our current struggle against Islamic terrorism. The movie is based on Robert Baer's book, "See No Evil", a book written by a disenchanted former employer of the CIA. I contend if you want to understand how big business has effected foreign policy, read the book and avoid the movie.

Let me say this straight out... the movie is fictional. For me to try and understand, truly understand, how corrupt business and politicians have hijacked our foreign policy by watching this movie, would be like trying to understand the dogma of the Catholic church by watching another work of fiction, "The Da Vinci Code".

Are we Americans so stupid in our understanding of international history, and the currents and eddies behind world events, they must be explained to us through fiction? If so, we deserve our current predicament, which should only worsen our ignorance.

I challenge filmmakers to educate us with accurate portrayals of history. OK, so these movies may not have headliner opening weekends. But truth will educate throughout the years, and a movie true to history will continue to teach even when it sits on the DVD shelf of your local video rental store, or dusting next to the Harry Potter movies in your video cabinet.

You want us to see how corrupt businesses tarnish national politics? Give us the names of true companies, real politician's and CEO's, their human motivations based on greed and selfishness. Don't give us impressive shots of huge oil refineries with computer generated fictional company names and then expect me to undertake the enormous task of understanding and battling the real corruption which robs our country of it's ability to establish fair and just policy.

I would rather watch movies like "The Insider" a hundred times than this Syriana drivel. Hey, when can we expect the substandard sequel based on Baer's book "Asleep In The Light"? You know, it could be the revelatory sequel where fictional countries and leaders and politicians and companies are shown which will miraculously pull back the veil of our ignorance and lead us to understand how big business and a corrupt America inspires simple Muslim believers to conduct acts of international terrorism.
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Dead End (I) (2003)
"Please! LET IT END!!!"
22 February 2005
The summary is a quote from the end of the movie that perfectly reflects how my wife and I felt watching it. Oh my gosh...because you lunkheads had rated this movie with an average between 6 and 7 stars, my wife will NEVER, EVER listen to IMDb again when it comes to picking horror movies. Yup, your credibility is totally shot. For those of you who liked it and rated it so high, you are damned. For those of you who have not yet seen it, save your souls, money and time. I just can't believe there are people out there that watch this crap and like it. The whole purpose behind IMDb should be to warn folks to stay away from steaming piles like this! Who could ever equate this crap with the genius of the Twilight Zone? Twilight Zone episodes were like fables that usually had memorable, thought provoking, shocking, and even life changing lessons. The only lesson that can be had from this movie is to stay as far away from it as possible. The directors Jean-Baptiste Andrea and Fabrice Canepa are on my list and ANY movie they touch, I will NEVER, EVER see. Bottom of the worst pieces of crap I have ever seen. It was so bad, I don't know what can be done to get that rotten taste out of my mouth.
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Hero (2002)
Over-hyped, Boring Steaming Pile
23 December 2004
What a piece of crap snooze fest. I know we're jumping over cultural borderlines here, but what do people see in this movie? OK...the scenery is nice, but the plot is sort've detached, and the action unbelievable. Movies like Hero and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon will be collecting dust as forgotten an unmemoroble movies in a few years for the same reason as Greek myth movies. When's the last time you saw a movie with Zeus? When's the last time you bought a movie with Apollo? The suspension of disbelief in these movies are way to great and the cultural appeal buried by the sands of time. I appreciate honest movies, not mythological, nationalistic creations that bore. See it at your peril, but don't say I didn't warn you.
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The Guru (2002)
Comes In A Case To Conveniently Keep The Flies Off
20 September 2003
Ouch. Marisa Tomei and Heather Graham have fallen far, although I have to hand it to them for trying something new. Much like the plot's premise, this movie is a plastic facade trying to sell itself as something it isn't; humorous and thought provoking. Could've been better if Marisa and/or Heather had shown a little more skin, and if I hear that damned "Aja, Aja" theme song one more time, I swear I'll end it all.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Thank God For Kids!
6 July 2003
I thank God I have children that give me an excuse to see excellent movies like this in the theater, 'cause I wouldn't wanna look like Michael Jackson scoping for a Friday night date by heading into the theater to see a movie like this by myself! Excellent, positive, entertaining plot, solid special effects, and good humor make this the best family movie I've paid too much to see so far this summer! Yup, we'll end up buying it! Check out this movie for a good, ol' fashioned entertaining time to spend with your family! You won't have to worry about sex scenes, or adult language, and you'll have a good time to boot! More! More! More!
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Definitely A Must See
6 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS: Saw the movie and have to say that it was a very pleasant surprise. Not only was it faithful to the concept of the first two movies, but like T2, builds on its foundation and brings new ideas. I particularly liked the concept of fate...John Conner, knowing his fate, yet denying it; the inevitable takeover by Skynet, etc. It also managed to bring in new and exciting action and special effects, as well as building onto the plot and surprising me by taking it in unexpected directions. All these factors make the movie very entertaining, and worth the price, especially for Terminator/Schwarzeneggar fans.

Another tidbit that I've been pondering since seeing the movie, is the evolutionary psychology behind all 3 films. The first one came out during the cold war, in which the Soviet Union and the United States were in the middle of a Mexican standoff with a combined nuclear arsenal capable of wiping out human civilization hundreds of times over. The first movie was created within those times, and the message was one in which the human spirit can prevail, in spite of the potential armageddon, and can seek to change a probable future. The second movie, created at the end of the cold war in which detente and diplomacy had achieved a bloodless end to the potential nuclear confrontation that had been hanging over the world for the past two generations, had a different message: one in which man is in complete control of his destiny, and if he is willing to take the risks and make the sacrifices, anything is possible. Now we come to the 3rd movie, and the current world is much different. No longer do we face a potential standoff between nuclear states, but the specter of international terrorists, and the possibility of a nuclear, chemical or biological attack by these ruthless groups, especially in a post 9-11 world, I think has brought back the fear of armageddon again, albeit from a different direction, and I believe this last installment of the Terminator series, reflects that fear. We fear something catastrophic is around the corner, something terrible and unavoidable feels bound to happen, and it is now just a matter of time, so prepare for it. The enemy is not within a single mainframe at one specific location, it is all around us, and unable to be removed. I believe that is the underlying pervasive psychology behind this movie, and as an honest reflection of the times, brings another element of pleasant surprise, and another reason to not miss this movie.
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Dragonfly (2002)
An Injustice To Be Rated So Low
5 October 2002
I honestly do not know what is wrong with the average IMDB voter to have rated this movie 5.8 (as of 6 Oct 2002). That is a rating deserved for movies like Scooby-Doo and Face-Off and other mindless pap that's forced on us by a sold out Hollywood with no stories left to tell and a numb audience with no desire for tales of faith and life. I know that's why I repeatedly avoid any movie that appears to have an advertising budget rivaling a presidential election campaign. Fortunately word of mouth still reveals the classics and the weekend box-office does not. That was the case with golden heart-felt movies that have withstood the test of time such as "It's A Wonderful Life" and hopefully time will reveal this movie to be a much better gem than what it is currently seen for. It's a travesty that most other voters probably can't even conceptualize what I'm talking about. For those of you who are considering this movie, disregard the thoughtless and meaningless comments most other voters have written about this movie, go see it, and save your soul. To the rest of you, Scooby-dooby doo!
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Spider-Man (2002)
OK, but...
7 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Be forewarned...Spoilers Ahead: As a big fan of the comic book, I definitely enjoyed the movie, but had some small bones to pick and thankfully, IMDB provides the skeletal material.

Firstly, the movie, although good, is over-hyped. As of 7 May 02, the movie has a rating of 8.4, which is comparable to much better movies, such as The Matrix. Perhaps this could be indicative of the excitement of a well-done newly released movie and will level out to a more realistic, better-deserved rating as time goes by. However, this particular phenomenon sort of concerns me because it hints at the possibility that movie ratings may be, for whatever reason, over-hyped in the short term after an initial release. My main worry is that Hollywood has somehow figured out how to initially stack the deck, deceiving loyal IMDB participants, such as myself. I will definitely be more guarded about the IMDB rating of movies after initial releases, and this may mean I will have to wait a movie out after a couple of weeks and then see how the ratings fare.

My other thoughts about the movie, although trivial, add up to a small degree of disappointment, and, in my opinion, detracted from the overall enjoyability. For one, if the movie had spent an equal amount of time depicting Peter Parker's scientific ingenuity as they had showing his eye for design (such as when drawing up plans for his costume), the audience would have had no problem believing that he could create web shooters, such as he did for the comic book. I thought the spinerettes inside his wrists interesting and was thankful the writers opted for his wrists over the spider's preternatural ability to shoot silk out it's rear.

Another point of contention was the look of the green goblin. It seemed in the comic book that the goblin's mask was of a more rubber material, and definitely not the rigid, molded plastic depicted in the film. The look of the goblin from the comic was much more menacing, and those of you who may doubt it only have to view Maximum Overdrive and tell me that the truck with the green goblin's face, taken directly from the comic, does not send chills up your spine.

Additionally, in the comic book, Peter Parker cleverly taunted his enemies while in battle, making it easy for fights to take a much more serious tone when Spider Man's wit would be replaced by less witty diatribe.

It's been years since reading spider-man comic books, but one of the more heartening plot twists from early on in the comic was Peter Parker's love interest with the daughter of a police captain...I think her name was Gwen. And I believe the green goblin tried to kill her in the comic by throwing her off of a bridge, similar to the plot line from the movie. However, unlike the movie, Gwen died while Spider-Man tried to rescue her. A female friend by the name of Mary Jane Watson tried to console him through his loss and Peter Parker ended up falling in love with her. Now I don't know if they could have included those much sadder plot twists for the movie, but as a fan of the comic book, these scenarios resulted in more deeply endearing the characters to me. If I remember correctly, another interesting plot development was when Gwen's father, the police captain, was also killed (I think much earlier than Gwen's demise) while Spidey battled Dr. Octopus. Is Hollywood afraid such loss would negatively impact ticket sales? They should look at Marvel's sales within said plot lines and I think they'd see that the tragic loss resulted in a more loyal fan base. If anyone doubts it, look what the death of Obi Wan did for the fans of Star Wars. One of the more saddening, but poignant points to the comic book series was how many of Peter Parker's closest friends and acquaintances, would die off. Uncle Ben, the police captain, and Gwen, among others.

Lastly, even though casting was for the most part dead-on, the choice of JK Simmons to play JJ Jameson left much to be desired. And I say that as a fan of Law & Order and his recurring role as the psychologist. Of course I'm arm-chair quaterbacking here, but I feel that there could have been a better choice, although I thought JK Simmons did exceptionally well.

Please don't let my comments prevent you from seeing the movie. Even though I believe an 8.4 rating is much too high for it, it is still a well-done, enjoyable movie, more along the lines of a 7 out of 10 rating. It was for the most part faithful to the plot lines of the comic book, and therefore, captivating and interesting.
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4 Out Of 10? Are You On Crack?
7 May 2002
Shocked is an understatement when I read that you idiots had rated Maximum Overdrive a 4 out of 10. Now I really do believe the human race has absolutely no chance for survival. How can you not like it? The eeriness, the claustrophobia...what else could scare you? Jeepers Creepers? Jason X? Moulin Rouge? This had got to be one of the best scary movies ever made! I compare it with The Evil Dead, or Night Of The Living Dead (both the original and the remake). If you enjoy fecal material, go on your merry way, or if you want to join the camp of people who enjoy thinking on their own and not what Madison Avenue or Hollywood tells them, than watch this movie and enjoy it.
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A Must See
3 February 2002
OK, I saw this movie in the theaters at the same time two other critically acclaimed movies were showing, Amelie and A Beautiful Mind. Both of them worth the accolades they received, however, for my part, I enjoyed The Royal Tenenbaums that much more. Rich, innovative, and captivating story telling, superb acting by an all-star cast (especially Gene Hackman, whom I hope receives some type of award for his performance in this movie), humor, and a story about forgiveness and hope make this, in my opinion, a movie everyone should see. Do yourself a favor, if you can relate to any dysfunctional family, check this movie out for a breath of fresh air.
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A Cinematic Memorial From Hollywood
21 January 2002
The movie is an honest depiction of events that occurred 3-4 Oct 1993 as recounted in the must-read book of the same name by author Mark Bowden. Any feelings of emptiness, shallowness or dissatisfaction with the movie are probably feelings generated from the actual historical incident. The movie itself is a testament to the bravery of our military's service members. Do memorials entertain you or do they provoke thoughts about the events and personalities involved? Where were you on 3 October 1993? I live in Fayetteville, North Carolina, the home of Ft Bragg and many of the soldiers sent to Somalia for Operation Just Cause. When I went to the theater to see this movie, an old lady sat next to me, by herself with no other friends or family accompanying her. I couldn't help but wonder if she was watching the movie to understand the experience of someone she knew that had gone and perhaps had not returned. Unfortunately, I did not ask, but her presence at a violent Hollywood movie demographically targeting young males speaks volumes about the underlying interest and respect America has for its soldiers who answer the call to defend our freedoms on foreign shores. I for one, but hopefully not alone, am grateful Hollywood has chosen to truthfully memorialize the events of that fateful day for our nation to genuflect upon.
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There's Something Wrong If You Didn't Like It!
2 January 2002
I don't know why this movie has ranked so low in the database! This is an intelligent, well-scripted, well-acted and entertaining love story. I know all you bubble-heads out there would much rather watch Meg Ryan-type pap like Sleepless In Seattle or You've Got Mail, but do us all a favor...grow some brain cells and check out this movie. There's something wrong with ya'll if ya don't enjoy it!
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Like a stage show of Peter Pan, with sub-titles
15 January 2001
I didn't really want to give this movie a 1 out of 10 rating, but I feel the current rating of approximately 9 out of 10 MUST be corrected. The novelty of this movie does NOT justify such a high rating. Yes, the cinematography is great. And, OK, it's interesting to see an epic set in mainland China. BUT, I REALLY could not get over the flying samurai, or whatever you want to call them. I needed the same hookup of wires to get over the large suspension of disbelief needed to swallow such a thing. This was a MAJOR stumbling block for me. And, I know, you could be thinking it's just me, but I tell you the whole theater comically laughed every time the movie's heroes took to the clouds. And yet, when one of them needed to quickly travel to the nearest town to pick up medicine, it was imperative for them to find a horse to travel by! I'm telling you, the whole audience laughed! If it was a Jackie Chan comedy (I haven't seen one yet that has a larger unbelievable premise) I possibly could have gotten over it! But what makes the American distributors of this movie think we want to see Peter Pan with sub-titles! Save your money and go rent Shichinin No Samurai (or Rumble In The Bronx!)
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Invasion Of The Crapticons
20 December 2000
Ugh! It's amazing how all children exploitation films are the same, no matter what the trendy toy...Power Rangers, Pokemon, Transformers, etc, ad nauseum. All of them, including this one are devoid of imagination, plot, and animation quality.
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Was Kubrick On Crack?
24 November 2000
What a waste of time! I don't know what was more frustrating, a ridiculous plot that made little sense and seemed to go nowhere tortuously slow, the difficult-to-understand cockney accents, or the retarded cinematography. Yikes! How can this movie be in the IMDB top 250? Be forewarned, this movie SUCKS! There is a scene in the movie where a woman is bludgeoned with a large ceramic statue of a penis, and at the end, I felt as if I'd been similarly beat. I would bet that Stanley Kubrick probably smoked a phallic shaped crack vile for the inspiration to make this movie...nothing else makes sense! It oughta come with sub-titles, and while they're at it, make another movie.
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