
11 Reviews
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Freakin' Hilarious!!!!!!!!
2 August 2008
I went into this movie with really low expectations due to other reviewers, here on IMDb. I don't know WHAT the heck those negative reviewers were smoking but this movie is extremely funny!!! Yes, I give it a very high rating. This is the funniest comedy I've seen in years. It's DEFINITELY worth watching, I bought in on HD-DVD awhile ago and am REALLY glad I did. Well, I have to keep writing or my review won't get accepted SO I'll continue. I really can't think of anything I DIDN'T like about this movie. Everyone in the cast did a really good job. The writers, the same brothers also directing, are brilliant. I didn't realize they both wrote Dumb-and-Dumber as well as There's Something About Mary. I put this movie AT LEAST on par with those two films. Actually,I like this film more that those two classic comedies! As I mentioned; this movie is freakin' hilarious!!!!!
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Batman Begins (2005)
By FAR the best Batman film!!!!!
4 July 2005
Considering how positive the other feedback has been I went to this film with high expectations, they were more than met. This is definitely the best film that I've seen, in a theater, in a long time. It is MOST definitely the BEST Batman film to date. I was impressed by all of the actors and am pleased that an action film wasn't overtaken by action. The plot, acting, sets, direction, etc. are all fantastic! I've seen Mr. Bale in many films and am glad to see him in this blockbuster. This film alone should put him at Superstar status! He's moved up the ranks with his other films but this elevates him to elite status.

Mr. Nolan has also proved his expertise with this film. Of course, Memento and Insomnia were really good films but Batman Begins is at the top.

If I could give more than a score of 10 I would. Great film, I loved it!!!
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Product placement is a little irritating
12 June 2005
Did anyone else notice that EVERY laptop, monitor, etc. was an HP? Hewlett-Packard must have forked over a bundle to Disney for so many shots of their products. I freakin' HATE blatant product placement!!!!! I would have rated the movie another point higher if not for the HP hype. I thought that the movie was alright, not great by any means, but not bad. It's better than most of the newer films that I've seen lately. Since I have to fill up the remainder of the TEN lines I'll keep going! I feel that Nicolas Cage did a good job along with everyone else. I've liked Mr. Cage in just about all the movies I've seen him in. However, I didn't like about half of them. Matchstick Men is really good, I saw that recently. Anyway, my TEN plus lines are up and I still don't like PRODUCT PLACEMENT but this films alright.
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DVD Quality Review for North by Northwest
30 March 2005
The DVD image quality is outstanding! I think that the picture looks better than ANY DVD I own, right up with the quality of Star Wars 2: Attack of the Clones which is ALL digital. I've recently bought special editions of Apollo 13 and The Great Escape and image quality is nowhere NEAR the level of North by Northwest. Lowry Digital Images did the restoration and I'm telling you that this DVD looks as good as I've ever seen a DVD look. Not to brag but I use a Denon DVD-5900 DVD player with a DVDO Iscan HD image processor set to 1080i and the picture looks like hi-definition. I am literally AMAZED at how good this DVD looks!!! I feel like I've never seen this film before, even though I've watched it many times, due to the flawless visual quality of this DVD.
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Dreamcatcher (2003)
Please don't waste your time on this!!!
13 June 2004
My goodness, what a MESS of a movie! I've seen loads and loads of movies but I honestly think that this is the worst one I've EVER seen!!! I really wanted to like this film, I didn't see it in the theater so I was pleased to find it on sale. Actually, they should of paid me to take it. Since I'm required, by IMDb, to provide at least 10 lines of comments I'll have to go into a little more detail on WHY this THING was so bad. Is it scary? NO! Is the screenplay engaging? Nope!! Is there any even remotely redeeming aspect to this film? NONE whatsoever!!! Considering that Morgan Freeman and Damian Lewis are in it I THOUGHT that it would be good. Morgan was phenomenal in "Shawshank" and Damian was flawless in "Band of Brothers". Unfortunately, the script was SO bad that they couldn't even come close to saving this crapola of a film. Please don't rent, borrow or buy this. If you do you'll be sorry, BELIEVE ME!!!!!
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This didn't win the Best Picture Oscar?
25 August 2003
I tried to watch the 2003 Best Picture Oscar Winner, "Chicago", a few nights ago but I had to turn it off after just one hour. How "Chicago" beat "The Two Towers" is beyond me! I've lost all faith in the Oscars'. First "A Beautiful Mind" beat "The Fellowship of the Ring" and now "Chicago". What are these Oscar reviewers thinking?!?!? My two favorite films are "The Fellowship... and The Two Towers, by the way. The Oscars are a joke!!!!!
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Don't even THINK about watching this!
5 April 2003
Man, oh man what a stinker!!! I paid $5.88 for the DVD and I grossly OVERPAID!!!!! I couldn't finish it so I won't say any more about the movie. Perhaps it got better as it went on, I really doubt it though. I wonder how far a DVD can be thrown?!? Hmmm.
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Wonderful film!!!
27 February 2003
I've actually had this on laserdisc for a few years and never was interested enough to watch it. I JUST finished watching the extended version on DVD and I loved it. I would rate this as one of the best films that I've seen and I have a LOT of movies, believe me! I don't want to reiterate what others have already said about this moving film, SO I'll just let you know that the DVD is absolutely flawless in image quality! The anamorphic transfer looks almost like high-definition, it's really that good. I wish I would have watched this film a long time ago but now that the new extended release is here, on DVD, I'm just thrilled that I've seen it, it's so clear that I felt like I was really there.
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DVD transfer is excellent!!!
2 April 2002
I saw this film as a kid and it stuck with me over the years. When I first saw it I was quite frightened. Now, many years later, it still seems pretty good but it is campy to say the least. The sets are well done but the acting is overdone. All-in-all I have to recommend this movie due to it's originality, at the time anyway, and for the fantastic image quality of the DVD. I purchased the laserdisc a few years ago and the transfer looked pretty good. The DVD looks much better and is on par with DVDs of recent films. If the DVD transfer is important to you and you like hokey vintage SciFi films, like I do, I don't think that you'll go wrong with this selection, especially since this DVD is so inexpensive.
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Shadow Raiders (1998–1999)
The best animated show ever made!!!!!
3 March 2002
I happened upon this show based on a whim. I was curious to find out how good of a show it was. After I found all six DVDs, for a great price, I purchased all of them at once and am so glad that I did! The animation is fantastic and the DVD transfer is absolutely perfect. I don't think that I own any DVDs that have a cleaner picture. The story lines are all interesting as well as the dialogue. I STRONGLY recommend this show to everyone. If you like science fiction, animation, and an interesting premise then this is the series for you. I've also watched the 3D animated "Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles" and they are nowhere near as impressive as "ShadowRaiders". Try something new and watch ShadowRaiders, I think that you'll be as thrilled as I've been.
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Yes, I agree that it is the BEST movie I've seen.
5 January 2002
First of all I want to tell you that I am a huge movie fan! I feel that the Godfather and Shawshank Redemption deserve to be at the top of the list. Some of my other favorites include: North by Northwest, Doctor Zhivago, Shawshank Redemption, Star Wars, The Great Escape, The Shining, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, Alien, Titanic, The Matrix, October Sky, etc.... The reason that I've mentioned some of my other favorites is to show a wide range of appreciation for different types of films. I STILL feel that "The Fellowship of the Ring" is superior to all of them. Some of the others are VERY close, of course, but the acting, scenery, special effects and overall mood of the film is fantastic. I've watched the film only TWICE thus far and desperately await the DVD!!! The second time watching I was joined by two close friends of mine who seemed bored during some of the slower segments. I felt sorry for them because I assume that they would prefer an effects laden film that has to be fast-paced. This film is NOT a fast paced "Speed" type of film and anyone that needs to be constantly kept on the edge of their seat may find "Fellowship" plodding. I, on the other hand thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it! *** :)
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