
7 Reviews
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a masterpiece
15 August 1999
"The Sixth Sense" has connected with me like few movies can. I went into the theater expecting a typical horror thriller, but I saw so much more. It was scary at parts, but it was also very, very touching. Many times I was startled or maybe even scared, then seconds later I felt sympathy for Cole. "The Sixth Sense" was an emotional roller coaster. Haley is the most amazing child actor I have ever seen. He deserves an Oscar for this performance. This was by far the best movie of the year and it is now one of my personal favorites.
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My Giant (1998)
7 August 1999
I could not believe "My Giant." It was not a movie. Movies have actors. Billy Crystal was his usual annoying self. I was not surprised by that. It was big George that killed me. I couldn't understand a word he said. Not only can't he act, he can't frickin speak English! "My Giant" is a Giant pile of crap.
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crowds brainwashed by genius marketing
5 August 1999
Leaves. Thats all i can say. Or maybe grass, since these were the two things shown most in the movie. The movie was in no way scary, and it was only slightly eerie in the few scenes when the "actors" were not arguing. I must compliment whoever marketed this movie. He is a genius. He took one of the worst movies I have ever seen and made a craze out of it. Not only did people race to the theater to see it, some people were so brainwashed by the marketing schemes that they still thought it was good after they say it. The scariest part of the movie was the camera-work. Were they really film students???
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American Pie (1999)
funny, yet true
5 August 1999
I haven's seen such a high school comedy since "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." I think this even tops it. It was hilarious, but it really got into the mind of the high school male. Everyone knows this is how a majority of high schoolers act and this is one of the first movies i've seen that shows this attitude so raw.
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5 August 1999
I can not believe that this Scott Spiegel has or ever will make a movie since "Texas Blood Money." Where do I start? First of all it had nothing to do with "From Dusk Till Dawn." It was in no way a sequel, it simply shared a similar setting and subject. The acting was horrid, and the director was trying to be original with camera shots, but it came off as sickening. Inside the mouth of the vampire cam? Come on. I just started laughing. I loved "From Dusk Till Dawn" but "Texas Blood Money" was the worst movie I have ever seen, and that's including Carrot Top movies.
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i watched, i threw up
5 August 1999
Should I have expected anything other than putrid from Carrot Top? This was on of the worst movies I have ever seen. It is by far the worst comedy I have ever seen. "Chairman of the Board" did not add humor to my attitude, rather it enraged me. That's right, Carrot Top is such a bad comedian that I became enraged that this man is making movies.
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Sean Penn shines
5 August 1999
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. Sean Penn plays the hilarious stereotypical surfer dude. He is the kind of character people impersonate for months after seeing the film. Sean Penn definitely makes the movie and without him it would be any other 80's teen movie.
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