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3 Ninjas (1992)
4 strands of rope
16 May 2024
This film is not to be taken seriously, I see many of the reviews have, and I weep for their children. This is truly one of the greatest kids movies ever made. The one-liners never stop and the villain is one of the all time greats. Plus it has Victor Wong aka Egg-Shen as a mentor. We get to witness kids being kids and fricken cool ones at that. Even Super Mario Bros 3 makes an appearance. The 3 bumbling idiot bad guys look like they walked right off the set of Point Break, I can go on and on. But instead.... Slurpee?? Radical.

Whoops, I need to write 40 more characters, so I'll talk about the amazing writing here. Oh wait, I've met my mark. So there you have it.
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A Masterpiece of B-Movie Horror Sequels
2 June 2021
One of the greatest the genre has to offer. With a terrific sense of humor and some creativity in its horror, it doesn't get much better than this.
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looking to make sense out of this flick?
30 March 2011
if you're reading this, you might be looking for an explanation but I'm not going to attempt to explain it because its really not very difficult to decipher and what is decipherable is very short and thin or disappointing anyway, this sure isn't inception or butterfly effect. The film is quite convoluted but only because its so underdeveloped. The tight budget and focus on effects probably contributed. I feel like it was made with intentions of a 3rd soon after, to put the lame-o explanation to rest and cure any frustrations this sequel induced, but here we are 8 years later and still no follow-up. Yet it is the news that Cube 3 finally starting to take form that has brought me here.

I decided to watch hypercube the other day for the first time in a few years and while I like it more each time, I continue to feel the budget and focus on effects are what put this excellent idea in jeopardy. With sci-fi of today like inception, butterfly effect and numerous TV series with episodes of time travel and/or alternate realities, I think there could've been a lot more here. Running less than 90 minutes, this could have been half an hour longer, at least. With that being said, I liked the use of alternate times and realities throw in the mix. Had this aspect of the story been taken more seriously, I think this film could've easily surpassed the original. We see several different views of alternate realities that don't happen, which is my biggest beef. For example, seeing whats-his-name stab Mrs. Paley and get his head knocked off, and later, seeing Kate get her head knocked off, these things do not happen to our characters. At least one of the alternates DID happen to our characters. I'm just looking for some consistency. I noticed Kate on the other side of the collapsing wall (first trap) this time around and unfortunately that was the only real use of the films time-travel-potential (I think I just invented a concept, the way to surprise an audience with the use of time travel in film). I liked it, but this idea gave me tons of more ideas for me to make a film of my own. This is, I'm sure, where the budget likely hurt the story potential. I loved whats-his-name getting stabbed in the eye, running to the next room, and there's whats-his-name, aged several years and fired-up to the 3rd power. There are many instances in this film that are a sci-fi fan-boys wet dream but not all of it works, in the given runtime. Still, I like this, but maybe only because of the lack of explanation at the end? while I would like to know what the deal was with Alex Trust and the reason Kate was sent inside to retrieve the "object," I'm willing to bet not knowing is why I really appreciate it.

Somebody give Darren Aronofsky, Richard Kelly, or why not even Chris Nolan, a phone call and hire them for a reboot! the POTENTIAL
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Thrill (1996 TV Movie)
I was in this movie
5 February 2006
My vote of 10 is for the experience being an extra in a movie, id probably rate the movie a 3 or 4. I live right near Santa Cruz where filming took place and my parents, who happened to be in a Roller Coaster club (ACE, were asked to shoot scenes on the coaster. I was only 12 at the time, so i had to do this supposed "school" while filming and i couldn't shoot the scenes on the coaster as there was not enough time. You see me standing in line 2 or 3 times (the continuity was actually OK) and you see my parents getting off the coaster. The best part didn't even happen to me, but one of the guys in our club, he got to be on the coaster as Mr. Sabato was jumping from one train to the next. I believe he filmed for a week or 2 and maybe a few thousand dollars. I filmed for 2 days and made like 500 bucks or somethin like that.

I think you can see me when Mr. Sabato runs up to the station toward the end and it is revealed that the bombed is still alive. "Thats Impossible!" he says. I have a green shirt and long, bushy hair that curls around my neck in the vein of MacGyver.

Yep, I'm famous.
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Stargate SG-1 (1997–2007)
I could start a religion from watching this show
16 December 2003
I love this show!

Every time i watch an episode i repeat that line and remind myself how good of a show this is. I am a huge sci-fi fan and this show has grounds to be the most important science (fiction?) show in the history of film/TV. There are so many theories in this show about the universe i could start a religion. Its amazing, season after season the show gets better and better.

I've been a fan of MacGyver since i was 5 (19 now) and i find it so ironic that my 2 favorite TV shows of all time star Richard Dean Anderson. Its also interesting how each character is practically the opposite of the other.

Back when i first saw Stargate the movie, i instantly liked it and considered it one of my favorite sci-fi flicks, then hearing a TV show would spin from it i got really excited, but didn't get showtime till the fifth season was almost over.

Though, I'm disappointed to hear that Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin wanted to do a trilogy of movies but the studio optioned the series instead.

Id say though that it turned out just fine. Maybe even better.

This show is amazing, and i hope it never dies. Atlantis here we come!
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My favorite cinemax movie of all time
6 November 2003
I first saw this when i was about 12, it was definately the best super soft core porno i had seen at the time and it remains (7 years later). Back then i didnt even pay attention to the plot, but now i even like this movie as a movie
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Waaaaaaaaaay better than the first
31 January 2003
Ive never liked a movie before, had a sequel come out, seen it, and then walked out liking the sequel 10 times better than the first, not to mention the first was very original, and thats hard to come by these days.

This movie NEVER lets up, its death after death after death, and just when you thought it was time for a breather, someone dies.

Some might think the movie will be too predictable, but its amazing at how unpredictable it turned out to be. First you think someones done for, they survive, only to die an instant later, completely off guard.

This is the most entertaining and intense movie ive seen in a very long time, and with the success of this, Final Destination 3 should be pretty solid, but i dont know, this movie was so good, that it doesnt leave a lot of hope for the 3rd, no chance itll even come close to surpassing this.

Best sequel ive seen in years, 10/10
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Taken (2002)
Take me
4 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
To think that some of this 'movie' may have actually happened is phenomenal, what a great show. Spanning 60 years of so-called history, a movie has finally been made showing what people claim to have happened with every single alien encounter over the last 60 years. The space ship was amazing to see, as well as the first alien encounter.

This has got to be one of the best 'movies' to ever be created, and im a huge science fiction fan. I found it interesting how there are some similarities to Indenpendence Day, i had no idea some of that movie may have been based on truth. I believe most of this may have happened, like aline encounters, the crash at Roswell, and the flying orbs. The only thing i believe may be complete fiction is the capabilities of the aliens, their abilities to "shape-shift" and "jump into" peoples minds. But who knows.

Spoilers below

I think they keep taking people to experiment on them, duh, but WHY is the question? i think maybe because the aliens are emotion-less, they are studying emotions and how to use them/control them. Jacob is emotionless until he leaves for that school, maybe he finally figured out how to use and control his emotions.
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Has its moments
22 November 2002
Id say this movie has the worst opening since GoldenEye but the best henchman (Zao) since, i dont know, but he was pretty cool, theres just something about diamonds being stuck in a mans face that shows character.

Some of the stunts were rediculous and incredibly unrealistic, as farfetched as most Bond films are, this one crosses the line.

I loved the opening one-liner, wont ruin it for you, but it cracked me up.

Surfing shouldve been left out of the movie, period, end of story.

The ice palace was interesting, but shouldve been more necessary to the plot than it was.

Theres a double cross in the movie that i saw miles away, i dont know how, i just did, and double crosses are SO tired and played out.

One of the main plot elements was that Bond was betrayed, but it isnt pointed out very well except for the fact that Bond says it himself, also weak.

The end scene on the airplane, ah, what can i say, it also couldve been done better, this movie needed a better hand to hand fight sequence, no dice.

The first sword fight was done quite well, definately the best scene in the movie, the 2nd one though was too brief, but entertaining (wont ruin it why).

I really couldnt say what this movies main problem was, it was good, but it wasnt, and its very rare that i dont know why a movie wasnt good, theres usually one BIG problem that can ruin a movie, i guess this one just had several small things going for it.

Too bad, i heard good reviews of it too

Its better than the last two, but thats not saying much.

GoldenEye is still Brosnans #1 Bond on my list, and after hearing he signed for the next Bond, i hope he leaves the franchise on a high, at least in my opinion.
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Worse than Home Alone 3
3 November 2002
I found myself questioning the making of yet another Home Alone movie, let alone the making of another Home Alone movie that was to be made-for-tv, being skeptical i thought to myself "they must have a pretty decent script if theyre gonna attempt a made-for-tv sequel to what once was a pretty good franchise before it even was a franchise", but wow, this movie was awful, the young-uns might chuckle but the rest of the audience will be chuckling at the filmmakers.

Whoever was casting director should be fired, Kevins father was decent, well acted, but Kevin, who is now 9 when he was 10 in Home Alone 2, just isnt Kevin anymore, and who the hell decided to make Buzz around the same age as Kevin??? Marv wasnt too bad, but his character shouldnt have been brought back without Daniel Stern, but i give credit to Mr. Stewart.

Throughout the movie i kept asking why this movie was made, and in the beginning i thought i had the answer "What if we take the Home Alone series, and put Kevin in a technologically advanced house and see what he can do to one-half of the original bad guys?" this made me think the movie might actually be worth watching to see what kind of traps Kevin can create this time.

Basically, this movie sucks because he creates almost NO traps, there is a minor encounter in the beginning, and thats about it, Kevin ties together 2 or 3 pots, but thats IT, what the hell was this idiot director/writer/producers thinking, and to think that theyre couldnt possibly be a Home Alone movie worse than 3, at least that kid made some cool traps.
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Following (1998)
Almost better than Memento
17 October 2002
This is the story of a man who is indirectly bored with his life, so he decides to follow people around, not to attack them, kill them, or even talk to them, just to see what they do, where theyre going, or who they see, but complications arise when he follows a man named Cobb, who is slightly similar to Bill, the main character.

If there had been a better relationship development between Cobb and Bill, this movie may have had a more dramatic ending, but while it was great, it couldve been better, its also too bad the movie is only 70 minutes, interesting how it was shot, slightly similar to Memento only much harder to follow.

Maybe one day Chris Nolan can remake this and add some screen time to it, this movie just seems as though its unfinished, like a masterpiece with just a few finishing touches missing.

9 out of 10
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When a Stranger Calls Back (1993 TV Movie)
One of the greatest opening scenes to a horror movie
20 September 2002
If you are reading this, youve most likely seen this movie, but if not, id say get your hands on it, and then stop it after the opening scene is over.

The movie takes place many years after When A Stranger Calls and returns characters Jill (Carol Kane, which my mother taught the ABC's to :)) and John Clifford (Charles Durning) to a newly distraught teen who experiences the same thing Carol Kane went through several years earlier, Julia (Jill Schoelen), is now being stalked by a ventrilaquist this time (which adds to the extremely amazing opening) and doesnt know where to turn.

If i were to rate this movie as a whole, id say it was really lacking "stuff", basically NOTHING happened in the whole movie except in the beginning and the end, and the end is what killed the movie, but what really makes me enjoy this movie is how GOOD the opening is, its got nothing like in any other horror movie and the problem with this is that someone came up with a great opening sequence and couldnt figure out where to take it, which upsets me because the idea wouldve worked better in a movie that at least wasnt made for tv.

Movie * out of ****

Opening ****
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Sequel or remake?? make up your mind!!
17 August 2002
When i saw this movie, i thought that it was the 3rd movie in the series (unbeknownst of Leatherface: TCM3) and had been waiting for quite a long time after i first found out about it, so finally it came direct-to-video in the US (it was released in Germany i think) i rented it right when it came out and thought, what the hell did i just watch? a really, really terrible movie that completely copied the first one, or a remake that was just a little too weird, not mention not nearly as good as the original.

Im still unsure, its basically the exact same situation as the first one, only with new characters and a new Leatherface (a woman??? what the hell!!!!) Girl has friends with her, girl and company run into Leatherface, friends die, girl runs up stairs and jumps out of window, girl is saved, and somewhere along the line they thrown in the government or FBI or something, i dont remember, and does it matter? of course not, because if this movie is a remake, its by FAR, the worst remake ive ever seen, and if its a sequel, then its gotta be the worst sequel to a classic horror movie that ive ever seen (not counting Halloween 3, but that movie had a reason to be a bad Halloween sequel)

If you love Leatherface, please, please, dont see this movie, youll still have some respect for one of the original Leatherface creators..
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The Quest (1986)
The best movie of my childhood
15 July 2002
I first saw this movie when i was 3 or 4, I'm 18 now, but i can still remember the first time i rented it with my mom and sister. We had picked it up simply by just looking at the box cover, it looked like a movie i might like, or so my mom thought. Back then, i thought it was just a plain old "cool" movie, i looked up to Cody's character in fact, but now when i look back, i find this to be one of the more interesting ideas in movie history, to me at least. See the movie and you'll see what i mean. ****
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Jason X (2001)
The worst Jason movie yet
27 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoilers Im a big Jason fan, so when i first heard about this movie about 2 years ago, i got really excited. When i first heard about the 500 years in the future part I became disappointed and figured it wouldnt live up to the others, mostly because of the atmosphere change that Manhattan couldnt live up to. So time goes by and finally the movie is released, the opening scene made me laugh, not because it was bad, just because "thats jason for ya," but it made me curious as to why the hell there was a research facility right on crystal lake, and how the hell did they manage to put jason in chains *SPOILER* i still wonder how the hell he got out of the chains *END SPOILER* It seemed the good ol government became interested in why Jason wont die, how hes able to regenerate body tissue, anf of course, jason breaks free only to be frozen moments later.

At the point i decided that this movie sucked was when most of the deaths werent shown, about 30 people dies and only 10 of them were actually shown, and some were quite gruesome! the first death was the best, too bad the chick was so hot! I dont think ive ever seen a movie with character development as bad as this, even the main character, Rowan, you dont give a s*** about, as much as i wanted her to live i really couldve cared less, the only characters i felt for were Kay-Em and Brodski, Kay Em was hilarious and Brodski was such a tough guy.

Just as the movie is nearing its end the funniest scene ive seen in a Jason movie yet comes up, with 2 topless chicks of course but i wont spoil anything else. Id say this scene saved the movie for any liking i gave it.

One of the big reasons i didnt like this was because it was non stop killing, the movie never paused for any real dialouge, or any plot development for that matter.

The atmosphere was another big problem, how can you do a Jason movie without a forest? I mean, even #8 pulled it off, but this movie lacked 'scariness', at no point was i ever scared or even intense about some chick about to lose her head. No suspense whatsoever, Jason didnt even toy with any of his victims.

Also the death scenes were really crappy, there were only 4 or 5 that actually had any creativity, while every other jason movies death scenes are all quite creative, or most of them at least.

As soon as Jason was upgraded it was really downhill from there, too bad the movie ended 15 minutes later. *SPOILER* he didnt even kill anyone! wtf *END SPOILER*

Another weakness of the movie was the way Jason was killed, i can see why they did it, but i just hope it leads to a sequel.

On a scale of 1-10, i give it a 6, because its a little better than it is stupid, i wouldve given it a 3 if it wasnt for that final scene of comic relief.

All in all, this remains the worst Jason movie ive seen so far, but at least it was good for a few laughs.
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Resident Evil (2002)
16 March 2002
Im a big Resident Evil fan and when i first heard about the plot, i had low expectations, but as time when on, i was sure it would be a great movie

I went into the theatre with great expectations and i wasnt disappointed at all, it doesnt follow the game at all, but in a way it does, and it does it very well.

I am very proud of what Anderson has done and i hope this is his big break into making more movies.
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This movie doesn't make a lot of sense. (Contains a few spoilers, if you haven't seen the movie, I wouldn't recommend reading this)
25 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts out with, what i think, is a stupid plot for a "Jurassic Park" movie. A kid gets stranded on the island and his parents "trick" Dr. Alan Grant to help them look for their son. As the movie rolls on, new dinosaurs are discovered which makes no sense at all. Ingen had a certain "list" which Dr. Grant mentions, and certain dinosaurs which they see are not on this list. I expected this to be explained, how these dinosaurs came to be. Eventually the movie ends and nothing is explained. I was very surprised considering that this is a Jurassic Park movie. How could they not take time to explain anything? Another problem with this movie is the fact that it is only about an hour and 21-22 minutes, extremely short, don't you think so? The other 2 movies were each about 2 hours and 5 minutes. Another big thing, this is a Jurassic Park movie lets not forget, and the creators go and invent a dinosaur called the Spinosaurus. How can they invent a dinosaur for a Jurassic Park movie? Another stupid thing. I must say though that this dinosaur was incredible. 10 times more intelligent than the T Rex. I was dumbfounded when the T Rex went down in the fight between the Spinosaurus and the T Rex. One last thing, in the end of The Lost World, they show a few flying dinosaurs flying freely, then in this one, they show a giant bird cage which is never mentioned in the either of the previous movies, and wasnt site B just a place to nurture the baby dinosaurs? Why would they have built a whole bird cage for baby dinosaurs? And then not build the same thing on the original island. The writer of this movie should have thought this through more and most of all, Michael Crichton should have written a book for it, or it should not have been made, and they should have stuck with David Koepp as the screenplay writer. I think the movie would have been much better had he written it. But i must say there were some great scenes in this movie, but all in all, id say it was pretty bad.
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Both good and bad
24 September 1999
This movie did not really scare me at all, but i thougtht it was intense and suspenseful. It was a good movie until the end when it just ended, usually i say i would like a movie to have an ending like this where it just leaves it a mystery, but it leaves people wondering and more people hate that than like that, it was still a good movie but i want to know more!!!
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