
27 Reviews
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This Town (2024– )
I so wanted to love this.
9 April 2024
As another reviewer said, they tried to do too much and failed to do anything. They could have done so much more with the music of the time and they failed. But most of all the original music is terrible. The band as such would never have been popular.

Then they tried to shoehorn the IRA into the show. Great, do an IRA show or do a Two Tone show. Not both. Then they tried to add M Thatchers in to the mix. Add a dollop of soap opera and you end up with an uneven pile of crap.

I did enjoy quite a few parts of this but I would have to be convinced about a second series. More Ska/Two Tone and less IRA.
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Top Coppers (2015)
So bad it's....
9 December 2023
.....really bad. It is not even remotely funny. I can't even begin to tell you how bad this is. It's so bad that I can't be bothered to write any more so I'm going to cut and paste 400 characters more.

Terrible adjective

Synonyms of terrible, extremely bad: such as notably unattractive or objectionable terrible behaviour of very poor quality a terrible movie, strongly repulsive ,OBNOXIOUS a terrible smell, DIFFICULT in a terrible bind formidable in nature, AWESOME a terrible responsibility, exciting extreme alarm or intense fear : TERRIFYING, EXTREME, GREAT a terrible disappointment terribleness noun Synonyms alarming dire direful dread dreadful fearful fearsome forbidding formidable frightening frightful ghastly hair-raising horrendous horrible horrifying intimidating redoubtable scary shocking spine-chilling terrifying.
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Red Sparrow (2018)
Too long and meandering
16 May 2023
There was a decent movie somewhere in there but they failed to keep me interested enough to find it. I don't mind slow films but they have to be going somewhere.

Too much T&A, too much gore, too much contrived dialogue. At 2 hours and 20 minutes it could have been edited by at least 30 minutes.

I must say that with all the agent, double agent, triple agent misdirection by the end I didn't care enough to figure out al the ramifications.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy this ain't.

I'll continue to ramble on a bit because I have to meet the number of characters that are required. Such a silly rule.
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Shelved (2023– )
Sad, sad sad.
12 April 2023
I'm a big fan of Canadian comedy. Some of the best in the world. This is not up to scratch. I would have loved if this had been half as good as "The Librarians" AUS.

The characters were annoying, the plot was lame and the writing was pathetic.

How am I going to get to the required characters on this review.

This was really badly written, badly played and badly filmed.

600 Characters is far too many for some shows

I love Canadian TV but this is not the best and I'm struggling to find any pluses for this show.

There are far better shows to watch and I'm sure you can find them somewhere. Thanks and goodbye'
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Pi55ed myself laughing
9 April 2021
I wasn't expecting to enjoy this film but me and the missus loved it. Totally absurd and wildly unbelievable, it produced some of the funniest scenes ever. Don't expect anything but bizaar enjoyment.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
It started as a another classic Cornwell must watch.series....
4 May 2020
I enjoyed series one and two (the BBC series) they were dark and well thought out. I started series 3 with high hopes and was slightly disappointed, not as well written, far more soap than epic. But series 4 is pure soap, it doesn't hold a candle to the first 2 series. I'm grinding through S4 but I'm not enjoying it nearly as much. Thanks Netflix. ;~(. Gone from a 9+ to a 7-. Too much chatter and sex, not enough quality historical epic.
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Bill Nye Saves the World (2017–2018)
A show for adult shaped children.
24 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start off by saying that I agree with most of the things that Bill Nye is saying. I have no problems with sexual orientation, I'm politically progressive, I'm open-minded and I believe we need to make changes to our way of living.

Now on to the review of this show. It starts in the first episode by saying that this is not a show for children. It is a show for adults. And while that sounds great they then proceed to treat us like either kids or idiots. Ooohs and aaahs while he puts on gloves and glasses. He proceeds to produce experiments that would make a 10 year old blush with embarrassment. His co-presenters are incoherent or there for street cred. An some of the music etc is just plain bad.

I'm all for a tell it like it is science show but don't dumb it down so much that it loses it credibility. If you want a good adult series watch David Suzuki's The Nature of Things or anything by Brian Cox, Marcus du Sautoy or Jim Al-Khalili. Scientists who treat people as adults. On the other hand maybe a dumbed down science show is a necessity.
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Snatch (2017–2018)
Good idea destroyed by laziness and overindulgence.
15 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a good show but greed got the better of them. It would have been fine as a six-parter, as it is there is far too much filler. Add that to that the laziness of the writing and you have a mediocre show.

As far as the inane plot goes, handing $25K of gold to a drunken moron, pulling off robbery after robbery with no ramifications and every copper bent, amongst other things. I could forgive some of these gaffs if the show was funny, but it isn't. Can't be bothered writing more.

If you want a better show, check out Lock, Stock... (2000). A far superior series.
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
Not the worst show on TV.
20 January 2017
To begin with, I watch a lot of comedy on TV and I feel that I know what I like and what I don't. The vast majority of N. American comedy is absolute dross. I would much rather watch 6 great episodes of a well written show from GB, New Zealand or France than 13-24 episodes of over- hyped laugh-track filled crap. That's just me.

Now, on to Schitt's Creek. I'm always willing to give a show a fair chance. I did this for Big Bang Theory, Two Broke Girls, Corner Gas and several others. They were almost all universally awful. I watched SC and while I don't love it, it is head and shoulders above most others. It has some very funny moments but not enough to keep me watching. Much of the humour is low-brow, lavatory based and annoying. Too little time, to much good TV out there.

So in conclusion, A lot of people like the show. I don't think much of it. It's a big world and there are a myriad of opinions. Well, à chacun son goût.
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Quite good for it's age.
2 April 2016
When I came across this I, as is my habit, checked out the IMDb rating and reviews. I was intrigued that it had such a high score for an older movie and gave it a shot. I'm glad that I did. While it did amble along a bit, the plot was quite good. It had me fooled right up until the end, without being silly or stretching credence.

The acting, as has been pointed out, is wooden by modern standards but therein lies some of it's charm. It is after all more than 80 years old. The scenery and mores are of a time gone by and are a nice glimpse into an England between the wars.

It's also interesting to watch Loretta young's older sister, Sally Blane in the role of Sylvia Kennett.

So, the bottom lie is that should you have a Sunday afternoon free and this film comes along, give it a go.
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Lovely chocolatey music wrapped around a wafer thin plot.
14 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard about this film I thought "a musical made around Proclaimers songs, what could go wrong". The Proclaimers were one of a huge list of great bands that came out of Scotland in the 1980's. Simple Minds, Aztec Camera, Annie Lennox to name a few.

I always wait a couple of days to rate a movie. If i'm still thinking about it 2 days later (still humming the tunes in this case) in a good way it gets a five. If I like the actors and I think they did a good job, six. If I would recommend it to friends it's a seven. If it was good cinematographically, eight. If it makes it as one of my films of the year, nine. BFA or Oscar worthy, ten.

This film got a solid eight in my book. Not a great film and one that I probably rated higher due to my love of the Proclaimers. If you hate the band then I fear that you will hate this film because there is precious little plot to write home about. Other than the music the big star of this film is Edinburgh, lovingly shot as the background.

Would I pay money to watch it a second time? No probably not. Would I rewatch it as a whole, again probably not. But I would and have watched the musical numbers again and again. The film had me hooked at the opening song "Sky Takes the Soul". Powerful and incredibly apt for the scene. Other songs ran the gamut from tap your feet great to shoehorned in cringey but regardless they were all well done. Even the "Slumdog" finale of "500 Miles" made me smile.

The cast as a whole worked quite well. There were some whom I thought were brill. Horrocks of course, MacKay who did a solid job and especially Antonia Thomas, great voice. They all did great credit to the songs.

So, all in all, I found this to be a lovely film to warm your cockles when you're feeling a bit down. Don't take it too seriously and enjoy.

Oh and by the way, nothing went wrong, it was almost perfect.
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Maria Wern (2008– )
Horrible Swedish crime/drama series
28 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Mild spoilers.

I'm a big fan of many of the current crop of Scandinavian police and drama series with the exception of this one. This is just terrible.

Bad writing. The plot has more holes than a swiss cheese. Over complicated and quite unbelievable. Police chasing the baddies on their own with no backup.

Bad acting. A police officer who screams when she sees a dead body. Townsfolk rioting and burning houses for no apparent reason. Parents having hissyfits when the police say they can't see their infected children.

Awful crew. Wern falls on top of a body possibly contaminated with bird flu, in the next scene two days later she is wearing the same clothes. The same line-up of cars at the ferry several days apart. I could go on.

I should add that this review is based on the first series "Strange Bird".

Walk, no run away from this horror-show.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Wanted this to be a gem, all I got was soft porn.
22 April 2011
This show was hyped so much that I couldn't wait to see it. The production values seemed high and the actors are of great lineage. So what went wrong? Well I blame myself really. I got older and now when I watch a programme I'm more interested in plot and character development than lingering shots of women entering a bath. Now don't get me wrong here, if that shot was required for the development of the show, put it in by all means. But most of these scenes were totally gratuitous. Plus there seemed to be a gender bias at work, there were no shots of male frontal nudity.

In conclusion I think that this show was made for males aged 18-35. Fine no problem there. I just don't think that I fit that profile any longer.
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Doctor Who (2005– )
The Christmas Invasion....A real Boxing Day treat.
27 December 2005
I was looking forward for days, no weeks, to the holiday edition of Doctor Who. It going to be fab to be sitting at home with my whole family after dinner and watching the show. It was also going to be my first look at DT. Was I disappointed?


It was great. Great FX, great baddies and a great new Doctor. OK the story was a little weak, what evil leader would let the Doctor tell him to "just wait a minute, I'm busy". Oh well, it didn't bother me that much.

The new Doctor was a breath of fresh air, the best since TB. He left me trying to remember who the last Doctor was, oh yeah CE.

Can't wait for the rest of the series. Keep up the good work.
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This Is Wonderland (2004–2006)
A great show that deserves a chance to grow and flourish.
26 April 2005
After watching the final episode of series 2, I was somehow left with a feeling of sadness that this show might not be renewed. Sure it's quirky and oddball. Sometimes it feels like the actors are trying too hard. Sometimes it feels like it's going off the rails. But it always draws you back. It draws you back with poignant scenes filled with human tragedy. It draws you back with well written scripts. But mostly it draws you back with the passion that everyone involved in this production seems to feel for this programme.

It's rare these days that a television show gets the free reign to break away from the formulaic ideas that are making North American TV so boring and one dimensional. I'm just very afraid that it won't get the ratings that it deserves and it'll get cancelled. Or worse, it will be re-tooled and changed to be more acceptable to the masses. That would be wrong, the masses have enough to watch, this one is for the rest of us.

Please CBC, bring it back.
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Oh come on, it's TV not real life.....
20 January 2002
Saying that Dr. Terrible's....etc. is silly and pointless is a bit like saying that Royston Vasey is an odd place, of course it is, it's meant to be. I think that you have to take it at face value and not read too much into it. I always figure that if I laugh at least once in a half hour, it's all good. anything else is gravy, and I laughed way more than once. Cap't Slater was great. Just remember it's TV, it's FREE.
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The Patriot (2000)
What a load of Propaganda
30 October 2000
I have never seen such a load of cr*p in my life, It was unbelievable, absurd and totally one sided. No American studio would make a movie that portrayed U.S. soldiers doing the kinds of things that this movie shows the British soldiers doing. So why do they think that what they are doing here is acceptable.

Between the sneering Officers and bumbling soldiers it amazes me the the British were able to build an empire at all. I mean Mel and 2 small boys killing 20 soldiers who just stood around waiting to get shot, give me a break.

The Brits and even the French and First Nations are portrayed as brutal and savage but the Americans are thoughtful, gentle and guided by god. This is bull. There was a good reason that the First Nations fought on the side of the British, the Americans were just as brutal as any other, especially towards First Nations peoples.

Is the American psyche so fragile that they must serve up this pseudo historical fiction. Worst of all though is the fact that this movie wasted more than 3 hours of my life.
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TV as it should be.
21 July 2000
I've only seen one episode but based on that one episode I am impressed. This is the type of TV that we should be getting all the time. Once again we must rely on Channel 4. I just hope they do not cancel it.
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Gormenghast (2000)
Like comparing albino rooks and cheese
19 February 2000
This is a film adaptation of a great book. I wish people would realize that flilms will never be as good as the books. Get over it. Enjoy the film, and it should be enjoyed. Enjoyed for the scenery, for the costumes, for the great characters. It is possible to enjoy the film as well as the book. The only thing that detracted from my enjoyment were the damn commercials every 10 minutes. I can't wait until it comes out on video.
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Big Daddy (1999)
I can only say that unless you love Sandler, skip it
6 November 1999
Bad, bad, bad. Can't think of any good things to say, so I won't say anything. Forced to write one more line I'd say that you might like it if you like Jerry Lewis.
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Cube (1997)
One of the best low budget sci-fi movies that I have ever seen
6 November 1999
I saw this movie when it first came out on video and I loved it, I saw it again on cable the other day and I loved it just as much. Although it was not an incredible script and the acting could have been better it stood on it's own merits as an interesting movie. Some of the other reviewers said that it was not as good as Hitchcock's Lifeboat. Well big surprise, how many movies are that good. Don't see this movie if you want Hitchcock, but do see it if you want an enjoyable hour and a half.
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Paranoid schizophrenic conspiracy theorists will love it
3 November 1999
I enjoyed this movie even though I find all of these conspiracy theories to be quite absurd. The acting was good but a bit over the top. (Joan Cusack was great in her scene at the phone booth) If you want action you probably won't be thrilled with this movie, more talkin' than shootin', but if you want something that might give you something to think about then rent this one.
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Among Giants (1998)
Not for big budget movie fans but give it a chance.
1 November 1999
This movie is not nearly as bad as some other reviewers would have you believe. While it is no Hollywood big budget blockbuster it is a nice, sensitive movie about three people and their brief involvement. The scenery is breathtaking and the towers make a great backdrop. As far as being embarrassed by Postlethwaite's nudity I can only say I hope I look that good at 53. This is not a movie about a perfect man and a perfect woman under palm trees in a perfect world, It is about life in a dreary town leading a dreary existence. The crying man? He was living his dreary life, into a bookie for more than he had, knowing he was not getting out. I might cry as well.

The movie was a bit slow at times but give it a chance.
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Fever Pitch (1997)
You don't have to be a sports fan to enjoy this film
31 October 1999
A tight and well made film about the excesses of sport fanatics. Although this film is about soccer and therefore may not be appreciated by most North Americans, it is a film that delves into much more than just the wins or losses. Check it out, you might be surprised.
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simply the best
16 October 1999
Jeremy Brett is by far the best Holmes to date and his passing is truly a great shame. All of his representations of Holmes should not be missed. The rest of the cast are excellent. The sets and costumes are supurb as well.
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