
39 Reviews
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The L Word (I) (2004–2009)
L word is GREAT and I'm straight
3 May 2005
My summary title is not meant to be facetious. This series is absolutely fantastic!! I am a 60's man, raised 4 children, and I am from a generation that is generally conservative about alternate lifestyles. When I happened on to an early episode, I had no idea what the theme was. I feel very fortunate that I watched enough to get interested, due mostly to the wonderful acting than the actual content. However, there is more to this series than just good script and acting. The viewer is drawn into the circle of lesbian friends and lovers in a way that is not harsh, but tender. We are taken into the inner feelings of these women to see their needs, their hurts, their loves, and their heartbreaks. We are shown the caring and loving natures of women who have but one major difference from most women, their sexual preference. This insight into their day-to-day lives soon made me forget about my conservative nature and "fall in love" with almost every character in the series. This is an epiphany that makes me considerably more understanding and accepting of alternate lifestyles.

I could go on and on about why I really like this series, but that might present spoilers. Just watch it. I use my TIVO DVR to capture episodes just so I don't miss any.
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Dirty War (2004 TV Movie)
A must-see movie of our times!
26 January 2005
Well this movie certainly was in keeping with the current times. No happy endings, super-heroes, or miracles here. Just down-to-earth fiction to stimulate our minds along the lines of terrorism, and what-ifs. Kudos to Percival and Mickery for an excellent screenplay and superb direction by Percival. Films like this are needed to keep us aware of what is out there. If every peace-loving man and woman on earth reported obviously suspicious activities I believe terrorism could not thrive. This movie showed just how hard it really is to subvert these terrorists, even with good intelligence. Even though the film is a bit propagandist against Islam (the use of a Muslim police officer as a main character) I believe it was entirely realistic. There was meant to be shock-value in the bombing incident. As a very clever tool to relay the humility and indignity of people caught up in an attack such as this, they showed full nudity of women being decontaminated post-attack. It didn't take me long to realize that this was meant to even further instill into the viewer that thought, i.e., we are not in control of everything in a situation like this. Although this took place in London, with the usual high-level British acting, it makes a statement for any part of the world. Great movies don't have to be blockbuster epic productions, and this movie is very very worthy of viewing.
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Why why why why?
12 November 2004
The producer(s) of this film (I use the term film guardedly) obviously had not a prayer (and maybe no intention) of turning out anything even resembling a movie film. So why did they do it? A tax write-off by investors? Come on. This movie was the most disgusting, boring, poorly-acted, poorly directed, devoid-of-screenplay, insulting movie ever made. I had a screen pass at BBuster and decided to try it. I hoped the long odds might pay off. I have never shut down a movie this quick before in my life (5 minutes). Dumb and dumberer was Oscar material by comparison.

I think the lines were made up on the fly. The director was flirting with the makeup girl. The grips were doing the directing.
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A must-see film
2 June 2004
Kudos to Peter Webber for an excellent production. I didn't expect a whole lot (maybe hyped up film or whatever) but I fell in love right away with the entire production crew and cast. WOW! I really felt like I was back in the 17th century. Colin Firth and Scarlett Johansson were at their best. The class separations were so distinct, and the pecking order of society was shown so well. First, the aristocratic Van Ruijven, to whom everyone bent over backward to please. Why not? He was the bread and butter to Vermeer and his family with his many commissions he awarded to Vermeer. Vermeer's wife was selling off her jewelry just to keep the family going. But, as dependent as Vermeer and his family were to Van Ruijven, so were the maids of the household to master Vermeer, his wife, his mother-in-law, and mischievous daughter. And then you even see the maid Griet talk down to people in the open-air market (eg, the buying of the fish scene). So the pecking order goes down and down. It was just so well done, the setting of the period and all. If the plot were ever slow, as many might say it was, the photography, screenplay, and acting made up for it!!!!!!!!!!! I gave this an 8 out of 10.
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Finally, a movie with a great plot!! The Crowe rules!
24 April 2004
I imagine this is as how an English crew in the early 1800's might really have been. I really have to congratulate the director and screenplay people for doing a superb job in recreating this fictional account of an English-French sea chase. The use of really young boys as midshipmen was realistic, since these boys were usually 13 year old and over sons of well-to-do British. The attention to detail was noticeable. Not only that, but having a clear knowledge of where the movie was leading to was refreshing. In the back of your mind you search the horizon, along with the crew of the ship, looking for that elusive ghost French frigate. It really keeps you interested. It seems that a lot of movies make the plots too interwoven and abstract. This one keeps you in suspense right up to the end.
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Attack (1956)
This movie a great pain to watch!
2 April 2004
I wasted some quality time with this movie. I had checked the voter rating before I watched it, so I expected a lot more. I think the voters only gave a high rating due to the good acting performances. Take away the acting and the movie is pure trash, with poor directing of an abysmal screenplay. Naturally the movie became a bit melodramatic in order to create the desired aura of loathing and detesting. In a real scenario, however, the cowardly and drunk CO would have stopped a rifle round in the back early on. Not likely an enemy round either, since he is actually more dangerous to his men then the enemy and probably hated by them more. The performances of Palance, Smithers, and Lee Marvin saved the movie, but I wish Marvin had been given a heavier role with his dynamic presence.
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The Getaway (1994)
7 out of 10 minimum!!!
22 February 2004
The movie was suspenseful from start to finish. All acting was superb. The screenplay kept it moving all the time. So what is all this low rating stuff about? Anybody that gave it less than 7 probably just doesn't like shoot'm ups, but that doesn't make it less of a movie because of them! Anybody who comments they liked the older version better is probably 70 years old or more. The action was great, all the way through, I gave it a 7 out of 10.
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Touchy subject matter, great acting but flawed
14 February 2004
I rate this a good movie 7/10. Hepburn, MacLaine, and Bainter really made a quality act. The flaw, although not major, was still an eye roller. When the spoiled Mary Tilford was interrogated and found lying about witnessing romantic acts by the two teachers, she claimed it was her classmate Rosalie who actually saw everything and then told her about it. Keep in mind that sweet Rosalie was not even aware of the allegations about the teachers, much less detailed information. Also, Mary knew a secret of Rosalie's and threatened that if she didn't do Mary's bidding, she would spill the secret. So now Rosalie is questioned (in front of Mary instead of separately) and the questioners actually relate to Rosalie details about what she was suspected of seeing before they actually ask her if she saw it. She denies knowing about it until Mary glares and yells at her to admit she saw it. She then breaks down crying and says she did see it happen. Now, imagine if Rosalie had instead been questioned out of Mary's presence, and without filling her in on the facts first. There is no way she could admit to having seen something she knew nothing about. Write Lillian Hellman adapted her novel for this movie. And William Wyler is a great director, so I really am surprised they both let this unfold the way they did. All in all, though, a good movie.
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The Great Lie (1941)
Overworked plot, great movie!!
14 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I love those big Bette Davis eyes!! Mary Astor was at her peak for this movie... so natural and believable. Add in the great George Brent, and you have one super film, especially for the early 40's. I'm sure the plot of the movie has been overworked over the years of film-making, but this is one of the best adaptations I have yet seen. I was a little disappointed with the brusque ending. After building up the suspense to the point where Sandra shows up at Pete and Maggie's home, one expects the movie to unravel with a little more complexity. (SPOILERS FOLLOW) Instead, we first see Sandra coerce Maggie to confess the big lie to Pete. Then Pete resigns himself to giving up the baby to Sandra, after which he declares his unconditional love for Maggie, vowing he will stay with her always. Sandra realizes that she will not get Pete away from Maggie, so wishes them happiness as she starts playing the piano. Maggie is elated and flashes Sandra a very greatful smile. Smile flashed, she now has to rush away with Pete to greet guests coming for a luncheon they are giving. As they rush away to the guests, THE END flashes up. All of this takes place in a few short minutes, like the screenwriter had finger cramps. Great movie overall, and it had a HAPPY ENDING.
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Don't be AFRAID to watch "Who's Afraid......"
26 January 2004
ABSOLUTE TEN !! This is a masterpiece and it is mandatory that you watch it. If you are an adult (not for children) and have not seen this movie, please reward yourself and rent or buy the movie. Like Jonah and the great whale, you too will be swallowed, but into the overwhelming emotions of this very very great screenplay. The movie was shot in B&W with a small cast of actors, but who notices? Burton and Taylor at their absolute B-E-S-T. Like a bug-light draws moths, you will be dragged into this one.
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Bus Stop (1956)
Nice sexy model, that is all
16 December 2003
Marilyn Monroe is such a beautiful woman. She can pose like nobody ever before. She is so good at posing for photos I think she forgot it was a movie she was shooting. It is a good thing she was an established sex symbol, since acting was not her forte'. Bless her memory anyway. The movie was okay if you can forget it's not a photo shoot during her scenes. But that is only one person's opinion, and after all, I did give it a respectful 6/10.
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The Quiet Man (1952)
Wayne, yes. O'Wayne, no.
16 December 2003
Only the great John Wayne could make any movie great viewing. I gave it a powerful 7/10. I prefer O'Wayne in his Western element as Wayne, though. Ireland is no place for the Duke. Maureen is absolutely great in this film, too.
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Interesting "fantasy" movie
11 December 2003
Great actors, mediocre movie. The premise of this movie has been used in many movies. You know, where a team is slumping terribly and along comes some 'magical' external influence to change it all around (eg. Major League). The problem with the screenplay of this movie is how they depicted the teams' slump, with balls rolling through infielder's legs, dropped easy fly balls, and batters clueless as to their hitting slumps. And worst of all was when the outfielder had his glove out to catch a fly ball and the ball hit him square in the forehead. Good for laughs, but jeeeez, these guys are MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYERS. But the KID solves the problems of these major league players (more fantasy). Fun to watch anyway, but only got my 5/10.
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One of Wilder's BEST!!!!!
28 November 2003
Hard to believe this was the first Lemmon/Matthau movie. Those two were born to work together, like Laurel and Hardy. Only Wilder could write and direct so brilliant a comedy and then be so lucky to have Jack and Walter make it so perfect. I wish it had been done in color, after all it was released in the mid-sixties. But that really doesn't matter, since the movie is so absolutely great. And wasn't Cliff Osmond (Purkey) just perfect as the insurance investigator? Most of my votes are 7 and lower, but this one got my NINE (9)!
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Enemy Mine (1985)
Bet you can't just watch it once!
23 November 2003
I was in my forties when I first saw this movie. I am in my early 60's now and I've probably seen it 4 or 5 times. The movie is available on DVD (I snatched it up quick) and I plan to watch a few more times. There are a lot of comments on this movie so I will just say that THIS IS ONE DARNED GOOD SCI-FI MOVIE. Watch it.
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40 to 1 shot, and this movie won!!!!
21 November 2003
I just watched this movie again after watching it years ago (circa 1996). I didn't really expect much, what with a cast I'd never heard of. I expected poor screenplay, awful acting, and a boring plot. I got just the opposite. This movie was simply fun and entertaining. If you expect it to be a really serious movie from its title, then be forewarned that it is more of a comedy spoof. And well done!!!! This movie is one of those rare SLEEPERS that just have everything working for it. It got a very strong 8 from me, and I don't give over 7 very often.
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Good entertainment
20 November 2003
This was a good movie. A bit slow at times but solid performances by everyone, especially Milo O'Shea. I just can't get over how much Janeane Garofalo and Patricia Heaton (Everybody Loves Raymond) resemble each other. Take 7 years off Heaton and she IS Janeane. Denis Leary makes a good cad in this movie. I love the closing scene where he gets his come-uppance. Got a good solid 6 from me.
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I watch this movie every time it plays!!!!
20 November 2003
Did you ever eat just ONE of your favorite potato chips and put away the bag? Well, this movie is such a chip and it will draw you back over and over. The whole premise of the movie is "magical" and you will enjoy seeing Billie Dawn become "sophisticated" over and over. I do not believe in pre-destiny, but maybe an exception was made when Judy Holliday was awarded the part of Billie Dawn. Well-deserved Oscar for her, since a BEST ACTRESS must be able to project a "real" character into the viewers' imagination, and she does just that! Kudos to Holden for the mentor role he plays, too. I wish I could have seen the broadway play for this.
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SPECTACULAR, In my top 5 movies of all time.
11 November 2003
Kudos to Costner on this great movie. Screenplay awards are well deserved, because it forms the basis of this great movie. Add in fine acting and direction, and you have one heck of a fine and entertaining movie. You could not have asked for better performances than we got for the roles of "Kicking Bird" and "Wind In His Hair", and kudos to Nathan as "Smiles A Lot". I may be out in left field on this, but I was not as pleased with Mary McDonnell as "Stands With A Fist". I did not read Michael Blake's novel, but what an outstanding screenplay he did. As Lt. Dunbar was drawn into the Sioux fold, I felt as though I was being drawn, as well. I found myself cheering during the rescue of Dunbar by his "blood brothers" and felt no grief for the fallen soldiers. Absolute must-see!!!
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Deliverance (1972)
What else can you ask of a movie? GREAT
8 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie in the wee hours of the morning when I should have been asleep. This, in itself, was testimony that Deliverance was a spell-binding movie. I think Boorman did a wonderful job on directing this film. How expertly the early scene with the hill folk and the dueling banjos was done. It showed so well and early on how inherently reserved and simple the people of the area were. Case in point - near the end of the "duel", the banjo-playing boy was smiling (loved his banjo), but when Drew tried to shake the boy's hand after the "duel", the kid was too reserved to respond. The river trip never left you bored, for sure. The rape scene was brutal, but necessary to show just what the group was up against in this backwoods area of Georgia. I think Beatty's traumatic shock afterward was well done. Some have said he was pretty unaffected by the ordeal. I disagree - if you really payed attention, he was unresponsive during the entire action immediately following, in which Reynolds put the arrow through the attacker and they chased off the toothless guy. It was confusing when Ed killed the other guy later, at the top of the cliff. It almost appeared that the arrow was shot while Ed was curled up and expecting to die, but then you realize the arrow he had shot earlier had finally taken effect.

Anyway, a great movie, and I was wavering between an 8 and 9 on my vote, but after reading a message from a disgruntled voter who gave it a "1", I gave it a "10". This individual's reasoning seemed based on personal bias, rather than an objective viewpoint, and his vote was obviously a non-correlating attempt to lower the rating.
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Very entertaining
8 November 2003
Burton is always the great actor, say no more. He was so convincing in the scene where he gathers the intelligence information from the high brass by fabricating the story about his mission to uncover double agents. Clint Eastwood can never be bad, either, he forms a mold all of his own for acting (...cip: Dirty Harry). There were a few flaws (see topic: Why did they do that? on message board)but so what? Fantastic supporting cast....never a dull moment. Got my high 7.
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Tracy and Sinatra waste of good talent.
8 November 2003
This was a very disappointing film. I sincerely wanted to see good in the film and then be in disbelief that it was such a dud at the box-office. It didn't take long to find out why. The scripts were horrible, and the acting was far from what you would expect from two wonderful talents like Spencer Tracy and Frank Sinatra. Had I been a fly on the wall I believe I would have heard them berating themselves for accepting those roles. Their lackluster acting performances are what you would expect of good actors who are just not really into their characters. Tracy was just so-so, and Sinatra was dull. I could only muster a 5 vote. I am not inclined to upgrade a movie rating just because great actors have roles in it (many voters do).
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Bad Lands (1939)
Excellent for a 30's western!!!
8 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Most westerns of the 30's and 40's are all alike. Usually shallow representations of the wild west, with no real development of the characters, and always a hero cowboy present to steal the show. This old gem of a movie appeared to be a sincere attempt by the excellent director (Lew Landers) to go a step further. The main character (and only survivor) was a middle-aged sheriff of so-so looks versus the handsome super cowboy. Along with the laughable bullet-flinging scenes (*sigh*) we are shown some of the personality of the other actors. How many times have you seen an old old western where the Lord's Prayer is prayed aloud by one of the cowboys? Barrat does a good job as the sheriff of the posse. I wish they hadn't killed off Henry Cluff (Andy Clyde) so early in the film. Further development of his character might have added to the film, in my opinion. It was fun to see Noah Beery Jr. in his 20's in this film (remember the Rockford Files?). Although it was a short role, great to see John Payne, who was a favorite of mine as a teenager. I rated this a 6/10, which is a good rating.
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Hullabaloo (1940)
Delightful musical
4 November 2003
I have always like Frank Morgan and he was fun to watch in this entertaining movie. Excellent voice-overs done during his impersonations, lip-synch was perfect. Good direction, and the rest of the cast was a lot of fun. An easy 7.
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Dracula (1931)
Pitiful film - Really great vampire eyes!!!!!
3 November 2003
I laughed through much of the film, due to some serious actors who showed how much they had missed their true calling in comedy. Take for example the character Renfield, who was soooooooooo funny I actually blew rootbeer through my nose on one scene. It is hard to believe he (Dwight Frye) might have taken himself seriously in that film. I'm not knocking 30's genre movies, but come on, to give it an average 7.5 is a really big joke. Bela Lugosi is the greatest "Dracula" ever, with piercing eyes that can chill your blood and make your heart seize, but you don't say "Hear, hear, bravo, great movie!!!" for that alone. Some of the lesser supporting parts were fairly well acted, but the main characters were terrible. I guess it was difficult making the transition from silents to talkies. Watch this 1931 release movie if but for curiosity alone.
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