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The Protégé (2021)
Back to Geezers with Babes
26 February 2022
Started put great and then they pretended that Maggie Q, 40, would be attracted to Michael Keaton, 70.

I mean if he were Michael Keaton, maybe. But not the dick who came into her book shop.

It reminded me of all those older movies where Leslie Caron or Audrey Hepburn NATURALLY went for the much older Fred Astaire. Vomit.
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That Old Devil Stuff
30 October 2020
If you relish the scary objects and myths surrounding the Devil and the demonic, this captures that creepy tone and feel very well. It's one of the scariest Devil movies that I've seen. Plus a number of memorable members of his troupe make it like a family affair for Carpenter fans
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
First Two Seasons are Very Good
12 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Watch the first two seasons. But even in those, and especially in the third season the non-historical plotting (SPOILERS) is a constant repetition of Uhtred offending the Christians, getting in trouble, and then either atoning or fleeing. Plus his new love interest in season 3 is an extremely unattractive, unappealing dirty-blonde whose recitation of lines is unintelligible. Oh, and a gigantic white horse is slaughtered for our entertainment. Buh-bye
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Not for Children
26 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The murder of the female Gelfling soldier in the first episode did it for me...disgusting beyond belief
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Great Possibilities
11 August 2019
Some casting mistakes. Thank goodness most of the lead characters are strong. Way too much "painful bureaucracy" plot twists. Even among the Klingons! Enough already. Meanwhile, they appear to have reworked the Elephant Man headpiece for Kol. The Klingon women all look like Atevi from the covers of CJ Cherryh books.

Fingers crossed
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Space Force
9 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If an Idiocracy sent people into space to research an extraterrestrial probe, perhaps they would mostly be spokesmodels with little or no training, experience, emotional stability, common sense or protocols for infectious diseases, shuttle missions, etc. etc. etc.

But why would an interstellar spaceship with an AI require so many nuts and bolts to be tightened manually? Its most of what the CO seems to do when she's on board. And no one wears gloves or has drones or robots or any other automated tools.

And first contact? "Uh, while the arachnid appeared to be communicating with our Idiocracy Representative, we shot and killed it"
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Don't Believe the Hype
19 December 2008
I don't get the high ratings and glowing reviews this has received. Yes, Heath Ledger's performance is better-than-average. But this is a badly-flawed movie, largely because of its tedious conglomeration of plot points, all of which collide in mostly unsatisfactory ways. I was prepared to be blown away. Instead, I was squirming in my seat before the half-way point. And I have two questions: First, is Gary Oldman too big a star for someone to tell him to speak up and stop mumbling the ends of all of his lines? And second, how did Maggie Gyllenhaall get this job? She's a fine actress, but is woefully miscast here. OK, I lied, three: whose idea was it for Christian Bale to do the voice he uses when he's Batman? And how did the other actors keep from laughing whenever he spoke? I think that if Heath Ledger had not tragically and stupidly lost his life, this movie would have flopped like a live fish on the pavement. All that money and talent, and a script that should have been cut by about 30 minutes, after it had been rewritten for coherency. Thank goodness for Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman.
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Whiplash (1960–1961)
Peter Graves' Hat Rocked
8 July 2008
I loved this show, and it turned me on to Australia at a very young age. This was my first exposure to the trademark "Aussie" hat (aka "Akubra") with one side of the brim up, attached to the side of the crown. In Peter Graves' character's case, I believe it was some kind of animal tooth that held it in place.

I pestered my mom and dad for YEARS to find me one, and finally we found a rough approximation in an Army surplus store, with a chain that would clip one side of the brim to the side of the crown. I wore it every day, and even after I got older I would wear it on camping trips.

I too wish at least one or two episodes had survived. I'm sure it would be terribly dated, but I think it would be fantastic.
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The Juggler (1953)
Before He Was Shultz
28 May 2008
Kirk tries really hard, and has some amazing scenes of non-verbal acting greatness, but quite often he's a two-note nutcase, going from really nice to really angry and violent. There's not much more to the film than this. Seeing it again recently makes me wish they had taken a few more risks with non-formulaic elements.

I enjoyed seeing a young John Banner playing a Dutch tourist who helps the police pursue Kirk. He's far more pleasant than the caricature we all remember him as: the bumbling Sgt. Shultz from "Hogan's Heroes"

The kid from "Hans Christian Anderson" is here too, playing Kirk's sidekick instead of Danny Kaye's. And Paul Stewart, the guy who was Kane's valet in "Citizen Kane" is the cop. He was in a TON of television in the 60s.
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Harrigan and Son (1960– )
Great Lawyer TV Shows
3 February 2007
My mother was an attorney, and when I was growing up we always watched "Harrigan and Son" and "The Defenders", two of the better-written TV shows of the 1960s.

It was the first time I heard the phrase "Non Compos Mentis", (which was an episode title) and prompted a talk with my mother that I still remember 45 years later.

Helen Kleeb, who played Miss Claridge was later a regular on "The Waltons".

At the end of the show, the regulars would sit around a table in a bar and sing the old Irish tune about Harrigan; "H, A, double-R, I, G-A-N spells Harrigan"
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Criminal Minds (2005– )
Formerly a Favorite - Now I Will Cease Watching
18 November 2006
I used to watch "Huff" on cable and fast-forward through all the scenes with the wife, played by Paget Brewster, because I found her so unappealing and such a very bad actress. In my opinion she ruined the show.

Now Brewster has appeared on an episode of "Criminal Minds", and it looks like they will be bringing her on to replace Lola Glaudini. I guess I will no longer watch one of my favorite crime shows.

Another Kim Delaney, an actress who is so out of Andy Patinkin and Thomas Gibsons' league it defies belief is about to destroy yet another crime drama. Delany ruined "NYPD Blue" and tried to ruin "CSI Miami". Brewster seems to be getting her shot at ruining "Criminal Minds" and I will not suffer one more nanosecond of her.

Aloha "Criminal Minds" - call me when the gal with the enormous eyes who overacts more than Nic Cage has left the building.
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Adorable Scottish Accents
25 March 2006
My siblings and I would always call babies "the bah-bee" because of how the boys pronounced that word with Scottish accents that could charm a stone.

Continuing the tradition, my wife and I have used "the bah-bee", or "the bahby" as our secret name for our daughter (now 15).

I have not seen the movie since I was a child, and it is tragic that I and others cannot see it now, due to the lack of DVD or video availability.

I guess it doesn't have enough explosions in it...and the actors mostly act, rather than fight or have sex.
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The Satan Bug (1965)
Ages Well
3 January 2004
This is still (in the 21st Century) a pretty good thriller. Maharis and Basehart are top-notch, plus Ann and Dana are very good. The plot is still very topical (as in Weapons of Mass Destruction). Would be a good remake candidate.
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Whale Rider (2002)
Trite and Already Done to Death
21 December 2003
I would love to give encouragement to more Maori movies, and the actors were all very good, but this movie should have been called, "The old man is a conservative jerk repeatedly until you have to stop watching." I enjoyed the glimpses of Maori culture and all of the dances and songs. But after the old guy was an insensitive, tradition-bound, stubborn buffoon the seventeenth time, even the novel setting and good acting could not overcome my pervasive irritation with the movie. If you want unloving dads, rent "I Never Sang for My Father." If you want great Maori characters, rent "We were Warriors." "Whale Rider" has a very charismatic and photogenic little girl as the novelty, but she can't save this turkey.
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Pretty Good
14 July 2002
A pretty good movie. Outstanding performances by everyone, but a kind of "so what?" articulation of Nash's story. I think it would have had more impact if we had seen more of both his genius (not the BS with him doing nonsensical stuff, but actually doing math relating to his theory that won the Prize) and his illness. The movie at a minimum should have given more information about Nash's unique contribution to Mathematics. All told, it got about 2 minutes, as compared to the amount of time given his hallucinations.
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Great Movie
6 July 2002
After reading (and loving) this novel at least 4 times, I was SOOOO disappointed by the first movie version. The newest version, while making some changes from the book, is a top-notch actualization of the book. Matt Damon and Franka Potente are perfect, and so is Chris Cooper, one of the great supporting actors working.
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Cool Stuff, Predictable Plotline
15 July 2001
Much of the Titan AE plot, but with a new-age, groovy mood. Also some very compelling/funny characters, especially the work by Don Novello, Jim Varney, Florence Stanley and Corey Burton.

Yet again, the linguist hero (ala Spader's character in Stargate) is a useless dork in every other ability. Too bad they couldn't omit that stale device.

As she is in the flesh, Jacqueline Obradors' voice is very sexy, slightly more so than the teutonic dominatrix job that Claudia Christian turns-in.

Good message. The kids will love it. Adults who have seen Shrek and even Titan AE may find it wanting a bit.
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Pumpkinhead (1988)
Some Very Nice Early Scenes
3 June 2001
The opening 30 minutes of this film is excellent. The dialogue is well-written, and the acting and filming is quite nice. For 1985, the special effects are even pretty good. Once the killing started I kind of lost interest, but the visit to Haggis and the resurrection of Pumpkinhead are very good.
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Compelling look at the early stages of Alzheimer's
19 April 2001
My siblings and I all watched this movie as our mom progressed through the initial stages of Alzheimer's. It's a must-see for those with family or friends who are recently diagnosed. We (fortunately) don't see the really advanced stages in this film, and it also lets viewers in on the filmmaker's personal reactions in a very lovely way.
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Ride with the Devil (I) (1999)
Gorgeous Civil War drama
20 January 2001
Wow! I had seen "Sense and Sensibility" and "The Ice Storm", and totally loved "Wo hu zang long" but I had never heard of "Ride". It is a beautifully-filmed movie, with outstanding performances by Maguire and Jewel. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers reprises his Steerpike role from Gormeghast, but kills people with guns in this one. He's perfect.

James Schamus has writing credits for this, "Ice Storm" and "Wo hu zang long", so there's definitely continuity in the ideas of honesty and virtue in the face of adversity and anguish.

Jewel is a total babe (duh).
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Magnolia (1999)
Phillip Seymour Hoffman is outstanding
19 January 2001
A lot of people in Hollywood were saying that Tom Cruise should have won the Oscar for "Magnolia", but while it WAS his best acting onscreen to-date, my reaction was "it's about time he was kinda good." Phillip Seymour Hoffman on the other hand was stupendous, and Jason Robards was amazing. This is a heavy film, and I surged from feeling empathy to feeling disgust for most of the characters.
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Scary Movie (2000)
So-So, But How Can You Go Wrong With Carmen Electra?
19 January 2001
The Wayans brothers do the funniest stuff (wonder how they arranged that?). Lots of slow, dragging parts, but occasionally VERY funny moments. Manages to parody moments from a large number of spooky films. I would have liked to see more of Carmen Electra. Much more.
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Waste of Great Talent and a repeat of the Mistakes of GI Jane
21 October 2000
This movie starts off about one thing, and then is transformed (badly) into another. Like GI Jane, the movie seems to be about choices and challenges for the hero, and how he/she deals with them. But both movies then fabricate a scumwad-politician, Washington-is-evil plot out of nothing, and try to make the movie about that. What a waste of fine talent and performances. Could have been really good.
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Capricorn One (1977)
More Realistic Every Day
4 December 1999
Dated in some ways, it's one of Elliot Gould's better performances, and the movie that proved Sam Waterston had star power. Telly Savalas' cameo is a classic, especially his use of the malaprop "prevert".

But most of all, in the aftermath of Bosnia, "Wag the Dog" and the failure of the Mars probe, "Capricorn" really makes sense.
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Spooky, yes. But so is a future where these kids run things.
27 November 1999
Two things I learned having watched "Blair Witch Project":

1. You don't need a big budget to make a creepy, scary movie

2. Unprepared, loser Gen X'rs are the new fodder for supernatural monsters

#1 is the only praise I have for the film, and #2 is why I wouldn't recommend it to anyone over 30. Unless you can empathize with sullen, clueless 20-somethings, you won't find much to hang on to with "Project" other than wanting it to be over.

The idiots of the 50s and 60s horror films who "looked behind the door" or were babes who stayed home alone, or went into the spooky, old house are now the unprepared, give-up-really-easily, loser Gen Xers who go into the spooky old house.

I'm glad another indie film made a lot of money, but sorry I contributed to their success.
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