
8 Reviews
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If You're Looking For A Bizarre Movie...
5 February 2001
Evil Come, Evil Go is definitely not for the mainstream moviegoer. However, if you are like me, and love movies that are as strange as they can be, you should really enjoy this one. Of course the acting is pretty bad, with the exception of Sara Jane, who actually plays the role pretty well! If you like this one, be sure to check out director Walt Davis' other film, Sex Psycho. It is a LOT stronger than this one, including hardcore mixed with blood and gore. I have also written a review here on the IMDB for this film as well. Happy viewing!
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Astoundingly Dumb Film
2 November 2000
It boggles my mind that Jim Carrey is one of the highest paid actors out there. This movie, and the one he appeared in following it, are unbelievably awful. I am a huge fan of movies that have a lot of absurd humor (i.e. The Naked Gun, Airplane) but this movie has none of the qualities of the aforementioned films. These films utilize slapstick/absurdist humor, as opposed to Carrey's running gag of distorted faces and talking out of his a**. Even if you liked Jim Carrey's brand of humor, wouldn't it get old after thirty minutes or so... This one is a real dud in my opinion, I give it NO STARS!
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Very Disappointing
2 November 2000
I am a lover of "Trash Cinema", including some other Wood movies (i.e. Plan 9, Glen or Glenda...) but this one disappointed me. I bought the copy of the film offered by Something Weird Video with high hopes. As another review posted here said, this was supposed to be an erotic movie, but it is almost anti-erotic. The soft core sex scenes go on for way too long and not too much goes on in between them either unfortunately. It is not a complete waste of time for true trash movie fans or die hard Ed Wood fans but I wouldn't go out of my way to see it either... My rating is 5 out of 10
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A Beautiful Movie!
1 November 2000
There are many other reviews written here that I totally agree with. This is quite simply a beautiful movie that should be seen by all...straight and gay alike. It gives people insight into what it is like for gay youth and how difficult it can be to come out and recognize these feelings. Filled with many funny moments along with the touching ones, you will come out of this movie feeling great! I give it a ten!
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Not Much on Plot, But Some Mindless Fun
1 November 2000
I was somewhat disappointed after seeing Lie Down With Dogs. I had a friend tell me that it was hilarious and that I would love it. I don't think "Love" is the word to describe how I liked the film. While it wasn't a complete waste of time, it wasn't a really good use of my time either. I love to see new gay themed movies coming out more and more often. However, when making a gay themed movie it is a good idea to develop your characters to some extent and have some plot. Just making a gay movie for the sake of making a gay movie is not a good enough reason. There are some funny moments in the film but overall the acting is really bad and there is really no story. Again, I don't advise NOT watching this movie, as I know some who thought it was hilarious...just don't go into it with really high hopes.
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RING...Triple K Marine, RING...Triple K Marine, RING...Triple K Marine
27 October 2000
I must begin by saying that this is one of the most annoying films I have seen in my entire life! Annoying factor number one: Never seeing the "son's" face (for the entire movie). And the infinitely more annoying factor: That incessantly ringing phone..nothing but listening to the phone ring over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and get my point. The old man was being harassed but the VIEWER was too! At first the film was interesting to me but it deteriorated VERY quickly. The film may possibly have been good as a short but was definitely not enough to maintain anything approaching feature film length. I guess what I am trying to say is that the message about racism (which finally put in an appearance during the last two scenes of the movie) is secondary to this old mans being harassed. Who cares to sit and watch what is really nothing more than an old man spouting obscenities at someone prank calling him?? If you've never seen a movie that just gets under your skin and drives you CRAZY...check this one out!
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9 December 1999
If you ever happen to run across this video, prepare yourself for 70 minutes of insanity! The film has some of the most ridiculous dialogue you will ever hear, accompanied by unbelievably bad acting and poor camerawork. This is one of those movies that is so bad it's good! What other movie features a grown woman in a diaper who stays in a crib, has a special use for a candle, and is publicly nursed and whipped! If you have a sick sense of humor then this one's for you!
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Mondo Trasho (1969)
A must-see for all of John Waters' fans!
8 December 1999
This film is definitely a must-see for all fans of John Waters. The film is unique in the way it uses a musical soundtrack in place of dialogue. This was also the first film that gave a lot of exposure to Waters' "most beautiful woman in the world", i.e. Divine. It also stars several other Waters regulars, who were referred to as the "Dreamlander." Definitely stands in a class by itself, love it or hate it!
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