
6 Reviews
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Sex and the City (1998–2004)
Sex and the City bashers be damned!!!
15 July 2000
I am a 23 year old single woman living in Manhattan and I love and relate to this show. All though I am younger and poorer than these women, and I don't get nearly as many men as they do (not to mention the fact that I'm Black!), I think this show has alot of insightful and funny things to say about being a woman in New York.

And to address the sex issue...I am so tired of the Madonna/Whore complex everyone in the country seems to be up to their eyeballs in. Get over it! Women like sex, they have sex, and they have sex with men they don't like. So what? And so what if they continue to look for Mr. Right even when they're with Mr. Right Now. What person man or woman hasn't consistently done something, seemingly at cross-purposes with their intended goal in the name of love, lust, or companionship? Stop with the tired double standards (that includes HBO's ban on full frontal male nudity on the show!)

Let's address the real issue: We all wish we were getting it as much as Samantha--even it's from just ONE person!!!
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Immortality (1998)
I love Jude, but... (includes spoilers)
15 July 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I just didn't get this movie.

He's beautiful; he's a vampire; he can go out in the sun; he can touch a crucifix.

Okay...he writes about and sketches his victims before he kills them.

He meets Anna and falls in love with her (?) to the point where he would rather die than kill her, which touches her, so she stays to nurse him back to health/death.

Then he decides to kill her anyway only she kills him first and...

What? This movie makes no sense. What is Anna's motivation? What is Steven's? They didn't really seem to fall in love in my opinion. He didn't seem to have any doubts or crisis of conscience until the end. She didn't seem to be all that understanding or caring or loving towards him until he decided not to bite her. I just don't get it.

Fortunately, I was able to stare at Jude for an hour or so; well worth $9.50.
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Scary Movie (2000)
Funny, Clever, Original...None of the Above!!!!
10 July 2000
This movie sucked and that's all there is to it.

I wish people would stop making spoofs/parodies until they learn how to do it right. Message to the Wayans: rent Austin Powers or even Don't Be a Menace...

As another poster said, comedy can't be simply referential. That is an all too disturbing trend in our culture today. People think they are funny just because they can regurgitate something funny that was already said. For comedy to work, it has to turn its subject on its head, play with it, breathe new life into it. This movie was filled with dead-on replays of crap we seen done before...and done better.

The only truly funny scene was the movie theatre scene (which was also the only good scene in Scream 2 by the way) and it resonated even more for me cause I saw it with a mostly black preview audience.

I think one of the major flaws of the picture was the fact that it parodied movies that were supposed to parodies themselves. The only problem with that? The Scream movies sucked too! I didn't think they were all that clever; again, kids referencing something is not the same as making fun of it or making a joke out of it. And I just saw American Pie so I just got the chick slapping the guy "JOKE", if that's what you want to call it. It was the same damn scene.

The thing that pisses me off is I can't tell if people are dumbing down movies for the teen set or if people are really just getting dumber. I know for a fact that the Wayans can be funny; as I said earlier "Don't Be Menace" was great. It didn't recycle earlier jokes, it was clever, it struck a chord, and it didn't have to be nasty as hell to get a laugh out of me.

I hope that teenagers today (by the way I'm 23) aren't stupid enough to let Hollywood keep feeding them this type of crap. How will they ever write a decent comedy film? We will end up with a generation of people who don't know what funny really is; they'll just take their cue from laugh tracks or the idiot sitting next to them in the theater.

BTW - Anna Faris was great!
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Homefront (1991–1993)
When this show was canceled i was heartbroken.
8 February 2000
Homefront was on when I was in junior high and i loved it. It was a soap opera, but it was sweet, funny, and above all, well-acted. I especially loved the Ginger and Jeff relationship. Tammy Lauren is one of the best television actresses and Kyle Chandler was too cute for words (he's still pretty cute on Early Edition). This show was well-written and did not deserve its untimely death. Hopefully, AMC will have the good sense to rerun it!

Traci B.
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Down to Earth (1984–1987)
I can't believe I am the only one who watched this show!
8 February 2000
I have fond memories of "Down to Earth" possibly because I have never met a single living soul who remembers this show. I can still recite most of the theme song! It is amazing what you absorb at age seven. Anyway, Ethel was a flapper who was killed by a trolley (this was hilariously illustrated in the opening credits with old-style photographs) and had to wait 60 years to be set up with a family so that she could earn her wings and become an angel. Of course, she was a wild woman so the dad (2nd Darrin from Bewitched) was frazzled and the 3 kids loved her (can you say surrogate Mom?) There wasn't much to the show as far as I can remember, but i do recall Rip Taylor as her mentor angel throwing a lot of confetti about. Weird premise, cute show; it pretty much hinged on Ethel becoming acquainted with modern technology and mores. As promised, here are (most of) the words to the theme song:

Back in the days of Valentino, we know A maid named Ethel was so bright and alive (wacky doo,wacky doo) But she was struck down by a trolley, golly Said good-bye in nineteen twenty and five (toodleloo,toodleloo)

Ethel in heaven waited patiently To earn her wings and be An angel fancy-free Sixty years later the opportunity To help a family came through (Boo boo be doo, twenty-three skiddoo)

[something about "Richard, Lizzie, Duane, and JJ, too] Now she must be a nineteen eighties, lady h, blah, blah] She's Down to Earth, Down to Earth

I know, I have no life.

Love, Traci B.
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How long will Jude Law have to play second fiddle to the likes of Gwyneth?
26 December 1999
First off, I would like to identify myself as one of Jude Law's biggest fans and one of Gwyneth's greatest detractors. I believe that 'Ripley' should give Law the fame and recognition he deserves(even though i am not looking forward to the media saturation that will undoubtedly follow w/ every entertainment outlet acting as though they just discovered him), dispel the myth that Gwyneth is anything but a moderately talented, Hollywood legacy, trust-fund baby (even though it won't), and convince Matt Damon to rid himself of that hulking little man frame he is so fond of since this movie is the first time i have ever found him mildly attractive.

Now that i have gotten all of the superficial stuff out of the way, i will discuss the film. i must admit that after i fell in love w/ Jude all over again in Cronenberg's 'eXistEnz', i immediately went out and read the Highsmith book and all of the other 4 books in the Ripley series. Anyone who has also read the series knows that this film varies wildly from the book, but that doesn't mean it is without its merits. Jude and Matt give very good performances, the cinematography is excellent and i think the subject matter is a bold choice for a holiday film.

The problems that i had with it were its overlength (remember when movies were 90 mins long) and the unnecessary addition of certain plots and characters. Meridith Logue and Peter Smith Kingsley worked as characters in the film but i felt that they took away more than they added. Because of the time spent on those and the Silvana plot, we got less of a feeling of the claustrophobia of Ripley's situation after 'the deed' was done. A lot more time should have been spent focusing on the deft way that Tom had to cover his tracks in order to keep from getting caught. Also, the film all but eliminated the way that Tom actually did become Dickie in Rome. He didn't cower and sulk all day; he went to parties and introduced himself as Dickie and was quite successful at it.

The whole point of Ripley is his amorality. He was a sociopath and a good one. > i think that Damon did a good job of playing Ripley as sullen and sad, but i think that it would have been more compelling if Ripley had enjoyed himself just a little bit more.

In closing, Jude Law should win the Golden Globe if only for his exquisite beauty and for his ability to exude such an androgynously liquid sexuality. Very few actors have that ability and combined with his considerable acting talent, he should be recognized as the brilliant star that he is. Also, I am having a Golden Globes party and I just love screaming at the t.v.
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