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Excellent dramatisation of one of the most chilling murders of recent years...
18 July 2023
I wasn't quite sure whether to watch this or not, as I had seen the disturbing documentary on the case that had been on television recently, so I thought I was too familiar with the story for it to have any real impact.

I was wrong. This is a great production, with top-notch acting and and a marvellous script that draws you into the story and brings to life all the information that was contained in the documentary and enhancing it. I was thoroughly engrossed throughout the four episodes and the case gets more chilling the more you learn about it.

So, even if you may already feel your over-familiar with this horrific tale, I recommend that you give this series a go and it will not disappoint you.
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Man falls for a married woman with an awful memory
21 May 2023
I really liked the director's (Resnais) first outing: Hiroshima, Mon Amour, so I presumed this film would be of a similar quality, although I was aware it was divisive among critics.

The term style over substance seems to have been coined for this film. Yes, the actors look great, and I could even get over the non-linear narrative with repetition at it's core, and I'm all for films being arty and more cerebral. However, that's were the positives end, and despite the beautiful images I found it all a bit tedious. By the end of the film I couldn't care less whether they spent last year in Marienbad or not, and it probably would have been better to go to Blackpool; at least, they might have had a bit of fun on the donkeys on the beach instead of this borefest talking about statues and playing a stupid, simplistic parlour game that was even less exciting than dominoes.

Although watching Last Year in Marienbad is not an experience I regret, it isn't one I'd like to repeat. For this reason, I wouldn't recommend it unless you want to cross it off your seen it-been there-bought the T-shirt list.
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A disappointment after all the rave reviews
2 March 2023
I'd heard a lot about this movie and it appears in many critics lists of the best films of the 90s, but on seeing it was left baffled as to why.

A meandering plot with many of the storyline of the characters underdeveloped. Few clues as to why the people feel the way they do and no clue as to why the Lawyer felt the towns people had a case to sue because of negligence.

There was very little jeopardy until the end and even then there was no explanation as to why the characters acted the way they did.

There were many great films made in the 90s but this one is average at best and the only reason for watching it is because it is among the favourite films of some top critics, so maybe you're better off reading their reviews. But, as a humble avid film fan, I certainly wouldn't recommend it myself...
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Vastly overrated bog-standard Christmas fare..
8 December 2022
After seeing great reviews for this film and a lot of hype around it being the best Christmas film ever, I bought this film on Dvd, as it's not really shown here in the UK. I'd heard it was funny and poignant and left you with a warm nostalgic glow.

However, on watching it, is was none of the above. Firstly, I wondered why the mother looked like she'd just stepped out of an 80s MTV video with her bushy permed hair (this was supposed to be set in 1940). Secondly, the humour was forced and predictable and not in the least bit funny, not even eliciting a faint smile.

Moreover, the characters were stereotypical and unoriginal and so were the situations they found themselves in. Finally, the message it seemed to convey was that Christmas is a commercial entity, and it's satisfying these seasonal desires that counts.

All In all, although the Seasonal sets and scenes were Christmassy enough, I wasn't convinced by the characters, the humour, the dialogue, situations, or indeed the time setting and the film wouldn't get near my top 20 Christmas movies, so by that criteria, I couldn't really recommend it unless you want to see what all the fanfare is about for yourself.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Not quite as good as GOT but promising start...
26 October 2022
It's inevitable that this series would be compared with GOT, and to some extent it doesn't disappoint. There's a host of intriguing characters and the CGI is adequate and broadly speaking it includes a lot of the aspects that made its predecessor entertaining.

However, there are no real characters to root for with the possible exception of Rhaenyra and Lucerys (compare that to Bran, Arya, Jon Snow, Samwell etc in GOT) everyone in House of The Dragon seems to be villainous, although I've already taken sides on who I want to see win the battle for the throne.

Also, the first series only focuses really on the goings-on in King's Landing, Dragonstone and Driftmark and the other kingdoms barely feature. Plus, the dragons and the CGI must have used up a lot if the budget, but do not compensate for character and plot. In addition, the existential threat from beyond the wall is alluded to, but we know in this series we're not going to face anything as catastrophic and frightening as the whitewalkers.

Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to the next season and accept that series 1 was only setting the scene and that the real action and character development is to come and things will really kick off in the second series.
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A Plain Daft and Weird Oddity...
17 September 2022
This film attempts to be profound, moving and magical, but comes across as weird and silly. I just didn't get the chemistry between the two main characters and thought both of them adopted silly, unconvincing accents. The Djinn's back story is bizarre and tedious. Althea even seems bored with his anecdotes and you just end up wishing he would return to his bottle and stay their for eternity.

So unless you want to see Idris Elba prancing round topless with a pair of comical Shrek ears, or see Tilda Swinton as a believable romantic, fairytale heroine (she's over 60!), I'd definitely give this one a miss, as it isn't surprising it bombed at the box office...
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Elvis (2022)
Terrific job by Luhrman and the cast...
2 August 2022
You'd probably need a mini-series at least if you wanted to tell the whole story of Elvis, but there's enough here to give newcomers of Elvis a taste of what he was about and plenty to delight older fans of the singer himself.

Austin Butler and Tom Hanks do a commendable job in the roles of Elvis and Colonel Tom Parker and Luhrman directs a vibrant depiction of the world they lived in.

If you're looking for a more prurient exposé of the darker side of Elvis's tastes and his ultimate demise, then it's probably not what you're looking for. But, if you're in the mood to be entertained by a dazzling backdrop to the relationship between him and his manager and once again hear the fantastic music of the King of Rock 'n' Roll, then this is a must-see for his fans and will undoubtedly gain him more followers among the younger audience...
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Great first-time effort considering the low-budget!
17 July 2022
Clever little film. Simple and effective. Refreshing change from big-budget, CGI, Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters.

A computer monitor can see two minutes into the future and due to the direction, enthusiastic cast, it works as an engaging, quirky little tale with a romance at the centre of it.

At one hour 10 minutes, it's short but sweet, but it's nice to watch an original film with out too many pyrotechnics, I'd recommend watching it if you're at a loss what to do for the next hour or so, but would like to see something short and entertaining. Highly recommended.
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Jubilee (1978)
Made by a director who probably didn't like punk and clearly misunderstood it...
11 June 2022
This film has artistic merit and some of the vignettes are entertaining. It's interesting to see the likes of Adam Ant and Toyah in their formative years and it captures the nihilism and shock value of the early punk days, but it has no heart and soul and doesn't capture the hope and sincerity of the times, and lowers the movement to the levels that it was negatively sensationalised in the stuffy, right-wing, British media of the time.

If you really want a feeling of what punk was like in 77/78, just watch videos of the Clash, Sex Pistols, the Buzzcocks, or Siouxsie instead, cos I remember it as a positive, uplifting time when we felt we could change the world and not really how it's portrayed in this film...
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Midsommar (2019)
Does for the Swedish tourist board what mad-cow disease did for Britain...
9 May 2022
Interesting horror film that has a neat take on a break-up movie, but ultimately fails to give enough frights and all gets a bit silly, causing me to chuckle rather than sit bolt-upright in my seat in terror.

Worth watching if you're in the mood for something where the Wicker Man meets Chelsea Flower Show.
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Worthy outing that pays poignant homage to the original...
20 February 2022
If you're nostalgic for the original 80s movies, then this will come as a pleasant surprise to you. I think the youngsters of today will enjoy it too, although it doesn't quite match Ghostbusters 1 and 2, which were after all, two of the biggest blockbusters of their day.

I was in two minds whether to watch it or not, but in the end, I'm glad I did...
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Belfast (2021)
Fairly banal, pedestrian and overly-sentimental, nostalgic, childhood tale...
23 January 2022
No doubt this film will win numerous awards, because of its high-profile directly, it's full of stereotypical, Irish characters, the dialogues attempt to be profound and witty, but come over as trite and clichéd. The story is highly predictable and I was left indifferent about the central premise, or decision the family must make. Plus, The soundtrack is uninspiring, unless you happen to think Van Morrison is the bees knees.

Overall, it's watchable and mildly-entertaining if you've nothing better to watch, but there have been far better films about the troubles of Northern Ireland, and nostalgic, childhood stories have been done in a far more successful and engaging way by the likes of John Boorman and Terence Davies...
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Party Party (1983)
Great Soundtrack - Film doesn't live up to it...
1 January 2022
Mildly entertaining but pretty much of a misfire. Check it out if you're feeling nostalgic for the early 80s, as the soundtrack is the only real positive about the film, but don't expect a classic of British cinema...
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Didn't work for me...
31 December 2021
I found it hard to keep my concentration despite the good cast and production values, and I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who's not really interested in Lucille Ball or 1950s TV- in fact, even fans of the star will probably be disappointed with this. Can't really think of any good reason to recommend it, apart from the fact it's not terrible..
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Absolutely fantastic from the 1st episode to the last!
26 November 2021
One of the greatest TV series ever! I'd heard it was amazing, and I wasn't disappointed. I was expecting the last season to be a let-down, as that seemed the general- concensus, but I'm happy to report it wasn't, and the series ended as it had started- in brilliant fashion...
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They don't make them like that anymore!
26 October 2021
This is a warm-hearted romantic comedy with some genuine laugh-out-loud moments.

If you're a fan of old movies, especially, screwball comedies then you'll probably love this as I did...
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Great snapshot of Post-punk bands until the last 10 minutes...
25 October 2021
This documentary has some great footage of what was happening in the post-punk scene in 1980 but sort of fizzles out towards the end, when it inexplicably loses credibility and spoils the tone by having an interview with Ray Davies of the Kinks, who was already a rock dinosaur by that stage.

Still it's worth watching for original footage of the Clash, Spizz, the Police, the Specials, Madness etc...
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Asks more questions than it answers...
4 October 2021
There's a lot to like about this film and the twist was good and it all seemed so promising as the film progressed, which kept me watching, eager to find out what happens and the meaning of it all, but ultimately the pay-off was slightly disappointing, and some of the events in the film not resolved satisfactorily for me.

If you want to see something quirky and original, but leaving you to figure out the interpretation of it, then I'd recommend it. However, if you like a tight script with a clear resolution, then I'd only suggest you watch it when you want something more offbeat to watch, but nothing to write home about...
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Just Another Mediocre Rom-com In The End
20 July 2021
I don't know why I watched this as the premise seemed hackneyed and unoriginal, but I was bored last night and I've been wrong before. However, with this film my initial trepidation was proved right.

It was just another box-ticking exercise from Danny Boyle and Richard Curtis in producing a fairly run-of-the-mill Rom-com. The acting wasn't particularly great, especially Lily James, who seemed miscast, and Ed Sheeran's performance was as dull as his music.

Altogether, I felt pretty underwhelmed, despite the Beatles' tunes, and would only recommend it if there's nothing else to watch.
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Surprised at the high ratings and great reviews
25 June 2021
I only watched this film because of the high user rating on IMDB and great reviews, so I was surprised at how formulaic, cliche-ridden and clunky it was. I can see why it appeals to kids without too many expectations, but to an adult, it feels like one of those children film foundation films they put on in Brirish cinemas at the Saturday morning show in the 70s with a few adult jokes put in to make it seem more current. After the first half hour it became predictable and ran out of steam.

I'd recommend Jo Jo Rabbit if you want to see a better, more original example of Waititi's work.
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Reds (1981)
This is not a pro-communist film but a love story...
10 June 2021
It seems this film rubs up the anti-conmie brigade the wrong way, who are unable to watch a film objectively. John Reed was a romantic idealist, who just happened to be a communist, but nowhere in the film does it indicate that he was right about his convictions. Instead, the communist revolution is the backdrop for his love affair with Louise Bryant. It's a very good film and well-worth watching, regardless of your political persuasions...
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Hotel Mumbai (2018)
Baffled by some of the negative reviews...
14 March 2021
There seems to be a few reviews on here complaining at the levels of violence it contains - what did you expect from a film depicting one of the most lethal, marauding terrorist attacks of the 21st century?! I think it's a solid retelling of one aspect of that terrible day in Mumbai back in 2008. Sure, if you want a more veritable and factual account, you'd probably watch a documentary, or read up on it. But if you want a gripping, filmic view of it that focuses on one or two of the individuals involved in the atrocity, then, it's worth watching. Who is naive enough to watch a film for a history lesson and a totally accurate account of the facts anyway?
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Eden (II) (2014)
Great soundtrack but dull characters...
13 March 2021
It's worth watching for the soundtrack alone if you were into clubbing either side of the millennium. However, I found the characters pretty uninspiring, considering the upbeat music, clubs and recreational drugs. The plot was fairly pedestrian and any moment of dramatic intensity seemed to have been omitted and told instead of shown. With more interesting characters and dramatic awareness this could have been a classic, but instead we get a fairly mundane coming-of-age stiry and the predictable fallout that a life dedicated to clubbing and DJing brings. Probably, won't watch this movie again, but will definitely check out the soundtrack on streaming services ..
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Best film of 2006...
19 January 2021
2006 was a vintage year for films; you only have to look at the nominations for best picture and best foreign language film - all of them great movies. But, The Lives of Others edges it for me.

Parasite has set a precedent for a film in a foreign language winning the major award. I believe if the academy had adopted this policy earlier of including all films for consideration when choosing the top prize, then this would have won the best picture Oscar for 2006. Highly recommended!
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Definitely not a comedy...
29 December 2020
If this was supposed to be a comedy, or even a satire, it definitely failed. However if you treat it as the story of the power struggle after Stalin's death then it has some merit and is even watchable, which leaves me thinking why Iannucci didn't just make a serious film set during a tumultuous time in Russia's history, cos there's certainly nothing to find funny about it, and this movie, despite its intentions, doesn't manage to provide any laughs on the subject either...
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