
2 Reviews
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Doug Jackson took over
17 February 2001
where Brian de Palma had left us with "Dressed to Kill" in 1980. "Random Encounter" shares a number of features with de Palma best movies: an interesting and complicated story, a beautiful main character and a somehow smoothing music that contrasts with the intensity of the drama.

As for the main character and her depth as an actress, I will make no judgment here. I think she does just what the director wanted her to do: be pretty and smart in circumstances in which most of us would just surrender without thinking any further.

This movie is a living tribute to de Palma's work and it is, in my opinion, a very successful one.
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The President was JFK
17 February 2001
of course, even though we are talking about a French movie here. It should quite obvious to anyone who saw the movie that the Dallas shooting at JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald are the starting point of the story.

One of the judges in charge of the inquiry (Yves Montand) decides he does not agree with the conclusions of the committee he is a member of. Then trouble begins...

One of Verneuil's best movies, if you ask me. The other ones would be "Le corps de mon ennemi" and "Peur sur la ville." (Belmondo rules, and so does Marie-France Pisier!).
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