
6 Reviews
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Really quite good!
6 May 2001
I was wary at first. I ADORED the original. Sequels are almost NEVER as entertaining as the originals, but I just saw it a few hours ago and have this to say: It was pretty dern good!

So what if the critics trash it for being a "mindless sumer movie." What do they know? They NEVER seem to have fun at the movies and only recognize movies as good a few years after they become cult classics.

I reccomend this movie and the original to any Indy Jones fan out there who has come to the realization that there may never be an Indy 4, it's got the same appeal. I don't know about you but I ADORE "archeology is fun" movies.

I admit, I have one gripe. It feels like the director was forced to cut a lot of the movie (Probably for time and a PG-13 rating) It feels a little choppy. Ah well, that's what DVD's are for!
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Absolutely adorable and FUNNY
3 April 2001
I adored this movie. From the beginning right up to the end this romantic comedy is enjoyable and watchable.


Usually romantic comedies fail on the second part of their genre title. This is a rarity, one of the few romantic comedies that will make you laugh your butt off.

Trust me, rent this movie and you'll get a very sweet and funny movie.
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Not as good as the original two, probably the weakest of the trilogy
19 June 2000
I was seven when I first saw this film, of course I was a fan of the first two, so I was majorly stoked. Of course, 10 years later watching it, I feel dismayed. The third in the series, it lacked some of the charm as the other ones did. These movies to me had always been a great example of wonderful writing, really screenplay driven. But this one seemed a little contrived and while it's okay, it isn't terrific.
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Roar (1997)
Can I get a kickass?
18 June 2000
Could this show just BE anymore kickin'? I loved it!!! It was sooo cool. I cried when I found out that it was cancelled. EVIL FOX! Why did I like it?

Well, first I've always been drawn to Celtic mythology and this surpassed my expectations in using it. The acting was great, the music kicked, and the writing was so great I can't believe it. Why do shows like this ALWAYS get cancelled???
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Angel (1999–2004)
The NEW Dark Night (But stay away from post Doyle eps)
23 April 2000
When I watched City Of... I was shocked. Shocked at HOW GOOD IT WAS! This show is totally a new sort of Batman, and while some don't like that, I think it was a brilliant writing decision on behalf of Joss Whedon. (And the VAST music in the promos was perfect, not to mention the fabulous theme by Darling Violetta)

I was skeptical at first. I'm a huge Buffy fan and I was kinda off put by the idea of a spin off with Angel. But my fears were put to rest right after I saw the opening bit of the first episode. It was SOOO cool! You know what I mean? He was just COOL! I was just going kickass cool!

Anyway though. The first few episodes were great. Than came the tragic decision to off the ONLY new character they created for the show, Doyle, played by the fabulous talent of Glenn Quinn. After that, the show took a wee bit of a nose dive in my opinion. The character that they put on (Which wasn't even a new character, which I see as a little bit lazy) the "Wesely" character, doesn't fit the atmosphere of Angel which was so dark and deep in the first few eps. I LIKED THE DARKNESS OF ANGEL! It was such a contrast to Buffy, which made for one HECK of a night of TV watching!

While Angel is a GREAT show no matter what, if you're gonna watch Angel, stick to the first seven eps (Up to "Hero" for anyone who knows ep titles) they were some of the best.
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Oh my God, Could this show BE any badder????
23 April 2000
Maybe it's because I was weened on the original series, but this show is bad beyond bad. I mean where as the original series was a joke, a sort of parady of how teenagers are portrayed on TV, the new show just perpetuates them! I just thank the Gods of TV that they finally got enough sence to cancel this horendous excuse for a show. Now, can we make another movie with the original cast from the original show and forget that the nightmare of "The New Class"????
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