
15 Reviews
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Its Ok
14 July 2003
I went into T3 thinking it cannot top T2. I was right. Terminator 2 ended off so perfect, why the sequel????

I watched T2 again just to refresh my memory. There is no comparison between the two. The Terminator series after the 2nd should've been laid to rest. No wonder Cameron never wanted to do it.

The action scenes were impressive, special effects were good, but it still cannot match the "liquid metal" effect in part 2. it lacked something a movie needs "storyline"

but overall it was good eye-candy.

rate 7 out of 10
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Good Eye Candy !
18 May 2003
Matrix Reloaded is good Eye Candy.

I was not impressed with the story line, its getting way to complicated. Why did the Matrix need a Sequel anyways? I thought the 1st one ended off perfectly.

But now the writers have bit off more than they can chew. Everything that Morpheous believed in, is a lie or a hoax.

The Special Effects were amazing. But its nothing we haven't seen before from the fist movie. Ie. slow motion 360 degrees, bullets coming to a halt.

Car chase scene was done very well. fight scenes were great. but i could pick out the fake neo and the real neo.

The 2 characters that I really enjoyed was The Twins.

PS. Was that Rap music video really nessessary? And all the smooching between neo and trinity got boring quickly.

Rating 7.5 out of 10
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The Ring (2002)
Very Scary !
1 November 2002
I just watched The Ring. This is the only horror movie that sent chills down my back. There was no person running around with a mssk over his head, no blood, just a very good put together horror movie.

The ending will be remembered for a long long time. very freaky.

rating 9 out of 10.
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Not Very Good.
17 October 2002
Hi, I've just finished watching The Transporter.

One question. Why would Jason Stathan sign up for this? I know he is capable of much more (e.g. Snatch).

The movie was horrible from start to the end. The chinese chick just put the icing on the cake. She was very annoying. Someone or something should've killed her way before. What about plot? You ask, what plot? Exactly. There was no plot.

Rating 1 out of 10. wait for PPV.
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Very Entertaining !!
2 September 2002
Hi. Well. I just finished watching, The Royal Tenembaums. What a funny movie.!!!! . Gene Hackman is at his best, as usual. The story is great, good directing. Awesome cast. What else can you ask for?

When i did see this movie, it reminded me alot of Rushmore. And when I found out it was done my the same director, this director has great talent and vision.

I talked to a buddy, he said he hated the movie, i guess he didn't really understand it. Its sort of different comedy, its hard to explain, but i loved it.

9.5 out of 10
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Very Good!
8 July 2002
Oceans 11 is a very stylish movie. From acting, to wardrobe, to directing skills, its just a great movie. All the characters were delevoped very good. What can i say, its awesome.

I like the ending, when all of them are standing in front of the water works. that tells us that if worked together in sequence, in precise timeing and precision, (like that heist) good things will happen.

highly recomended. my rating is 9.5 out of 10

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Spider-Man (2002)
8 May 2002
Hi, i just finished watching Spiderman, and it was awesome. Good story line, great characters, great special effects, awesome fight scenes. Tobey Maquire was pretty good. He makes a good spiderman!!!!!!

I can't say anything else, just go and see it.

9 out of 10 rating.

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Panic Room (2002)
Home Alone?
21 April 2002
Hi, I watched the Panic Room. was this story line based on the Home Alone series? Well. it seemed like it. Anyways,

The movie was ok, nothing to jump up and shout about. I expected alot more from director Fincher. From a director that did Seven? The movie was based in this house and this panic room. Not the greatest scripts in the world.

Well. i didn't catch on about her daughter having Diabetic disease til she was almost dieing. I should've caught on after when jodie foster says "hey, easy on the coke"

Jodies husband was too old, wasn't he?

rating = 7 out of 10
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Jason X (2001)
Not Bad.....
21 April 2002
Well. I seen Jason X. and it reminded me alot of Aliens. Example, Jason is the Alien and the 6 or 7 idiots that try to kill him are the Marines. the Campsite scene was pretty good also.

I wanted more BLOOD and GUTS. there just wasn't enough of it to satisfy my thirst. My best gore part, is when jason throughs someone onto the big 10 inch drill, and the body slowly screws down.... YEAH.

The storyline? haha. pretty pathetic. Same 'ol story line since part 2. jason kills everyone.

My rating is 6 out of 10
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I tried to sit through it....
23 February 2002
Well. this movie was very bad. The first 20 mins was horrible. So, i tried to watch it for another 40 mins, after 1 hour of this I finally had to shut it off.

What were they thinking when writing a plot for this????? Boy meets girl, boy has sex with girl, girl gives boy lucky ring, theif gets robbed by rich guy.. so on.

Its not that Martin Lawrence and Danny Devito were bad, it had a pointless plot.

1 out of 10
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Good not Great.....
29 July 2001
Well. i just finished seeing a very hyped kids movie. It seems like a kids movie to me because the action was very tame, hardly no blood whatsoever.

Don't get me wrong. I still liked the movie. But it could've been better. The action was top notch the costumes and makeup artist should get a award for their effort. The movie was lacking the good 'ol "V" word that i love in action movies. VIOLENCE.

The story was lackluster also. Man finds ape planet, man tries to escape ape planet. the ending seemed like a sequel.

my Rating 7 out of 10.
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Scary Movie 2 (2001)
Its ok....
4 July 2001
Hi, I just got back from seeing Scary Movie 2. I didn't go into the theatre thinking that it will be better than the first (i read most of the reviews).

Scary Movie 2 wasn't as crude as the first one, but it still had its moments. The opening scene was great, they made fun of alot of movies. I lost count 1/2 way through the film.

Its worth checking out. shawn

*** out of 5
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Boiler Room (2000)
Great !!
28 August 2000
Hi. I remember this movie when it came out in theatres. It never really caught my eye. After seeing it, it truly is an awesome drama movie with an upbeat soundtrack. With a great cast and a good plot. I really like Vin Diesel. He's awesome.

The Director, his first. and also written it. Is amazing.

I give a 9 out of 10 rating.
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27 April 2000
Hi. I read a lot of bad reviews about this movie. I seen it last night, i thought it was put together very good, right from start to finish. The battle scenes reminded me a lot of Saving Private Ryan. I thought S. Jackson and Tommy were both at there best, like they always are. I was confused though when the marines would not take out the snipers?????? But its still a worth watching movie.

I gave it 9.5 out of 10
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17 April 2000
Hello. I will say that Kubrick did make an awesome war picture masterpiece (full metal jacket) and The Shining sure was chilling. But Eyes Wide Shut was boring. I could have turned off the T.V. for 1(one) hour (with VCR still playing) and still not miss a single thing. The movie moved along like it was tied to a cement pole.

I guess i expected more from this director.

Disappointed movie fan bye
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