
20 Reviews
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Prey (I) (2022)
Only Worthwhile Predator Movie Since Original
22 August 2022
I love the original Predator, but all of its sequels were disappointing enough, and the premise to this didn't sound like the kind of movie I'd enjoy, so I originally decided not to watch this. Then it showed up on a streaming service, and I figured I'd check out the first five minutes, just to make sure I wouldn't like it.

100 minutes later, while the credits ran, I decided that this was my new favorite Predator movie.

I love everything about this movie. The compelling characters and their interactions, the way the Predator is depicted as more than just a monster, but an intelligent being with a personality, the way the story unfolds, the way everything is filmed, it's an amazing movie. And it's suspenseful pretty much from the first minute to the last second.

This is just an incredible movie, and the only worthwhile sequel to the original.
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Interceptor (2022)
An 80s Action Movie in 2020s Clothing
4 June 2022
Growing up as a kid in the 80s and early 90s, I watched a lot of terrible movies. Movies like American Warrior, On Deadly Ground, or The Delta Force. Were these movies great? Of course not. But did I love them anyway, because they were hokey and fun? You bet I did!

If, like me, you miss these kinds of movies, movies that don't take themselves too seriously, movies that turn an incredibly implausible premise into 90 minutes of mindless entertainment, movies in which the bad guy is actually bad, and the good guy is a gruff action hero with a gun or two, movies where most actors have more muscles than acting skills, movies with poorly choreographed knife fights that, somehow, still end up making you invested in what is happening on screen, this is for you.

If that doesn't describe you, you should probably look elsewhere. Me, though? I absolutely loved watching this. I'm happy this movie exists, and I hope we'll see more like it in the future. And I hope that we'll see Elsa Pataky in more of them, because she makes for a fantastic action movie lead.
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Morbius (2022)
The Allure of a Modern-Day Seagal Movie
28 May 2022
Look, I think we all know that you don't visit the cinema to watch this movie in the same way you visit the Louvre to look at the Mona Lisa. This is more akin to a trip to the station to check out the train wreck. You watch a flick with Jared Leto for the same reason you watch a modern-day Steven Seagal flick: you want to see just how terribly he did - and if you get some entertainment out of the whole charade, that's a bonus.

Leto mumbles and shuffles his way through this movie with his usual utter ineptitude, and looks very pretty for the camera, so if you came here to see Jared Leto play Jared Leto while pretending to be a method actor playing a vampire, you'll get exactly what you want out of this.

Fortunately, there are also some genuinely good actors in this movie. Seeing Matt Smith ham it up is a pure joy, and the weird special effects barely detract from that. Adria Arjona deserves more recognition for carrying much of the film (as well as dragging a seemingly half asleep Leto through all the scenes they share).

I wish there was more of a plot and more world building, and I wish Smith had more screen time, but I also wish they'd cast an actual actor to play Morbius, and written a screenplay that had something - anything! - to do with the comic books, and had special effects that don't look like a mid-tier Netflix show. Obviously, we don't always get what we wish for.

Is this a good movie? Of course not. Was I entertained throughout its 100 minutes? Yes. And that's, to be honest, more than I expected.
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Uncharted (2022)
The Reviews Did This Movie Dirty
3 May 2022
After the negative reaction to this movie, I didn't go see it in theaters. Now that I've seen it streaming, I regret that. This is a great little adventure film that has an adequate plot, nice set pieces, some truly great action scenes, enjoyable actors, and, most importantly, doesn't overstay its welcome.

Is this on the level of Raiders of the Lost Ark? Of course not. But this definitely ain't no Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, either. If you miss all the great adventure movies from the 80s, this gets the job done quite competently.
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The Batman (2022)
An intersting, but inconsistent watch
20 April 2022
The Batman is a very strange, highly inconsistent movie. That alone makes it a worthwhile watch, even if it clearly doesn't deliver everything it could.

Casting is one example. While Pattinson makes for both a great Batman and an awesome Bruce Wayne, Kravitz's Selina Kyle suffers from poorly delivered dialogue, which is primarily a result of mediocre writing. Dano is great as an unmakes Riddler, but the costume he wears is at times ridiculous - his scenes as the costumed Riddler are oftentimes amazing, but sometimes closer to a parody of earlier Batman villains. Farrell's Penguin looks like he's straight out of Dick Tracy, which causes truly brain-breaking situations when he interacts with Turturro's more seriously played Falcone. These scenes in particular feel like watching a multiverse movie, where two characters from completely different movies are put together for comedic effect.

The cinematography of the movie is similarly inconsistent, going from truly mind-blowing car chases to overly dark, dreary club scenes.

This inconsistent feeling extends to the whole movie. The Batman even references this bemusement explicitly. In many of the scenes where Batman visits crime scenes, for example, the viewer's confusion is mirrored by the police on scene, who wonder what in the world a costumed vigilante dressed up as a bat is doing contaminating their evidence. At times, this movie takes itself so seriously that its whole premise no longer supports the ability to suspend disbelief.

This issue is exacerbated by the long runtime. Three hours of constant whiplash, watching a movie that oscillates between absolutely fantastic scenes and situations that could be straight out of a Batman parody movie, end in at least four different endings, but just keep going and going.

The small inconsistencies throughout the movie - an example is a scene where the power is cut, but only to electrical devices that aren't required to move the plot forward - don't help.

The Batman it is definitely an interesting movie to watch, with a lot of highs. That makes it a worthwhile view. It's just too bad that some of the more cringe dialogue wasn't fixed, the characters weren't made a bit more consistent so they at least feel as if they existed in the same universe, and the runtime wasn't cut by at least 30 minutes.
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Warcraft (2016)
Surprisingly Entertaining
26 May 2016
After reading the terrible reviews, and not being a fan of the World of Warcraft games, I went into this movie with very low expectations. Initially, the low expectations seemed to be appropriate. The movie introduces a number of different characters in a rather haphazard way, barely explaining what they do or why we should care.

Similarly, there's very little world building in the beginning, and people are just expected to have a basic understanding of how things in the Warcraft universe fit together.

Pretty quickly, though, the movie launches into a surprisingly compelling plot. Unlike many other movies in the genre (Lord of the Rings, for example) doesn't just focus on the human (or "good") side, but explains the back story of the Orcs, and gives them personality and motivation. After a lackluster start, the movie manages to give the characters at least some depth, and despite having a pretty large cast, almost everybody has at least some character development.

Technically, this movie is flawless. The amount of work that must have gone into creating the Warcraft universe in this movie must have been incredible. The attention to detail is breathtaking. In scenes where dozens and dozens of Orcs are shown, every single one looks unique, and has his (or her) own characteristics and movements. The world in which the movie takes place is beautiful, and the fight choreographs are amazing.

The colorful world in which the movie takes place defies the grim-dark trend in recent years, where even Superman movies have to be sad and dark and rainy, and that alone makes Warcraft a refreshing joy to watch.

Despite being quite long, the movie always moves ahead at a brisk pace, and manages to convey a ton of plot.

In short, this is a really well made, very entertaining movie. It has its flaws, particularly in the beginning, but I truly enjoyed every second of it.
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Regression (I) (2015)
Fantastic handling of the topic with a really unfortunate, disappointing ending
3 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I think it was high time that we had a really good movie that showed a realistic depiction of what happened during the satanic panic in the 80s and 90s. The movie does a fantastic job depicting how psychologists, policemen, priests, and other people can inadvertently (or, perhaps, somewhat intentionally) implant false memories in people. It also does a good job explaining how regressions don't surface real "buried memories", but actually create new false memories. And finally, it did a great job depicting how one false accusation can trigger others, eventually pulling more and more people into its web.

(Spoiler about movie's ending follows.)

Having said all of that, I found the movie's ending to be cheap and disappointing. The girl who originated the first accusation is basically painted as the bad guy. Hawke's character, a policeman, explicitly calls her out as being evil. In reality, the children making the accusations in the real-world satanic panic were obviously not evil. They were victims themselves, just not victims of satanic ritual abuse. Instead, they were victims of a system that implanted false memories in their minds.

In fact, the way Regression plays out, this would have been a valid ending to the movie, since there were people who were egging her on, giving her new ideas for people to accuse, and stories to concoct.

Instead, Amenábar decided to end the movie with the unrealistic idea that she somehow planned this whole thing as a revenge plot against her own family, and to get out of her family's influence. It's unrealistic, it's insulting to the audience, and it's pulling down what would otherwise have been a nigh perfect movie.

What's more, this kind of victim blaming is actually dangerous. In the real world, it's very rare that women intentionally falsely accuse others of having raped them. At the same time, women's accusations of rape are often dismissed or not taken seriously. Ending Regression in this way, by effectively blaming the women for the whole thing, plays into this narrative of not believing women's accusations.

In addition to all of these points, it would also have been a much more interesting, realistic movie if the conclusion had been that, no, there was no really bad guy. Everybody did their best, and things went to hell anyway, because people are not perfect, and the best intentions can't always guarantee a good outcome. But I guess Hollywood needs a bad guy, and that's what we got.

In conclusion: fantastic movie, but a disappointing, unrealistic, sadly dangerous and kind of insulting ending.
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Dark Shadows (2012)
Unlikable hero, mostly entertaining movie
30 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Dark Shadows was mostly entertaining, apart from some slow parts, and an overdone, unmotivated ending.

But what struck me most about the movie was how twisted its "ethics" were. Basically, the movie's "hero" is a horrible person, and, by the way, a serial murderer. The "villain", on the other hand, is a woman who started out as a maid, was abused by her employer (the aforementioned "hero"), and founded a company that eventually put her former employer's company out of business. The "happy ending" of the movie is the "hero" murdering her, presumably in retribution for her crime of being "uppity".

Along the way, there's also a female doctor, whom he murders because she tries to become a vampire. Yet he has no particular issues turning his girlfriend into a vampire later on, to prevent her from dying.

All of this made it very hard for me to identify with the movie's ostensible hero. It's sometimes fun to root for the bad guy, but when it becomes obvious that the bad guy is actually the good guy, while the good guy is a horrible person, the whole thing can quickly turn into a very frustrating experience.
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WALL·E (2008)
Simply Astonishing; Truly a Triumph
29 November 2008
It's obvious that Pixar's movies have become more sophisticated with every iteration in almost every way, but even given their previous work and my expectations, WALL·E is truly outstanding. This movie exists in an entirely different galaxy, quite simply just blowing away every other animated movie released recently - and, in fact, almost every live-action movie released recently.

WALL·E is one of the most astonishing movies I've ever seen. A little bit of 2001, Brazil, Starship Troopers, Soylent Green, and a whole lot of Douglas Adams. In an animated movie. Suitable for children. With almost no spoken dialog.

This movie truly is a triumph.
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Interesting idea, excruciating execution
11 October 2008
I like end-of-days movies. I like B-movies. I was hoping I would like this movie.

I could ignore the poor effects, the often atrocious music, the cringe-inducing lines. I could ignore the unexplained events, and the fact that the movie constantly relies on deus ex machina is excusable, given the subject matter. I could ignore the fact that the people who fight hunger and try to reach world peace are the bad guys. None of these things kill the movie. What kills this movie is that it's just plain and simple boring. Nothing actually happens; almost all scenes in the movie are designed to push the movie creators' morals on the viewers, at the cost of actually having a coherent story, or any kind of suspense.

If you're looking for an entertaining B-movie, look elsewhere. This movie is just boring.
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A true Sequel to Starship Troopers
25 August 2008
It's obvious to me that the makers of Starship Troopers 2 simply did not understand the original Starship Troopers movie. Starship Troopers was a great social satire, and is more relevant today than it ever was before. The makers of Starship Troopers 2 thought it was just a dumb war action flick and created their sequel based on that assumption.

But Starship Troopers was not a movie about a war; it was a movie about the society which waged this war.

The people who made Starship Trooper 3 did not make the same mistake. They understood the appeal and the message of Starship Troopers, ignored the abysmal second part, and made a true sequel, even expanding on a lot of the themes started in the original.

If you liked Starship Troopers but did not like the second part, give this one a try (and if you haven't seen part 2, simply assume that Starship Troopers 2 never happened and go straight to 3). You will not be disappointed.
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To my own surprise, I did not like The Dark Knight
25 August 2008
There must be something wrong with me, because I didn't like The Dark Knight. There, I said it. I didn't like it.

I mainly didn't like it because it was not at all what I expected from a Batman movie, and not the sequel I expected after Batman Begins. The Dark Knight didn't feel like a comic book movie, it felt like "The Thin Red Line" featuring the Batman. I was disappointed.

The movie felt far too intense and unsettling. I felt genuinely disturbed after the movie ended. Perhaps that was Nolan's intention, but it isn't what I want out of a comic book movie.

The Joker is everyone's favorite Batman villain, and he always had some flamboyant aspect to his personality. Not here; here, he's just deranged and creepy. Too real and plausible.

There were too many characters, and some characters were poorly defined. Furthermore, the story was too convoluted. It's great to see more complex stories in a comic book adaption, but this felt too close to Nolan's earlier works like Memento or The Prestige for my taste. While I love these two movies, it's not what I want from a Batman movie.

Finally, while Aaron Eckhart did an awesome job playing him, Two-Face simply looked a bit dumb, reminding me of a poor 80s zombie flick. He's supposed to have half of his face cauterized, not outright removed.

It's not a bad movie by any means. It's just not a very good Batman movie.
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Great action flick, but ultimately predictable
2 August 2008
When the first modern Hulk adaptation came out in 2003, most people were disappointed. This wasn't the Hulk they expected; this was a deep character with an interesting story, a movie with fantastic screenplay and great actors, but few and barely mediocre action scenes. And action scenes was what the fans wanted.

So the movie was seen as a failure, and plans were made to relaunch the franchise, giving people the movie they wanted in the first place; a movie that can be summarized in two words: "Hulk Smash!"

The Incredible Hulk is out, and it's a great movie. It's quite the fan service: it has the typical Hulk lines, it has tons of action scenes, it has incredible CGI, and it has the obligatory even stronger villain who ultimately must lose because he does not have the power of good on his side, and it has purple underwear. On the minus side, The Abomination looks nothing like the comic version, and some of the acting is ridiculously bad, with actors standing there staring into nothingness as if they were waiting for instructions from the director. Some actions scenes are cut too quickly, which makes it hard to figure out what exactly is going on, but since that has become the norm for Hollywood movies, it may be a bit unfair to blame The Incredible Hulk for it.

Still, it's a great movie, but because it's exactly what people wanted, it's ultimately incredibly predictable. Ang Lee's Hulk was fascinating, challenging and innovative. Leterrier's Hulk is cookie cutter. When people will talk about "the Hulk movie" in a decade or so, they will talk about Ang Lee's Hulk, not Leterrier's Hulk.

As a mindless summer popcorn action flick, The Incredible Hulk is a winner. As a work of art, as a contribution to the Hulk mythology, as something that challenges its viewers, it's a failure.
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Dr. Jones is Back!
23 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
So, Dr. Jones really is back. Is it all we hoped for? Of course not, that would have been impossible. But it's still an entirely enjoyable movie.

I love the style of the movie. Somehow, the creators of Indy 4 were able to replicate the distinct picture quality of the early Indy movies. Spielberg even managed to go back to his old filming style with camera angles similar to the early movies, and there are tons of shots where it's obvious that the actors are acting in front of projections. In fact, apart from a few CG shots, the movie might as well have been made 20 years ago and been buried until now. Quite amazing.

The typical continuity errors are back (yeah, I think they're entirely intentional). There are lots of cases where people and stuff move around between cuts. I was almost waiting for a mic to peek into the picture, but sadly, I never saw one.

The movie is a huge load of fun. All the typical Indy lines and moves are back, pacing is okay, the story keeps going and never gets boring.

All in all, this is way better than we could reasonably have expected or asked for. Highly recommended. Go watch.

Having said all that… This is no "Raiders of the Lost Ark." It's not even a "Last Crusade." It's probably about on par with "Temple of Doom." There are huge issues with this movie.

MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD The first disappointment was the very fact that the movie starts out in the storage warehouse where the Ark was put at the end of that movie. I always thought this was an incredibly strong ending for that movie, leaving the eventual fate of the Ark open for interpretation. While it plays no actual role in the current movie, we *do* learn that nothing actually happened to the Ark. Seeing it again kind of takes away the magic of not knowing. But that is quite acceptable.

The next disappointment was the absolute lack of Nazis. I'm sorry, but the communists simply aren't a good replacement for Nazis. Nazis make for great movie villains because they are utterly evil, ruthlessly efficient, and entirely dark. No matter how outlandish the goal they're trying to achieve, now matter how absurd the means they're using to reach these goals, you can always believe that they really would have done something like this. The commies? Not so much. They may be evil, but they also ended up being quite incompetent. They're okay, I guess, they just can't hold a candle to the likes of a Toht ("Fräulein Ravenwood, let me show you what I am used to…"). But okay, so we have commies. Not as cool as Nazis, but we can live with that, too. However… The third disappointment: The whole back story is entirely absurd! Yet another Steven Spielberg movie involving awkward aliens. You should think that he had his fill of aliens - E.T., Close Encounters, AI, War of the Worlds - so why did he have to put them into "our" movie, too? I much preferred the story of the "other" Indy 4, "The Fate of Atlantis." What starts out as a nice little Dr-Jones-Adventure-Romp quickly jumps the shark after about half of the movie and goes into a sort of metaphysical alien search complete with living alien heads, benevolent inter-dimensional super beings and an utterly transcendental ending.

Which is the final disappointment: The ending. Why (and how?) does the person yearning for knowledge get punished? Why do the cowards who run away win? And, uh… what the heck actually happens? So yeah. Definitely a ton of fun, and great to have Dr. Jones back. But "Raiders of the Lost Ark" or even "Last Crusade" this ain't. It's a great movie to watch, but thinking about what exactly you just saw kind of leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I think I'm going to play through "Fate of Atlantis" again to wash that bad taste of "alien" out of my mouth.
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Postal (2007)
Crass, but genuinely funny movie
20 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There's no way I can talk about Postal without first saying a word or two about Uwe Boll. Many people may not know who Boll is, but most hardcore gamers do (and probably most regular visitors to IMDb). Because he's the guy who has made a career out of making crappy movie adaptations for second-league game franchises. And I don't mean "crappy" as in "Silent Hill" crappy. I mean "crappy" as in "Ed Wood" crappy. His first movie adaption was "House of the Dead", based on the Sega game franchise by the same name. Now admittedly, this was your typical zombie slasher, and as far as zombie slashers go, it certainly wasn't the worst you could possibly watch. Still, it's a pretty bad movie.

But Boll actually managed to go downhill from there. His next piece was a movie based on the Alone in the Dark franchise. The movie sported an utterly incoherent plot, unbelievably bad acting, and abysmal special effects. Next up was Blood Rayne. The only good thing that can be said about that movie is that it features some nudity. He actually made a follow-up to that movie. In Blood Rayne 2, even the nudity was gone.

Now these are all bad movies. They all have bad scripts, bad camera work, bad special effects, bad cutting, bad pacing, bad acting, bad everything. The only objectively positive thing that can be said about these movies is that Boll generally manages to cast a surprising number of A-list actors.

There is, however, one other thing about these movies: They are entertaining. Now admittedly, they are entertaining in the same way that a train crash in slow motion is entertaining, but they are entertaining nevertheless. Even though the movies are objectively and obviously bad on every level, I still love to watch them.

Which brings me to Boll's two most recent oeuvres. Something strange is happening: Boll seems to be learning.

In the Name of the King is actually a reasonably good movie. As most Boll movies, it features an unbelievable cast. Jason Statham, Leelee Sobieski, John Rhys-Davies, Ron Perlman, Claire Forlani, Kristanna Loken, Mathew Lillard, Ray Liotta, Burt Reynolds… I don't know just who Boll bribed to get these people to act in his movie, but it obviously worked.

But in addition to having great actors, the movie actually has a reasonably coherent script. There are still issues with pacing and camera work, but it's possible to follow the movie's plot and not constantly wonder just what drugs the writer was on when he managed to scribble it down. And there are some truly good special effects in this movie.

So In the Name of the King is an acceptable movie by Hollywood standards.

But not Postal. Postal is actually a genuinely great movie.

This is a movie the likes of which you have not seen in a long time. Remember The Naked Gun? Imagine a movie like The Naked Gun. Except it isn't afraid of making politically incorrect political statement. And except way, way more crass. This movie isn't pulling any punches.

The basic story is that a regular job-less loser gets mixed up in a plot by a bunch of Jihadists who are trying to release bird flu by giving children plush dolls which look like brown penises and have a TV show voiced by Verne Troyer. And it gets weirder from there. Basically, Boll pulls all registers, even appearing in the movie as himself, claiming that his flicks are financed by Nazi gold.

And it works.

Bolls inept directing skills (which aren't quite as inept anymore) actually don't hurt the movie. It's a comedy anyways, some strange cuts here and there just add to the movie.

--mild spoilers-- There's also a ton of gamer fan service. For example, Boll gets shot in the crotch, and the movie makes fun of "experts" who think games are to blame for violence. Vince Desi makes a guest appearance, too. --end of mild spoilers--

In the end, it's pretty much a no-holds-barred, politically incorrect two hour long episode of Southpark, except with real people.

Definitely worth watching.
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BloodRayne (2005)
Actually quite enjoyable and entertaining
29 March 2006
I liked this movie. Yes, it has very obvious problems. The fight scenes have the usual "Boll-style" slo-mo/speed scenes. The story is sometimes pushed upon the viewer rather than told. The story hasn't got too much in common with the game it's based on. While the cast is absolutely amazing, some of the acting is very wooden. Nevertheless, it's the best Boll movie yet (which ain't saying much) and compared to some of the recent movies coming out of Hollywood, this movie is above average (which admittedly also ain't saying much).

The important part is this: This movie is enjoyable and entertaining. The story is coherent and interesting. Some of the actors are great. The whole visual style of the movie is very well done. There are problems with this movie, but not more than in other recent Hollywood vampire movies - I actually prefer this to Blade 3, and it's not a whole lot worse than Underworld 2.

If you like Vampire movies, don't avoid this simply because it's from Boll. The movie ain't half bad, and I'm actually wondering whether most of the people commenting here have actually seen it, or whether they simply think that Boll bashing is fashionable.
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Not as bad as people claim
18 January 2006
I know, it's fashionable to hit on Boll right now. And he's clearly not a great director, so some of it is justified. However, while this movie isn't the next Reservoir Dogs or The Matrix, it's an enjoyable little action/horror flick with an intriguing story.

First of all, technically, this movie is quite well done. The computer effects aren't exceptional, but they're better than those in many recent Hollywood flicks. The creature design is pretty cool, too, even though some close-ups of the monsters are visibly computer generated.

Acting is generally sub-par, but not annoyingly so. I like Dorff and Slater, and they deliver their part. Some of the supporting cast is pretty bad, but they aren't on screen for too long.

The main weakness of the movie is the script. There are some plot holes, and the story is a bit complicated. But if you pay attention, read the intro and listen to the voice-overs, it's quite easy to follow what's happening. Large parts of the story seem to be taken from Lincoln/Child novels, which is just fine with me since I think more of their books should be turned into movies.

The film is about 50% horror and 50% action. While it couldn't stand as an action movie or as a horror flick, the combination of the two make it quite interesting. The action scenes are well filmed, with great music scores and some interesting camera perspectives. The horror scenes deliver the scares, and caught me off-guard four or five times.

All in all, this isn't a memorable movie, but it *is* a very enjoyable movie, clearly better than some of the recent Hollywood action/horror movies like Species 3 or Cat Woman. It absolutely does not deserve the low rating it currently has. If you like action/horror movies, rent this. Don't expect a movie in the level of Underworld or Blade, and you won't be disappointed.
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Lots of promise, but too short
10 February 2002
I really want to like this movie. It shows lots of promise, the scenery is beautiful and the actors are first rate. Unfortunately, it falls short on a few fronts:

First, the movie is just too short. A lot of the story just doesn't make sense. I guess the book is more elaborate, but the movie should at least be twice as long to help give the story some kind of flow instead of making it look like more or less unrelated scenes stitched together.

And then there are the fight scenes. They're just no good. Nowadays that we have movies like The Matrix, fight scenes that change so quickly that you have no idea what's going on just doesn't cut it anymore. I had no idea what was going on during the fights, who was fighting against whom or why anything was happening at all (actually, I had that feeling during most of the movie).

If you have an hour and a half to waste and this movie is on TV, by all means watch it, but don't bother buying or renting the DVD.
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go for the real thing
28 June 2000
Don't watch this movie. Watch the original. This is the same movie as "Mortelle randonnée", only worse. you'd be better of watching the real thing, featuring Isabelle Adjani, who is really great in this movie!
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great movie about abortion
9 March 2000
this is a movie everybody who's even remotely interested in abortion should see, especially male persons. the actors are brilliant (I've never seen Jeff Daniels in a movie like this...) and the story is, though filmed with modest means, very compelling, even exciting. the story takes place in a future where abortion is illegal in the USA. a young women who's pregnant goes to sweden in order to abort her baby and gets convicted for her abortion when she goes back to the states. the movie's filmed in an interesting way. it's mostly made of short scenes where the people involved directly or indirectly in the story talk about their experiences and thoughts and what has happened and why they think it has happened to a female reporter.
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