
9 Reviews
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Entertaining? Yes. Satisfying? Well...Almost.
21 July 2001
Definitely better than The Lost World, this attempt was pretty sharp, although lacking in minor ways. I think if the studios keep the writing good and break into new and different territory each time (like this one did), they can probably guarantee themselves two more successful (and possibly entertaining) movies.

The dinosaurs looked excellent as ever, a great variety of different species making an appearance here and there. Wonderful directing by Joe Johnston who captures the suspense and the realism of the dinosaurs flawlessly. William H. Macy and Tea Leoni's characters are also a pleasant addition to this film as well (even if you want to see them munched on for disregarding sound advice). With all those things aside, the plot was pretty simple and acceptable, leaving the dinosaurs plenty of screen time.

I felt the film maintained a comparative realism throughout also. Although, for such a hostile environment, the characters that should have suffered a grisly fate of the dinosaurs seem to always survive extravagantly. The survival should have been more chaotic and less predictable, with one supporting character living through with a story to tell, or maybe even no one surviving the uneventful jaunt to the island. That's my only gripe against the film.

Expect no surprises like that though, just your standard summer thrill ride (within it's limitations). I'm sure the studios wouldnt want to plaster an apocalyptic ending on a big Summer Blockbuster anyways, or gore their big named Hollywood stars halfway through the film. They did their job though and got me to pay the admission and enjoy most of the ride. Its worth seeing, at least the first time around. I give it an 8 out of 10.
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I want this two hours of my life back!!!! Boooo
5 May 2001
When you go into the theater, I guess you're supposed to be entertained and feel good by the time you leave. You're supposed to be whisked off to faraway places with clever characters and get lost in that feeling...and enjoy it. Ah, The Mummy Returns...

Sure, you're whisked away to foreign lands with wonderful scenery. Sure, there's action and adventure. But can it pass off as entertainment? In my opinion, anyone with an intelligence level that surpasses the 6th grade should be disappointed. And if you aren't: shame on you. This film seems to have been made by drooling mongoloids and only is intended to be enjoyed by the same.

Honestly, if this movie would have followed the premise and the story of The Scorpion King, I believe this could have been a decent film. The only things that the element of The Scorpion King does is: Get another big name into the film to make it look good while marketing it and to clutter up the story (if there really ever was one!).

Look here folks, we all know the purpose of this film was made to make money. That's the bottom line. Am I wrong in expecting maybe something DECENT in return for paying for admission. You can take ANY part of the dialogue in the entire movie (and even the plot itself) and imagine this movie being written by a couple of 8 year old kids playing in the sandbox with some X-men and G.I. Joe figures. Its just THAT mindless.

If you want a film in a similar vein that is of better quality, check out The 13th Warrior. But, if you're determined to see this movie, the only redeeming points you should find are The Rock's reported Eight Million dollar performance (for 5 minutes in the movie) and the stunning Rachel Weisz. I honestly believe she was the only thing that kept me watching. For those two factors, I am giving it a generous 3 out of 10. BEWARE, YOU WERE WARNED!!!
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The best heist film of all time!!!
14 April 2001
A group of heavily armed men, all wearing the same disguises board a subway train underneath the streets of New York. They quickly take over the train and hold seventeen passengers hostage. They look and talk like professionals. They use codenames. Their ransom demand is One Million Dollars. Are these just maniacs without a plan? And if they do have a plan, how are they all going to escape alive while the world watches?

Right away, this film grabs you and doesn't let go. Every character plays their role remakably and memorably. Enough suspense to keep you chewing your nails until they are stubs...and most of all, a realistic and engrossing storyline. You will literally be on the edge of your seat, wondering where the next plot twist will take you.

You can easily see where Quentin Tarantino borrowed ideas from this movie to make Reservoir Dogs...and in my opinion, this film makes Reservior Dogs look like a second rate film. Its truly a shame most people aren't familiar with this movie and it doesn't have the allure or big star power to draw in new fans seeking out a great film to watch

If you happen to run across The Taking Of Pelham One Two Three though, do not pass it up! This is honestly the best heist movie I've ever seen. 10 out of 10 Rating.
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The Pledge (I) (2001)
Sharp Cinema
21 January 2001
This was an interesting movie because it chose to take a little more perspective on the lead character (Nicholson), rather than just pushing this off as a straight format cop-hunting-killer type movie. I think alot of appreciation towards the movie comes from understanding the fact that Sean Penn wanted the story to be about a man going through the adjustments of retirement and all the harrowing changes that come with it...set to the backdrop of the killer story, NOT revolving around the killer story. Some people may not like this because it steps out of the mold of the typical suspense film, but it makes sense. Alot of the movie is conveyed through unspoken imagery...the pained expressions, and little pieces of the directing that are put together to almost let you directly into Nicholson's mind. Does seem slow and meaningless in a few spots, but everything irons itself out to become a sharp, well acted and directed drama. I give it a 9 out of 10.
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Hercules (1983)
The Worst Movie Of All Time !!!!!!!!
28 October 2000
OK now people. I have seen some real turds in my day, but this is the supreme master. El King Turdo, if you will.

This is a bad movie made good by such a pitiful attempt at film making, but beware - there are instructions to make it through and have a story to tell... More than likely extreme boredom is needed, or maybe some kind of liquor to numb the effects of being blatantly assaulted by such utter trash.

Next, you need to fast forward through about the first 15 minutes of the movie. Start it up when Hercules is a baby and left to float down a river. Thats where the movie officially starts because thats where it actually begins to become watchable in a ridiculous way.

This movie is a real treat if you can sit through it from that point on. The horrid acting. The laughable special effects. The appalling soundtrack. The ridiculous story and scripting. (The peak of the movie: Hercules fighting a grizzly bear, ends up throwing him into outer space.) Basically, pure comedy that is sure to provoke some dissapointing groans. Some nice looking women too, but like the last reviewers said: "The cleavage can't even save this movie."

This movie needs to be seen and definetly needs the 1(awful) vote on this site. This film needs to be voted into its proper place as THE WORST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!
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Strong Film Making
1 July 2000
Very powerful film that hooked me right from the start. Crisp and entertaining screenplay, Believable characters that come to life very strong and convincing on the screen, and what a Rollercoaster of a story.

Director Terry Gilliam leads this character play with dreamlike imagery and completes a very smart and enjoyable overall piece of cinema. The moods drop and change. One minute you are laughing heartily with the characters, the next you are tangled in their tortured lives. Brilliant layered film making (as you can only expect from Gilliam) with more than one thing hooking your eye and imagination in most of the scenes. He captures the characters as they feel, almost as if no one is supposed to be paying attention.

I really cant begin to trace out the storyline. You have a Melancholy Ex-radio Host (Jeff Bridges), A semi-insane, semi-genius homeless man (Robin Williams), The quiet reclusive accountant (Amanda Plummer), and all the other memorable yet important characters that come in and out of the story like bacteria under a microscope. Like I said, its basically a character play and you play the role of the voyeur.

Recommended - Check it out! 10/10
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A Strong Voyeuristic Film
6 June 2000
As I turned on the movie, I didnt expect anything more than a weakly pieced together story with blatant excuses to throw sex and nudity into a no brained story. Ironically enough, the movie started out on that foot. During the first 10-15 minutes you are just thrown into a story that doesnt seem that it will have any promise or realism...and then it slowly hooks you.

Bruno Fontanna (who wrote and directed this movie) cleverly chisels out realistic characters put into engrossing situations. You never know what their motivations are or what they have in mind until the moment comes through. The acting shows strength and the story itself keeps changing perspective, keeping you off balanced and wondering where the next turn will lead.

Another thing I admired was the directing. The movie looks to have been originally shot on maybe 16mm film and gives you the impression of being a voyeur looking in on the intimate lives and thoughts of the characters.

When I turned on the movie, I was laying down comfortably, almost asleep. By the time the movie came to an end, I was literally on the edge of my seat. In my opinion, this was a great film considering a low budget and basically a no name acting crew. Besides the gorgeous Laura Gemser who no one has really ever taken as a serious actress anyways.

Not alot of nudity (if thats what you are looking for), but smart film making worth checking out - if you can find a copy of this Out Of Print title. 10/10
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Wickedly original!
1 April 2000
You get lured into this film and almost hypnotized by its off beat story, quack dialogue, and the strange behavior that is accepted as normal in this Spike Jonze film. Probaly up there with the top 3 movies I have seen all year... You are for a treat when you commit yourself to this movie. As the movie ended and the credits were rolling, I felt oddly out of place because no one was getting up to leave. Everyone sat there silently just watching the credits for about 2 or 3 minutes. When I quietly exited the theater, I cast a glance back pver my shoulder, expecting others to follow in exiting, but only saw the back of their heads still staring at the credits on the screen. Bizarre. Great film!
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Donnie Brasco (1997)
I vouch for this movie.
1 April 2000
Superb Acting, Great casting, and strong story make this movie worth obsessing over. Everyone is cast perfectly... all the way from Michael Madsen as Sonny Al Pacino as Lefty. A true work of art! I have seen the movie too many times to count, and quite frankly, I have it memorized. Not worth missing out on!
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