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Could be worse
24 March 2018
After hearing the horrible reviews, I was dreading seeing this film. But I'd promised my kids so away we went!

It could have been worse, and I was mildly entertained. I gave it a 6 because it wasn't s bad as a 5, but it isn't quite a 6 either

The acting by Storm Reid was weaker than I expected, and the acting by the boy who played Charles Wallace was worse. I have liked Reese Witherspoon in everything I've ever seen her in but her, she is not quirky and adorable the way she's supposed to be (I think?) Mindy Kahling also just floated over her lines without infusing much meaning into them.

The boy who played Calvin, and the other adult actors were excellent.

Worth seeing on BluRay or if you're really in need of something to do with the kids.
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Ragamuffin (2014)
Not a complete picture
18 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Rich Mullins three times in concert. I read every interview and watched everything I could on him and by him. I've known for the past 22 years that he wasn't perfect, that his relationship with his father was not good for most of his life, that he had a "dark" side to his nature, his soul. And I knew his heart had been badly broken by a woman long ago and that he never found another that he was interested in. I considered myself as prepared as anyone could be when I went in to see the movie.

When I saw the trailer I thought that the scenes didn't depict the impish, whimsical depth that Rich always showed. I hoped that I would see more of the giddy nature Rich always had in concert, the hopefulness he always shared in his songs and in his interviews. Instead what I saw was scene after scene of an angry, tortured man who never was happy. Ever, except for once when he was dating a girl in college. I wasn't shocked that he'd gotten into drinking or smoking--he implied as much in his music if you listened. But I lost track of the times the movie showed him waking up next to beer bottles, or falling over drunk. And the depiction of his father surprised me not so much by how cruel he was (was he really that cruel?) but because Rich's own brother is a producer for this film.

I felt betrayed and disappointed that although a film has to pick a "thread," a focus, this director--who by his own words sees Rich as his "hero," --chose to focus on such anger and despair for almost the whole two and a half hours. In my opinion it is quite possible to illustrate brokenness without having the protagonist be in a constant state of negativity. Rich Mullins was a non-conformist but the way the director/writer had it played he was a jerk about it. As I've already said I know he wasn't perfect by any stretch, but I do not, cannot believe he was a constant jerk.

I agree with the statement that it was acted well, and Michael Koch certainly held his own. But whether it was his or director David Leo Schultz' doing, the delivery of even the "fun" parts with Rich and the talking he did during his concerts was done without the humor and whimsy that was quintessential to Rich Mullins.

I also agree with the previous poster, it dragged in the middle in the very place it should have been exciting--the take off of his career.

The upshot was Brennan Manning's influence in Rich's life. But as the previous poster stated, if you want to read Rich's biography and interviews, and watch him on Youtube you'll get a far better picture of who Rich Mullins really was.
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The Lucky One (2012)
Overrated and tedious
21 April 2012
This movie contains eye-candy (Zac Efron) and stunning scenery. It's almost like the director is counting on that to rescue a very weak script. This movie spent over and hour and a half trying to make us "feel" the angst of the main characters but instead I kept wanting to slap them into having some sense. I kept thinking that the actors needed more lines and less music to tell the story. It was melodramatic and entirely predictable. I do not recommend this movie in the theaters unless you have money and time to throw away.

I must add that I was impressed with Zac Efron's acting and also the boy in the movie. I was surprised that Blythe Danner lent her talent to such a weak vehicle but I'm sure there aren't many options for older actresses in this day.
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So-so in the City
7 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, worth seeing if you are a fan of the series. However, there are a lot of weaknesses in the movie.

Mr. Big does something before the wedding, right before, that seems completely weak and out of character for Mr. Big. It seemed downright wimpy for any man! And much of the movie is based on his lack of judgment prior to the wedding, therefore, in my view the movie unravels right there.

Moving forward, even if it was a plausible character action on his part, it seems evident to me that most of the other actors are rusty in their own characters. I think Miranda and Samantha still seemed in the zone, but Carrie, Charlotte, Steve, and even Anthony seemed to me to be slightly off. I kept trying to figure out if it was just seeing them on the big screen, but I think it was more than that; Charlotte seemed more outgoing and expressive than in the series, Carrie seemed to actually know herself less, Anthony wasn't as punchy, and Steve seemed to be sick. It just didn't feel right.

Jennifer Hudson definitely feels token. But for a newly introduced character who had to make her mark in one fell swoop, I think it was the best she/they could do. I didn't feel the chemistry between her character and Carrie, however. The movie tries to make it an important piece of the pie in the plot but it felt devoid of depth.

I like how they tie up the story lines and as a fan, I am glad they made this movie. It is hit and miss but worth viewing.
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The Producers (2005)
Some highlights, mostly lowlights in this movie
24 June 2006
There are a few screamingly funny bits in the movie, probably worth renting just to see them. But 90% of the movie is a bit droning and flat. Nathan Lane does a fabulous job as would be expected; I was a bit disappointed in Broderick's performance. It's evident that he's done the role for a very long time, nothing seemed fresh. Uma Thurman was just OK--beautiful of course, but inconsistent. Her accent seemed to come and go. The ending is completely different than the original; I didn't see what they'd been doing with it in the recent Broadway version. It seems that several songs were written just for this movie and the songs were very unimpressive. It's an ending that is about 30 minutes too long, and frankly, what would have been a 6 in my rating scale is a weak 5 because of it.
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The Audrey Hepburn Story (2000 TV Movie)
Distractingly contrived
22 November 2004
I was really hoping that my apprehensions of Jennifer Love Hewitt playing this legend would be allayed. But to no avail! As one other IMDb reviewer noted, she seemed to spend more time perfecting Audrey Hepburn's accent than actually getting into her character. I think JLH's interpretation of AH's irrisistibleness is shallow; she simply makes her sweet, and saccharinely so.

Everyone adored Audrey in this movie, even before she was a legend. It's as though she is a legend just unto herself, and I doubt the world treated her that way at the start. I think that AH would graciously say that JLH did a fine job, but frankly, I had a hard time watching the entire movie because of its contrived approach. I don't think that Audrey's sons would have put their blessing on this film, but perhaps they did.

You can glean some facts from this movie about AH, but I'd trust her son Sean Ferrer's biography more than this from-a-distance point-of-view.
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Too long, too overdone
19 May 2003
There is nothing new in the Matrix Reloaded. In fact, the movie isn't nearly as good as the original. The characters have become flat. Trinity, for some reason, looks very haggard. Morpheus has become monochromatic. The fight scenes become ridiculous. I went with a large group of people and everyone was sighing, waiting for the scenes to end.

Also, there is a significantly sexual scene in the movie, something which the original Matrix pleasantly left out of its repertoire.

I would recommend seeing this movie but with low expectations. I gave it a 6.
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It still makes me squirm
24 June 2002
And not in a good way, readers. For all those who think this film is insightful, deep, and philisophical, you've been exposed to too little actual depth and philosophy.

There were holes in the script. Brad Pitt is a decent actor, but this movie had him acting like half robot, half mentally deficient. The movie takes itself way too seriously and is way too long.

I would give it a 5 out of 10, maybe a 6 on a good day.
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Good to see it just once
18 May 2002
For everyone who thinks this is the movie of the year or spectacular, get a grip! It's just OK. Too long, that is for sure.

The dialogue is horrific, Natalie Portman is just as bland as she was in the first film. Hayden Christensen is not a bit likable and I can't figure out why Amidala would be attracted to him.

Some of the action sequences are good and raise your heart beat a level, but nothing original happens.

Satiate your curiosity and see it.
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Spy Game (2001)
It felt long but suspenseful.
2 December 2001
Redford and Pitt worked well together, the commaraderie is believeable.

It's interesting to see that Redford's not so vain as to get a facelift or collagen injections--the man has aged! But what a man. I'd love to see Redford and Pitt in a father-son movie, their resemblance is so striking.

Back to Spy Games. Good flick, action packed, slow in some parts but not painfully so. Recommend seeing at least on video.
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The Mexican (2001)
Slow moving but humorous
19 March 2001
Perhaps The Mexican was overrated or expectations of the movie were higher than they should have been. I hadn't heard great reviews of this movie so I didn't expect much going in. Perhaps that's why I was pleasantly surprised.

It is funny in many places, Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts both keep the slower parts interesting.

I would recommend this movie, but perhaps more as a rental. It is entertaining enough for a matinee, too. I'd put it in the category of "cute."
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Chances Are (1989)
An entertaining chick-flick with little depth
9 December 2000
I saw Chances Are three times in the theater! That is not to say it's a great movie. I was 17 years old at the time and a high school junior. Romance was high on the list of interests for me. This movie provided a sense of true romantic love albeit with a twisted sense of morality.

This movie is lightly entertaining. It's worth a view if you can't find anything in the video store with your girlfriends that you haven't already seen. As this movie's over a decade old it doesn't necessarily catch one's eye. Cybil Shepherd isn't exactly in her element here, Robert Downey seems more so, though it's hard to respect the guy's sense of morality. This comes into play when he decides to fall for both a mother and daughter! (Ok, decides isn't quite the right word, you'll have to see the film to know what I mean.)

At any rate, I'd give it a low 6 out of 10.
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Annie (1982)
Musical captivates the kiddies, leaves adults a little bored
9 December 2000
I was just the right age to fall in love with the movie Annie when it was released. At 10 years old I wanted to be a singing, dancing, movie star just like Aileen Quinn!

The film is a great little girls film, maybe even little boys. There are big name adult stars in the film (Carol Burnett, Bernadette Peters, Albert Finney, and Tim Curry) and though their performances are good the plot isn't terrifically delivered. Be forewarned: cute but not totally captivating.

I gave it a 6 out of 10.
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A film with an excellent opening sequence drops audience off shortly thereafter
8 December 2000
I was encouraged by the opening sequence, grabbing although a little campy. But once the first scene ended the rest of the film was flat. And yes, that's possible even with a thriller genre. The character who was supposed to be the "important" one, Annie, was boring and shallow. Yet so much was put at stake for the sake of that character. Partly it was the writing, and partly I think it was the actress (Robin Tunney) who delivered an uninteresting and sometimes annoying performance.

There were moments in the film that were entertaining. Go if you like Chris O'Donnell, and go if you're into climbing (though you'll be annoyed at the misconceptions this movie encourages about the safety of climbing,) but don't go if you expect the hype to match the actual film.
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15 November 2000
While all the actors give great performances, the show didn't gel for me. In addition, the ending was far too cheesy to digest. Worth a view on video but not full price at the box office. Helen Hunt was "brave" for looking bad in the film, she probably looks worse than co-star Kevin Spacey, and he's supposed to look bad! But she's still too "smart" to be believable as a "loser."
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Gladiator (2000)
Breath taking
15 November 2000
This movie is excellent. It's graphic, yes. Too much for my taste, but the fact that this is one of my favorite movies says a lot in that the graphic nature of the fight scenes doesn't diminish my enthusiasm for the wonder of this film. All parts are cast well, right down to the young son of the Caesar's daughter. Usually child actors' inability to act distracts me from the plot, but this boy didn't steal the scenes nor did he deliver unbelievable lines. He was just there, and that was good.

I would recommend this in the theater but also to own at home. Its message isn't preachy, its story is captivating.
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Gladiator (2000)
Breath taking
15 November 2000
Although I've since been soured on Russell Crowe as a human being, this movie is excellent. It's graphic, yes. Too much for my taste, but the fact that this is one of my favorite movies says a lot in that the graphic nature of the fight scenes doesn't diminish my enthusiasm for the wonder of this film. All parts are cast well, right down to the young son of the Caesar's daughter. Usually child actors' inability to act distracts me from the plot, but this boy didn't steal the scenes nor did he deliver unbelievable lines. He was just there, and that was good. I would recommend this in the theater but also to own at home. Its message isn't preachy, its story is captivating.
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Laughing fun!
15 November 2000
I was afraid this movie would take itself seriously, and I think for everyone who hates this movie, they think it did. My take is that it did not take itself seriously. It laughed hard at the whole concept and yet kept going as though it were real life. I laughed out loud several times, and so did my friends. Of course, watching Cameron, Drew, and Lucy onscreen made me want to make sure I had my make up and hair all in place, but other than that slight sense of insecurity derived from viewing the movie, I loved it!
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Laughing fun!
15 November 2000
I was afraid this movie would take itself seriously, and I think for everyone who hates this movie, they think it did. My take is that it did not take itself seriously. It laughed hard at the whole concept and yet kept going as though it were real life. I laughed out loud several times, and so did my friends. Of course, watching Cameron, Drew, and Lucy onscreen made me want to make sure I had my make up and hair all in place, but other than that slight sense of insecurity derived from viewing the movie, I loved it!
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Brockovich entertains but doesn't show us anything new...
20 April 2000
I left this movie satisfied but not impressed. Julia Roberts is, as usual, an outstanding performer. Albert Finney also delivers in his role as a stodgy but somehow still flexible lawyer.

I am not sure what the hype is about over this film (other than Julia Roberts'cleavage). It may be that pickin's are slim right now? I've seen drier times at the theaters so I am not sure why Erin Brockovich is being given such laud. It is entertaining, certainly, but not that original.
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