
6 Reviews
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Just My Luck (2006)
thoroughly decent in every way
10 May 2006
Although I'm somewhat embarrassed to say it, I absolutely loved this film. It doesn't break any new ground but it is very successful in being what it is - a fun and very cute little movie with engaging stars and predictable yet enjoyable set pieces.

Say what you will about Ms. Lohan as a person, as an actress she has extraordinary screen presence. You can't take your eyes off of her and she brings legitimacy to every scene she's in. Ditto for young Mr. Pine who performs very admirably throughout.

The script is pretty much rote Hollywood material, but it succeeds in connecting all the dots and not overextending itself. It is thankfully light on the cringe inducing awkward dialogue that plagues recent comedies. The direction by Donald Petrie is professional in that it doesn't draw too much attention to itself and keeps the proceedings moving at a pace that is brisk but not hurried.

In all, I smiled widely throughout, laughed often and welled up slightly at the appropriately contrived yet not glib coda.
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26 January 2006
I have to say I was very disappointed in ALL ABOUT MY MOTHER. The story is the most contrived thing I've ever seen on screen - sophomoric really. I understand it's trying to uncover the humanity in these people and make a statement about the alienation that women may feel in modern society, but I have a really hard time connecting with it because I don't believe in one single aspect of this world. It's all so implausible that it hurts. Okay, I get that it's a "movie" and that the notion of "realism" is not of the utmost importance, but this film is a muddled mess that confuses "shocking" and "ridiculous" with "edgy" and "interesting."

TALK TO HER (HABLE CON ELLA) is a far far better film. It takes an initial leap of faith with the audience and then trusts itself.
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Revolver (2005)
MAGNOLIA meets JACKIE BROWN...and that's not a compliment.
4 November 2005
This is the most pretentious film since MAGNOLIA, with the most implausible and achingly slow story since JACKIE BROWN. I fell asleep.

For Guy to suggest that it's "a thinking man's movie" is one thing, to say "If you don't get it, then you have to question your own intelligence," is something entirely different. It's not only the most arrogant thing I've ever heard, but it also indicates a certain disdain for his audience.

Richie's intent is to play a game with the viewer, which is a reasonable foundation upon which to base the movie and an ambitious undertaking. But who wants to play a game with someone who changes the rules half-way through the game, and then changes them over and over again whenever it suits them? A filmmaker has to establish a level of trust with an audience for a movie to work.

It is not particularly difficult to trick an audience. It is difficult to leave the audience in suspense about a particular aspect of a world that otherwise makes complete sense to them. Since the world of this film conforms to absolutely no rules other than those that Richie has invented in his head (and has failed to effectively establish with the audience), there is no suspense at all.

The movie is flashy and pretty, but that's about all as far as merits go. The performances are not bad, but they are very one-note. The characters all lack enough depth for the actors to do much with them. The few attempts at humor fall pathetically flat. The soundtrack (a strength in previous Richie films) was disappointingly sparse.

As far as addressing the defenders of this movie who claim that the detractors "didn't get it," I will say this:

It's not that the plot 'didn't make sense,' it was that it was implausible.

It's not that I don't enjoy non-linear story-telling, it's that I actually want to be told a story.

It's not that I didn't understand what was going on, it was that I didn't care.
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more than just a surf movie...
30 January 2003
More than just a surf movie, "Maverick's" is an insider's look at a historical phenomenon as it happens. A mix of glassy 16mm and gritty video, Grant Washburn and Lili Schad have captured the evolution of Maverick's from a place where a lone lunatic named Jeff Clark roamed the water to one of the most famed big wave spots in the world. As you watch the film, the enormity of the place just smacks you in the face. Washburn's matter of fact commentary such as "That guy's gonna die" is unforgettable, and all the more believable when you see him hurlting his body off of the same waves he's documenting. This film is not "Endless Summer," but it's damn close....see for yourself.
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Martin Brest's student film - very funny
29 June 2000
This is Martin Brest's student film from NYU and it stars Danny DeVito as an aspiring photographer who plots to blow-up the Statue of Liberty so he can take an award winning picture of it. This film is extremely funny - if you get the chance to see it I highly recommend it. (B&W, 15 minutes)
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Funny, touching, brilliant...
5 May 2000
This film is one of the few examples in modern Hollywood of a good concept that actually goes somewhere. The "God Squad" of Edward Norton and Ben Stiller are a lot more than just a two hour Saturday Night Live skit. Norton's direction is right on and his skill as a dramatic actor extends seamlessly into comedy - I hope he continues in both roles in the future. Stiller is vintage Stiller, blending outrageous physical comedy with more subtle and intelligent humor. Jenna Elfman as the love interest is about as far from her annoying TV character as one can get - her performance is surprisingly good (it may owe to the direction of Norton).

Overall this movie is pure comic genius. I've heard some people say it was too long, but I sure didn't notice. It definitely holds it's own with "There's Something About Mary."
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