
16 Reviews
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Office Space (1999)
Funny movie
28 August 2000
Mike Judge, creator of Beavis & Butthead is absolutely brilliant in making this movie. The characters are great, and it pretty much sums up with what all working people go through. The main character is a guy named Peter, he's really uptight about his job so he goes to get hypnotized, and comes back not caring about anything. The funniest character in the movie is by far "Michael Bolton" I would hate to have a name like that. I liked when he said, "There was nothing wrong with the name Michael Bolton, until I was about 12 years old and that no talent a$$clown became famous and started winning grammys. Funny stuff
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Can't Hardly Wait, more like Can't Hardly Keep from Barfing
28 August 2000
I totally hated this movie, I couldn't relate to any of the characters, the soundtrack sucks, and it totally goes nowhere for about an hour and a half. There's not much I can say about this movie that hasn't already been said before. It's basically made to appeal to the worthless MTV generation (Which is probably why I can't relate to any of the characters) and not only that, it's probably the most overplayed movie on cable. None of the characters have any depth, I've seen this movie numerous times and the only thing I can remember about any of the characters is that there was girl who did nothing but whine and she was trapped inside a bathroom with a wigger. Other than that, nothing even comes to mind of what the freakin movie was about. If you see this movie, change the channel FAST
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This movie is great
28 August 2000
I LOVED this movie, It's about this kid that works as a PA on a movie called Moby Dick 2. His roommate Tad, works out a scheme to kidnap the film and hold it hostage for about $150,000, the jokes in this movie are really funny. Neil Mandt gives a great performance in this fine film. Just looking at him will make you laugh. I definitely recommend that you rent this one, you won't be sorry
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Leprechaun 3 (1995 Video)
Best of the series
28 August 2000
Out of all 5 Leprechaun movies, this one is the best, the Leprechauns little limericks are so funny, This movie isn't really scary, it's more funny than anything. The Leprechaun goes to Las Vegas and reaks havoc on just about everybody. My favorite part in the movie, is where the Casino owner thinks he's having sex with this stripper but it turns out to be an evil mechanical robot and the thing electrocutes him. That's got classic written all over it
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Beavis and Butt-Head (1993–2011)
Best cartoon ever
28 August 2000
Beavis & Butthead needs no introduction. It truly defined 90's animation in a nutshell. However the show did go downhill after the first two seasons. It wasn't as funny anymore because Standards & Practices or whatever, had to regulate the type of material being shown. Therefore after the first two seasons the show had become watered down. Also it was this show that launched the career of "White Zombie" Back in 1993, Beavis & Butthead was basically the haven of music videos that were rejected by MTV. They also played some classic heavy metal bands on the video segments such as AC/DC, Def Leppard, and Judas Priest. South Park ain't got nothing on this show. Long live Beavis & Butthead
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Class of 1999 (1990)
Cheezy but good
28 August 2000
In this movie, it consists of an entire school full of gang members and the teachers are full of robots that kill the students if they mess up. If you're caught with drugs, then boom the robot teachers execute you right on the spot. I actually like this movie even though it's incredibly corny and there is not much of a plot. I guess it's because it has camp value. I wish I went to this high school so I could personally see these gangbanger retards get what they justly deserve, hahahah I'm sick I know
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Great 80's action flick
28 August 2000
I first saw this movie back in 1987 and to this day I love it just as much as I did back then. The one liners in this flick are classic. The funniest one has to be when Arnie is about to kill Fireball, and right before he blows him up with a flare he says "Here, how about a light" and complete with his Austrian accent, it's absolutely hilarious. It definitely has a 1980's feel to it, as do most movies made in the 80's that try to depict what the future is going to look like. Although the movie looks incredibly dated, that doesn't stop it from being a classic. Definitely Arnie at his best
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Popular (1999–2001)
Saved By the Bell it aint
27 August 2000
This show tries so hard to be Saved By The Bell and it fails miserabley. The writers of this show think that this is what high school is actually like. yeah, like the kids have laptops with the entire school roster on them so they can use it to cross out anyone who they don't want to come to their party, and has a number stating how high every students "social status" is Give me a break. At least Saved By the Bell doesn't try to be realistic. This show is insulting on so many different levels. It totally makes us people who were popular in high school look like a bunch of superficial losers, and it's totally not like that in real life. I can't believe that this piece of cockroach dung actually won a teen choice award. I guess stupid teenagers don't have anything else better to watch on Thursday nights. If you want to watch a funny show about high school, watch Saved By The Bell instead.
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Total Request Live (1998–2019)
OK, but the music isn't really my type
24 August 2000
On this show people vote on for their favorite songs, and they're all put on a countdown. My synopsis on this show is that it's not bad for what it is, and I do think that Carson Daly is a pretty good host, he seems like a really nice guy and I like how he interacts with his audience. It does pander to the teeny bopper crowd as acts like N'Sync, and 68 degrees pretty much dominate the countdown. Actually I think that if they concentrated solely on the teeny bopper stuff it would be an improvement. What totally kills this show is dirtbag bands like Korn, Limp Bizkit, Blink 182, Papa Roach and Green Day. The pop music is fine, but the rock music completely sucks. I guess that's because I'm an old-school 80's heavy metal fan. I'd like to see some videos from Judas Priest, White Lion, Queensryche, Stryper, and Def Leppard. Here are some of my picks for the TRL countdown that you probably wont ever see on there

White Lion: Tell Me

Judas Priest: Hot Rockin

Queensryche: Jet City Woman

Dokken: In My Dreams

Stryper: Free

Kix: Don't Close Your Eyes

I could probably think of some more, but I'll stop here. In closing, this show would be good it only concentrated on pop music and give the sucky alternative garbage the old heave ho
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Daria (1997–2002)
Another utter piece of garbage from MTV
23 August 2000
To make it simple, this show sucks. I mean, it's incredibly boring and I can't relate to any of the characters. I guess thats because I never was an unpopular geek in high school like Daria was. This show and characters like Daria basically epitomize what's wrong with society and pop culture today. People like Daria don't have what it takes to truly rebel, they just sit there and whine while they let the jocks kick the cr@p out of them. Sorry, I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Oh yes about the show. What can I say about other than the fact that I find it incredibly boring, and it's lame attempts at sarcasm don't do anything for me. If I ever came across someone like Daria when I was in high school, I would have slammed her head against the wall. It's obvious that I'm not the demographic this show is trying to aim for anyway. This show is purely aimed at kids that are geeks in high school that are mad just because they aren't part of the "in crowd" Like, I said, I can't really relate to that because I was never a geek and I was always pretty well liked in high school. Another thing that a previous user already pointed out is, is that out of all the Beavis & Butthead characters, why did they choose her to make a spinoff show out of? If it were up to me, I would have made a spinoff show of either Stewart or Mr. Anderson, because at least those characters are funny and they actually do stuff. Daria is so boring and all she does is whine. To make it short and sweet, This show sucks!!
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Moonwalker (1988)
different, to say the least
3 August 2000
I remember watching this movie back in 1988 and was really amazed at many of the dance sequences and special effects. The best part of the movie is when Michael Jackson is dancing with a rabbit named "Spike" and is given a ticket for dancing in a "no dancing" zone, as Spike mysteriously disappears. There is really no plot to this movie but that doesn't mean that it isn't good because it is. This movie is really the last appearance of Michael Jackson at his peak (before he got all weird that is) He peaked in 1988 and after that I never cared for anything else he did. He just got too weird for my tastes. The music in this movie is probably the best Michael Jackson has ever done. Like another poster pointed out, it was basically a really long music video for the album "Bad" as just about all the songs from the movie appear on that album. But it was really cool though. It's definately worth watching on a rainy day or if you have nothing else to do
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Best Show of All Time
22 July 2000
I used to love this show, especially as a kid growing up in the early to mid 80's. I can still remember the characters names. My favorite scene on the show was where there would be a kid in detention and the principal would make the kid copy a dictionary that was like 3 feet thick, while another kid would be chained to the wall. That skit always made me laugh. I even remember the little catch phrases they used like "Sometimes it's so easy, I'm ashamed of myself" and other ones like "Blue skies, Barthy burgers, girls!" I also used to love the bus driver they had "Snake Eyes" who used to always crash into phony brick walls, and the chef they had named "Barth" who used to always make the kids throw up with rancid food. I never understood why they always ate there though. Every skit on the show had it's own unique sense of humor. Another interesting note is that every male character on the show was played by that guy "Ross" The all time best episodes were the ones that featured both "Moose" and "Lisa". Moose used to always make fun of Lisa because she was overweight. My favorite episode was the "Video Game" episode because at the end they showed Pac-Man eating the cast members. I even have episodes on tape somewhere in my house. I ought to look for them some time
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Undressed (1999–2002)
Just when I thought MTV couldnt get any worse, they go and make this garbage
21 July 2000
Plain and simple, this show sucks. It looks really cheap, the acting is absolutely horrible, the people they find for this show look and act like porno movie rejects, and it tries so hard to look hip and fresh, but comes off looking really chiche. The main problem I have with this show is the morals (or lack of) that MTV tries enforce upon young people. We don't need MTV teaching America's youth about sex, thats our parents job. I like so many other people wish that MTV would go back to playing just videos and leave cr@p like this far behind
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Saved by the Bell (1989–1992)
Best High School Comedy Ever
21 July 2000
I used to love watching this show as a kid. There were however many plotholes in it though, Like how Jessie always said that she used to climb through Zach's window since they were 3 years old, HELLO JESSIE!!! Where were you during the Miss Bliss years??!!? It's also interesting to point out that during the Miss Bliss episodes the school was located in Indiana, but during the Bayside episodes, the school was located in California. The producers must be idiots to think that we wouldn't notice something like this. I guess Zack, Screech, Lisa, and Mr. Belding all moved away from Indiana at the same time to the exact same spot in California, kind of coincidental don't you think? Another plot hole is how Jessie would openly make fun of cheerleaders but in at least a couple of episodes she actually is a cheerleader. I guess its that logic defying that made me love this show so much, I especially loved it when Zack was able to stop time
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Mad TV (1995–2016)
Went downhill after the first 2 seasons
15 July 2000
When the cast of Saturday Night Live was decimated in 1995, there was this new show called Mad TV that debuted on Fox, and for the first 2 seasons I found it to be worlds better than Saturday Night Live and I was almost positive that Mad TV would overtake SNL as the #1 comedy sketch show in America. Unfortunately that didn't happen as the 2000 version of Mad TV is a joke when compared to the 1995 version of the show. My 5 favorite cast memebers were, Bryan Callen, David Herman, Phil Lamarr, Artie Lange, and Orlando Jones. The only person of those 5 people mentioned that is still on the show is Phil Lamarr, and all the other people that left were replaced by people that aren't at all funny (the worst one has to be that unfunny Micheal McDonald) and there are only 3 original cast members left. Hopefully this show will go into syndication on either Comedy Central or the FX network, and we'll get to see the episodes from the first 2 seasons, which are the only episodes that are really worth watching
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WCW Monday Nitro (1995–2001)
Jeff Jarrett = Greatness
11 July 2000
I am probably one of the few people that prefer WCW over WWF. The main reason to watch WCW is none other than the fact that it features the greatest wrestler of all time, "Double J" Jeff Jarrett. Also I like the southern atmosphere of WCW, and I prefer it over the glitz and glamour of the WWF. I wish more people would watch WCW because if they did they would see that it's vastly superior to the WWF. Jeff Jarrett realized the WWF sucked so he went to the land of winners, and became world champion. Jarrett alone is the sole reason to watch WCW
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